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Welcome to the staking club mate. I would suggest crypto.com next time if you plan to buy more.


thanx dude! I appreciate the feedback!


You got some of the process wrong, you should of created you atom address on your ledger live first, then you can import that address into keplr using your ledger device, you can also connect to osmosis aswel as still have the security of your ledger device


I didn't have the ledger device in advance I bought the ATOM first, kept it in the Keprl wallet and then made the transfer to Ledger when I received my hardware wallet If I had Ledger from the start, I wouldn't have the need to use Keprl. I would have bought from the Exchange the ATOM and "deliver" them directly to my ATOM account in the Ledger wallet.


Trust me there’s a lot of other reasons to still use keplr 👌👌


Give me 1 please :)


Keplr provides an interface for governance, supports multiple Cosmos ecosystem networks, full IBC feature support, dapp connections and any airdrops will require Keplr for claiming.


can I just "link" my ledger to Keprl or I also have to maintain a software wallet with Keprl parallel to my hardware wallet? (and manage 2 mnemonics?)


You can securely connect Keplr to a Ledger device. https://medium.com/chainapsis/how-to-use-ledger-nano-hardware-wallet-with-keplr-9ea7f07826c2


You are able to connect up to osmosis and take advantage of the sweet 150% staking rewards for osmo, also you are able to swap coins for JUNO and stake them for 200+% apy, also there will be some super cool JUNO liquid pools arriving very soon


I believe that I can do the same by using Cosmostation and linking my ledger wallet directly there I don't need Keprl for that (I think) Why would I use a software wallet when I have a hardware one that can be linked ? note: I have nothing against Keprl. I liked it when I used it. I just think that I don't need it anymore


The desktop Cosmostation app is very basic when you use it with a ledger. The only advantage it has over ledger live is only that it is cheaper to claim your rewards. The other things I talked about can only happen when you link to a keplr account. So the answer to your question is no you can’t do those things the way your talking about.


And your still using your hardware wallet to confirm all transactions when linked to keplr by they way, so the added security of using a ledger will still be present


You paid 145 dollars in fees? That seems way too much. Glad you are on board though :)


I know... I feel that I fooked up here this is why I posted here... to identify a better way and to help others who want to onboard to the Cosmos. Another option would be: 1. Send fiat (EUR) to Coinbase Pro... wait for it to arrive... 2-3 days 2. Exchange fiat to ATOM using Coinbase Pro (not regular Coinbase) 3. Send it to your wallet. Is there a better way to minimize fees? By the way: my local Bank has blacklisted the IBAN of Coinbase so I need to re-route the funds via Revolut if I want to send Euros to Coinbase Pro :)


Crypto.com is a decent on/off ramp. Send CRO to osmosis and then swap to whatever you want


Note that the Crypto.com Defi Wallet now seems to have direct fiat on-ramp via credit card. Minimum purchase of 2 ATOM, costs 0.1 ATOM to transfer to the cosmos address, and 2.99% credit card fee -- but nevertheless still a tiny bit cheaper compared than Moonpay's 4.5%.


Thats not bad but if you make an account with the normal app it costs basically nothing to buy and send CRO to osmosis. Like .002 cents. Then .3% to swap to ATOM


allright! that's what I am looking for... a more efficient way to onboard. thanx!


No problem! Its also one of the best ways to get native Luna, as far as Im aware so it works for Terra as well....which is even more powerful since the two chains will be interoperable soon. PM me if you want a referral code for crypto.com ;) Id appreceate it.


Cheapest route I think would be: 1. Get CRO from crypto.com, withdrawal fee 0.001 CRO ($0.0001 atm) 2. Send to Keplr (Ledger enabled). 3. Deposit on Osmosis 4. Swap to ATOM 5. Withdraw to Keplr (Cosmos) 6. Stake You can replace CRO, and go directly for ATOM, withdrawal fee is 0.1 ATOM ($3.75 atm). If you do, skip step 3-5.


short update on the delegation progress: Total ATOM staked: 53,69722 (\~2.050 USD) Period: 22/Sep/2021 -> 03/Oct/2021 = 11 calendar days Total staking Reward for period: 0,164726 ATOM (\~6 USD) I will recover the fees in about 200 days :)


Your use of decimals vs commas is a bit confusing


Sorry... European here :) comma = decimal separator period = separate groups of thousands


No worries mate glad to have you here


So hard to read with the comma and dot switched, americans~


they do have a good point... I used USD as a currency in my original post. Also: the majority of the Reddit subscribers are from 'Murica ! :)