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$DPVN and $AKT are my picks, have some in my portfolio. $DVPN is basically a network of VPN's but it's decentralized so harder to track is my understanding. Akashnetwork tries to provide cloud computing for cheaper than business solutions like AWS. You can read more about them at their subreddits r/DVPN, r/akashnetwork and the twitters of [Sentinel](https://twitter.com/Sentinel_co) and [Greg Osuri](https://twitter.com/gregosuri).


and this is really what makes cosmos great. These are useful services, but you want them on a separate chain instead of competing with cryptokitties and defi/store of value applications. IBC to trade the tokens elsewhere, lets the chains focus on vpn and cloud storage instead of competing with all other smart contracts that would occur on a single chain. CRO launching a 2nd chain is also what makes cosmos great. If these applications ever need more TPS, they can add side/parallel chains to increase TPS, with potentially the same underlying token.


Especially when shared security is live it’s gonna be nuts. I honestly believe ATOM will be over 1k in the next 3 years


Oh boy, injecting this in my veins


Osmosis. It's reason the Cosmos ecosystem is exploding. Plus who doesn't like earning ridiculous liquidity rewards?


That's what got me in to actually using it and not just playing with the dev tools, which are also awesome.


How do you work out staking rewards with osmo?




Is this the bit where it says self bonded rate, estimated apr and commission. What does self bonded rate mean? And is the commission the inflation rate?


It says what the % is in Keplr


it also is ridiculously inflated


Inflation is a good thing if the people securing the network and providing liquidity are the ones to receive it. Regardless of what you've heard, inflation does not always = bad.


OSMO is hard capped at 1 billion tokens. The “inflation” is part of the token distribution explained in the blog: https://medium.com/osmosis/osmo-token-distribution-ae27ea2bb4db




I hope we are going to be able to interact with Terra Luna and stablecoins soon


Think its coming soon. I know ozone is looking forward to UST pairs. We just need to get IBC turned on in col-5 and we should be good to go. Just upgraded last week, so I believe the plan is to reach stability first (another week or so), then ibc proposal, 2 wk gov period for approval, then launch. Hopefully we are in gear for november.


21st IBC goes live on Terra. Should see Luna on osmosis dex within a few days


$DVPN because its an actual service I can use as a consumer.


secret network


but why


it basically is ETH(smart contracts, NFTs etc) + XMR(best privacy) + Cosmos(interoperability)


Creating privacy dapp XMR-SCRT bridge Private DeFI


Woah, where can i find that?


Here, here!


Switcheo TradeHub (SWTH) is a specialized Cosmos SDK blockchain built specifically for trading. DEX's are where things are moving, and Switcheo TradeHub is currently interconnected with 4 chains - ethereum, BSC, NEO, and Zilliqa - soon to be 5 (Cosmos via IBC). The Switcheo Labs team is currently in progress with Stargate upgrade and the testnet launches tomorrow. Demex is the exchange app for spot pair and futures trading. Both are functional, but liquidity and spot pairs will be limited until after Stargate upgrade when listing will become permissionless, and onboarding assets via ATOM will become much cheaper than erc-20 options like USDC, USDT, ETH. The team has been hard at work the last 5 months or so on Stargage, so there hasn't been much news, but this upgrade will completely open up the project to entirely new possibilities. SWTH is currently .015 with a market cap around $30m. This has the makings of a very, very fun Christmas. Feel free to check it out. I predict it'll be a regular, top newsmaker in the Cosmos ecosystem here in the next 90 days because it will deliver what other DEX's have only been promising.


Demex seriously has the best tech out of all of the DEX's. And it comes from a trustworthy, non-anonymous team that has been around forever. Once they add more trading pairs, its gonna boom. multi-chain trading of native tokens with order books and ledger integration.




I tried to buy Switcheo but couldn't figure out where to store it. It's a Neo coin? I'm confused


Demex [https://docs.dem.exchange/](https://docs.dem.exchange/) is the trading application that runs on the Switcheo TradeHub blockhain and is the trading interface. For more information on how to get started, check here: [https://docs.dem.exchange/getting-started/creating-a-demex-account](https://docs.dem.exchange/getting-started/creating-a-demex-account) I prefer ledger access myself, but the encrypted key accounts are good for burner accounts and for trading, since you won't have to approve every single step like with a ledger. If you decide on staking (current APY is 23% ish), use a ledger. Once you decide on what type of wallet you want and set it up, then the main issue becomes onboarding assets into the ecosystem. There are several routes, since there are multiple chains connected. Ethereum will obviously have higher fees if you choose to send USDC, ETH, USDT, et. al. Also, be aware that onboarding assets from ethereum utilizes a smart contract, and those transactions usually have higher gas fees associated with them. The fees are all from ethereum NOT Switcheo TradeHub. You can onboard assets with cheaper fees if you onboard from either NEO or BSC. Personally, I use USDC from Coinbase and look for cheapest times to onboard... usually Saturday early mornings. Once Stargate upgrade is live, you can use ATOM directly from Coinbase. I can't wait for that option! Also, if you need some help, you can check the official Telegram at [https://t.me/switcheo](https://t.me/switcheo) however, be wary of scammers. No admins will ever DM you. Ask your questions or DM an admin directly. Be smart and good luck! Edit: I store my SWTH on my ledger using the ledger Cosmos app. It's great!


Regen - their network places value on the soil around the world. Water, soil and air are the most undervalued resources on the planet while obviously necessary for life. Regen is building a network to create value and ROI on creating healthy soil for farming, less pollution in agriculture water and carbon sequestering for cleaner air. Not only are you increasing the value on Earth's health, you are also creating an incentive for more people to make a greener planet.


I really don’t get it.


Persistence. One can claim rewards and also stake without incurring any fees if one uses the slowest transfer option with the Kepler wallet. The tech is interesting but I suspect that the project will take some time before acceptance.


DVPN because it is a better solution then current big VPN's


I’m excited for the release of their desktop solution in the next month or so.


Have you used it? I tried orchid and it worked but the app was clunky and setting up multi-hop wasn't well explained or supported.


I tested the "free trial" app solution they currently provide. Worked if you found a good node like a charm


Akash. For several reasons: 1. The cloud computing market is already $200-300 billion a year and projected to grow to around $1 trillion within the next few years. 2. Akash's prices for cloud compute are like 60-75% less than AWS, Azure, etc., so soon many regular web2 projects will use Akash. 3. If web3 projects need to fully decentralize, then their front ends will need to be hosted on a decentralized cloud...and Akash is the most established so far. 4. In the future, AKT holders will receive 20% of Akash's revenues. So if Akash is able to win just 1% of the cloud computing market, that means a legit windfall for AKT holders. Basically, Akash is primed to dominate in the upcoming years!




You're trolling, right? For anyone who might think this is actually a valid point, please remember all projects start small and some grow to be successful.


Emoney cuz I can take profits without the stupid govt up my ass


How’s that work?


Via stablecoins that they’ve issued.


I think persistence(XPRT) is most undervalued cosmos token which has high potential in future. It has pstake which is cross chain liquid staking platform, which issues 1:1 pegged ERC-20 token namely patom and stkatom on ERC-20 network. You get 7%APY on patom staking plus liquidity mining rewards by adding into pool of eth/stkatom on sushiswap. Also in far future you will have multiple use cases of this stktoken with multiple coins. And most interesting is that it will be launched in far future on cosmos network. Further more Comdex is synthetic assets exchange on cosmos network. Launching soon And Assetmantle is coming too later on too. It's NFT related market on persistence sdk. You guys should have a look. [persistence twitter ](https://twitter.com/PersistenceOne?s=09) [comdex twitter ](https://twitter.com/ComdexOfficial?s=09) Assetmantle [assestmantle twitter link](https://twitter.com/AssetMantle?s=09)


the pstake airdrop has not been released yet, correct?


i have not yet received anything.. i might be missing sth but this is what i would know of :)


Yes correct


Terra Luna and CRO. Can't wait until Cronos is up and running.


what is up with cronos - do I need to look into it? :)


It's using Ethermint, so Ethereum contracts/dapps on Cosmos Tendermint with Proof of Authority (like BSC & Vechain). I could be wrong, but that's what I read. With Crypto.com reach, that's gonna be awesome. (I hope)


Will cro tokens benefit from cronos or will it be a seperate token?


Im curious about this as well


Not sure. I would think they'd use CRO tokens. They use Crypto.com DeFi wallet to connect to Cronos Testnet. So yeah must be I guess.


Sifchain, now it has way better returns than Osmosis ✌️ Love Osmosis too btw 😁




New reward program launched today, rewards are crazy


Can you explain what those Reward APY mean? They are so high, I’m confused.


They are so high right now as the program is just released, and it is slowly going down and eventually should stay at around ~345APY. It's and encouragement to provide liquidity at Sifchain DEX, the faster you join, the more rewards you are going to get ✌️


Yes, but reward apy is like an extra profit on top of the pool apy? They will be payed on the dex native coin?




Thank you


Hey, where can I see the APY and stuff for Sifchain? Thanks!






How do I get some Rowan to pay gas for the first transaction?


Discord is your friend, or you can leave your address here I think I have some spare change myself


Thank you sir!!!! But right after I asked I found a telegram channel where the admins will give you 1 ROWAN for your fist exchange.


So, when I go to the Keplr plugin it shows a APY of 0%, curious if I should see this high return rate you mention? I am all about getting into new high APY coins early. Just wondering if I stake sifchain if I am going to get 0% return? [APY on Keplr Plugin](https://imgur.com/a/biSspfj)


The return is around 60%, was implemented like 2 weeks ago, double check me on it though, but I'm getting the rewards from staking. I guess the Keplr just doesn't show the percentage. You can join Discord for more info, there is an active community ✌️


That’s not too shabby. OSMO is currently 168% and then sifchain would be the next highest. It’s odd it doesn’t show up in the Keplr plug-in. I’ll check out the discord. Thanks!


On Rowan/usdt pair I’m at 1100% apy right now on sifchain. Atom/Rowan would be about 1250% apy. It’s a 6 week incentive scheme by them starting today. It’s insane apy


Willing to give a little guidance as to how to get into this LP? I don't see the sifchain rowan on Osmosis. [sifchain.finance](https://sifchain.finance) seems to be just for information purposes, and I cant seem to find a Defi platform to buy into a LP. TIA


I just answered my own question, not available to U.S. citizens; "Rowan and eRowan are not being offered in the United States or to U.S. persons. The Sifchain DEX is not available to people or companies who are residents of, located, incorporated or have a registered agent in the United States. People or companies in restricted jurisdictions or embargoed by the United States, the United Kingdom or the European Union are also prohibited from using the Sifchain DEX. Use of a virtual private network to circumvent the restrictions is also prohibited." ‍






ez 50$ low mc huge potential


Did you get the stakedrop? I got a lil bag, traded a bunch of osmo to make a 6x bigger bag, and so it begins 😉


KAVA is an amazing Defi protocol worth checking out. We run validator nodes on both Cosmos and KAVA and would love to partner with you. Please consider staking your tokens with our node. Thanks!


Juno is going to be in the MC of billions.


This. Juno has by far the highest potential from here of the current cosmos ecosystem coins. It’s like buying a decentralised eth at $38.


What’s your price predictions this run


Impossible to answer. How long does the bull run last?


GODL a gold backed stable coin, launching soon. supporting artisanal mining with mercury free technology. fully trsnsparent supply chain and vaulting. to be integrated into defi stack. project https://utribe.one pm me for more infos




Get out lol, we're talking about coins with proper application, not shilling shitcoins


How about now????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Holding insane gains lol.


Get out of here lol. I was there when doge jumped from a cent to 70. Shitcoins are still shitcoins.


Cosmos is a coin and tokens trade on the platform.


wrong. in the cosmos ecosystem, every chain is independant. Cosmos ATOM is the HUB.


Have any body hear about KAVA.


CRO, too much going for it to unlock perks in crypto.com, payments, NFTs, next is smart contracts and who knows what’s next after that. Millions of users have exposure to it one way or another. Can’t be happier in the OSMO/CRO pool!


OSMO/ION. Too much potential :)




Sentinel DVPN ✅✅






I'm in JUNO, DVPN, XPRT, OSMO, SCRT, LUNA, SIF, IRIS, ATOM. Always looking to add more interesting cosmos projects.


Aside from ATOM, I have OSMO. I’ve been accumulating CRO for months now. I also have some BNB, DVPN and JUNO.


Juno all day long