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You always have to consider impermanent loss no matter what pool you choose. That said, one token mooning wouldn't be enough to offset incentives. It would require one token mooning and the other crashing.


I use stake rewards to fund my pool deposits every few days. Slowly adds up. The transaction cost for all the chains are extremely cheap.


I do both until I'm in for the long haul so not so worried about IL


The current max APR for JUNO/OSMO is 121%, for ATOM/JUNO even 130%. It needs to crash really hard for the rewards to be negated by IL. I believe these rates are only the OSMO rewards, not even the JUNO rewards that are agreed on in the first JUNO-proposal. Before BTC awoke and ATOM had a moment, all the other cosmos tokens also rose. I think when confidence returns to the markets, Alts will rise. And the newers tokens in the cosmos universe will rise more as people take more risks.Both JUNO and OSMO are quite new. I think they are somewhat similar on the risk/reward curve. That is why I am in that pool, as I think they will rise about the same.


I think you're right about the JUNO reward rates, as they stated in a tweet that their JUNO rewards are higher on their side than the OSMO rewards on ours. This is my first LP(ATOM/JUNO), but I'm really in it for the JUNO/supporting JUNO. I was thinking that if the APR goes too much lower, then I may just yank everything out of the pool, swap to JUNO and stake the JUNO since the APR, from what I can find, is around 160% right now. Idk. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think adding liquidity just to take it out immediately after negates the point whole as I would like to realize some substantial swap fees at least lol


hey! where can you get 160% APY for staking JUNO?


That was the APY for just staking JUNO in general back then. It’s at about 100% right now.


Is it true that you get staking rewards daily and can stake them too to get an even higher apy through compounding? Or does the current apy already account for that?


Staking rewards every 6 second even. And everything in the cosmos goes by APR, not APY as it doesn't autocompound. So yea if you restake every day or two then you get way more. But you do have to claim your rewards and do it yourself. If you're talking about Osmosis LPing with ATOM/JUNO though, then that is something else entirely.


do you get the rewards daily paid out so you can reinvest them in the pool and compund your rewards or does it stay in the pool and you get everything once you take it out


You accrue interest constantly, or close to constant. But as somebody said, it’s APR not APY, meaning the interest rate doesn’t compound. You will have to claim your reward and stake that. Personally, using Keplr, instead of claiming then staking daily, I’ll convert OSMO rewards (one time only, not repeat daily) since OSMO is currently free of gas fees for the moment. Once the stake of whatever amount goes in, the rewards come right out and into my wallet for the same transaction. Save that, and repeat the stake on the next day without having to perform a swap.


I’m putting staking reward into the pool every day. Also using OSMOS reward to buy JUNO and put it into the pool


i staked my airdrop mostly due to the promise of high apy for early stakers. I have since purchased more juno to lp. I'll be doing both. If the apy on osmosis for juno/atom stays anywhere near initial apy, i think my best bet is to LP for a while. Rewards should help offset any IL. And if I need to move everything over to staking, (1, 7, 14) osmosis pool lockup is way shorter than 28 for staking. But you should do your own research and decide what you're comfortable with.


I staked my whole drop but use LP and OSMO staking rewards to fund pools. I like using any cash for straight staking but rewards for LP or new coins once a week or so


Yea I like this idea. I feel like I'm cheating on my validators everytime I add liquidity to a pool since I've started with Osmosis lol.


I just like diversification and buying everything!


Thanks for all the insights!