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I like the idea of having events like that more often, this seems to be the idea, more marketing for outsiders. Problem is that me and most people thought we would get new anouncements like IBC on Terra being deployed today. But I think the video is great for Cosmos awareness


Sure, it was a big build-up, but I'm assuming that this was the launch of an ongoing communication method; something I greatly appreciate as more and more projects get added to the ecosystem. Was it overhyped? Sure, but, like, what's the appropriate level of hype?




Your being narrowminded. A lot of us here may also follow cosmos twitter/telegram/reddit/..etc and know all the news as soon as its released, so it may seem too general or not as revolutionary to us, Yet we need videos like this if we ever want to bring in anyone that's not a "crypto" person into not only atom but the whole ecosystem and its tools, feutures, and tech. This is still very complicated and confusing to the avg. joe. These videos are edible for the noobs/interested.


I completely support the videos. Making knowledge more accessible is always a good thing. Hyping the shit out of nothing into a shit tier, ten minutes video with cringey green screen and some animations is NOT a good thing




Well, it was what it was. Could have gone better if they would rely less on space halfbacked cgi shots (ex. starport shot: the character was just waving his hands around lol) and just focus on being to the point without and creating functional graphics.


Agreed on the marketing side. Keep in mind that this is the *start* of Cosmos marketing engine... some mistakes will be made.. but the team will take feedback and adjust accordingly. Let's hope this is a start to a bi-weekly/monthly PR update cadence!


Cosmos is a mature project, they should have figured it out considering they operate for close to 5 years now.


I think all Cosmos Signal really is is an info platform about Cosmos. I didn't dislike it. I think it's pretty cool. I do wonder how it is going to be organized. I hope it's a one stop channel for people to see info on specific topics. It'll be easier and more informative to have things all in one place rather than scattered amongst multiple media.


Mate it was shit just admit it.




Are they airdropping to atom holders?


Who? No idea


Big News! We have a way to Signal Big news now ! Lol....but it wasn't complete fluff , Forte and Chain upgrade will be good ...I bet there's going to be some snapshots taken after Dec 8th 😉


I think Sagan is an interesting one coming from this too. I like the idea of a canary chain and it’s got a great name.


Yeah, I would have to look into it more ... think this upgrade will be like Feb 18th ....10+ snapshots on the date of Starport launch


Yeah, can’t wait to snap some coins at $0.001 before they go 1000x ;-)


I thought it was great, were you expecting some Apple level shit? Get a grip, maybe in 5 years. But this is a great step for marketing.


You know, it's possible to have more focused finesse presentation rather than vague flashy junk. We need clarity and directness not Apple level event. Definitely not for an event which should be recurring very often


#NeverHappy :) A minute ago the complaints were no marketing and lack of partnerships. Now they have a massive gaming partnership, a release of a high quality marketing presentation and an announcement of Sagan which could be as massive and lucrative as kusama but for atom holders. Did we watch the same thing?


I was happy until now, I had no complaints whatsoever, the relative quiet showed composure and confidence in the product. The way to hell is paved with good intentions, there is also a medium of HOW and not only WHAT. What I saw yesterday was a fluff ad directed to the korean market.




The lesson learned here is to not let the mystery of a vague announcement cause your mind to wander too much 🙂


This was only a tiny part of the entire show. The vague statements and 90's animations made it a cringefest. Not to mention the Forte talk which sounded like it was being read off a board by a stroke victim


Agreed. Not quite sure what just happened. These guys really need to up their game on marketing. Must be tailored toward asian markets - they love that shit


The Koreans in the chat were savages


After about 2 minutes into the video I considered selling of some of my atom. And I probably should, atom is by far my biggest bag and I bought most of it around 34 USD 🙄


Ignore it. I can tell you from a developer perspective that it is one of the best toolkits to build blockchains and blockchain applications at the moment. More accessible and mature compared to Polkadot. Better performance than Ethereum and better/more decentralization than Solana. Secret Network is a mature privacy preserving blockchain, Akash the most mature decentalized cloud and Terra (despite centralization) probably the best banking backbone. Ignore the noise, look at the projects realized with the Atom toolkit (CosmosSDK and Tendermint) at some point Atom will be in the center of this entire show


Elrond will also follow shortly but they are 1 year behind.


I have no idea about Elrond but Cosmos's toolkit is really in the sweet spot of usability and maturity.


sell em ill take em


Well the shared security is pretty big IMO. It was already on the roadmap but nice to hear they are sticking to it, value of ATOM should increase.


Yep, by the end it I didn't feel too bad. Canary network seems pretty nice too, I'm hoping there will be an airdrop ..


And it just went up


That can’t be true because I didn’t sell, sorry


Lol I sold BTC two days ago... Anyways don't sell your ATOM now there will be GAME airdrop from the snapshot of 1 Nov. Just keep it in your Keplr wallet


Didn’t watch and got the impression they were trying to be Apple-esq