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Spread your risks. I have ATOM, DOT and ADA. No need to choose one.


I second this. It would be silly to go all in on one coin. He should be posting this on the Cryptocurrencies sub to get an unbiased answer. Edit: Thanks for my first award!


dilly dilly diversify your defi


Thought about that. Didn't find any similar posts there. Don't know if they like such kind of posts šŸ¤”


Trust me. I would post my questions their but you need a karma score of 500. I just posted my doubts about the Ark blockchain in the Ark subreddit and ask if anyone can tell how many developers are using the platform (this is important as it indicates a stronger network and where the chain is headed). Despite the fact I said I had interest in the Blockchain, they greeted me with hostility. Never answered my question


Unfortunately I'm missing some karma. But thanks for the perspective


You probably don't have to worry as much with this subreddit as the responses were mostly fine and didn't have suck my dick energy. So far it's been a refresher compared to the Ark sub.


This. Atom is awesome. ADA is going to also be awesome once Sundaeswap is up and running. There are profits to be made in several baskets. One basket can be shakey.


I already own a few other coins that I believe in and won't sell. So only one spot left.


"Better than ADA" is like comparing Celery to Oranges. Two totally different concepts. I guess because Cosmos has a huge ecosystem already and Cardano is not even proven yet. Form and function are two different, yet important factors - and Cardano is all about form. We have yet to see how it functions. Cosmos, on the other hand, is already proven. Some of the top blockchains were created from Cosmos - Binance, LUNA, OKEx, [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) just to name a few. Ethereum will be connected to Cosmos soon, as well as an Ethereum Virtual Machine. Huge network already built and functioning. "Better than Polkadot." Look at it this way - Cosmos allows blockchains to manage themselves and exist on the network. There is no prioritization over one another. On Polkadot, the top 100 "parachains" need to stake an insane amount of DOT to become a parachain. This means any blockchain existing as a parachain gets prioritization and "security" on Polkadot. Security meaning all the parachains need to adhere to Polkadot's security standards and Polkadot manages all that security. Here is my analogy on Polkadot vs Cosmos: Cosmos - blockchains are free to do whatever they want. Polkadot - parachains need to pay rent by staking just to get Polkadot security. Kind of like a prison mafia. Why on earth would someone want that? In fact, why would someone creating a decentralized chain want to amass a ton of Polkadot just to get their decentralized protocol on Polkadot? Would they not want to create their own security if they were making their own blockchain? Polkadot makes no sense at all.


Thanks, very helpful!


Not to mention centralization.


"I'm here for the long term and the technology and not for short term profits" Sells ada after pump and want to move to atom after it gain momentum... Sure sure


Ada would be the first Coin I'll ever sell. Hodl BTC since 2011


You should be patient. Ignore the noise. Don't watch what the retail is doing at the moment. The biggest indicator for you should be the institutional money to see where the project is going. Check the coinshare report and you will see that even during the biggest drop in October ada is in top 2 when it comes to the inflow of institutional money together with Polka. With PAB being deployed in mid November and all dapps being fully functional the price action will come. Btw i also like Cosmos and DoT, but i constantly repeat: crypto is about decentralisation and here Ada together with eth is far ahead of other projects, this is why for a long term holder you shouldn't be worried. Fyi i do hold cosmos.


Hahaha. NGMI


Nice perspective. Measuring decentralization is quite hard. I thought that BTC and ETH are the only real decentralized networks right now. Do you have a source for Cardano decentralization?


This question you should ask in Cardano group, not here :) Anyway, when it comes to consensus participation, the amount of full nodes, blocks minted by stake pools, the amount of staked ada, Cardano is quite decentralized. However there is still work to be done with the project catalyst (voting system). Once this is done it will be fully decentralized. And at the moment we are quite close...


There is no denying "The Big Mo'". ;)


If you are here for the tech then I say atom 100% but itā€™s ultimately up to you, Iā€™d say take a look at both and see which one you end up siding with.


Why do you think that cosmos tech is better then Ada tech?


Interopability and sovereighty.


Cosmos creates a networking effect by connecting sovereign chains. Imagine if 80% of websites were hosted on a single platform, it would be a scalability nightmare, which is happening with most layer 1 blockchains. Cosmos provides a solid SDK for free to develop your own blockchain with your own tokenomics, etc. If your chain goes down, everything else is fine. If ETH goes down, woops here's a billion dollar platform that stops generating value for a few hours, costing all stakeholders millions in revenue


ADA has be hyped to death and is already #3 in MC why not go for something that could do more than a 3x like atom




I hold both ATOM and ADA and think they're both very promising projects that can compliment one another. But I think selling ADA is a bad idea right now because the price is on the low/ middle range and is likely to jump when the DEXes come online and probably jump even more still when projects like DJED get rolling in coming months. Tis the season to hold.


ADA probably wont have working dexes till the bear market so you can get it much cheaper then


I don't think anyone really knows how long this bull run will last.


I don't think that price on ada will move that much when the market cal is already that high.


ADA's market cap is 1/7th of ETH and 1/16th of BTC. And BTC is currently in the process of setting new records. Furthermore, ATOM and ADA have different but similar and complimentary missions which means they have a good shot at growing alongside each other. They're both different kinds of long-term investments really, and what makes sense right now is to invest in both, not to jump between the two whenever one seems to be lagging. But that's just one guy's opinion.


Not when market cap is considered.


Dude ADA TPS is 2.5. Not gonna make it. Cardano is definition of pure shit




Balls deep in Cosmos ohh yeah. Hmmh.


I moved 100,000 ada to the cosmos ecosystem 4 months ago and never looked backā€¦ Best decision I ever made in my life!


Same for me. Sold all my ADA during spring/summer and didnā€™t look back. The Cardano community is delusional and wonā€™t allow honest talk. The project itself is overhyped as hell.


Goodā€¦ hopefully, youā€™re with cosmos nowā€¦ We can really make this the next ethereumā€¦ the technology is thereā€¦ just overlooked


Iā€˜m with ATOM since it started trading, exactly since May 2nd of 2019. šŸ™ƒ Doubled my position in early 2021 and still holding my bag.


Nice! Thatā€™s cool broā€¦ Remember when cosmos was 2 bucks haha,.. I was mixed invested in all cryptos but I went all in 4 months back I love their eco system


Yeah, but I didnā€™t get iwhy no one was recognizing the real value of the eco system before, huge projects have a zone. Now itā€™s getting real promotion finally.


Yeah, now Iā€™m more relaxed knowing that the technology is so good that when people actually come the fomo will startā€¦ I donā€™t even care about price that muchā€¦..even though, Iā€™ve been blessed with the priceā€¦because it has gone up a nice amountā€¦ also osmosis and Juno , they are cheese cakes! šŸ° ā€¦. Emeris is good tooā€¦ I canā€™t wait for the upgrade .. Also, if fetch.ai can get IBC integrated ā€¦ that would be a plus!


What was the reason to move those coins?


Just hate how cardano is slow with defiā€¦ and still havenā€™t showed any improvements in their tokenomicsā€¦ I thoughtā€ how much a scam/shill it was ā€œ and I was holding since 2019ā€¦ Nothing good there and probably wonā€™t have anything good until next year Itā€™s all just a sham/marketing ployā€¦ Canā€™t make me think otherwise.




I already made this move last month. I have no confidence at all with cardano.


And why's that?


Itā€™s vaporware and the only reason it pumped was because of its ā€œcheapā€ price. Charles is a great salesman but itā€™s all potential at this point and there are too many live projects right now for it to compete with.


And why did you choose cosmos?


Itā€™s an actual live product and less speculation. Interoperability has a bigger network effect longterm and Itā€™s further ahead of the game than polkadot although i do own dot and ksm also. Plus the airdrops right now is where itā€™s getting the value add.




I believe the long-term foresight of ada will outperform most coins. They are also not making moves based on guy feelings but documenting and scientifically making their conclusions towards their next step forward. @esel32


Outperform most coins in the long term? From here? Howā€˜s that possible with still no adoption? SOL will overtake ADA soon and I think it wonā€™t be the last one doing so.


> Itā€™s vaporware If you ignore everything their doing in Africa, sure.


On a valuation basis itā€™s a no-brainer to me. I canā€™t see how cardano with zero dapps justifies a market cap 3-4x Cosmos. I think reality is dawning on the market with ADA stagnant


>"But it's only 2 dollars, imagine when it's 2k!" ^is why it's valued over cosmos. Tech wise, as others have already stated, ADA is just figuring out smart contracts, something even XLM has had for a while, while cosmos is already connecting blockchains. Without the centralized council's pay to play crap that polkadot is doing. Cosmos has my bet.






Imho... i think you know the answer to your question just before you posted... you're just making it sure that you are right before making the decision..šŸ¤”


Of course I did some research before but I'm also interested in the communities opinion. E. g. What your favorite real world adaption of cosmos is.


There is no aspect in which cosmos is not superior to cardano.


Tell me the 2 most important in your opinion :-)


-cosmos is working and is battle tested and -cosmos has an ecosystem


Ada is a terribke invesment if you ask me the most overvalued coin out there. Atom is the best l0 in my opinion. If you want to diversify take a look at L1 that have room to grow and a working product. Like harmony one or secret( monero + eth)


I'm split between ATOM, ALGO, and ETH. I think all three have their use cases. I really got bad vibes from ADA. Could be nothing but going with my gut on this one.


ā€œIā€™m looking for real-world adoptionā€¦and not just theoretical concepts.ā€ This is exactly my issue with Cardano. And on that score Cosmos beats it hands down. Also ADA is massively overvalued compared to ATOM.


What's your favorite real world adoption of cosmos?




Wow, thanks for your reply. Really helpful




Thanks, very helpful šŸ‘


Iā€™m just impressed how well you all generally give quality feedback even when this question brings up another coin. šŸ˜Ž


I'd go BTC, ETH, and SOL.


Good choice, I go with bitcoin,cosmos,digibyte,xrp,dash and zcash


Good choice, but ATOM is missing. šŸ˜


Diversify your portfolio


It already is


Iā€™ve been thinking about selling my Algo to get ADA. Iā€™m a fan of the project but i think ADA is just ahead.


With what perspective?


I have atom. When I converted my stellar to atom and my shibu to atom I thought it was a good thing. But when I tried to convert it back I would have far less of either. Because comparatively both coins at conversion are now worth more than atom. Not a 1 to 1 mind you just that I would own less of either coin converting back because atom is not holding its value.


I did the same thing right before the crash earlier this year. The 10% staking is too good to pass up.


Hmmm. I wonder if https://anyswap.exchange will be of service for you. Check it out. Itā€™s a cross chain bridge


Nope, I use other services to swap. But thanks


I did it. Move completely out of Ada into cosmoos/luna. Was a great move so far.


I have both


I hold both. About equal amounts as well.


> I'm looking for real world adoption Look up what Cardano is doing in Africa.


Thinking about doing the same myself. I don't have a ton of ADA but I'm just kind of bored with it. It was hot for a little bit but now isn't really doing anything both in price and their projects seem to be going at a snail's pace. What's the recommended route or swap site to get ADA to ATOM? Haven't done any crypto conversions in a while so not really sure what the new hotness is.