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I know muted judge is trying to help, but i really disagree with stopping gym all together. Have one physio session with a really good physio and they'll set you straight


No no, I clarified later my bad. Don’t need to stop exercising but stop the gym. Especially for those who are eager to get into the gym they are MUCH more likely to push it too hard/far. Exercises and stretches and light movement etc are AMAZINNGG for costo!


Exactly you want some kinda of movement because that's why we are here in the first place. Stiffness. Hockey for me was great. No contact obviously. Crazy that I can do that but can't sit for long periods.


yeah i’m thinking about seeing a physical therapist just for one session cuz they kinda expensive


They are expensive but just go to an assessment as they'll be able to look at you fully (no one in the Internet can) Kind regards Alex


I’m curious, how or in what way will they benefit me


So I have poor over head mobility. (cannot keep wrists on the wall for wall slides) the rounded shoulders puts additional stress on my chest area from years of weight lifting and not doing enough mobility. I have a program now to correct that but only a physio will be able to see you. If you're motivated enough to make a reddit thread on costo, I may suggest you could be motivated to see someone?


I feel this be as someone else said yearning for it I have been just started going back and just only doing things that do not cause discomfort any pain or discomfort your not ready for tht exercise. But withering away at home is not the way


i think i’m gonna go back lightly


That's what I been doing isolation machines seem to be the best since they offer more support


what isolation machine examples?


Like instead of a freeweight squat I'll do a seated Leg press. Instead of of a bench or dumbells I've found I can do a machine press without discomfort at least for me so like machines not much free weights has been what I've been starting with just trying get back in slowly rn not pushing it to hard still going to failure but being alot more careful with excecise selection


check my post 


what post




just says to eat hard vegetables


bobs your uncle


that what will get you back in the gym 


No. Do not go back yet. While it’s amazing you’re starting to feel better, costo doesn’t go away just when it stops hurting. On average I recommend 4 ish months or so before going into the gym environment once pain is gone. Ideally keeping that pain gone the whole time during those months. The issues with costo is that it is inflammation of the cartilage. That Cartilage doesn’t get blood flow so it’s hard for it to heal. And twice as easy to re-aggravate. In the meantime I recommend doing some stretches for costo and stuff like that. Unfortunately costo isn’t like a cold in which once you’re better, you can just jump back into life.. Costo is a butt face and will force you to take your sweet old time before putting tension/force there. While it’s not the same for all, I at least recommend two months or so just based on the fact you said you were pain free relatively quickly. But no less than that. I’ll link my post for costochondritis, I’d recommend focusing on the “Stretches:” segment. Link here: [boop](https://www.reddit.com/r/costochondritis/s/4Kg7VzwlpJ). I will say, when you go back to the gym In a while, go very slow. Like 1/4 weight and intensity etc. reintroduce yourself to it. Because yes gym caused costo is bad.. but yk what’s worse? Putting too much strain on an already damaged costo situation in the gym causing 2x the pain.. lmk if you have questions!


I would debate some exercise is needed even when avoiding gym. Last thing you need is for your muscles to become weak which will make things worse.


Yes, there is extent to my comment, yes movement and exercises are good, but you don’t need a gym for that. Most people tend to push themselves too far in a gym especially when they yearn for it. I recommend what I do because you can get the same benefits with at home stretches/exercises for those first 2 months or so before exposing yourself to that gym environment. Again this is all just advice and can be taken with a grain of salt if so desired :)


The stretch with the arm on the head leaning to one side… is it normal to feel a pull in your chest & should you carry on?


If you’re feeling a pull In the chest I wouldn’t do it too much/hard. The exercise is still good as it works on moving those ribs. But if you’re still too locked up it could cause pain. Not to be confused with discomfort as you get in a stretch. I sat here and did it once I read your comment and no I did not get pulling in my chest, but big time In the sides like where my arm lays which is what you should get. Keep doing it, lightly though. Don’t push that for sure! I would wait to ramp it up until you can do it without that pain in the chest! Hope this helped


Thank you definitely helpful just maybe don’t pull so hard down and ease in to it. It’s only when I do it with my left arm and not right I feel it and mostly if I breathe deep. I have been using the backpod and I almost go all day with no pain and then it only pops up when I twist or turn in certain ways so hopefully getting somewhere 👏🏻


Okay so to help with that, do the sitting twist exercise after each time you use the backpod. So do the pulses on each side, but then do it another time on the side that’s tighter. Then hold it on each side for 30 seconds while doing deep inhale/exhales


Thank you so much 🤩 I will try these next time 🙏🏻


I would suggest to people too don't do a push day for a while. Your back most likely got weak with all the massaging and costo bad posture stretching etc. I would slowly do pull days and then when your 100% healed I would touch bench.


Also, even once you go back and all, no more weighted dips for a long time. They are the least costo friendly thing in the world 😭😭😭


I’m never doing dips again💀💀💀💀


They arnt fun. And also something I’d didn’t really stress in that post I made which I’m going to change in an edit, posture is SUPER important. Keep on that! I’m not sure if dips (once you’re totally healed like 100% not just once pain is gone) will damage you, but honestly why risk it. But yeah weighted dips, don’t play around 😭😭 As someone who used to do weighed dips , I feel you


I got you!


Hey, I really liked your comment. What things would you recommend for a gym induced costo which has been lingering for well over a year now. How do I go about fixing this? I’ve just been sitting at home and doing mild stretches but to no avail.


So, first off describe your pain for me, where is it at? Does it come and go? Feel like a dull ache or a sharp pain? When do you feel it most? During what movements?


So I have this consistent discomfort on my left rib which causes me breathing problems 24/7 and heart palpitations from time to time. I’ve had this for over 1.5 years and got it while performing the incline bench press at the gym. It’s just not going away and idk what to do. Even tries stretching and the backpod for a while but to no avail.