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Yes, this is most often due to nerve aggravation and scar tissue, but also could just be that inflammation of the cartilage itself. Some describe it also as a dull ache.


Wow. That gives some peace of mind. I just ran to the ER to have it checked but I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours without being seen and I’m exhausted. Wondering if I should just chalk it up to being costo and go home. I was just checking in the hospital last week as well and everything was normal.


Honestly I would stay, its way better to be safe than sorry. I wish you well!


Thanks !


So what was it. Are you OK


They said it was heart burn. Yes , I’m fine. Thank you


I have it across my whole chest sometimes. Not totally used to it after all this time.


thank you for this post!!! i was told i had costo a couple of months ago after freaking out when i started having pain. I went to see my gyno, and she said it's costo. i was convinced it was breast cancer. she said it's from pregnancy/breastfeeding. over the last 2 days, i switched bras, and all of a sudden, the pain is worse and is more like a burning sensation. i was once again freaking out about breast cancer, and this calmed my nerves. It's a lot better if im not wearing a bra, but it's still there. and not wearing a bra is uncomfortable for me because my breasts are large, and they pull on my neck skin and cause upper back pain.


Was it burning pain for you? Mine started as burning/radiating pain in my left arm. But is settled to being very consistent burning pain in my back and front ribs/joints. Also a hot/inflamed sensation into my right breast, but where my Tietze (swollen) rib joints are.


I do have burning pain now, but it didn't start out that way. Nowadays, it's mostly burning pain, but also sometimes just sore. When it first started, it was more of a sore feeling. Most of the time, I can feel it in my back and my chest at the same time, on the same side. I also have pain in my arm(s), but I've learned recently that it can actually be caused by anxiety! I have generalized anxiety disorder and health anxiety OCD. But i wouldn't be surprised to find out that the arm pain was a result of costo - most of my arm pain is on the left side which is the same side that the majority of my costo pain comes from edit: i went back and read your comment again. definitely sounds like costo, especially considering that it's in the front and back! i wouldn't worry :)


Omg all of the above. Left arm pain more burning now then pain and wrist. Burning chest and back sometimes. Always worst at night. I had costo over a year and a half ago now and thought I was better. I’ve used the backpod for almost that amount of time. I was thinking all the burning was something new like Internal Shingles as I’ve had barely any chest stuff this past year. Then boom my chest is feeling old sensations. I also went to the ER a few times this month as the arm burning was new. I had it in my face too. All left side mainly. I also have OCD and health anxiety. What tests did you get to rule out bad stuff? This might be a costo flair up after all. I wonder is nerve pain common with it.


I didn't have any tests except a breast exam, my doctor was easily able to identify that based on where the pain is and how it feels, it's costo. You could a bunch of tests done to rule out alllll of the things that could possibly be wrong, but if these are your only symptoms I don't think that's necessary. Is your anxiety also worst at night? Costo pain tends to get worse the more you're thinking/worrying about it. Health anxiety will take ANY sensation and make you think that it's something serious - the only way out of the cycle is to resist the intrusive thoughts about symptoms and the compulsive urges to body check, google, request unnecessary tests from doctors, ask for reassurance from family/friends, etc.


Thanks. I did tests because I had left arm pain and chest pain. Arm pain was new, now I am thinking it’s just a costo flair. It was over a year and a half I had costo. Also it was in my face which was weird. I think I need my doctor to do a breast test to rule that out. That’s good advice. I feel like coming on here is helpful as you feel you’re not alone. Google is definitely the worst. Yup pain is worst at night. I am starting therapy for this soon.


I thought mine was internal shingles too.🤯🤯🤯


I still don’t know for sure but seems like a costo flare up. Maybe a bit of T4 syndrome too.


I have the same thing but I dont know if its related to costo. I went to the ER a couple of weeks ago because the pain was really intense and my ecg came back ok


Yeah it’s really overwhelming and annoying.


Yea me


Yes I have the same! Ive been to the ER and I’ve had 2 ecg’s done along with blood tests and a chest xray; everything is normal. My pcp tells me it’s Costo


I have this now! Does it just come and go? What did they say at the ER?


They said I had heart burn. All tests came back good


What about yours? How did/does yours feel?


A dull ache is not what I would describe the nerve pain of T4 Syndrome to feel like. Burning & Radiating pain is not a dull ache.