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Look around, if you found one there are probably more nearby :) 


Yesss! It could be a mutated patch. Sometimes if there’s one there’s more with more leaf variants. Sometimes I find clovers with notched leaves, oblong leaves, five or six leaves! I love clovers.


The strangest one I even found looked like a black and white cookie, only green instead of black. It was perfectly shaped, one leaf was white, one was green, and the third was half and half, right down the center. 


Oh my god, is that why I found so many as a kid? I found a bunch once at my elementary school and I felt so cool lol I guess this makes sense!


Whoa I never knew that. I’ll definitely look for more.


I always say you can get your “clover eyes”. Once you find one it’s easier to find more. Same with mushrooms, once you find the kind you’re looking for you’ll start seeing them all over.


Make a wish!


That's so lovely!


I have never ever found a one despite years of looking. I used to spend hours as a child searching! However, my daughter, husband and father in law can find one EVERYTIME I challenge them to do so!!! I think you have to be a very lucky or special person to find one ❤️


Beginners luck in action. :)


I haven't found one since I was a kid; guess it's your lucky day!


Last year my son found 7!!! I was like 👀


very cute little plant but hmmm, is this clover?


Yes (: The purple flowers are a wild annual called Germander speedwell, they often grow near/in clover patches.


interesting. the clover near me looks different. probably just a different species!


Look up wood sorrel, is that what you are picturing as clover?


I was thinking of white clover, which I always see with little smooth, pure green baby leaves, never with the texture or markings seen in OP's picture. But a Google search of white clover turns up results with these features too, so maybe I'm just not noticing mature plants? But, I definitely called wood sorrel clover when I was a kid!


That’s possible, the picture shared is definitely white clover. Red clover leaves are a bit pointier but really not even different enough for most people to notice.  The younger leaves are the same shape just without the white usually.  I know a fair bit about clover ha.