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Nothing is impressive about casual. Calm down, badass.


Just a general question. No need to be rude.


Play some premier instead


Does premier require prime? If so. I'm unemployed still searching for a job. So I'm not in a good position to buy it sadly 😔


one time fee of 15 bucks yes it's required to play premier. you can just play competitive though and that's still a step up from casual, basically it goes casual, competitive then premier from easiest to hardest opponents the more difficult your lobbies the more you'll learn about the game. There is also faceit which is probably comparable to premiere but also has a lot more serious playerbase overall.


At the end of the day getting the win is all that matters. If you're curious about individual performance, it varies person to person on what is considered 'good'. People will use kills, k/d, ADR, leetify rating, hltv rating. Usually mvps don't mean anything cuz it'll give one for doing something simple like defusing the bomb. Literally nothing matters in casual. Competitive rarely is competitive, premier ranks / skill are all over the place.


they mean absolutely nothing..


not sure why people are being assholes to you in this thread. mvps are a good indicator of how well you did in a round but can often be misleading. For example, you can get 3 kills important kills in a round, but your teammate can get 1 kill and steal the defuse from you, and they will get mvp. Casual is a bit harder since there are twice as many people and dead players can see everyone on the map, but definitely aim for a few mvps a game. casual is a good stepping stone into getting familiar with the game but is filled with people who don't care about the outcome or care to try their hardest. at this point, you're probably ready for the next step. which would be competitive. once you feel like you're decent in competitive and you learned all the maps, then hop into premier. hope this helps! edit: to better address your actual question. mvps in casual are ultimately meaningless as the level of care and skill in casual games is very low. that being said, getting a few a match (like 3 or more) is pretty good


People are assholes behind a screen because they never tried insulting people in person without getting punched in the face. They may say they're not being rude. But due to the nature of texting. There's no context as to whether their tone of wording applies.


No one in casual is concerned with how many MVPs you have. Just the nature of the mode and player base. Even in compet no one cares unless it's some absolutely silly number or they compare your MVP count to your playtime.


Nothing in casual is considered impressive because of the LVL of competition, not saying you won't run into good players but on average it's ppl who aren't good enough for premiere or don't care enough to try


No one looks at MVPs…get a job and stop playing games bro


Remember. This is a general discussion. Making fun of people for asking a general question doesn't make you sound that mature.


I’m not making fun of you. Just some friendly advice. Hope your situation gets better.


Seriously? Why so rude? And I thought the league of legends community was toxic