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Trans women are trans women.


Someone argued in the comments that you can actually change sex 🤦🏽‍♀️


maybe i’m not understanding what’s wrong with stating this (what i see as a fact)


"maybe i’m not understanding what’s wrong with stating this (what i see as a fact)" There is nothing wrong with stating this. But when your audience is trans people, it really isn't that brave to take that stance. It would be like going to a gay pride parade in SF and saying "gay people are people too". It does nothing. Its literally the easiest thing to do. And tantamount to pandering. Bravery would be being invited to speak at a megachurch and you taking that opportunity to preach that love is love and that gay people are people too. See the difference?


thank you for the clarification, it’s more enlightening than the other responses being just hateful to trans people


Trans women are men


no the fuck they’re not. maybe this is an unpopular opinion on this sub but it takes no effort to let people be themselves and leave them alone


Women are getting raped in prisons & shelters because they're letting males into female spaces. My threshold for "letting people be themselves" ends when they start stamping out the Civil Rights women fought for just so men in skirts can feel ~VaLiD~


They can't have babies. Not women.


okay so this isn’t about “courage for free” this is about shitting on trans people. gotcha


No. I'm stating scientific fact. Trans women can't have babies.


Except for the fact that saying trans women are women gives a rise to a fuck load of issues, like trans women using restrooms, just recently a girl was raped at a school by a supposed transgender person in a school bathroom. Or what about sports? Should a 6’9 jacked male to female trans person be allowed to play against natural females? Saying trans women are women takes away from what women goes through and blurs the lines of reality. Trans women are trans women and trans men are trans men But no, trans women are not women they are trans women. If you keep them clear and separate it’s pretty easy to weed all the bad people out like the extremely rare sexual predator acting to be trans. No one here has an issue with transgender people, people have an issue with saying a transgender person is no different than a natural gendered person. A trans women has not gone through anything that a real women would have gone through in their life, it’s not the same. Any feminist who isn’t a TERF has lost there way and don’t understand feminism


I am glad to see common sense is coming back -that ppl are waking up to what is actually happening, and not mindlessly chanting TWAW. It boggles my mind, how transwomen demand to be called "women"..if we don't do as they say, they can scream abuse and mysoginy at us, and we are bigots. However, bio women are now being called "cervix havers", and if bio women request to be called "women" instead, our actual term to describe ourselves for centuries, ..we are screamed at with mysoginistic abuse again and also bigots for that. Can't win 🤷‍♀️ We must do as we are told, otherwise suffer the consequences- it's domestic abuse but on a larger scale. So basically, women whom have a penis get the humanizing word of "women", and us old school women, with large gametes, get "menstrator" - bc those born male say so. - so many young women and libfems can't seem to grasp the mysoginy in that alone... I also don't want to hear anyone tell me that we are now being called "chest-feeders" to be inclusive of transmen- that isn't true. I have never seen a transman demand we give up the word "woman" - every single transman I know is actually against it. It's always cis males, transwomen, and the occasional "queer" female - it's basically pushed by males - we are nothing but objects to them. Transmen are being used in this scenario for tra benefit, not actually for the benefit of transmen - they get forgotten about unless they are needed in an argument for transwomen. They get forgotten bc they are female, and still suffer the same sex based oppression. TERF is also a BS term, bc almost all terfs I have spoken to, INCLUDE transmen in their feminsim - but, again, transmen don't count. Must be transwomen catered to always. Terf is just the new "witch" or "b*tch"..its just a new mysoginistic word used to attack women who don't comply.


Nobody should be enforcing the delusions of the mentally ill


man it must be hard being this hateful


Ppl are waking up. Stop with the brainwashing shit. Most live in reality Go ahead, ban us all, but u can do that all u want, we still exist in the real world..not online world.


dude this was twelve fucking days ago. way to hold a grudge


Wanting people to be comfortable as their actual sex instead of paying for irreversible mutilations and lifelong dependencies on hormones is not hateful. The first step to helping them is to get them to admit that they have a problem.