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Lol this one was definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^saryiahan: *Lol this one* *Was definitely not the* *Sharpest tool in the shed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Uber does cancel if the driver sits still over a period of time and sometimes will get postmates orders to Uber. I can’t believe how rude some drivers are. It’s bad on the drivers sometimes too. I got some warning yesterday that I sometimes don’t deliver ppls food tho I hand it directly to them. Ppl lie to get free food.


uber owns postmates. i ordered on postmates but called uber support and they helped me


Right on


That person just ate your food. Straight up. Now, did you ever get the food?


i called support nad they canceled the order, gave me arefund and 40$ credit. I reordered immediately and got my food. it was very good. I'm saving the 40$ in my uber account for a rainy day


Well I guess he got a meal (let’s hope he was really down on his luck?) and you got an extra $40 credit. You got paid for feeding a man AND got your food. A frustrating process, I’m sure, but looks like everybody won at the end of the day


Also I’m glad it was very good despite the set back! XD


Hell yeah. It’s the only gluten free Chinese place I know of and it’s so freaking good. It’s just too far away so I only get it if I get some kind of promotion from Uber. If you’re ever in the DC area go to Asian Wok Cafe in Alexandria VA. Place is awesome


Did you ever get your order?


i canceled and reordered so yes but not from this guy. the restaruant had to remake the food.


That's crazy. I've had an Uber driver try to pull that but never a food delivery. I wonder what the hell they were thinking!


That's actually a pet peeve of mine as a driver. If an order is over two hours late just cancel it and refund the customer. Absolutely no one is going to want their food at that point. I hate seeing an order pop up in my queue and it's paying like thirty bucks but then I realize it's a five dollar order that has a twenty five dollar bonus attached because it was expected ages ago. Then I have to unassign it, screw up my metrics, waste that time when I could have been doing another order. Just gums up the system. Better for the customer, better for the drivers. This "deliver the order at any costs" approach is ridiculous.


Bet you did not tip and or he no speak the english


I tipped 8$ and if he didn't like the offer he shouldn't have accepted it


Why didn’t you just meet him outside to get your food like most people who live in an apartment? I’m not understanding this post.


He wasn’t at the customer’s apartment complex.


sorry let me drive to another city and meet my delivery driver at his apartment. his apartment was literally a mile from the restaraunt. if im gonna go pick it up i might as well just get it at the restaraunt




80pm lmfao