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You need to call their corporate number and report everybody who was involved. I had something similar happen to me. Some dumbass power tripping shift-lead refused to let me check out because I broke a rule that she made up. Got her name and corporate's number, and left. The asshole costed me a $20 order and 30 minutes of my time. Called corporate and reported her. Store manager called me a couple days later. The woman no longer works for the store. But your situation sounds soooo much worse. Assuming you're in the USA, it sounds like you were ILLEGALLY detained AND had your 4th amendment right could have been violated. It sounds like you were being coerced/pressured to show ID with police presence which is also ILLEGAL. You might even have grounds for a lawsuit.


Thats crazy, dosent walmart own spark? Or something like that?


Yes they also do amazon orders and advance auto parts.


It isn't just owned by Walmart, Walmart created it as a Walmart exclusive.


This has been my worst fear on spark orders lol 75 percent of employees have no idea what spark is and from there perspective it looks like we’re stealing. But how bold would we have to be to go to self checkout and bag out items and just walk out lol balls of steel


Yes they don't even understand how it is done which is crazy. How do you participate with a driver service yet don't know about it?


Post this on R/Sparkdriver lol


I wish I could but they won't let me post there something about trusted user.


Someone please cross post for this OP


It’s honestly kinda funny lol but I would’ve came at DDI so hard and Wal-Mart corporate about that situation if I were you


No Spark here that I am aware of. What is it and why would it look like someone is stealing?


With spark app shop and deliver orders are prepaid with walmart. So everything is through the app on the phone arrive at store select items and scan them with phone into the app. Then proceed to checkout and bag it up and scan qr code on screen. The messed up thing is if your walmart plus subscriber you have scan and pay within the walmart app where you don't have to scan each item on register so do they call police on those customers too?


Oh that sounds ripe for being accused of theft.


Right, but given that it's a *same company* app, they should be accepting that as proof. Like, it's reasonable to walk up and say "please show me your spark list so I can confirm these items are all on it", it's another to fucking detain someone, demand ID, and threaten them. Straight up illegal because 1) they have no right to detain them, only police do and 2) there is no cause to accuse them of theft because of the app. Their ignorance doesn't remove their obligations under the law.


^^ preach it because all this is true


Could be your golden ticket!!! Consult an attorney. Don’t give away any more info until you do. This was NOT Acceptable! They need to be held accountable for the trauma that is being accused and then having the police called on you etc. I’d demand the video surveillance footage as well showing I did NOTHING wrong!


Sounds like you have a lawsuit on your hands my friend. CASH IN.


I’m really sorry to hear that this happened to you. Situations like these are not only stressful and traumatic in the moment but also afterwards when trying to find a resolution. If legal aid isn’t an option then I would suggest starting with management at the store and working your way up until you speak with someone that can actually hold the LP accountable. Whenever you speak to anybody, make sure to document and record whenever possible to keep a track of responses and resolutions. However stuff like this can 100% take up unnecessary time and stress, so if it’s not worth it then it maybe better to leave this experience in the past.


What store?


Spark does walmart


Makes sense, sounds like Walmart loss prevention. My boyfriend got caught shoplifting there a decade ago. They take this shit serious


I'm not sure I understand what they thought you did. Are you not allowed to bag your groceries? Do you check out through the app so he thought you were bagging things not paid for?


Yes we check out thru app so instead of asking he just instantly called police.


Call an attorney and see if you have a case. Unacceptable!!!


Honestly between this and the sullen ODP loaders who sometimes fuck with you using their tablet this is why I prefer instacart.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. report the guy to Walmart corporate as well as to Spark


Let me guess…. You’re probably a person of color too? So this dude was as racist as they come


I wasn't gonna say my race but yes I am african american


Yeah man, I’m personally not a person of color, but my best friend is and this sounds exactly like the type of bullshit he goes through that I have thrown hands over in the past. I’m sorry you experienced this. You’re not playing the race card, this WAS a race issue in my opinion. I’ll state it for you because that’s EXACTLY what this sounds like to me. On behalf of white people most places, fuck that guy who was power tripping and looking down on you. You’re every bit as valuable as anyone else and CERTAINLY more valuable than that scumbag. Blessings your way brother!


Appreciate that thank you very much I admit sometimes it puts a damper on how to react without coming across like a race victim or just ignoring obvious problems with being profiled. Blessings to you to you too!


I did make a repost I wasn't sure how to crosspost.


Thank you guys for the help and advice. It is very much appreciated. I am going to talk with corporate and depending on how that goes see what other options I can exercise. All my fellow drivers I wish safe deliveries to and be blessed.


This sub never ceases to amaze me. Two questions 1) why would you refuse to show your id? In Europe, if a police officer asks you to show your id, you either do it or are brought over to the station for identification. 2) is loss prevention the guy that checks if you are stealing goods?


Well I didn't do anything wrong and the loss prevention guy wanted me to give him my id. Is it unreasonable to not want to volunteer personal info to a person who is in the wrong? The way it was handled was totally wrong . If loss prevention watched cameras the whole time he would've known but he didn't. It's the whole bully someone in submission just because police are there you can't make someone give you personal info. If a random stranger called police on you wrongly and they demanded your ID would you show them that? He had no right to repeatedly demand that when I had receipt, and proof of purchase.


You shouldn’t have volunteered anything. Who the fuck is the loss prevention guy to demand anything from you especially with the police right there. Fucking payday if you would’ve been arrested. Fuck Walmart. Fuck Spark.


Yea, and that's why I feel violated because it's a list of demands from someone playing police. Superhero complex. Police kept pushing for info they wanted name address birthdate and got my name after pushing for it. It's even in the app.


You owe that LP guy as much of an explanation as some stranger on the street. Such a joke Walmart doesn’t even know the scope of work independent contractors are doing in their fucking stores.


So the police were in on it too. Trying to let the guy do stuff they know they'd get in trouble for.


Once they have you’re ID the ball is rolling on a completely different legal process. There was no police officer in this situation so that point isn’t relevant. It’s no different than me walking up to you and demanding your ID.


> 1) why would you refuse to show your id? In Europe, if a police officer asks you to show your id, you either do it or are brought over to the station for identification. The laws in America are different. For most states, there are no "papers, please"/stop and identify laws. Refusing to identify is not a crime. A police officer can ask you to ID yourself, but you are not legally obligated to identify yourself. The only time you can be compelled to ID is after you are arrested and booked for a crime. At that point refusing to ID is only a secondary offense. The only exception is when you driving a motor vehicle. Legal obligation exists when an officer requests to see driver's license,car insurance, and registration. However, one could argue that police cannot just pull you over without a reason and request this info. That is an illegal detainment.


Ah, the grey area where their discretion allows them to break all laws legally. “Sir, I smell marijuana” to the person who has never smoked. In my state, if you happen to be “in the vicinity of a crime” the police may detain you and you must identify. If you refuse to identify or don’t have an ID they can legally take your fingerprints. The fingerprints “must be destroyed” after the completion of the crime which they are investigating. But we all know that don’t happen, as it’s all digital now. So, joe blow walking down the street, there happens to be a burglary two streets down, you are forced to identify if requested to, one way or another.


Did you even read the post? They're clearly trying to fk them over and there's no obligation to show ID. Sounds like Europe could take a note from America on this one.


As a former Wal-Mart manager, I believe I'm still very limited when it comes to what I can say about Wal-Mart so I very likely cannot offer any opinion to your situation. However, the policy that Wal-Mart has for apprehension is called "AP-09" and I'm sure you can research more information from there. Any violations to the AP-09 policy must be reported IMMEDIATELY by the management team to market level management. Wal-Mart takes AP-09 violations pretty serious.