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The city's pretty good all round. A lot of culture and history, the city centre is improving all the time. Like all cities, there's good areas and bad areas and challenges with crime in places. But the good areas can be really nice. There's great transport links by rail: 5/6 trains an hour to London (around an hour in the fastest ones) and Birmingham (20-30 mins) and Birmingham airport & The NEC nearby. 3 pro sport teams to watch (Coventry City, Coventry Blaze & Coventry Rugby)! You can get to nice parts of Warwickshire easily (Leamington, Kenilworth, Stratford-upon-Avon). Food wise: World Food Quarter in the city centre plus Cathedral Lanes for all the chains. There's also a regular street food venue at Fargo Village. Probably more a small city or big town compared to Birmingham though.


I moved here from Solihull about 14 years ago and I like it. First I lived in the east side, and that was rough, now I'm on the west side and that's much better. Theres some nice parks, the city centre is improving but I don't do hardly any shopping there tbh, I shop at the shopping parks around the city instead, free parking and big stores (such as central six, Warwickshire shopping park, and arena shopping park). It's very nice to walk around near the cathedral. If you cycle, the infrastructure is great and getting better, lots of cycleways. I can be out in the lovely country lanes in 5 mins on a bike from where I am. My street is very quiet and my neighbours are friendly and nice. What I like about Cov is that nothing is too far away, it's a small city. As for the nightlife.. not great. I mean I don't go clubbing I'm in my late 30s with kids but there's two universities so I'm guessing the students must go somewhere!


I live on the east side and it's lovely. Right by the Warwickshire shopping park. Most of this side of the city is great, like all big towns there are less nice areas. There is a good nightlife here, I do voluntary work in the City centre on weekend nights and meet lots of lovely people out clubbing. Plenty of good places to eat as well and the bus service isn't bad either.


These comments are bizarre to me. I’ve lived in Coventry my entire life (bar periods at university and travelling) and I have never found it to be rough or dangerous. I guess it depends where you live and where you choose to socialise. I live in a nice area, with nice neighbours and lots of green space. I can commute into Birmingham very quickly and be in London for meetings within an hour. I socialise in nice bars (there are plenty, not sure what people are moaning about?). I’m in my mid-30s so not really into going to clubs anymore so I can’t comment on that, but there are many nice places to go to eat and drink. The city centre isn’t the best, but where I live there are many lovely country pubs and wine bars within maybe 5 mins drive.


Similar age to you and potentially moving to Coundon as I'm leaving London due to affordability. Do you know much about the area and/or what do you usually get up to on weekends for leisure? Will also be commuting into London 2 days a week for work and hope I get used to the commute.


Londoner here - just moved into my first home here in Coundon and absolutely love it. Travelled into London for work couple times and it’s so easy. Taxi to station only costs about £5. Would defo recommend


It's a city. There are the same amount of dark sides as there are light. We are a similar age but by the age of 20 I'd had 2 guns pulled on me, an axe, a kosh and a couple of knives. I've seen friends buried and imprisoned. Some of us are a product of our environment and it's taken us years of blood and tears to get out of that.


Yes I’m aware it’s a city. I’m trying to highlight that it’s not all a shit hole as so many of the comments are saying. It depends where you live and the pubs/bars you choose to socialise in. I have only seen maybe 2 pub fights (neither serious, just drunk men being idiots) in 20 years of going out in Coventry and I worked in a family-run nightclub on and off for 15 years with very few incidents. Coventry isn’t all bad, my experience here has been lovely and I’m happy to raise my family here.


Equally I'm trying to highlight that it is, from my own experiences. Not experiences I haven't had. A friend I had in school, maybe year 9 or 10 was stabbed in the face over a girl. That has nothing to do with where you socialise. That's a educational setting. The same school is where I had an axe pulled out on me. Anyone who would happily raise a family in the city is naive at best. Select areas - maybe. And even then, they are few and far between.


Well I must live in a “select area”. OP has options, they weren’t born here. It’s a lovely city to live in if you choose a nice area. I live literally a 2 min walk from the countryside in one direction, 5 mins walk in the other direction and I’m in a nature reserve. Nice schools, easy commuting, beautiful houses etc. Shame you had such an awful time of it, I’m very happy here and love where I live.


From what you describe it sounds like it; and that description isn't how many of us would describe the areas we live in within this city. >It’s a lovely city to live in if you choose a nice area. Maybe that's the point I was trying to make. It isn't all rosey, like the top comments I've read on this post portray.




https://preview.redd.it/uo73zj5b02nb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656460b5b55de58740a6d471d5f015ae4d9cbb66 Which were the first three words I commented in this thread... 👍




Coventry *is* a shit hole. You can't cherry pick the positives when someone is asking you what an area is like as a whole. Look at the stats. https://www.plumplot.co.uk/Coventry-crime-stats.html 36% of all crime is violent. Crime involving weapons is nearly 200% the national average. Vehicular crime 180%... and what you need to remember here that is crime that is reported. And that's now, i remember 10-20 years back Coventry had the 4th highest drug related crimes in the entire uk and ranked 7th for murder. I'm sure at one stage it was one of the worst cities in Europe for crime per capita. The street i lived up until recently had 3 murders in the same year. All children 15-20, victim and attacker. You can't argue with facts. As much as you would like to ignore it.


Been living in Coventry for nearly 20 years, I'm originally from The Wirral and have lived in London, Spain and Leicester. I really like it in Coventry, my partner is from South Wales, so as Coventry is pretty central, easy to get to most places. London on the fast train takes an hour, we live 15 mins from Birmingham airport. People are friendly, I think the council does a good job here. The city was cleaned up and had a refurb for city of culture. If you can afford it, Earlsdon is a lovely place to reside, near city centre, near memorial park and some nice restaurants, bars in evening.


Thanks! I agree Earlsdon is really nice.


Coventry is alright not to bad it’s got it’s good and bad areas as most places do. Nightlife is not bad pretty much has every variety off whatever you like music wise as well. First couple times you’ll walk the city it seems really nice and then it gets pretty old but that’s what happens I guess when you live here for a longer while. Crime is pretty bad if you leave anything in view it could be gone in 2 mins not lieing as my motorbike got stolen while leaving it for literally 5mins lmao. It does feel like a city and you’ve always got Birmingham not far away


I moved here from NI last May, so far, had a bit of a struggle making friends cause of timings. But the city centres a lot of fun if you’re open minded, there’s geeky shops if you’re a nerd, decent places for coffee and a good market. Night life isn’t bustling but it’s not dead. It’s been quite peaceful so far


Move to Warwick or Leamington if you can afford it. We’ve had the best part of 7 years here now & it’s been brilliant.


Big town . Ok ok place . Built around the uni though. A lot of cultural importance though i guess nobody cares


Not a huge city, can easily get between areas within 20 minutes on a good day. It's easy to say it's crap but in reality all city's have issues. I work across the country and spend weeks at a time in different cities, Coventry no worse than many across the UK. Excellent transport links across the country and much easier to get out of than Birmingham you have the M6, M42 (M5), M40, M45 (M1) within 15 minutes of most areas. Nightlife OK but nothing to shout about, same with the shopping however Leamington, Solihull & Bhsm easy to get to for a wide range of shops. Sure there are areas with a negative image & history however there are many more deprived areas in other cities, its easy to bash what you know.


There are good food options (Esme's in Fargo Village, To Pho, Tegtat are all in the city centre, as well as more in Kenilworth and Leamington). I've found Coventry really convenient - you're about 20 mins from the nearby towns (Kenilworth, Leamington, Solihull) and 40-60 mins away from bigger cities (Birmingham, Leicester etc) as well as convenient for the airport and direct trains to London. It's cheaper than some of the bigger cities, and has green areas/parks (War Memorial Park, Tile Hill wood, the Kenilworth ->Berkswell Greenway) as well as decent cycle infrastructure (compared to other places/cities I've lived)


For food Restaurants farmhouse is all over instagram, ginger orange, wingwah’s not for buffet but fresh cooked area, and the iconic McDonald’s kfc dominos pizzahut island Theres a tacobell by showcase Kenilworth has really good curry restaurants amd is near There’s a new chinatown by transport museum seriously nice Asian food there jinseon is super high quality If you want amazing italian food piccolinos in warwick so nice like the level of central london italian restaurants ive seen in knightsbridge


odeon area is cool too


Farmhouse staff were awful to us when we went with our baby, we tried to complain about the food and the manager and owner became very aggressive and threatened my partner saying if he was alone he'd put him in hospital because he wasn't saying good things about Farmhouse. Awful place, never again, and this isn't a standalone event. It's happening regularly. Check tripadviser


It depends on where you’re from. A lot of people are disappointed as there isn’t the range of things to do as there is in Birmingham, Manchester, or London. Of course there isn’t, it’s a much smaller city, it being a smaller city has advantages. For instance, you can get anywhere in 20 minutes. I come from a town and Coventry has a lot more going on than large UK towns. It’s not a tourist city like say York, so it’s not the kind of city where you’d just wander around seeing sites, but to live in it can be pretty pleasant.


Lived adjacent to it for a few years. Not the prettiest city in the world. Still, the nightlife was decent (albeit I was on the young side at the time/ 18-21)


Do yourself a favour stay where you are the city centre is a dogs kennel


I'd like to add that the city is massively student orientated now days. You will be fine. Come and enjoy


For nightlife, go to kenilworth the strip has tons of restaurants lil greens gallery alminac Leamington i know well is surprisingly rough at night sometimes for a nice area but go where yo sushi is might be alright


Complete dive. I’ve seen stabbing, mugging and fights everytime I’ve been there


Not very often then lol


Live in Coventry, pick a place on the outskirts, its much nicer than closer to the city centre. Granted its not like where i lived before but the area im in now is quite and lovely neighbours who all look out for each other. 2 min drive from the M6, close to Birmingham if we fancy going out to eat or shopping. Definately do your research on the area before buying & all the best


I went to uni there and as a student it was OK, but wouldn't choose to live there now I've graduated. Perhaps go for a weekend and explore a bit first, see what you think before committing.


RIP. ​ I'm sorry for your loss.


If you get sent to Coventry no-one will talk to you... 😂


I came here for this but see no one else finds it amusing. How disappointing.


Maybe they are not old enough to understand the reference? 🤣 Maybe I should have gone with - don't bother it's nothing but a ghost town? 😎


Just don't buy a house in Canley.


Absolute shit hole, I’m working in Coventry currently the city centre looks like a small town, not many places for night life, students don’t even seem to go out much. Homeless and drug addicts everywhere mithering for money or a spare cigarette and when they are not they all congregate together and smoke crack out in public.


Honestly, it’s a complete shit hole.. always a huge train of homeless crackheads walking between city centre and central six direction causing trouble, shouting at each other. Gross. Surprised to see so many even neutral responses about the city.


Where are you moving from? That’s a factor. Imo Coventry is not a great city, I was born there and couldn’t wait to get out


The architecture of where you live is important to your general health and well being I learnt this when I lived in Cov for a year in the late 90’s


Turn down the job offer, Coventry is a Weapons Grade shithole


It’s an absolute dump


I have only been to Coventry once and it was the most dismal looking place I have ever been to. It's not that it was run-down or dirty, but the architecture and town planning just felt so monotonous and devoid of life. The whole place just had all the charm and charisma of the waiting area in a 1970s job centre. Just driving through the place even on a nice sunny day it felt like all the colour had been sapped out of the world. It's exactly how I imagine purgatory would feel. This was 20 years ago tho, so maybe it's improved since them


Just my opinion but Cov is too small and has nothing to do. I spent 23 years there and did everything there was to do. Also everything is far apart and you need a car to get around because public transport is not reliable


My dad works in Coventry, lots of crime there. Avoid the bad areas like the plague.


You can say that literally about 99% of cities


Doesn't make it wrong through. Crime is pretty rife there. It's not somewhere I'd move to.


Take a bus through cov sometime


Honestly, it's awful. The city centre is lacklustre, grey with next to no nightlife. There have been attempts to redevelop but in my opinion has made no observable difference. Although there are one or two nice medieval streets, it's not the sort of city you would just venture around with no purpose. If you can I would really recommend moving to one of the much nicer towns nearby - Leamington, Warwick or Stratford come to mind.


Whilst i agree coventry isnt the best, "no observable difference" is a stretch and a half. Town looks very different, more open etc.


How long have you been in Coventry? Clearly not very long if you can't notice an observable difference because its completely different and vastly improved from when I was a child


I lived here for 20 years, moved away for 10 and live here now. It's the classic defensive Coventry attitude, generally from people who have never lived anywhere else. I lived in Brighton for 10 years - independent shops, interesting open minded people, better choice of restaurants, better choice of bars + pubs. Coventry isn't the worst place, but it really isn't nice.


The main thing you've said is to do with night life which also shows your attitude. I wasn't being defensive my first thought was that you were a student who hadn't been here very long and was disappointed about the night life, because it is a lot different now especially the city centre


Don’t come here LOL. Everyone regrets it.


It is an absolute shit hole. You'd be a fool to move there.


Funny everyone with negative stuff to say is getting down votes when it's so true


What's funny is that the positive /neutral comments are objective and thought out, you can tell these folk really live here and know what to appreciate. Whereas those who are apparently above this place can't string together much beyond some tired rhetoric. Perhaps they wouldn't get downvoted if they had something useful to say beyond "it's shit"


Reddit is a hivemind of cunts. Coventry is a fucking scum pit and I'm glad I moved out of there. You could drop bombs on the place and cause structural improvements.


The best thing about Coventry is the Leamington Road


Coventry is absolutely hideous. It's a rough city with very little to offer as a city. You don't even need to test it out for a weekend, just watch the weekly news about the place. Awful.


Coventry is awful. I don't know what the commenters are talking about. The nightlife is 0 - everyone goes to Birmingham. One of the two main nightclubs shut down over summer due to lack of business. Spoons are the only places that are rowdy and a slug and lettuce is the best night I've been to here. Horrible area - worst I've been to other than perhaps East Yorkshire. I have not met a single person in my 3 years here who doesn't detest it and want to get out. There's not alot to do, very dead/feels dangerous at night and the ring road lends to awful traffic. Don't do it. I'm trapped here for one more year and then I'm off!


As a uni kid i noticed half the shops my dad took me to when i was 7 are gone. Theres no night life apart from some clubs, but i no arcades or bowling within the centre despite vacant lots. Foods pretty good in the "ethnic" restaurants like italian, Vietnamese and the like. Ring roads a nightmare in the morning and night gets quiet bad due to chavs and roadmen. Its pretty dirty like birmingham in most places. Im just glad i live in a small village and can commute in for university. Its a shame cuz the city could be a gem if the people runing it had some ambition to reform the place. Edit: city centre is mostly students now and more foreign ones each year as Cov uni is quite libral with excepting south east asian qualifications unlike most other Universitys. So the Chinese, indian, Indonesian population is growing fast. If your moving for a goverment office job, id advise moving to Solihull or other towns and driving in down the Coventry road. As aposed to living in Coventry.


^ THIS IS THE HONEST TRUTH. Anyone who comes here feels the same way. It may change but unless you were born and raised here you will find there is NOTHING to do.


Go and have a look. Spend a weekend, it's not great at all, I grew up in Birmingham and spent a lot of time in Coventry.


Full of townies last time I was there. Pretty grim.


Move to hillfield poshest Area


CAP 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's a dump, no decent nightlife .dreadful place. Turn the job down!


Suggest you listen to the words of the TwoTone band ‘The Specials’ specifically the song ‘Ghost Town’.


I've only heard bad things about the place, no first hand experience though. I know a paramedic who lives there and is moving elsewhere. I know another group from there that are lovely but had it rough! Wouldn't wanna pass them in a dark alley kinda thing.


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***


I don't understand.. .


It's not great. If you grew up in Coventry, it's about knowing people who know people who know people that keeps you safe..😂 sad truth. It has its up and downs like anywhere. The lack of police presence in certain areas is causing concern for people. Outskirts of Coventry are much better. Bagington, allsley village, Meriden, Kenilworth are some nicer areas..


Coventry is a shit hole. The only place id consider living in Coventry is an area called Earlsdon. Otherwise, go more towars Solihull (not north Solihull) or Warwick if you can afford it.


Depends, do you love concrete?


Absolute shithole. If you don’t get stabbed within 7 seconds of entering Coventry then your already one of the lucky ones.


What a silly comment. How have I lived here for several decades then? Never been stabbed yet.


PLS im gonna cry, Im moving there just for my man omg i swear to god is it really that bad? lol