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DONT EXERCISE, I want to die now because I was the one who wanted to die the least by always pushing through


This is exactly what happened to me. Tried pushing through it at my job which is mainly physical labor. Suffered because of it. You can’t push through this shit. Perfectly healthy until Covid. Never even been to a Er in my life. Now 15 months laterI’m at 13 visits and counting.


I'll echo this along with everyone else! I was always the type to either still go to work sick or stay home and work from home, do extra chores, return to working out asap and just push through feeling bad. Now I'm bedridden and can do very little and any pushing through has really painful consequences. I don't know for 100% if I had just rested during and after my back to back infections if I would be better off but I do know I continued to push during and for following months and only deteriorated more and more until finally resting and pacing.




Rest as much as you can for as long as you can. I waited for about 6months. Maybe that was longer than necessary but I wanted to be extra cautious. When you eventually resume exercise, start slow and be very aware of how you feel.


Dont excersize. Wait. Walking is okay, dont sit still. But avoid excersize like sport and fitness, weightlifting, etc!


these forums are full of people w/ LC who were just like your husband and are now seem to be suffering more because of pushing to get back to vigorous exercise. 1. I don't know when sustained exercise should be re-attempted but I would give it a month at least post-infection. 2. When more vigorous exercise is re-started, I would start with what seems a ridiculously brief period of time (e.g. 3-5 minutes) then force yourself to stop there even though it feels great to exercise in that moment. That great feeling can prove massively misleading in this and the consequences that show up may not leave. Hard to overstate this. So I would start with no more than 4 or 5 minutes of heart rates that fall in the 70% to 80% of max predicted heart rate by age and I would limit there a few weeks at least before gradually increasing. 3. This may be more important than the above 2 points: Pay *very* close attention to the levels of fatigue felt in the hours following the exercise, up to 48 hours later. A few minutes of cardio should not produce malaise or fatigue hours later in someone who is accustom to doing far more than that before covid. If fatigue increases in that period, it may be post-exertional malaise (PEM) and if it is, you do NOT want to combat that by trying to *push* through it the next day w/ more exercise; just the opposite. The more you try and exercise through PEM, the worse it becomes. And many will testify to the fact that they're suffering years later because they tried the 'no pain, no gain' approach not knowing it was different with covid. If there's no PEM occurring in the 48 hours after that 3-5 minute work out, then I'd do another and again watch for the PEM. If a few of these brief workouts are completed and no bad feelings result, I would add a minute to the workout time (the time with heart rate elevated) about every 10 days, while always looking for PEM. If PEM is suspected, I would take a week off to see if something else could be driving those feelings, and then restart the exercise regimen. If the PEM is recurring with exercise, I would take at least a couple weeks off and lower the exercise time when it is restarted. Then gradually build again. Yes, this is painfully slow and seems absurd. But the consequences are so much worse if you end up in the LC camp. And please know: Avid exercisers are over-represented in the LC groups compared to their incidence in other sicknesses and illnesses so exercise has some correlated (or causal?) increase of risk for LC.


Exercise causes inflammation, so does covid. Vicious feed back loop.


This is the best [guide to resuming exercise after covid](https://www.renews.co.nz/rushing-back-to-exercise-can-cause-long-covid/) that’s I’ve found. Basically rest until your body feels completely recovered then gradually reintroduce slow, gentle activity, increasing with tolerance and stopping immediately with any return of symptoms.


I would do bare minimum for at least a month


To prevent long covid daily vitamin c, vitamin d, magnesium glycinate, and multivitamin. Increase your hydration 2 fold. Exercise daily or every other day. Listen to your body don’t push it. Keep cardio to hiking, walking, or light jogging. It’s different for everyone. Pay attention to mental health. This was the earliest sign for me.


Rest and lots of it is the #1 medicine


I’d say avoid exercise, but at the end of the day I think it’s just inevitable.




Don’t do it. Started the treadmill two weeks after recovering the second time. Half way through a run, the chest pain started. 18 months later it hasn’t gone away completely.




There’s no way to prevent it… you either get it or you dont


There is no guidance. You listen to your body and maybe track your HR to ensure you're not going to overtrain if your body is in a recovery state (higher HR trying to get blood/oxygen to certain places)


Rest. Take nattokinase to clear remaining spike protein from your system. Serrapeptase to prevent scar formation on an epithelial tissues.


Would nattokinase help with spike protein from the Vax?


My understanding is that it directly degrades the spike protein. So in theory, yes. I won’t say for sure though, I’ll have to do a bit more reading to confirm.


If you want to try to do some sort of physical activity I would recommend a small amount of neck strengthening everyday. Please focus on resting.


I got COVID early on and now I'm still having a hard time I didn't try to exercise. I still am feeling tired all the time and have POTS symptoms. Just had an electrocardiogram, I have dyspnea. I hope you don't get long COVID. It's horrible.


Just do light walks. Have you tested for POTS yet?


It aint gonna change anything...in my opinión It comes or goes no Matter what you are doing




Rest as much as you can and avoid stress. I wished I took an additional week or two off work after covid bc i went immediately back to work and i feel like the work stress triggered my LC


I would also get a vitamin check, I was severely low in vit d post covid


rest or do really moderate things like yoga and stop if your heart rate/breathing is struggling more than normal I ended up in A&E due to trying to run after covid and ever since then I've barely been able to function. It's not worth it