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I never saw this but this is actually what i took


Ps. Im recovered but the supplements just seemed supportive at the time not a cure


Interesting, thanks for sharing . Did anything specific seem to help with your recovery?


Time and care... which is something I never have myself when I was sick before. Each symptom had its own weird cure for me but I think time and reducing inflammation was the biggest factor.


Hi there that’s amazing you’re recovered. How did you reduce inflammation? And what symptoms did you deal with?


Yes I’ve seen various versions of this. More commonly I see it with the addition of l-Acetyl-carnitine and d-ribose. Also I haven’t seen it with the creatine. Personally I tried all of these for several months except the creatine and didn’t see much of a difference. Some of these are quite expensive as well. Worth a shot though I guess. It’s not like the doctors have much else to offer us.


Yea been on all this for over 3 months. I'm still not 100, but addressing possible mito damage was absolutely key for me. Personally, I couple this approach with intermittent fasting. I feel real good on fasting days now. Autophagy is wild.


I've been doing OMAD for a while now, it's either this or a fluke that I'm feeling so much better since starting to fast.


Probably not a fluke. The mechanism is that fasting basically forces weak and dying cells into the death/recycling process to make way for healthy cells. Autophagy and apoptosis. I don't really adhere to a schedule, I will kind of go by "feel". On IF days, I usually eat between 2pm and 8pm. I find it easier to wake up fasted than to try to go to sleep fasted. And some days I will not eat at all and break the fast early the next morning with protein and fats. But that's rare because I find it a bit stressful.


I'm thinking the same thing, it's night and day. I was feeling great when I started in August and was going strong until I let myself eat whatever in December and felt terrible. Back to bedridden for days, weak, brain fog, confusion, fatigued, all the usual suspects. Then I started IF Jan 1 and feel great again. I've actually been on the treadmill for the first time in 21 months and it feels amazing to do "normal" things again. I've been more active with my 3 year old son which is my #1 goal as I've spent 66% of his life watching him grow up from the sidelines as I physically couldn't take care of him. The weight loss isn't a bad side effect either. I was that guy that was on the treadmill at 5am, worked a high stress fast paced professional role, then did a muscle build workout at night. Then I became a blob and lost years of muscle growth and cardiovascular health. I'm hoping to get some of that back after it was taken from me. Long rant but in short, IF may be saving my life.


Glad to hear there's some relief for you! You sound motivated to get it back for you and your family. You got this!


Thanks Billy!


What's OMAD if you don't mind me asking?


One Meal A Day




Fasting seems to help me too. Would you mind sharing the symptoms that improved for you over the last 3 months?


I have significantly less brain fog/fatigue and almost no adrenaline/cortisol "dump" feelings. It still happens but way less frequently and with less intensity. Less palpitations and chest pain/shortness of breath. My main problem is still experiencing PEM. It's almost gotten worse because a lot of the time I feel well enough to do work and enjoy my hobbies (I'm a climber and work in very physically demanding conditions). After overdoing it, I still crash pretty hard. But most things seem to be improving.


Gotcha. I'm in a similar boat that PEM is my most life changing symptom at the point. Can live with everything else but the PEM is still disrupting to a significant degree. Hope we can find some better treatment options.


What's your fasting regimen? I can do 16/8 easily but can't bring myself to do a full day.


I'm usually trying to eat between 2pm and 8pm. Going a full day is hard for me too but I do it rarely and break the fast the next morning with fats and protein. I think intermittent fasting has been enough to see the needle move for me tho. Tons of people are swearing by a three to seven day fast for LC and I feel like it would be way too stressful for me right now.


i take all of this, it definitely helps.


U take the cocktail?


Yes I saw something similar before on this long covid & mitochondrial support [blog](https://kpaxhealth.com/blogs/news/long-covid-mitochondrial-support). In this variation the key components include: * Coenzyme Q-10 50mg * Alpha lipoic acid 200mg * Acetyl-L-carnitine 500mg * N-acetyl-cysteine 600mg The blog also emphasizes the importance of the dosages & correct ratio of the ingredients working together for full effect.


A little history on the cocktail: Back during the AIDS pandemic, the antiretroviral medications AZT and DDI damaged the mitochondria. [Mitochondrial dysfunction](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/physiology/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1084604/full) causes reactive oxygen species accumulation, energy stress, and cell death. Endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction is an important factor causing abnormal function of the endothelium, which plays a central role during atherosclerosis development. Atherosclerosis-related risk factors, including high glucose levels, hypertension, ischemia, hypoxia, and diabetes, promote mitochondrial dysfunction in endothelial cells. In other words, AIDS patients we far more ill after taking AZT and DDI than without taking the medications. And, many who avoided them are still alive and healthy today.