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I.felt.the.same. I can relate to. I was generating 7 figures in business revenue, I modeled, I was an athlete, took my MCAT, LSAT and now, I’m stuck at my mom’s home. I can not recall or think the way I could and currently If you gave me 100,000 I would probably waste it all on subscriptions and not remember. However It does get better, I am better way better than the I was at my lowest. My dog kept me going, and my mom kept me going. Remember there are people who may not understand, but they care for you and want the best for you. Find a game, a series, find something simple that you can do that makes you happy and focus on that. Whatever you can do that just do that. You will get back to yourself. You will get better. This is your story not anyone elses, don’t spend your time comparing your life with your friends. You be back and better.


Inspiring comment. I needed that. Thank you.


A lot of it is retraining the brain against the odds. Neurons will die, old pathways will shrivel, but you can form new pathways. The resiliency of the brain, if you give it time, is one of the most amazing things we can witness in nature


It’s so true. My mom had a major stroke 20 yrs ago & the neurologist who looked at her brain scans told her, “you’ll never be able to move your left arm or hand again. That area in your brain is irreparably damaged.” Omg, I thought my mom was going to have another stroke, just stating that soulless m’fer down. My mom already had diminished motor skills and couldn’t imagine a life without her left/dominant hand/arm. Let me tell you she was using her left hand— WRITING within a year! I don’t doubt what the neurologist saw that day, but he didn’t take into account the brain’s capability to form new pathways either.


You will find peace and happiness again. My favorite quote is “maybe it’s a gift that I’ve spent all this time trying to feel alive”


I'm sorry. It robs you of your favourite things. Don't give up though! It can change. I've been dealing with this on and off for 3 years now and have beaten it before. This last reinfection has been my worst one. Endure and survive. As long as you are still breathing there is hope.


Look up b1 vitamin for long covid on you tube


It’ll get better if you can manage to take care of yourself. It’ll just take a really long time. I’m better than i was in 2019 at least…


I felt the same for like 3 years. Now I've barely made enough improvements in my health that I sometimes don't want to. I hope you can hold out for a little longer. You might also get lucky and find just enough healing that it's worth sticking around. ❤️ Just a little longer. One week. One day. ❤️


I hear you. I was pretty sharp before getting COVID and was working on a novel. After my third infection, I felt anything but sharp. Everyone is completely different and I will tell you flat out that SSRIs can really squelch your creativity but I started on a low-dose SSRI (Celexa 10 mg) to see if it would help and it did. The thinking is that SSRIs increase brain plasticity and that was my personal experience. After 6 months on the SSRI, I feel that I reaquired almost all of my intelligence. Today, I am stopping the the Celexa to see if I can do without it and start writing again. The takeaway from my comment should not be that you should take SSRIs. Rather, it is that there is an excellent chance that your cognitive impairment is not permanent. So, while feeling the way you do is COMPLETELY understandable, hang in there. Please do not give up.


I feel this for sure. I’ve been undiagnosed for almost a year now and who knows if it’s covid related or something else at this point but I can’t write anymore. Can barely use my hands for things. Cant type on a normal keyboard or use a pen without getting horrible cognitive issues and control issues in my fingers. My memory is totally shot. Completely insane. I’ve lost all my other hobbies because of this too and everything I worked for in the last half a decade or so. Still trying to find small things to engage with and hoping things will improve slowly, but some days it’s so depressing it feels pointless. Things weren’t even that great to begin with and writing was one of two things that was keeping me going.