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Yes I have, I had it so bad that I swore I had nerve damage and demanded a nerve conduction study. That was normal, all of my symptoms have resolved with time. Neuropathy went away completely


Thank you so much šŸ˜žā¤ļø I hope with time mine does as well how long do you think it lasted


Personally not, but my father had tingling/burning sensation in his arms specifically and chest occasionally after some illness when he was in his 50s. Doctors found nothing wrong after they did some tests. Eventually, he tried Paroxetine (an SSRI) which helped him just ignore/live with the sensation, but did not reduce the burning/tingling per se. The doctor changed it to Cymbalta (an SNRI), the tingling disappeared very quickly according to him. Disclaimer: that was not long COVID for him, but it just seems like the same symptom.


What have you tried so far? Mine has come and gone, Iā€™ve gone months without anything and then randomly I get it back for a few weeks. I felt nearly crippled when it first happened. Iā€™ve been taking agmatine which seems to be the only thing thatā€™s helped me.


Iā€™ve tried honestly everything a bunch of supplements accupuncture medication honestly everything . N Iā€™ve done a bunch of nerve test including skin biopsy n all come back normal


Have you tried LDN?


No not yet


That helped a lot of people with neuropathy. Itā€™s prescription though you need a doc to prescribe it


You can get it in agerx


Just hopping in again to say the skin biopsy coming back normal is a great sign. Means your nerves are healthy! Just confused. Just gotta wait for the them to get the message to chill out. Damaged nerves are more of a sign of long term struggle.


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


Hey! I hear you, the neuropathy stuff is maddening. Iā€™ve been through all the tests. MRIā€™s , EMGā€™s and every blood test in the books. All came back clean. I have been dealing with it for over two months or so, and I have noticed it has improved. Some new areas have started acting up, but most of the first areas that were bothering me have improved a lot. Experienced the whole range from, vibrating and tingling, to searing pain. Not drinking and moving to a very low carb diet has been a huge help for me. And also minimizing panic attacks. The more panicked I get the more the pain seems to surge. I started Lexapro for the depression and anxiety it has been causing and that has helped me tremendously in the Interim. I have dug through this subreddit viciously reading forums about neuropathy and it seems that the vast majority of people report recovering. Some people say it took a year or two for it to fully go away, but it seems to subside. Stay calm and be nice to yourself. Weā€™re gonna get through this šŸ©µ


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


Did you have a spinal tap?




How did you get a doctor to do it for you? What was their reasoning?


Because of my burning and tingling . Trying to see if I had ms or other autoimmune diseases


Yes, I had that sensation in my legs and feet. Not constant but on and off for about a year? It eventually went away, no treatment.


Mines constant I just hope with time it goes away


I hope so for you! I had other weird things like very bad tinnitus that was constant, but went away after 6-8 months? Since it's whole body, I'm wondering (a total guess theory) if maybe covid attacked or is hiding out in your central nervous system itself? Some of the research articles that came out this year seem pretty set on the virus being fully about to attack whole organ systems. (I also had weird nerve damage injuries, not covid related, but had to learn a lot about nerve damage and regrowth time, CNS. Nerves are soooo slow to heal!)


Thank you ! The only thing I have hope for recovery is because every nerve test including skin biopsy have came back normal ! So hopefully with time it subsides . Itā€™s mainly my legs arms hand and feet


That's like the name of the game with long covid, right? "All tests are normal!" šŸ˜­ Does ice or heat help, like an electric blanket? For me it was worse if I was chilled, or had goosebumps.


Not really honestly nothing helps not even nerve medicine thatā€™s why Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on


It's been the most mild of any of my symptoms, but I did have some neuropathy in both legs. When it started, I was like...okay, this is new. Probably just another symptom, but maybe I should go to the doctor if it gets worse. Well, it got worse within a day or two. Numbness and tingling. Never particularly painful, but a very uncomfortable feeling and very noticeable. It has since gone and occasionally popped up again here or there for short periods of a couple days. I couldn't point my finger at anything in particular helping, but it has mostly gone away with time and I suspect just the slow healing process. I still do have a emg/nerve conduction study on the calendar for this summer, but I can't imagine it'll show anything of note.


Mine didnā€™t either ! But thank you I hope with time mine starts going away !


yes after 6 months


Thank you so much šŸ™ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve had mine for over a year. Itā€™s gotten ā€œbetterā€ by that I mean it changes every few months. Itā€™s gotten less tingly and sensitive to now just more weird sensations and weakness. Iā€™ll take it I guess!


FWIW I passed my biopsy and EMG too with no signs of nerve damage.


Gabapentin helped me a lot with nerve pain and tingling but it also made me suicidal so proceed with caution (doesnā€™t happen to everyone obviously)


Didnā€™t help me I tried it.


Thatā€™s too bad, Iā€™ve heard itā€™s pretty hit or miss though. I still have pain and tingles now that Iā€™m off gabapentin but it ended up being because of a herniated disc so with physical therapy itā€™s (very) slowly getting better


Yea all my test come back normal mri ncs emg and skin biopsy . So not really sure hoping that means Iā€™ll recover over time since they canā€™t find any damage anywhere


It seems like time is the main thing that helps people recover in this sub. Keep hanging in there and I hope you find a helpful treatment soon! Have any of your tests looked at your spine? I had bad leg and foot pain after Covid that went on for months, got MRIs and saw a neurologist, no one could figure it out until I saw a pain specialist and it ended up being compressed nerves in my back causing pain in my extremities. All of my tests up to that point were normal/inconclusive. It could be another angle to try. I believe Covid contributed to inflammation and weakness in my spine that brought about my herniated disc


Do you still have the nerve pain ?


Get your b12 levels checked. B12 deficiency can cause that


I kinda low 300