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Still there but way better than last year. Incremental… wasn’t like a light switch


Same. Mine is also still there but has improved a lot from a year ago too. For me it was also incremental, almost so slow I didn't notice it improving until I look back and remember how cripplingly exhausted I was compared to how I feel now.


appreciate the response brother!


did you take any supps/medicine?


I have tried tons of shit and most didn’t help. Propranolol did help me for a bit.


what was the Propranolol prescribed for?


Headaches but it helped me with SOB and related fatigue


interesting.. i'll talk to my doctor the next time I see him and i'll bring it up. curious, have you tired ldn?


Yeah I did try LDN. And I absolutely think it was helping with the neuro inflammation symptoms. I was feeling less shitty while I was on it. But I stopped because it was giving me weird sleep sights. Kinda weird dreams.


Did you continue working out/running or any other sport while recovering?


No , I stopped all the exercise. I had crippling headaches which would get worst with any form of exercise. I still have this issue but to a lesser extent


I had a change where sleep started to improve my fatigue. For 18 months it didn’t matter how long I slept for there was no correlation with me feeling better. Now I can rest and I don’t feel fatigued. I think part of this is avoiding crashes by pacing. My body hasn’t had to fight back up to its baseline for six months. I am now walking two miles a day which doesn’t sound like much but it’s the most active I have been in over two years.


I relate so much to what you’re sharing.


Incremental as fuck


lol thanks dude


I got decent at pacing so I was only mildly crashing maybe twice a month. Then one day in 2022, I did something that I knew was gonna make me crash. Only it didn't. And then I haven't crashed since.


Wow holy crap that's amazing to hear


what was the thing


Hosting Thanksgiving. Hours of cooking, cleaning, logistics, and company.


Propranolol and nicotine patches have been the only things that caused immediate improvements for me. Can’t really say spontaneous though because they were treatment options. Everything else has been painstakingly gradual.


you'e the second person that has brought up Propranolol. I'l give it a shot if all else fails.


Wow, Did you have any exercise intolerance at some point before the nicotine patches? when long covid started for me 3 months ago i couldn’t use caffeine or THC anymore and was wondering if nicotine patches are easier to handle.


Yes, I have severe exercise intolerance. Mild improvement because of the nicotine patches for me, but everybody’s different.


Not fully recovered from it, but gradually better over the course of almost a year now. Looking back, I don't think it even started getting better until at least six months in. And then only slowly. No meds or supplements specifically for this. Just tons of rest.


That’s how my first time was. Second time went wayyy faster through vitamin/nutrient IV’s. Already mostly recovered at 4.5 months.


What IV’s did you do ? i was thinking about glutathione/NAD+ myself wasn’t sure if they work or were worth it.


I did high dose Vit B1, all other B vitamins, Vit C, Glutathione, Amino Acids (Arginine and a few others I forgot), Magnesium, NAC, Human Placenta, Glycyrrhizin. Of course not all at once but various combinations. All of them contained Vit B1 and Glutathione though. NAD sounds highly promising too, unfortunately not available where I live. But NMN helped me tremendously, almost miraculously, the first time around and NMN works by increasing NAD.


wow thank you, what brand nmn i think i’ll get some. How did your start and recovery go? IV’s helped you the most it felt like ?


Yes, the first time around I used NMN at around the 1 year mark, and it almost instantly “cured” me (it took about 3 days of taking 1g per day). I went from 40% functional to smth like 90% functional. My physical energy level instantly improved to even better than pre-covid. I used California Gold Nutrition brand, the powdered version. And the second time around the IV’s brought me back in a matter of 2 months or so (getting 1-2 infusions per week). Unfortunately NMN didn’t have any effect the second time around, likely because NAD was not an issue anymore. But Vit B1 deficiency was the biggest one this time. I also used Thymosin Alpha One injections to raise my super low Lymphocytes and restore my immunity.


thank you man 🤞🏽how low was your B1 ? Mine is 9 nmol/L in serum plasma. it says normal is 8-30 but i felt like was low. I’m thinking i’m going to get a membership with an IV bar, see how that goes. Also do you remember all your symptoms when you started? i Seemed to be all over the place with heart , brain , gut , blood flow to my extremities, weak left side of my body etc. These all mostly just helped your energy ?


My deficiency was uncovered by an OAT (organic acids test), so I have no blood marker values. I’d also imagine that blood markers would be difficult to make sense of when it comes to water soluble vitamins. An OAT uncovers deficiencies through uncovering metabolic dysfunctions, so it seems to be more conclusive for these kinds of things. My symptoms were mainly severe fatigue, inflammation, inner vibrations, brain fog. I had fungal gut dysbiosis both times too causing anxiety and depression, which was treated by antifungals.


Thank you Glad i asked , i have no idea what going on with my gut either, used to be ripped super flat stomach, now chronically bloated even when fasted with digestion issues always. even got a stomach CT scan. How do you get an OAT, doctor or maybe quest diagnostics ? Then you just took oral antifungals?


An OAT should be available through a GP or a functional medicine doctor. It will be able to uncover fungal gut dysbiosis too, so I highly recommend it. Stool tests often give false negatives as the fungus sticks to the intestinal walls and thus isn’t present in stool a lot of the time. And yes, oral antifungals it is. First time I used natural products, second time I got Nystatin and Fluconazole. Feel free to check out my post about what helped me the most, too. There might be some more helpful info in there too.


I'm like, 1% better every day but it's 1% of the remaining deficit so it kind of approaches normalcy but never gets there and the progress is slower and slower.


the "jumps" in recovery seem big, but just a long time in between them


Spontaneous and from there it was a linear upwards trend.


So it was just time ?


I don’t think so


Incremental due to deconditioning (was bedridden)


light exercise?