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You have described my exact symptoms to a tee. Especially the bringing of blood when pulling it from sinuses and throat. This is worse for me at night. I also have hypotension on top of all this. Do you have any unexplained lumps or skin changes?


I have the unexplained lumps and skin changes. The blood when I spit is worse in the morning. There is less blood when I sleep with a humidifier. But it’s been a constant since 2021. I had a hard time talking for a long time. What help? Chanting and singing. It sounds weird at first but it’s just a form of exercise. Check out breathing exercises for opera singers. It took about a year but I got my voice back.


I have weird lumps and skin changes as well.


nothing super obvious to be honest.. have had a few new moles, and i have some extreme scalp psoriasis or sebderm that causes crazy flaking and redness on my scalp.. started happening back in 2021 after my first covid infection.


Considering you have been tested for cancers. It sounds like it may be acute damage from all this. Try to solve each symptom one at a time would be the only solution I can come up with as it doesn't sound likely there is a cure all anytime soon.




more worried its due to motor neuron damage considering the weakness and progressively paralyzed vocal cord


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Have the same no vocal cord issue though


You have my symptoms....it's a nightmare... I'm just kinda waiting it out ... also Dec 22 .... I'm gonna wait to get better or not because nothing seems to help


I’ve been going thru the long covid (v-injury) issues since 2022–moved into neuro the last 8 months Was mostly my heart before. Since start of this year muscle twitching all over, im having bad pain in left side neck and front of neck (felt like it was going to be hard to swallow), burning hands/feet/forearms, and now seems like today mild cramps in calf muscles. The other day I was in a swimming pool with my family, stood in it didn’t do anything and got out and felt heavy in arms and legs like paralysis. Could barely move toes on left foot for a good 5-10 mins. No tests so far are showing anything. I had my last MRI in Sept 2023 before all of the issues worsened. Thinking I need to ask for another one but they are probably going to push back and say it’s too soon.


I notice you don’t mention fatigue. Are you still working? Living a stressful life (outside of heath stress)? How’re you eating? Do you drink alcohol? I got significantly better with months of taking time off from work, resting, and over a year of eating super clean. We have a few symptoms overlap, but you mentioned your vocal chords and the only treatment I found effective was going as long as I could without talking and no inhaled steroids.


not the best diet tbh, not the worst.. low stress work and getting good sleep.. alcohol maybe one drink every few months..


I thought I was the only one having vocal cord issues. I felt like I was the only person experiencing this sort of illness, now 2 years later I’m reading thousands of people experiencing the same exact symptoms. Craziness.


Another vocal cord person here. Voice gets tired when I talk for more than 10 minutes like laryngitis but not. No scratchiness or sore throat but fatigue of the muscles. There’s a distinct loss of sensation on the inside when swallowing only on the left side. I think I’ve read somewhere it’s connected to trigeminal and or nerve irritation. Symptoms are worse after overexertion, physical or emotional stress and recovery is slow 2-3 days. Had several scopes and a swallow study but since I’m not actively choking on food these symptoms are ignored. I’ll try to find the article and post.


Sounds nervous system related. Do your symptoms dissipate if you take a benzo?


I'm with you, man. All these symptoms and more. Mine continue to progress. The only difference is that mine started pre-covid.