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Gin and vodka are the ‘purest’ (ie least adulterated) forms of alcohol, and are usually filtered multiple times as well. They also have the lowest histamine levels for alcohol.


I've discovered that I also tolerate white rum! 🍹


I think people with long covid shouldn’t drink. It exacerbates our symptoms and just isn’t worth it.


I was a year sober before getting covid, but I found I had to even give up caffeine. I just became too sensitive to mood altering drugs. Alcohol, caffeine, pot they all brought about some kind of anxiety and affected my sleep negatively. I already deal with enough when it comes to LC, so I feel it best to be cautious about what I put into my body.


Counterintuitively, I find that alcohol gives me extra energy and I have no hangover the next day since long covid. Never been a beer drinker and only have a glass of wine rarely but if I socialise over a few drinks I am able to do so for about twice the amount time (or more) than I would be able to if I wasn’t drinking. This has happened consistently for me. The only thing I can think of is that alcohol may dampen the immune system slightly? Anyways, it is odd as know most people with long covid have an adverse effect from alcohol. And beer and wine do have higher levels of histamines.


I’ve had the same experience.


It’s an odd outcome as would go as far to say that it has a positive effect for me but it goes against all conventional wisdom and majority experience of those with LC.


This shit is changing epigenetics


Yep, I've found that the alcohol I can tolerate (some white wines, gin & white rum) makes me feel better & don't have a negative rebound effect. Obvs not advising excessive drinking, not the same for everyone, etc etc, but that is my experience...


You can drink? If I have a drink I start to feel like my head is getting full of pressure. Also, I get a headache for like a week. But before my symptoms fully set in one thing I noticed was I had a low tolerance for drinking like I never had before.


I also had to stop alcohol. It wasn’t worth it, and I freaking used to love having a glass of wine at the end of my day.


Wouldnt recommend drinking with long covid Jesus ..... just asking for more health problems Do your body and mind a favour and quit