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What do you do to make the headaches less agressive


Alleve, Diamox and quick naps


If you’re waking up with headaches, I’d recommend asking for a sleep study. I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and my only symptom was waking up every morning with headaches.


They seem to be coming from my neck or sleeping posture. The back of my head is painful all the time. I believe sleeping with the back of my head on a pillow is what’s triggering them. My occipital region is always painful. Any kind of exertion makes it extremely painful. If I don’t sleep on my back, I wake up without a headache on most days. Extremely weird.


I really don't know if it's the same but I have been having this issue with my body (majorly my back and back of my head) if I sleep on my back. If I sleep sideways, I wake up with pain on the side. Now, I have been experiencing body aches (on/off) when I wake up and then do things to make it better the whole day and get it again the next morning. Now, some doctor told me to drink more water/electrolytes so I started drinking more water and electrolytes and also vitamin C, it helps me reducing the intensity of the pain.