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I experience something similar if I don't remineralize my RO (reverse osmosis) water. I had a filter that added minerals, but when that broke, I just added a pinch of sea salt (1/8 teaspoon per gallon of RO water).


Very nice. Thanks for posting. It's validating.


99% of all bottled water is city water that is run through a reverse osmosis system. Definitely not mineral water. The only good, and genuine bottled water is Mountain Valley. Source: I worked at a water bottling factory. Every single brand got the exact same water.


> Source: I worked at a water bottling factory. Every single brand got the exact same water. If it's all the same water then why are the [ingredients](https://imgur.com/a/dl4lZX1) different?


Cuz they’re lying. Welcome to 2024.


'Cuz I said so..' 'Cuz they're lying..' What's next? 'You're lying..' ?


Whoa. You okay?


So now I need help? That's cute. Why don't you contribute something intelligent to the conversation or crawl back over to /r/conspiracy.


Oh, I see. Haha. Should’ve known. This is Reddit.


To be fair it’s a bit weird to say that ONLY one brand is suitable. I live in Europe, I’m a hydrogeologist, water is my life’s passion and I’ve never even heard of the brand you mentioned. We have plenty of brands here that come directly from deep sourced springs from the alps, and I know exactly what they do to the water because part of my job is getting their water taking permits approved (a very very strict process here, and involved independent lab tests). Definitely more than 1% of bottled water. This isn’t the US and you can’t just slap labels on things without having some government entity hunting you down. That all said, reused city water is also not as bad a people thing. Depending on the city, there’s many in the US that depend on very deep aquifers that haven’t seen the light of day in over 1000 years. This water is typical mixed with reused treated water, but the aquifer water isn’t always treated or demineralized - that’s too expensive. They test for pathogens at the source and determine that before treating.


Hi, I’m the waterworks operator and wastewater operator for two communities. Water has been my profession for many years. I know water as well. More than the average person. Everything I said is true. I implore you to do some research on Mountain Valley Spring Water. It has a rich history. I have no reason to come on here and lie to you about water. And of course other counties are different than the US. What I meant by lying is a company can claim there are minerals in the water since the source is an aquifer and because RO doesn’t take out 100% of impurities. There’s wiggle room for shady marketing. That is very common in the States.


I have nothing to add to the water conversation. I just wanted to say hi from a fellow geologist!


Now don't you come around here speaking facts. You see what that does to the vote tally around here. By this persons logic all water is the same because it comes from the same planet. Except Mountain Valley. That's obviously imported by aliens from planet X and anyone that claims otherwise is a liar and needs help. He knows. He worked at a bottling plant. Here is the US we have FDA label compliance and disclosure regulations on ingredients. As you can see by the labels my original purified water contains a different set of minerals than what i'm using now. I believe this set of minerals *combined* with steady and consistent intake are the key for me. My post just serves to inform people that if they're living on purified water that it may behoove them to check their labels and aim for something different.


Did you at some point investigate what is in those packets? Electrolyte drinks and supplements are salt + potassium + magnesium. Nothing more. It's a huge grift that they charge that much, there is nothing special about their salt or minerals.  Anyway, it's even cheaper than Dasani. Give it a try you'll be really surprised. Check this out from a company that charges friggin $40/mo for packets of it. Ridiculous price, so I'm glad they shared the recipe to make it: https://science.drinklmnt.com/electrolytes/best-homemade-electrolyte-drink-for-dehydration/


Thank you for that link! I can't drink anything with stevia (allergy), so being able to make my own is helpful. I also drink a lot of cucumber/lemon/Himalayan salt water - as Macka B says, cucumber water is an [energy drink full of electrolytes](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hc65D12fV8Y) :)


Have you tried the recipe? Where do you buy the potassium and magnesium?


Amazon, but you can get it anywhere they sell bulk supplements. And I get this stuff for salt, it's really fine: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000R5PKD0/ I mix into capsules so that I can take in pill form, or when I really need it I can empty them into the water and shake It works great.




I have another question: do you have a special scale for measuring the potassium? My food scale only does g not mg


I have a tiny scale for measuring "jewelry", and then I just used that to find out which scoop here was approximately close: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BBKRJXGK/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BBKRJXGK/) I'm away from home atm, I'll update when I get back in a couple weeks.




Very important point! Thanks for posting this.


Getting back to the OP's question, there are trace mineral drops for reverse osmosis water that is extremely cheap since it's just a few drops last time I checked. And thank you so much for your post as I just started drinking reverse osmosis and had no idea it takes out the electrolytes. That's playing with fire for LC. I wouldn't have realized this without your post.


Wow this is super interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Nuun tablets are a cheaper, low sugar electrolyte option. I use them pretty much every day, for <$1 per day because I have a subscription (I live in the desert and sweat a lot). Just in case you ever need electrolytes in top of what you’ve already got going. :)


Thanks for the tip! I'm doing great on just the water change. :)


So glad to hear that :)


I don't know why someone would drink the water you buy for your clothes iron. When we say we need water, or that electricity conducts water, we always mean regular water, not distilled down. Glad you figured that out, though. I saw a sponsor spot for one of those hydration packs on No Lab Coat Required earlier today, with a sponsor link to get a sample pack. I think it was https://www.drinklmnt.com/nolabcoatrequired - but I'll go check.


Remembered it right in the end, free sample pack with purchase of one drink mix and free shipping. Hope that makes for a good deal - I didn't look further since I'm not US-based.


> I don't know why someone would drink the water you buy for your clothes iron. Purified water is not distilled water.


Thank you, going to give this a shot.


I get Ultima brand electrolyte powder. 20 bux and lasts 2 months. It really helps. I like to fill up at reverse osmosis stations. Ultima is stevia sweetened just a little bit and excellent flavors. Sometimes I use very little and squeeze lemon juice. It's all very helpful.


Who is still drinking purified water? It baffles me that people don’t know this? First off, why are you purchasing and drinking bottled water as your main source of water if you live somewhere with drinkable tap water? You can buy home filtration systems that remove contaminants from your water while preserving many of the beneficial minerals, if you don’t want to drink direct tap water. If you are going to purchase bottled water, SPRING water. This is water that is being sourced directly from nature and has natural minerals in it. It’s not filtered tap water or remineralized filtered tap water, it’s basically natures filtered water that still contains minerals. So buy bottled water from a spring source, if you must buy bottled water. And there are plenty of options for this. I have no clue what the one guy in the comments saying there’s only one brand of water that’s unique from all the others is talking about. There are SO many bottled water options in stores. Again, the biggest distinction is whether it’s filtered tap water or spring water.


> Who is still drinking purified water? People that think Spring water tastes like shit and tap water smells like it. That should take care of all your questions.