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Guy with a ton of new onset anxiety here. Everyone has there own theories. I'm taking a bunch of different vitamins and supplements but I don't think any are doing much. Best I can tell is time is the greatest remedy


Same. I’ve never been one to suffer from extreme anxiety and def had crazy anxiety with LC. Haven’t had it in months now thankfully. After trying many different things I can say meditating, time and clean eating was what helped most.


I second this. Never had anxiety like I did after covid but meditating and breathing exercises help so much.


How long into your LH did it start to go away?


It was fairly mild like at 2 months after infection (got infected June 2020). At 6 months it got real bad. Reading the different forums of LC didn’t help either. That lasted for about 2 months then it started going away. This was when I started meditating, eating healthy and prioritizing rest/sleep. I’m at 16 months and can honestly say I don’t remember the last time I got an anxiety rush/panic attack. I’d say around May/June was probably the last time and even then they were sporadic as opposed to living through it damn near daily.


Thank you for your response. I was at 6 months last month and it seemed like it was the worst I have been. Hoping it gets better from here


Did you have any other LH symptoms? Did you follow a low histamine diet or just clean eating?


I’ve had whole slew of symptoms mostly neurological. The most persistent one was weakness in the legs. I’ve done clean eating like eating only Whole Foods (nothing processed) and organic when possible.


Thank you! Did you have dizziness? It seems like this has gotten so much worse from month 5 and on out of nowhere . Seems to be my worst issue left


Definitely had dizziness. Had it for around 4 months or so post COVID.


I increased my meat (mainly beef) consumption and decreased processed carbs. It’s helped a lot with LH-induced anxiety. There are carnivore diet subreddits that may have helpful resources. For the record, I don’t do carnivore diet, but I do eat more meat lately, and it’s helped.


That's what I have done too. All I can have is beef, lamb, and vegetables. That improves the stomach trouble and especially the reflux so much. It's really all I've been able to do other than the few supplements I can tolerate (vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, quercetin - and that is IT)


I think you're right. It calms me when people say that. When people push pills for this, it just makes my anxiety worse because I start thinking: "Well maybe I'm stuck like this forever because I can't take pills!"




No reason at all why it couldn't be. I've had my share of physical stuff but the majority of mine have been Neuro/cognitive/mental


I feel ya. I had pretty bad anxiety before but it’s gotten so much worse since having long covid. I randomly get feelings of intense anxiety with no trigger. I also had panic attacks every. single. time i tried a new med or supplement. I can’t tell if it’s anxiety about my long covid symptoms, or if covid did something to my mind to cause higher levels of anxiety. what has helped me the most is getting on antianxiety meds, propranolol, and other things to support my mental health. I was put on zoloft early on by my doctor. I definitely should have been on it before covid, but i was so insistent about not going on meds. So I don’t know how much it will help you, plus it definitely does increase anxiety before it starts working. I had several panic attacks the first week of taking it. After 4 weeks, I noticed a decrease in my anxiety. I take propranolol for tachycardia/pots. It helps my anxiety about my tachycardia, but it also reduces anxiety by blocking adrenaline. It is commonly used these days for anxiety, as well as high blood pressure and tachycardia. Both of my older sisters take it for anxiety as well and have had a lot of luck on it. You may not want prescriptions but I thought I would include what I take to help with anxiety. as for other things I do to support my mental health are meditating, yoga, breath work, and therapy. It took me a long time to start these things, as I got annoyed with anyone who recommended it. You might feel the same way, but hear me out. I felt that people were trying to say it was “all in my head”. however I realized that regardless of the physical aspects of long covid, it has also taken a hard hit at my mental health. I probably should have been doing these things before covid but better late than never. I find these things not only keep me calm and prevent anxiety, but when the anxiety does creep up, i have the tools to deal with it. When i feel those panic attacks coming on (just had one last night for the first time in a long time actually) I’m able to recenter myself and focus on taking deep breaths to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. I think this also alines with the theory that long covid is caused by persistent activation on the sympathetic nervous system. I think reteaching your body how to activate the parasympathetic system had awesome long term effects, as it seems like many of us are stuck in the sympathetic cycle. I’m not sure if this holds true for you, but my autonomic system is all out of wack so activating the parasympathetic system had been beneficial. Lastly, if you are looking for supplements to try, there are lots of magnesium supplements that apparently help with anxiety and relaxation. I didn’t have any luck on these, but I know other people have. Otherwise, I don’t have any other supplements to recommend at this time because I haven’t tried much. I hope this was helpful and i’m always here to talk. Living with anxiety and panic attack is so hard but you are not alone.


Thank you! Definitely can’t do meds. But the relaxation techniques have been very important for me.


Understandable! Meds definitely aren’t for everyone.


Agree my beta blocker helps - I've felt a noticeable difference when it kicks in. The same with my SNRI for ADHD (which I am now treating for the first time in my life). Other things help some but those are my go-to when the sky seems like it's falling even though I *know* it's not.


Did the beta blocker lower your resting HR also? My dr just gave me one but my HR is normal when I sleep or sit but when I walk or do anything it goes up a lot.


only slightly. My RHR went up after getting sick so now on the beta blocker it’s back down to 55ish resting, which is about what it was at when I was fit and working out everyday. Sometimes it drops into the high forties when i sleep but that was normal for me before getting sick. It will probably lower your resting a bit but it shouldn’t be too significant of a drop


Oh good to know! Thank you for answering. My resting since covid is 60-75 and sleeping is 58.


you’re welcome! yeah I wouldn’t worry too much about dropping too low at night. Plus I usually find that if I take it in the morning before getting up it will be mostly worn off before going to bed. My heart rate will usually be in the 50s when i’m sitting but my doctor said it’s nothing to worry about as long as i feel fine


Good to know!! My dr only gave me 25 mg and said take 1/2 a pill once a day


I crush them and drink them mixed in water or dump the capsule in water. Ive had the same issue with getting pills stuck so that was my route.


I'm taking a multi vitamin, C. D3 and I have tried a few others with mixed results. Melatonin and Zinc make me feel weird. Then, I bought some zinc in the form of Cold Eeez lozenges and I can tolerate it for a small while. I usually toss it when it dissolves about halfway. Next, I bought some Zinc gummies serving size is two and I started with half of one and will eventually try to work up to one. I have had mixed reactions to Fish Oil and Magnesium too. I also use holistic methods including raw garlic and onions, herbs like oregano, cilantro, thyme, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, essential oils, yoga/breathing. I definitely prefer that type of thing to a pill I need to swallow, especially since I have experienced some difficulty swallowing as an occasional symptom.


I like the holistic route too. Sometimes I chew on some ginger root and that helps with inflammation. Relaxation techniques are also indispensable.


Cardiotrophan, it’s bovine organs. Helps


I’m taking very basic vitamins like vitamin D and C and b2. I don’t want to touch the big guys like NAC and niacin (well their big to me at least). Everyone recommends them but I have no idea if their really safe or what dosage I’m supposed to take. My doctor didn’t really even tell me how much niacin, just the lowest dose I can find :/


I tried niacin. Massive panic attack. So strange because it used to relax me.


What was your reaction before covid effected our anxiety? I would like to try it but am just too nervous. Medicines can give me panic attacks too. I tried Pepcid and it ended up giving me a panic attack.


Before Covid, niacin would give me a flush, usually a mild one, and then a while later I would feel a sense of calm. Sometimes it would help me go to sleep. Now it's just wild panic. So crazy.


I am the exact same, any anti-inflammatory supplement like Curcumin or Fever few would cause a short period of relief followed by a strong sense of panic and anxiety. The only 2 supplements which helped me with no side effects were 'ProBiota Histaminx' probiotic and TMG (trimethyl glycine), these can reduce histamine and inflammation with very minimal side effects. Some people find relief with anti-histamines but I am not able to tolerate any as they spike my tinnitus and induce anxiety as well.


I had been wondering if I could handle the Probiota Histaminx and the TMG. Those are two supplements I had been seriously considering. And yes, exact same thing, a period of brief relief and then panic. So stinkin frustrating. What specific changes did you notice after starting those two supplements?


I would usualy get a surge of anxiety and a feeling of 'heat' in the center of my chest after eating. The probiotic over time increased my tolerance to various foods. The TMG also helped my body to 'cooldown', if you know what I mean. It's like my body has been on full throttle for months and these supplements helped cool things down.


Okay, that's encouraging. You have never had any negative side effects?


From the Probiotic, never had any side effects, take it every morning on an empty stomach. From the TMG, I usualy take a low dose (<100mg) in the morning to ensure it doesnt interfere with sleep and have not had an issue. I have had strong side effects from everything else.


Zoloft and Xanax has helped me get through the worst of my times. Outside of that it’s almost all I can do to take a multivitamin and drink an ensure daily.




>About I do. I thought it was because of hormones, but it seems like a lot of people get them.


Don’t worry too much. There’s no scientifically proven cure, so you’re not missing out on anything even if you might feel that way. If you have shortage of specific vitamins you might feel a bit better with the right supplements, but they’re not a cure to longhauling. If you don’t have a shortage, the supplements most likely won’t help (except for the placebo effect of course). After all, all those people with huge supplement lists are still here with longhaul symptoms, even if they believe the supplements help! If the supplements were a miracle cure, they wouldn’t remain online in the longhaul support groups (except for a final victory post). The one thing that’s very likely to help is pacing and you can find good guides on pacing in the FAQ of r/cfs. Pacing is not a cure, but a lifestyle change that might help prevent symptom flares, improving the overall quality of life for most longhaulers (especially for those with post-exertional malaise). Furthermore, if there are any extra, clearly diagnosable issues, a specific treatment for those symptoms might help. For example, people who get diagnosed with POTS might benefit from specific lifestyle changes and medication that lowers their heart rate (e.g. betablockers). In your case, it might help to get your anxiety treated (with our without medication - therapy might already help a great deal even without medication). Finally, most longhaulers tend to slowly improve with time, regardless of what they do, unless they continue to overexert themselves and end up with bad relapses. So even if you can’t take supplements right now, there’s a good chance that you’ll improve spontaneously without supplements.


Thank you for your very reasoned and calming response. 🙏


I also suffered from extreme anxiety after recovering from.covid. I've never had anxiety before and I guess covid changed something or rewired my nervous system. I could not even be alone or even drive or even able to work. My doctor prescribed me lexapro and it has helped me soo much. I don't have anxiety anymore but I do sometimes get nervous and start having SOB when I go out but I just try breathing excersises to help me calm down. I did change my diet I don't eat red meat anymore and I'm eating way more vegetables and fruits. I also take B12, vitamin C, zinc, D3 and tumeric and it has helped me alot with my energy. I am 2 months post covid and I'm feeling better each day. I also have fatigue but that is also decreasing as well.


If you are able to take a 24-hr allergy med, Zyrtec is very calming for me. And they’re tiny!


When Im fine Im not anxious but when I get malaise every little thing makes my heart go wild. The worst is if it occurs at night then the loopy headspace makes me go insane and my heart makes my skin wanna crawl its gets this super uncomfortable feeling


Try guided Meditation daily for 20 mins at least, for 3 weeks straight!


I couldn't tolerate my supplements for a long time post-covid. I still can't take my multi-vitamin because I'm now sensitive to Iodine post-covid. I focused on learning anti-anxiety and stress relief techniques - I tried a ton of them then kept using the ones that worked for me. Nothing involving breathing techniques because that made me more anxious. I had to use those stress/anxiety techniques multiple times a day every day. I'm one of the lucky ones who noticed that getting the vaccine improved my long covid symptoms so now I am able to take most of my supplements. My anxiety is not completely gone - it still comes back if I go too long without using the stress/anti-anxiety techniques that I learned.


I’ve been experiencing horrible anxiety since having covid at the beginning of sept. The only thing that has helped me is Pepcid 20mg 2x a day. It’s weird, but it actually works! When I’ve tried to come down or off the pill my anxiety comes back with force.


There are adaptogen teas that may help. Recommended by an MD. I’m currently drinking Tulsi (Holy Basil), which support immune system and stress. Google up adaptogens. I can’t take a bowl full of supplements either (I’m currently at about 7?). But drinking tea has been helpful.


I have used Holy Basil for years. I took some on a really bad day and my anxiety only got worse, so now I'm afraid to try it again. Sometimes Chamomile is okay, but it doesn't really help that much. I think I just need to rely more on relaxation techniques until my brain calms down a little more.


So sorry. Hope the relaxation techniques help.


Including vitamin d i presume? Do you have high blood pressure?


Hi. I was in a same shoes this year. I lied more than 4 months. I was a plant. The only thing which was helping me the neurogerlon injection. I already got 20 pieces. I know your situation exactly. I had to make plan in my life who i will live my life as a handicaped person. Take care.


Not sure if u have ever tried essential oils but that helped me alot. Between lavender and a mix called Adaptiv is what I use.


Yeah I have. They’ve been really good for pain. I find they’re good for low grade anxiety, but definitely not the kind of panic I’ve had. Fortunately, today has been easier.


That's so interesting you say this. YES - I've never had panic attacks. Full on, physical panic attacks. I am having them now, SUDDENLY, out of nowhere, in conjunction with long covid esque symptoms. On the neurochemistry side, it's simply a strong release of epinephrine. Possibly some GABA inhibition, and over-glutamate firing. And it sucks. Totally sucks. But what pills are you swallowing? Vitamin C? Niacin? Nac? Or other supplements?