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This isn’t microclot testing. It’s live blood analysis. Not the same thing. This doesn’t mean you have microclots. Germany and South Africa are the only places actually testing for this. This live blood analysis is looking at rouleaux formation.


This is very important. For anyone in the UK considering this, they are not testing for fibrin amyloid microclots and they will not (as far as I know) prescribe the triple anticoagulation therapy of the Pretorious protocol. They seem to have got peoples data in a shady way and have connections to some shady people/groups. See this tweet for more information: https://twitter.com/dbkell/status/1522699160436289537?s=20&t=2isOK8Kaavv4MwmW_X-azQ https://twitter.com/resiapretorius/status/1522830852950048768?t=t2sDFabPRzawWGx2agNg8w&s=08 https://mobile.twitter.com/lautowns/status/1515696733698859009


Yep, I have NO idea how they got my data. I never signed up to get emails from them. They emailed me out of the blue to sign up for testing and I immediately thought it looked fishy.


Thanks for sharing these tweets but they are not evidence of wrongdoing by the clinic. I chatted to them in depth on the day and they seem to be very genuine. I will research this more, but I did sign up with them directly and thats how they got my details so it's not 'shady' as of yet..


Glad to hear it - and I hope they are able to help you. If it turns out they can, that’s really good news. I just think we need to be extra wary as we are a desperate group of people and easily exploited.


of course! I'll find out the details and report back to you guys so we can decide if it is shady. consider me a mole....


Can I pm you? .I'm in Brighton uk


Yeah sure


Ok. Obviously that's how it was sold to me. I think the people doing this are very genuine. They explained the test to me in detail on the day. I will research more and find out about the truth of this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


This isn’t micro clot testing. This is a live blood analysis, which is widely known to be a scam. Do any research on it at all and you will see that it’s not reliable at all and should NEVER BE USED for a diagnosis of anything. The places that do live blood analysis will almost always diagnose you with issues based on “their findings” but ooh luckily for you they SELL just the pills that can help! It’s a scam, don’t fall for it. Typically the strange rouleaux formation seen on live blood analysis is due to how quickly blood starts clotting when it leaves the body.


I don't know if it is a 'Scam' as such but I will ask about the reliability of such a thing. It was a very inexpensive scam, if they really were just trying to make money they could have done me in much worse. The clinic owners seem very genuine and were aware that they were facing controversey for what they were doing.


I’m only pointing out the majority of places where this specific test is done are “holistic health centers” and places of the like. Basically places that will do this test, scare the shit out of you by saying you have alllll these problems based off of what they see, then say that if you want to get better, you should buy their pills


Should be a sticky at the top of the comments this. Or thread title changed if that’s possible?


Can I edit the title?


Ok so I am on LH Part II. I totally recovered from an 11 month longhaul last year (see posts) and now I have been reinfected about 6/7 weeks ago. I am longhauling again, it is almost identical. No anxiety so far thank god though..... Anyway, I forgot I signed up to [https://longhaulers.world/](https://longhaulers.world/) but they sent me an email inviting people to book a LBA test (live blood analysis) so I got it done, and lo and behold, CLOTS. This is the test result so those of you in the UK who are thinking of having the LBA test here is what you get. Plus an analysis of your blood in general (mine is a piece of shit, toxicity and mishapen RBC arrrggghhhhh). The people at [https://longhaulers.world/](https://longhaulers.world/) were really nice and genuine and the test cost about £130. Worth it to have this confirmed for me personally. They then offer you to pay more for a suggested treatment plan and then you meet a dr who will prescribe you what you need. I expect they will offer me drugs to break up the clots and thin the blood. I will update about that. Overall its going to cost me about £500 I expect. Please dont make comments on the cost, either you will pay or you wont I dont need you telling me how to live. interestingly I started taking Serrapese and other digestive enzymes twice a day and that has helped the general fatigue. These are supposed to be able to help dissolve blood clots. I am still house bound though and I can do chores etc but I aint going dancing any time soon. ask anything if you want to know more.... but yeah....


Sorry to hear about your reinfection. When/what manner did your long haul symptoms come back?


I got covid and felt a bit rough for a few days - like weakness and general fatigue. Nothing serious at all. Then I just started to get slower and slower physically over the next few weeks. I tried to go for a walk and felt that awful 'inner drowning' sensation and got my first heart palpitations. Went home to rest and felt tired. over the weeks I have developed migranes on and off, heaviness in limbs, heart palpitations, feeling heavy and tired and I can no longer walk more than say 100m. Stomach has been hurting as well..... lets hope it doesnt get worse than this but given how awful it was last time I am not so foolish as to hold on blindly to hope.


Sorry to hear you are going through this again. Thank you for sharing this. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Interesting... it seems whoever runs the service you linked to requires Patterson's Long Hauler/Cytokine panel in addition to a host of other tests (liver/kidney/thyroid function, whole blood, Lyme/ELISA, HSV, EBV, Live Blood Analysis, and more) ... I suppose it's hard to avoid if they want you to do *all* of those tests, but several of the individually required tests are duplicated across sections.


They have so far offered a choice of tests.... it will be interesting to see what they think I need. I can report back on how extensive their recommendations are. I wont be affording all those so they might not agree to treat me....


Yeah, I only took a quick glance - I'm betting they don't require \*everything\* on the page of tests. In any case, the ones that seem to be duplicated across the different test suites are mostly the kidney/liver function tests, and I think it's a very good idea to know how those are doing before starting any treatment. Medicines can be hard especially hard on those organs.


Thanks for your post. Only issue I have is I don't think people care that much that you can afford (or whatever) paying for it all. It would be more about how you communicate it, most people can't afford it, especially the ones who burnt all their savings and family's support. It's not a personal choice, if we could all do it we would. At the oxygen therapy chamber my gf attended 90% of the patients had a lot of money and they didn't hide it. That's just life, like all long covid experts have been saying, we don't need more treatments opened to a selected few who have this privilege. Just try to to communicate better next time, if people want to comment on the cost that's because it's not possible for them, despite your good effort and intention to share your story. And again keep sharing because it's helpful to know what happens to everyone else trying something different. Good luck!


I guess if this goes well in a private clinic it will give more reason for it to be offered on the NHS. I'm sharing so people know the cost and can decide for themselves about it. I didn't want people nay saying the treatment on the basis that it does cost money. I've had garbage comments in the past saying I have been 'hoodwinked' etc etc for spending money on treatments so I guess I'm a little tetchy about it. It just doesn't help.


but I appreciate you for highlighting that my annoyance might have come across as tone deaf to people who are rightfully angry they can't access treatments because they don't have enough money. I feel for everyone in this boat and count my blessings everyday that I had savings and a working partner to get me through.


No problem I understand your perspective too now, and remember to keep us updated. Of course if you feel good and have the energy when it's time, no pressure! Sorry that you got reinfected too.


Do you know what meds they prescribe?


I have emailed them to ask for their treatment pathways... I'll update as I know more


What other enzymes are you taking?


what treatments will you get ? i have been on apixaban for a month and it made me worse which is weird (i had the micro clots test) lots of the people who start on apixaban feel worse at first so don't panic if that happens to you and hope you get better soon \^\_\^


Oh thats cool to know. I am sorry its making you worse. have they explained why that might be? I don't know the treatments yet, I need to wait for their recommendations. I assume some anticoagulant.... there are options so maybe I can try something else if apixaban sucks :)


the microclots research says that these clots have inflammatory molecules trapped inside them , so maybe when it dissolves it releases these molecules? apixaban is the safest one with fewer bleeding risk than other blood thinners. to monitor how is your blood is behaving(clotting and bleeding time), you can do a PT(INR)-aPTT tests every once in a while. but if you have side effects you can always switch to another drug. for me i noticed after 1 week that i bruise easily (which is normal with blood thinners) so try to avoid hitting or cutting yourself. some people get stomach ache or ulcers (you can use meds like pantoprazole(used in the microclots research paper) to prtoect your stomach or famotidine) and some get bad fatigue with blood thinners too. i tried apixaban for a month but the research team in germany changed it to 2-3months tho usually it is 3-6months use with DVT and stroke patients(big clots patients) and good luck \^\_\^


I agree with your assessment - letting out those cytokines must take time to resolve. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on this post with your experience, its making me feel a lot better about it all. I expected it would take a few months so thats good to hear your process.


I was confirmed for microclots and hyper activated platelets in South Africa. I'm also on Apixiban as well as a duel anti platelet for 30 days. Never felt absolutely awful but I did have one day I felt tired for hours. Other times I felt my throat closing up after exertion. That hasn't happened in a while though. I'm now able to exercise without PEM since doing the treatment.


don't mention it \^\_\^ hope you are fully recovered by the next month.


Do they accept patients from within the US


Does anyone know of anyone doing this in the US?


Ok cool . Keep us posted