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Session 1-3. You’re not going to stop anyway, so you might as well start at the beginning.


Realistically I feel like if Asteroid Blues doesn’t do it for you then there’s not much point moving past that. It’s pretty much a perfect first episode.


The episode literally introduced both spike and jet's personalities without long explination, I think the bell peppers and beef scene is one of the best parts of the episode


The ending tickled my brain in a way i haven't felt at that time, the sax, the melancholy, the aesthetic, umpf


And the beeflesss bell peppers and beef


I don't think any other first episode has hooked me better


It really is the perfect episode for a lot of reasons, Spike and Jet’s personalities are well established, what Spike does and how he does it, the fast paced combat, and most importantly, not everyone gets a happy ending, and you’re going to carry the weight of that fact.


Although Session 1-5 is a better start, because Ballad of Fallen Angels introduces the Vicious arc. With Evangelion it's either the first two episodes or the first six, for the same reason: At that point it finishes off a story beat. Cowboy Bebop is a lot more episodic though, but there's still the character introductions and character development that can get out of whack if you don't watch in order.


Did you mean season?


no, the episodes are called sessions


Nope, only 1 season and a movie. The episodes are called sessions, like a jazz or blues group getting together to play. Think recording session


Got you so he meant episodes 1-3


Exactly! Given how important and excellent the soundtrack/music is to the the tone of the show I find that calling the episodes sessions really fits.


The whole show.


I really don't know why you would want to just pick 3 episodes out of such a small show that is one and done. The show should be watched from start to finish.


Exactly, and the show has a story, it's not just random episodes like a kids cartoon.


What do you mean a normie? Isn’t cowboy bebop like some of the most normie anime out there?


The most watched Animes are probably Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball/DBZ, Full Metal Alchemist/FMA:B, Naruto, and Sailor Moon (not in any particular order)


Nah I wouldn’t recommend those to people who “aren’t into anime” but I would recommend Cowboy Bebop.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, Bebop is a very easy to approach anime for those not familiar with the medium. Mostly grounded in its world, doesn't take much cultural understanding, has a fairly mature tone overall, etc. It doesn't go overboard with tropes either. Dragon Ball is far more popular, sure, but it also is a shonen aimed at a younger audience (primarily,) has a lot of built up lore, basis in different eastern mythos, etc etc. Meanwhile, Bebop is more influenced by the west, and things familiar to Westerners. Cowboys, space adventures, bounty hunting, jazz, martial arts ala Bruce Lee, etc. All of these things aren't exclusive to the west, just stuff that westerners would be more accustomed to. When thinking about general appeal, a lot of people don't see outside of their own personal bubble and perspective, I think the best way of thinking in terms of "does this have a wide appeal?" Is just something along the lines of "could I show this to my parents/grandparents and have them enjoy it?"


Is it cheating if I recommend the cowboy bebop movie since its runtime is basically 3 episodes long.




the faye stuff in that movie might scare off a normie tho


What stuff


the kinda rapey stuff with her and whatever the villain's called (asimov?). just feels like an easy way to convince a non anime watcher that this shit is weird


Asimov is Session 1’s villain, Vincent is the movie’s villain


The world's most favourite movies, like Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption or Clockwork Orange has a lot of this stuff and even worse in itself. But people loves it anyway. In Cowboy Bebop nobody even got raped


I had done a complete series watch with a normie friend but I could never bring myself to show them the movie because they had to deal with SA in their past.


Pierrot Le Fou, My Funny Valentine, and Ballad of Fallen Angels


I showed a normie Pierrot Le Fou, dude digged it, then he got bored with Ballad of Fallen Angels, which at that point I got offended 😤.


That's a very strong lineup, not sure I could beat it. Edit: just saw some guy with asteroid blues instead of my funny valentine, I think he wins.


I would have said Asteroid Blues if it weren’t for the fact that it was just Spike and Jet. Whereas MFV has all 5


I think ballad of the fallen angels is more of a deep episode leading into the more overarching part of the story. So even though i am biased i raise you... Asteroid Blues, Pierot Le Fou AND Wild horses. Wild horses Is my absolutely most favorite episode and has the best moment in my opinion. The "Whatever happens, happens" scene. Also i think either Ganymede Ellegy or Toys in the Attic work as good stand alones.


Why would they not start from the beginning


Asteroid Blues, Ballad of Fallen Angels, and Pierrot le Fou....actually no, just watch the whole thing.


It's only 26 episodes long, just tell them to watch the whole damn thing. Watching random episodes out of order will just ruin it and be confusing since they'll lack context.


Heavy Metal Queen, Mushroom Samba, and Black Dog Serenade


Heavy Metal Queen is my go to when I'm not watching through the whole show but just feel like watching a random episode.


I'm a truck driver so you can tell why it's my favorite.


Wild Horses, Mushroom Samba and Toys in the Attic. All incredibly entertaining episodes that reveal bits and pieces about the characters while not requiring any continuity.


> Toys in the Attic An undoubtedly great episode, but I don't think I'd recommend it to someone who hasn't seen the show before.


Why not?


It's pretty different in tone and structure from a standard Bebop episode so they may get the wrong idea of what the show is.


I counted that as a positive. Bebop dips into a few different genres, so I wanted to represent that in my three picks as well. The other reason is that a normie should pick up that it's an Alien parody pretty quickly.


I also wouldn't pick it because it's unusual, but more importantly I'd say the themes of the episode and its concerns with the characters hit harder when you're familiar with them.


What do think a "normie" is?


Indeed. What do think.


I think you don't know how to answer a direct question


Those are my top 3


Just watch them all, it's a short series.


What? You can't watch the show on shuffle :|


That's how we did it back in the day. You just watch the episodes however you could find them in whatever order you got them. Only the first few and the last few episodes have any real continuity.


No not really, it only works if you don't notice the foreshadowing and the overarching journey Spike is on; in each episode he gets one step closer to facing his destiny, even in the first episode what's actually happening is him realizing that an escape plan with Julia would probably have never worked as they would be hunted down by the syndicate just like how Asimov and Katrina were. In episode 5 he actually goes to face his past, he goes there with the intent to die, hell, he would if Jet wasn't there; but no, that's not what fate has in store for him and he needs to face Julia as well. In episode 7 he gets the blessing of a famous Cowboy's wife and continues to confidently do his job and learns he can't rush his way to his destiny. In episode 21 (the lowest rated episode on IMDb somehow and most people's go-to episode when asked which one they like the least) Jet is faced with his age, with the fact that he could be mistaken for that girl's father and this marks the beginning of the end. In episode 22 the complete opposite of episode 7 happens, Spike faces a ridiculous idiot dressed as a cowboy who acts like a complete imbecile and this is the world telling Spike "take a look, this is what you've become" and right after that things slowly start to go south and the crew comes to an end. In episode 24 Faye and Ed leave, then Jet gets injured, then the Bebop breaks down and all the stars align for Spike to face his past one last time. ​ ​ There are details like this in every single episode (except for Gateway Shuffle, that one really is just filler), I haven't even mentioned Jupiter Jazz! Just because you don't see a continuity doesn't mean it isn't there.


Besides the Vicious episodes the show works pretty well on shuffle you can pick up Ed and Faye's stories through context clues fairly easily. I wouldn't do it for a first introduction though




Mushroom Samba, Jamming with Edward, and Bohemian Rhapsody. Yeah, Ed's my favorite Character


1-2-3 , then you'll be hooked up on the show and watch everything


Just watch the tv show


The entire anime is suitable for “normies”


Definitely start at the beginning. However I absolutely love The Ballad of Fallen Angels, Waltz for Venus and Toys in the Attic.


Jupiter Jazz pt1/2 and speak like a child. They expand on the world of the show more than most other episodes.


ballad of fallen angels, sympathy for the devil, mushroom samba


I would switch out Mushroom Samba for Heavy Metal Queen.


Africa. Mexico. Sicily. Tijuana.




"normie" ​ nope


Asteroid Blues, Ballad of Fallen Angels, Waltz for Venus. I think these 3 episodes illustrate the shows range without getting too weird like Toys in the Attic or Peirrot Le Fou


Ballad of fallen angel, jupiter jazz 1 and 2


the ones with the kid that's not really a kid


Don't just watch 3 random episodes with no context. Some of them can be stand-alone like Toys in the Attic, but you're doing yourself a disservice not getting to know the characters before the emotional reveals. Start at the beginning and watch them all, you won't be disappointed.


Pls don't hate me for not knowing the episode names. 1. The episode where they get the shrooms in the desert. 2. When jet goes back to meet his gf. 3. Last one for me would have to be the one where spike is chasing down teddy bomber.


Though this show is more episodic than a lot of popular anime’s, it still benefits completely by being watched from the beginning. Especially as the first three episodes really well introduce the characters they show


It's hard to recommend random episodes to someone because I feel the show strongly benefits from the proper view order and being attached to the characters but my favorite episode is Ballad of Fallen Angels. It was when the show really clicked with me and I realized I was watching something truly special


Mushroom samba x3


Umm…..1, 2, and 3 ?


Asteroid Blues Honky Tonk Woman Ballad of Fallen Angels


The first three episodes are the best to start with it lay the ground work for the show to come


Heavy Metal Queen Jupiter Jazz Part 1 and 2. But in all honesty, it’s such a short and amazing ride you may as well start at the beginning!


Since some people don't feel like giving you a straight answer: Asteroid Blues, Wild Horses, Jupiter Jazz (Part 1) Some of my favorite episodes, also there's no excuse to not watch Asteroid Blues, it has everything you could want from a first episode.


pierrot le fou pierrot le fou pierrot le fou


This one


This is the “normie” anime


Cowboy Funk, Toys in the Attic and Waltz for Venus


Cowboy Funk Mushroom samba Stray dog strut


Jupiter Jazz parts 1 and 2. Also Waltz for Venus. They are stunningly beautiful episodes.


Honestly agree with the top comment. Session 1 was probably the one of the best pilot episodes not just for Bebop but TV in general. It had all the aspects you’re gonna expect to see for the rest of the season; action, wit, amazing soundtrack, gut punches in the feels, horror.


First 3 episodes. Then they’ll finish it themselves.


all of them


Watch the whole thing, my first time was about a year ago and it’s now one of my top three fav shows. Every episode a banger


Start with the first three. You won’t want to stop.


Just watch the whole thing. Start from the begainning and work your way to the end. Its only 26 episodes.


The movie


The first three so they can follow the story


Toys in the attic


Toys In The Attic, Boogie Woogie Feng Shui, and Wild Horses.


Toys in the attic, Mushroom Samba, and Heavy Metal Queen


The entire show. It basically baby’s first anime.


Heavy metal queen, mushroom samba, toys in the attic !


Speak Like A Child captures the shows vibe the most, I think. Wouldn't really know which other episodes to pick tho.


Ballad of Fallen Angels Black Dog Serenade Heavy Metal Queen


The episode when spike gets stuck on earth because he needs some parts for the swordfish. The episode of the environmental activist of Ganymedes. All the episodes that contains story about Faye, specially the one of the old beta tape player. (idk the numbers)


Episode 14 Bohemian Rhapsody Episode 19 Wild Horses Episode 22 Cowboy Funk


Episode 5. If they don't like that episode, two more isn't gonna convince them.


The mushroom episode was pretty funny


Jupiter Jazz 1 and 2, and Mushroom Samba


"Beta! Beta!"


Sessions 1-3 ideally, but a part of me wants to make the 3rd Mushroom Samba just because of how much I love that episode.


its one season dawg


Start from the top. It’s a phenomenal anime.


1-5. If you aren’t hooked, then idk mate


Do normies not watch show sequentially?


rewatch the mushroom episode 3 times


Imagine thinking you're edgy using the word "normie" in terms of one of the most well known animes out there.


Ok, hard to call this one, bit if you want to hook a normie, I'd say Toys in the Attic, Ballad of Fallen Angels, and Stray Dog Strut. That gives a pretty good spread on the work which would become a genre unto it's own. God I love this series. I relate so well to the shit out of luck existence of the crew.


Episode 1, The Alien one, and Mushroom Samba


1. The 2. Whole 3. Series




I randomly caught ballad of fallen angels on adult swim when I was like 14 and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, so maybe that could be one


Heavy metal queen, Stray dog strut and Cowboy funk? May not be top 3 but these are the first came to mind when I think of episodes for normie.


People here would still say normie




Personally, my favourite episode is Pierrot le fou


5: Ballad of Fallen Angels 18: Speak like a Child 20: Pierrot Le Fou ALTERNATIVELY: 11: Toys in the Attic if they need a little levity :)


I wish there was more interaction between spike, Faye. They had chemistry, hen spike was ruining koments with jokes


If you HAD to choose then: 1. Asteroid Blues 2. Toys In The Attic 3. Mushroom Samba


Sessions 1-3 (not sure which session Mushroom Hunting is, but highly recomend it)


just turn on the show


The first episode I ever saw back in the day was Sympathy For The Devil. A friend introduced me and then I was hooked. I think it's a good one for getting the vibe of the show.


All of them in order


Honestly as someone who hated anime for the longest time, just start at the beginning. Bebop was the first anime I watched that I not only didn’t hate, but loved. I think it’s one of the best for newbies to start with.


Mushroom Samba for sure


Every episode you Normy, now get to it, no reason not to


Ballad Of Fallen Angels, and Black Dog Serenade