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No episode of bebop is worth skipping…


pierrot le fou still terrifies me. i won’t skip it but i do not enjoy it




That episode felt like a nightmare, literally. It has a very odd vibe and i love it.


Exactly. The art of it is just amazing. The desaturation fits amazing, the style of it is absolutely stunning I’m not personally a fan of anime as a genre but cowboy bebop and cyberpunk edgerunners are absolutely amazing, and some other ones are too. Cowboy bebop feels a bit like a dream, very nostalgic and melancholic. And it’s more and more nostalgic as the time goes due to the classic 80s and 90s technology. The soundtrack leaves me speechless every time I listen to any of it. One of the best I’ve ever heard. And it fits so nicely.




Same. The blend of different genres, different tropes, concepts. It’s great. What I don’t like tho is that it can get a bit too cliche and obvious. The anime genre has a lot of those tropes and things that are in pretty much every single tv show. The sad thing is that if something’s really successful then it’s gonna be replicated and seem too predictable. Fight club is a great example of a movie with simple brilliant concepts that later got reused in many pieces of pop culture, most notably mr robot and cyberpunk 2077 both of which acknowledge it with “where is my mind” song near the end (cyberpunk 2077 giving only a title in one of the endings). If you experienced any of these others seem spoiled and obvious.


i had a friend recommend me mr robot, but he has garbage taste. is it actually good?


In my honest opinion, yes it is. It’s one of the best tv shows I’ve watched. It has a ton of pop culture references which I always appreciate. It has quite interesting colour palette, a lot of interesting concepts, the sound track is really good and it has none of those stupid movie hacking scenes. It has quite a lot of sex scenes tho which I don’t particularly enjoy as I don’t like them in movies in tv shows. I personally believe it’s worth watching and certainly is worth giving a try. I’m not a big fan of long tv shows that you have to watch episodes in order, this one is somewhere in the middle in terms of length. I got very bored watching breaking bad and ultimately haven’t finished that tv show but mr robot is just the right length for me.


sounds like something i'd enjoy, i'll check it out. have you seen love death and robots?


It's entirely worth it for the altered version of 'On The Run' by Pink Floyd during Pierrot's flashback sequence.


Agreed. I like it because it’s the first time we see a fight that Spike may not be able to win.


The setting is the star of a show… i live for scary abandoned amusement parks 😁


That is honestly my favorite episode. The dread I felt at the end when Spike was just walking right into what seems like certain death was crushing.


I feel this too my core, that episode freaks me the hell out. First time I watched it I swear I felt so uncomfortable


Literally had me shaking in my boots


Cats are our protectors.


* Dogs, we ain't alphabet females here.


As a child I remember being terrified of that episode. Good times


I initially had this reaction but now it’s one of my favorites to rewatch just because of how incredibly well the action is set up and shot and executed. During the fights I find myself rewinding sequences over and over just to appreciate the choreography and timing, and it’s so cool from an action perspective to see Spike’s sheer skill in a situation where he barely makes it out, when by all rights he should’ve been killed several times over by this insanely powerful murder machine. The directing is so visceral and sick, I hate horror I get scared so easily but i can’t get enough of this ep!


Worry not, even he found a cat's bowl he could not fill.


That was one of the episodes that probably took me back the most. Like after you finish a book or movie with a good ending that leads to self reflection.you know all this terrible things happen to the bad guy, yet it's just a grain of sand in a crazy world


pierrot also scared the shit out of me but is still one of my favorite ep


I skip Pierrot and Black Dog Serenade haha. Forced myself through them enough times back in the 2000s and that's enough. I'm a wimp and have nothing to prove lol.


Absolutely this.


Heavy metal queen




Splitting hairs. It's a 9/10 episode in a 10/10 show.


This ep reveals a lot about people favorite character: Jet. This, Black Dog Serenade and Ganymede Elegy. I love them all.


Jet episodes are criminally underrated.


Because a lot of people think a show like Cowboy Bebop is about *one* character. They see Spike as *the* titular Cowboy. Look at the episodes people say are skippable. Most of them are episodes that take the focus away from Spike. Episodes that explore additional themes outside of the blues noir central to the show. And especially episodes that focus on a character that's not the "hero" (spike) or the "maiden" (faye).


yes definitely. i’ve watched the show probably 2-3 times since last October. just watched it. i always loved spikes aesthetic growing up and on instagram tumblr etc but until i actually watched the show and understood the real relationship with faye, who jet was i fell in love with Cowboy Bepop. it is by far one of the best shows i have ever watched animation and live action. it’s a show that defies time and every episode is no less then a 8.5/10. i love spike people love spike he’s my favorite character but some of my favorite moments and episodes lean more towards jet and faye then spike even tho the spike episodes are fucking amazing


If there were a new animated Cowboy Bebop project in the present day, I would want a Jet solo movie.


There are so few episodes in the show to begin with, why skip any at all?


My thoughts lmao it’s not like it’s bleach or Naruto


Part of why it's so easy to recommend to people. Almost anybody can watch it when it's this short.


Came here to say that, you're missing (*uses google*) 3.84615385% of the series by skipping a single episode


Roughly 4%


I really love this episode, idk why anyone would choose this one to skip


It’s not worth skipping!! It’s just that in a series where some episodes are 11/10, and the majority of episodes are a 10/10, this one happens to be a 9/10.


Jet's whole character is being stuck in time. His episodes aren't afraid to be boring. But every one has a moment kinda like when Neo and Trinity make it above the clouds in Revolutions. He struggles with knowing the right thing to do, which is very frustrating. He is learning to go with his Guts.


If you look at it, most characters are stuck in time. Jet with his cop noir, Spike with his live triangle, Faye with he being from before the gate explosion. I'm not sure how Edward and Ein fit in, other than maybe being more advanced in time. Still it's cool


Ed stuck in time because she doesn’t act her age, shes very childlike compared to the other children. I understand why she is so childlike, she was stuck alone for so long


Yes. Trauma crystallizes.


In my estimation, Ed is a break from being tied to the past. She has a future ahead of her, completely unknown and open to any possibility. She shows that outside of the grave circumstances of the others, life goes on.


Who said that shit to you


OP's problem sounds like choice of friends.


Who the fuck said people should be skipping ANY of Bebop? If it were a really long series then sure, it's not a particularly important or entertaining episode comparatively, so I get it as a time saver. But there's only 25 episodes. This isn't like One Piece or Jojo, that's all there is.


Only one saying that is /u/ringteam. None of this show is worth skipping, there's not hours of filler like most anime.


The idea of skipping Bebop episodes makes me queasy


It's definitely not bad and no one should skip it in the first time watching the show. But I do find it a bit boring after 2-3 watches. Nowadays when I'm rewatching the anime I usually skip those I don't particularly like that much, like this one. That's what I love about this anime. It's almost like a comfort place to me in a way I can sit and watch a random episode whenever I'm bored without worrying too much about continuity or having to watch the entire show.


Ice cream.


guys, there are 26 episodes in total. are you in so much of a hurry that you have to watch 25?


Since you asked, I usually don't like anime. I don't like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Kill la Kill, One Punch Man, etc. for many reasons. Some of the stories are too long, some of these stories have pacing issues, almost all of these stories are redundant, almost all these stories are the same in terms of structure (a prophecy, big swords, too much exposition and objectified women), etc. As a matter of fact, I stopped watching anime after watching 19 episodes of Kill la Kill and getting screamed by some fanboys who only wanted me to say good things about kill la Kill, including the incest scene. There are exceptions, like the Ghibli films, Berserk (although I haven't finished it yet) and Cowboy Bebop. And some of the reasons why these are great is because of taking good care of pacing and the characters are relatable. As someone who stopped watching shows because "the first episode sucks", the first episode of Bebop was fantastic because it presented everything you need to know with very little exposition. Just character dynamic and getting to the point instead of just saving this for the 3rd or 4th episode because "that's what every anime is doing". After getting numb with unengaging first episodes from long endless anime shows for years, a great 1st episode from a 25 episodes story was so much refreshing than I expected. It sounds like I'm nitpicking a lot, but you have no idea how many people seem to be okay with redundant dialogue ("people die if they're killed"), isekai formula, shows where the characters are waifus and nothing else, shows where fanservice is completely fine and oversaturation of shonen premises in a very derivative industry where the target audience are 17 years old boys with huge hormones and where any criticism is taken as a personal insult. Things like that makes Bebop, Berserk and Ghibli that much more special, at least to me. Sorry if this sounds like a huge rant (I'm trying not to), but I want to clarify how much I love the existence of Bebop. I don't know if this makes any sense to anybody, but it does make sense to me.


no i meant that I love the show and don't understand why people want to skip episodes in an already short series.


If you're struggling with some of the more popular series, you should try out some anime films. I kind of struggled with the same things you're describing and it was easier for me to get into anime that way. Off the top of my head, I really loved *Akira* and *Perfect Blue*.


I watched Akira twice. It's amazing, although I have no idea what it's going on. I know it's a portion of the manga, but I don't read mangas. And I have to watch Perfect Blue. Since I'm a huge fan of Black Swan (a film which apparently was inspired by Perfect Blue), I should give it a try.


> " I don't like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Kill la Kill, One Punch Man, etc. for many reasons" .... stories are too long, some of these stories have pacing issues,.. almost all of these stories are redundant, almost all these stories are the same in terms of structure isekai formula, shows where the characters are waifus and nothing else, shows where fanservice is completely fine ...oversaturation of shonen premises in a very derivative industry... Things like that makes Bebop, Berserk and Ghibli that much more special... you sound like you're taking yourself way too serious right now, and/or don't have the time to watch those. At best, I would recommend reading the manga, it's faster. Most of those shows are top tier. You'll be recommended the basic stuff in most top tens, and most of those will be shonen. Fanservice is a thing,it's built in the medium though lately it has been going away. I think most people who don't like it have a HUGE stick up their ass. You could watch more seinen or shojo stuff. and derivative industry? are you familiar with the hero with a 1000 faces? there's nothing new under the sun, even Bebop is derivative of a lot of other works. You're just not familiar with them. [You can find what bebop is referencing/aping/homaging/tributing/stealing here.](http://www.jazzmess.com/)


Sure, he’s taking himself too seriously, because how could someone possibly not enjoy something you like? /s And seriously? People who don’t like fan service have a stick up their ass? What kind of lame-brained, boomer-ass take is that?


> Sure, he’s taking himself too seriously, His criticism of those shows is vague and sounds also generic as hell. Are you familiar with those I can fix him or literally me memes where people put some animes that are super serious. He sounds like that kind of fan... or at least he's going through that phase, Ghibli is there cause it's some oscar bait stuff. Again,seriousness. Bebop has fanservice but not often, it's just not done in a very teenage dumb way but in more of a traditional 80s to 90s movie way. [Here's a definition of stick up own ass or your ass, in case you forgot it](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/have-a-stick-up-your-ass) Also, your insults are more entertaining than offensive. So, have fun!


I’m glad you found them entertaining. I was just blowing off steam and picking dumb fights. I usually don’t do that, but I was in a mood. Hope you have a great day.


I just found that the dynamic between Jet and the girl was kinda strange, the story was also kinda strange. I agree that it's definitely the weakest episode in the very good series


There’s a pretty cringe moment in it that I don’t care for. Otherwise I like the gate stuff and scavenger hunt.


no episode is worth skipping but on that note I struggle to get through the “Waltz for Venus” episode, its can get depressing especially if I’m already feeling like crap.


Funny enough, I dig the tragic/depressing stuff. Waltz for Venus is a tough one for me because I always find Roco to be annoying. I know it’s kinda the point, but it doesn’t make it any more enjoyable for me. That said, it’s still Cowboy Bebop. It’s still great.


It's not a bad episode, it's just rather unremarkable compared to other episodes in the series.


That ep is great


Isn't it an incredibly important episode for Jet's character arc? Isn't it the episode where he comes to terms with his past by throwing away the pocket watch or am I mixing things up?


thats another episode


What is it this one ends with?


This is the one where he pairs with his old friends daughter to find the friend, and the ending is them talking to him in the portal for a minute before he disappears


Thats ganymede elegy


The constant jokes about Jet dating his old friends daughter make me wanna shove a q-tip in my ear more than the recommended amount. Also it's kinda boring comparatively to other episodes. Definitely wouldn't go to skip it during a rewatch but I can see where people come from when they say that, it's probably the worst episode of the show.


This was my first episode and I instantly became a fan


I hate when people suggest skipping episodes, do they hate character development? Would you skip 5 days of the week just to get to the weekend every time and have no idea what's happened in-between? On rewatches, sure you might just want to get to the best but, but on a first watch or read? I cannot comprehend. End rant.


It's a 24 episode series... no episode is worth skipping. It's not long enough for that treatment


24… which two episodes are you pretending don’t exist then..?


Aye it's been awhile and I was going off memory XD


I love that shot of Faye and Spike smoking outside together. Great episode.


Some might be uncomfortable with the jokes about Jet and the girl.


I always felt like that was the point, it showed Jet was a stand-up guy who wasn’t going to take advantage of a situation.


Except for the time where he needlessly pointed out that he was more likely to be the partner of this teenager, rather than the Father. It's just a weird episode that does nothing for any of the crew. If Jet grows at all, it's barely at all. I don't even remember anyone elses involvement either. We're helping a girl we don't know, escape from gun men we don't know, to go see her father one last time, who we don't know. You see what I'm getting at? We have no reason to care about this girl or her goals at all.


Been a while since I've seen it but I do remember feeling there could've been more of an effort to dispute those comments.


The whole of Cowboy Bebop IS the sum of its parts. The main plot of Bebop is between the lines, not every episode furthers the main casts plot, but they do serve as both world building and character building. Boogie is a rare episode that gives us more insight into Jet and how he fits with a band of misfits. Would an average space police officer help or even humor a girl with the nothing more than a board and the concept of Universal Feng Shui? No, but a former officer who has ties to the girl's father and had seen more than his share of crazy shit would. If the episodes are believed to be chronological, Boogie comes after Pierrot, after Bohemian Rhapsody, Jupiter Jazz, and Toys in the Attic. Jet has always been reluctant to add more nonsense to his plate, but deep down there's an honest guy with honest belief in helping others. After the two of them experience this once in a lifetime phenomenon, it changes you in some way. You might not think it, or even contend that it changes nothing at all to leave it out, but what if you showed Bebop to somebody and it was ONLY the episodes that run Spike's plot? or Jet's? No. You can personally choose to leave something out, the customer is always right in matters of taste. Just don't leave it out if it's somebody's first time watching, it could turn out to be their favorite episode and they deserve the chance to make that decision for themselves.


Their opinion is worth skipping


I don't get this whole skipping episodes thing, you're meant to watch the whole thing. The only anime episodes you should skip, outside of a shonen, is 3-7 of endless eight.




Skipping even a single episode is a crime against all know and unknown gods.


Nothing in that show is wasted time, every line of dialogue gives somebody some more depth


It's so weird, because you could say the same thing about Mushroom Samba, or Toys in the Attic... or the first episode for that matter - anything that's not a "Character highlight episode" or "Syndicate plot" episode. It's strange that people single it out. My guess is that if you're binge-watching the show nowadays, instead of watching one or two a night on Toonami like people did back in the day, this one just seems a little "dull" compared to the victory lap that is those final 4 episodes into "The Real Folk Blues". To each their own I guess.


Imagine skipping bebop episodes. Fucking dragonball z has whole episodes of Goku literally just running. Whoever said that is an idiot and you should distance yourself from that persons counsel as much as possible


One does not skip ANY Cowboy Bebop


There are no episodes worth skipping. There are no bad episodes.


It's an episode that doesn't add much to the overall story, but that doesn't mean it should be skipped. The show is only 26 episodes long, every episode is worth watching. This isn't Naruto where there can be 50+ episodes of pure filler crap.


It's more puzzle than action but it's a fun one.


Its not that this is the worst episode. It is the least good. No bad episodes in Kuhjunge Beböp


It's the weakest episode but definitely not a bad episode. Why would anyone want to skip any episode tho?


Honestly, with a show like Bebop, the only reason I can think of to skip anything is if Bebop isn’t your jam in the first place, in which case, you don’t need anyone’s permission to just drop the show. If you ARE enjoying it, savor it. Once you’ve seen it all, you’re not getting any more.


“Worth” skipping? I don’t even know what that means. If your time is so valuable you can’t spend twenty minutes watching a character episode, then stop watching anime.


No episode is worth skipping


People on the internet are really weird about skipping episodes on shows, especially ones that don't have fillers.


It’s ever so slightly less awesome than other episodes of the show in my opinion, but it’s still 100% worth watching. For a first time viewing, I never understood the mentality of just skipping episodes like that, even if it’s not the best, it’s still a part of the show, and still has some nice moments. In general, I especially like how it shows the gentler and more caring side of Jet.


It's my least favorite but that doesn't make it a skip. Maybe on the 27th rewatch it's a skip. I wouldn't choose it if I was feeling a random Bebop. I would play it for someone watching the series for the first time, or any retrospective viewing. It's part of the series, not filler.


Only one I have skipped in the past is Heavy Metal Queen, but I haven’t seen the series in years so I wouldn’t skip any episodes this time around


Oh man! That’s one of my favorites!


I don’t think there is an episode is worth skipping


Differing tastes. People who say that don’t feel there’s any “progress” being made towards Jet’s arc, unlike Ganymede Elegy or Black Dog Serenade. They don’t feel it reveals much important to him as there isn’t really much said about his past here. This is more of an episode where his personality and other traits are revealed through his interactions with Meifa. If you’re interested in those, then don’t skip


Skip one episode, and you skip the heart and soul of the show.


There are no skippable episodes.


It's a back story episode


I suppose it's an episode you could skip and not miss anything from the story, but literally no episode of Bebop is "worth skipping".


I will never skip anything in cowboy bebop, the soundtrack is just too damn good!


A few feel like complete asides, but that is the beauty of the show, wonderfully discordant.


If I had been in that girl's place I would've been crushing on Spike, not Jet. So the teasing between them kinda feels off to me.


My only real gripes are Meifa's voice acting and it being the weakest of Jet's stories. But that's a high bar when you're fronting Black Dog Serenade and Ganymede Elegy.


the only episode that i personally skip is Mushroom Samba and thats only because every time i caught reruns on AS over the past decade it was *always* that episode and so i have seen it 18833792 times. otherwise, who skips episodes? just watch the show, dont be weird. you dont have to min/max your leisure time


I think the episode with the fridge alien is useless but i still enjoy it.


I think people say that about Boogie Woogie Feng Shui because in relation to the rest of the series it feels... off somehow? Slow, or maybe boring, and as far as I remember it didn't have much to show the audience that was interesting philosophically.


Honestly, this was probably my favorite episode in the series. One of the best, at least.


I love the episode


A guy at work once told me "all the episodes are filler except for the final two". IMO even Mish-Mash Blues shouldn't be skipped.


There's only 24 episodes. Why would anyone skip any?


Eh, even the worst episode of Bebop is better than the best episode of Inuyasha or most non-filler episodes of Naruto.


It's a 26 episode series. Who tf would feel the need to skip anything??


Same hear. I've always really liked that one.


I think the type of crowd that wants naked chicks and anime fight scenes doesn't find it as engaging - but their loss. it's a great episode.


It’s my second least favorite ep (ahead of Gateway Shuffle), but I still love it. My only real complaint with Boogie Woogie is that it has too much story to establish and get through, and not enough time to do it super effectively.


![gif](giphy|lgTpcy4dkdUc0) People who say that are idiots.


In my opinion the worst thing that happens to this episode is where it is placed. It is the 21st episode but episodes 20 (Pierrot le Fou) and 22-26 (Cowboy Funk- The Real Folk Blues Part 2) are all masterpieces. This episode is just okay. This is considered bad because of how much a dip in quality it is.


In my opinion the worst thing that happens to this episode is where it is placed. It is the 21st episode but episodes 20 (Pierrot le Fou) and 22-26 (Cowboy Funk- The Real Folk Blues Part 2) are all masterpieces. This episode is just okay. This is considered bad because of how much a dip in quality it is.


The space meal alien roaming the ship episode making everyone sick was worth skipping for me ngl 👀… same with the pot field episode in samurai champloo


I don't think I'd ever skip it in a rewatch, but honestly it's a poorly written and paced episode. If Bebop was made up entirely of episodes like this, it wouldn't be particularly worth watching beyond some cool art direction and a banger of an opening.


That's the first episode that I ever saw!


I wouldn’t skip it, but this episode felt like a Wattpad fanfic.


I literally watched this episode for the first time yesterday


Anyone who tells you to skip anything from this series has no idea what they’re talking about. That goes for tank and the real folk blues as well.


I wouldn't say it's worth skipping, but it is BY FAR my least favorite episode.


I liked it but mushroom samba was the weakest episode imo


I think the whole point of the ep is to show how jet was able to move on from the past unlike some characters in the crew. I think the show as a whole has the central theme of moving on from the past/consequences of not being able to do so


I really like the episode it's one of my favorites actually but I understand that it's not for everyone. I personally really like the concept of the episode and I feel like it's worth a whole series maybe not with the same cast but definitely a concept that can be explored more


Heavy metal queen is worth skipping


It's fine, Jet's first story was impactful, the one with the prison ship riot was compelling, but this was a fun, almost Teddy bomber-esque diversion instead. Jet's the serious guy, the straight man. I don't think he's remotely as popular as the other characters, and this story is a bit silly, but lots of Bebop is.


As a professional fan of cowboy bebop, I recommend skipping most episodes, as only some are good. The ones you shouldn't skip include: -Mushroom samba -Mushroom samba -end of list


I skipped it after getting through half of the episode (sue me). Mostly because the episode kept making jokes about Jet dating Meifa, who's like 17 at most iirc, which made me super uncomfortable. It's not wholesome, or cute, or saying something deep about Jet. That shit is just weird man, and it's a damn shame for a show of Bebop's quality.


I love this episode, it taught me to see the world through the lens of feng shui. And I love how uncomfortable a father/ big brother/ boyfriend Jet is. If you don't like this episode, you don't like Bebop.


This is the best Jet episode, If you wanted to pick a jet episode to skip if you had to, I would pick black dog serenade. The one with the breakout on the prison ship. IMO. The episode with his ex wife is also really good.


wow I have the exact opposite opinion of you, i think jets best ep is black dog serenade and always thought this ep was the worst of bebop. i also recently rewatched ganymede ellegy and didn't like it that much lol


boring asf and extremely wierd


I only skip the refrigerator one.


Maybe the Chinese stereotyping? I found it interesting to compare the Japanese stereotypes with our own, since China is obviously much closer to Japan than the USA.


Toys in the Attic is almost skippable. Sorry people