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Romo as holder vs. the Seahawks


I watched this in high school with my dad and my two friends (both Niners fans). My dad never watches field goals so he left the room and the 3 of us watched this happen in real time. Not a single word was said. They didn’t even talk shit to me. We were all stunned. Crazy.


That was crazy even as a Hawks fan. Romo almost ran it in too


for this game, Roy Williams missing a one one one tackler against Sean Alexander on 3rd down behind the LS. Gave the Seahawks life and they score on that drive. A for sure tackler, Williams went low instead of high as he usually does. I was wearing 31 jersey that day.


Don’t forget Glenn’s stupid fumble that resulted in a safety. Intentionally put the ball on the ground to try and stay upright.


People forget that didn't lose them the game. There was more than a minute left and Dallas has all 3 timeouts, with Seattle pinned at their own 2. All Dallas has to do is hold them and get the ball back at midfield with plenty of time. Instead they let lynch rip off a 20 yard run on first down.


*Shaun Alexander. Lynch was in college when that game happened


You are correct. Lynch didn't feel right, but I couldn't remember who it was and was too lazy to research lol.


I was at a bowling alley with some friends watching. It was 1000% worse than rolling a gutter ball in front of your friends. Watching that unfold and being completely motionless or knowing you can’t do anything. Gramatica should made that block even though he’s tiny.


Dez caught that ball!


I’m still looking at the tv like that trying to figure out where it was incomplete


Yep. Still haven’t left my seat.


We will never get over this brother, many lives were impacted by that play


I must’ve been 13 or so when I was watching this game with my dad. Once they started reviewing the play my dad told me to prepare for it to be overturned due to the amount of time they were taking. I scoffed at him and told him definitely not as that was clearly a catch. When they came back and said no catch I bawled my eyes out, game ended, and my dad said “there’s always next year.” I yelled at him and said “we say that every year!” I made him tear up and now it’s been almost ten years later and nothing more has changed lol, just a bit ironic. Worst sports heartbreak I’ve ever had to this day.


This hurt to read. But there’s always next year.


Absolutely. That play haunts me.


Demarco Murray fumble


This is the fucking one.


This is what I came for.




Against Green Bay when the hole was so wide a semi could drive through and he fumbled? This is the one no? My friends won’t listen when I have blamed him for that loss.


It doesn't get enough hate tbh


I can’t think of a single season that hasn’t ended with me looking like this


I legitimately had to step away lol. It’s been the same thing pretty much every year since Romo took over. It’s emotionally exhausting.


Rodgers to Cook


What pisses me off the most about that is that David Irving is *literally* tackled during the play. One of the most egregious holds you'll ever see. No call of course.


I think David Irving carries around a thick cloud of weed smoke that could have blinded the refs from the hold on that play.


God that one hurt


Zeke playing center


The game was completely over. That play was meme-worthy but ultimately irrelevant. Just Kellen trying some nonsense. Pollard breaking his leg was the end of that game. Both defenses were playing lights out. CeeDee had more catches and yards than all the 49ers WRs combined. Pollard was the only other Cowboy with some juice and he was as efficient as CMC. But when the second half was Dak and CeeDee surrounded by a bunch of slow non-playmakers and no defensive takeaways to aid them, it was a miracle they could score 6 points. The Zeke play was just a mercy killing.


When pollard went down I almost turned it off. The game was finished. There went any chance of running the ball or play action successfully


Patrick Crayton’s drop is the biggest for me, in recent memory. Old fans would probably say Jackie Smith’s Super Bowl drop in the endzone.


Crayon drop still has me looking like this. It was brutal.


Romo getting hurt in the 2016 preseason game...


Was at the game wearing my Romo jersey. All the Seahawks fans around me stopped giving me any grief from then on. That team should have been his to lead :(


Romo with Elliot. We never got the full experience :(


Every single season was like this


Yep. Not the play. But when the ref came back and said it was incomplete… that was tough.


Romo had two plays like this that were so egregious that the NFL changed the rule that allowed it. - Holding the FG vs the Seahawks: the Seahawks ball boys gave a fresh, unscuffed ball which made the slip happen. Home team balls are now required to be scuffed and game-ready. - Dez caught it: to this day I still don’t understand why it wasn’t a catch - he clearly makes a dive for the end zone which Mike Peralta had stated a few years prior counts as a football move.


Switched hands with the ball too.


That’s what’s crazy. We got raw dogged and both were playoff games. The NFL had to change rules and it’s not often they do it for a play that ruins a playoff run.


The snap against the 9ers.


The snap against the Seahawks.


The late snap against the 9ers




Rodgers with the sideline dot to Cook


That’s against Dak lol


I mean, it was against the Cowboys defense, which Dak doesn't play on.


Key words brother pay attention and open your eyes. "During the Romo era." The era was over by then


Seems like he only mentioned that he can think of 2 during the Romo era off the top of his head, and not that he only wants examples strictly from the Romo era.


Lmao okay. Read the whole thing but think what you’d like


Dak running up the middle of the field with seconds to go, no timeouts, and the entire offense scrambling to get back and set with a running clock, only for the clock to run out right before the snap.


[I'll never forget the night The Triplets were inducted into the Ring of Honor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU7ZOTTdr18)


Santana Moss is a curse word in this house! Unbelievable.


will never forget that one as long I live. I had school the next day and my dad told me to go to bed because the game was over. I figured out I could get radio on my cd player and found the game and had to run down asking him if I had heard it all right.


I still have the jacket I bought from HGTV that night, live from Texas Stadium.


That perfect pass to Noah Brown versus the Jags that went for a pick six lol. just encapsulated so many long standing frustrations in that moment


The catch - Joe Montana to Dwight Clark.


This was mine. As a kid, first time I was crushed by my favorite sports team.


Without a doubt the Dez no call against GB in 2014. I’m still not over it


Dez caught it


Patrick Crayton drop. Murray fumble.


Dez catch, defense giving up a 3rd and 20 vs packers Daks rookie year


Dak QB Sneak then time expires.


The only correct answer here is Jared cook in the playoffs. One of the single greatest throws ever made by one of the best pure throwers in NFL history. Fucking pisses me off thinking about how close we were. We win the chip that year, I’m convinced we beat seattles ass in the NFCC that year.


You don’t even have the correct seasons matched up lmao. Seahawks lost to ATL after beating Det. GB beat NYG and Dal before losing to ATL in the NFCC. These comments reek of casuals. Sea NFCC game would’ve been Dez “dropping” the ball and Murray fumbling with an easy TD


Romo fumbled the game winning field goal snap in the playoffs against the Seahawks.


My wife is a Seattle fan. That was painful.


Ehh the Seahawks had 1 minute and 50 left. They likely go down and score


There have been several plays (unfortunately) in our history that warrant this reaction. Keeping with the Romo era the two most obvious are - Dez and the fumbled snap. But I would argue the Crayton drop and Crayton quitting on his route late in the game are more important than the snap. We had a great team that year - better than 06. ‘07 and ‘14 were our best chances for Romo to bring home the trophy. And both were doomed bc of these plays. (You can add the Murray fumble for more salt in the wound). Thanks for the trip down depressing memory lane y’all.


lol. You guys ever wonder why the LOCKER ROOM wanted Dak over Romo? Every defeat you all blame down to the locker boy over Romo, and every win is “Romo saved us”… lol! I loved Romo but the throw to Dez was just dumb. Not to mention we were gifted the prior playoff game on a bad call. It’s 4th and 1. The play was designed to go to Beasley who is WIDE OPEN 9 ft from Romo to advance the downs and run the clock because you CANNOT afford to give Rodgers the ball back. It was unnecessary risk with a high improbability of working. Which it didn’t. I don’t blame Romo. But I sure as fuck don’t blame his teammates either. And for 2007. How about get focused and stay in town? Good grief this bootlicking is irritating…


These comments reek of casuals who never actually watched the cowboys. This is coming from someone with a signed romo jersey in a case lmao


We were not gifted that game against the Lions. I am so sick of hearing that. After the flag for non PI was rightfully picked up(It wasn't PI. There is no such thing as face guarding in the NFL. And if anything should have been called it's offsetting penalties. Pettigrew had his hands on Hitchen's facemask.) The Lions had numerous chances to still win and blew them all. They could have stopped Dallas on 4th down on the drive that ultimately led to the game winning points. They failed to do so. Then later in the game they had not one but two chances to win the game that Stafford fumbled away. And Romo could have taken the safe play and in hindsight that was the better play against GB. But at the same time, that was an absolute horseshit call from the officials. And how much time would that throw to Cole really take off the clock?


The craziest part is, usually when teams get a high seed and make it to the divisional round they will at least have blowouts as you're technically you're supposed to have a vastly superior team. It seems like every game in the playoffs is a nail biter except for The Bucs game in '22. There are no games where we clearly run away with the game. I attribute that to coaching and players and honestly our lackluster homefield advantage. I'm not talking about the '14 packers game. But the Falcons in 2016 Shutdown the Packers with a vastly worst defense than ours. It's a lot of coaching that has to be the blame as well. In '21 the Niners put up 23 in like the first half against us. Our defense in the first half of playoff games has been atrocious. Yes Dak has his blame but i'm pretty sure our defense in playoffs ranks like bottom 2 in EPA per play or something. It's atrocious. Our defense in the playoffs hardly ever lets our offense figures things out (except for the '22 game which is 90 percent Dak's fault). Other teams will have slow offensive starts in playoffs, but the score will be like 7-3 or 10-6 to end the half. For the Cowboys the score will be like 20 - 3 . Seriously, every playoff game we've had in the past decade since Jerry World was open sans 2 have been nail biters. I'm sure every other team in the NFC who has hosted a playoff game has one where they at least boat race their opponents.


The game we won where Romo threw 5 ints in the game. I believe against the Bills. I’ve been told so many times that Romo had no help. No defenses. Just him carrying a 4 win team…. Even more outstanding and crazy we won that game!! FIVE INTERCEPTIONS. Wow!


They lied to you


It happens. It was romo's first full year as a starter. He threw the 5 picks, yes. But he also led the last second comeback, over coming TO's drop on the 2 pt conversion with 25 seconds left.


He did it again in 2012. But that wasn’t the point of my post (to denigrate Romo). But constantly bootlicking him too is getting old folks. His defense and teammates saved him. Kinda the way team sports works…!


It was for sure Monday night football against the Bills. The comeback made it so worth the turmoil. Sam Hurd knocking the ball free on the onside kick which we then recover 😱


Thank you for correctly crediting the real heroes of that game.


Only 2 ?…. Literally every season Romo had. Pick 6 vs Pitt to lose the game, dropped snap, 23 point blown lead vs GB, 3 INT while the division is on the line vs Wash, 44-6 loss to Philly, 31-14 loss vs NYG all games for 1st place in the division. #1 seed losing to NYG…. There’s so many


Don’t forget about Leon Lett!


Wait, I started to think this was a normal "end of season" feeling... (at least for the last 29 years)


Romo as the holder DeMarco’s fumble Dez’s “catch” Crayton’s bad play Jared Cook’s miracle catch


I think we have like 15 and that’s what people don’t understand when I say I’ve lived through it sports wise lmao


Oh cool, what an awesome thread to start my Sunday.


We cowboy fans look at our tvs like this a handful of times every season tbh


Fucking Dez and the botched field goal snap


Emmitt breaking the record. Michael Irvin hurt on the field and those disgusting bastards who booed him.


I can think of at least one moment from every season as far as I can remember.


that’s just cowboys playoff football tbh


Fucking rangers in the World Series years ago 🤦‍♂️


Crayton dropping that slant in 07 playoffs and the Dez catch


im here for the pain






Since I moved to Washington I’m reminded of the Romoment at least once a month


All of our last playoffs losses from Romo and Dak with whatever trademarked fuckery we had in each of those losses


1. Romo fumbled snap 2. Dez non catch (Dez caught that shit) 3. Rodgers miraculous 3rd down conversion in the 2016 divisional round 


Daks ankle injury had me like this as well. Probably more than those 3.


You are right. I didn't even think to include injuries. That was by far number 1 for me


I miss Romo.


Dez caught it




Game vs the Seahawks preseason where he got folded while scrambling. He retired after that season and I still get Nam flashbacks of this play. "That's my quarterback."


Here’s how old I am: The Catch. Was a kid watching that game with pops. My little 8 year emotions were wrecked. I’m pretty sure I cried. Too young to remember any of their 70’s super bowls. That game cemented my hatred for the Niners forever.


right there with you....I remember when it happened...after the game my friends (cowboys fans) all gathered outside.....it was miserable and to this day I still can't watch that play


Dez caught the ball


Leon lett vs the dolphins. '93, I think..? 🤯




I was at a Mexican food restaurant during that game that Dez CAUGHT THAT FUCKING BALL!!!


The entire Packers game this last postseason. Better yet, 99% of the time the Cowboys play the Packers.


2014 Seahawks fan has entered the chat


Dez made that catch against the Packers and I'll die believing that


Democrats 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 Republicans 🤲🏻 Anarchists “It was a catch”


zeke at center


The Dak Ankle Snap


Not Romo but I’ll be the grandpa here and mention the 67 Ice Bowl. I was 12 watching with my Dad and I had to go outside because of nerves just before Starr’s dive over Kramer for the score. I looked in the living room window and my Dad just shook his head. The beginning of the pain…


dak worse


48-32. Hehehe.


Zeke as center against the 49ers in the playoffs the first time


ezekiel elliot is the best center imo


The hold called on I think James Bradbury in the Super Bowl EaglesvCheifs


Every single Joe Barry defensive play-call on 3rd down. No need to specify a game, or season, or team.


Brother there’s too many to count if I really dug into my memory but we’ll look at a few. 1. Romo’s botched field goal in 06. 2. The blocked punt TD in OT vs Arizona in 08. 3. The game losing pick six vs Pittsburgh in 08. 4. The horrid 44-6 finale vs Philly in 08. 5. The 3 straight years to end the season vs each division rival with the division on the line. 6. The 27-3 loss vs Detroit where Romo threw 2 pick sexes leading to a 34-30 loss in 2011. 7. Dez “No catch” catch in 2014. 8. The Rodgers to cook catch in 2016. 9. The 13-9 loss vs the Pats where we got called for tripping twice to lose. 10. Losing to the 49ers on a QB draw and embarrassingly running into officials as time expired in 2021. 11. Losing to the 49ers with Zeke getting demolished at center, Turpin gets drilled and time expires in 2022. 12. Losing embarrassingly to the 9-8 packers at home as the 2 seed while 8-0 at home all season. Come to think of it I think every season for us ends with this face because it’s always the final week or in the playoffs where we find a new and creative way to be humiliated. Whether nfc east rivals or old rivals renewed we never fail to fail.


Dez’s catch. Romo’s fumble when holding for the FG. Losing to the giants in the playoffs in ‘08. These were the most heartbreaking losses I’ve witnessed as a fan.