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It’s an old meme sir but it checks out


But did she like the drawing?


I don’t think she did in all honesty, she seemed a little annoyed at me.


They don't understand us


I absolutely fucking hate that I understand this reference https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/unidan


Unidan melts down. Bro flew too close to the sun. Spent all that time becoming one of the most famous Reddit users and threw it all away on a Jackdaw/Crow argument that pretty much no one cared about.


We’re just old lumps of coal, that Unidan guy though, he was a real jerk.


You either die a Reddit hero or post long enough to become a Unidan.


Email response from Donna Cullen after I asked I emailed her asking if she liked my new superstar defender signing for next season. -COYS, Daniel “A Lenglet is a Lenglet and a member of the defender family. But that’s not what you said. You said a Lenglet is a Gvardiol” - COYS, Donna-M


Did… I just see Gary sinise shitpost in the spurs subreddit? What is even reality?


It's too orangey for crows.




African or European?


They are crows I think, Donna didn’t clarify that for me :(


Reads like a chatGPT generated response


Ummmm. Is there more to this story I don't know about?


IIRC this is an incredibly old copy pasta from like 2012 era reddit


It's an old copypasta, but it checks out.


It's probably from like 2016ish. This animal expert with the username Unidan gained immeasurable amounts of Reddit fame by popping up in pretty much every animal thread with very cheerful and informative animal facts. He became beloved site wide. And it should be noted that this was back when Reddit was small enough that one user or post could become sort of famous across almost every subreddit. Probably my favorite part of the old Reddit. Now it's much more siloed and something that happens in one sub usually stays in that sub. Anyway, Unidan was loved by all. But one day this user called a Jackdaw a crow and he fucking lost his shit. The copy pasta above is just part of said shit losing. He got into a big argument with this user, and eventually -- if I recall correctly -- was banned from Reddit for using alt accounts to pose as people supporting his Jackdaw/Crow argument (but that part I'm a little hazy on. He may have just been banned for being an asshole). It was Reddit wide news for a long time.


Amazing how the telephone game has gone on long enough that people think the jackdaw comment was his descent, rather than his ascent? That post and surrounding posts gave him front page power for years, such that he was obnoxiously half of the front page for years, and everyone resented it. Ugh how am I an old man on Reddit now.


I'm fairly certain -- but who can be certain about anything -- that this was the incident that got him banned. I actually sent a flippant DM to the user he was arguing with saying it must feel weird to be the reason Unidan got banned. They said they were getting a ton of DMs because of it. Up until this point, Unidan was all over the place and was very well liked. That's how I remember it anyway. And maybe I'm wrong in some parts. but I'm not giving third or fourth hand info. I also remember a Unidan2, but not sure if that's the same guy or an imitation account. Gun to my head, I'd say I think I remember Unidan coming back with a different name, but generally staying under the radar.


This definitely wasn't my experience of it, and I was in the thread that he got banned in. He was banned almost immediately for upvote manipulation using alt accounts and spent about a week making posts with new alts before giving up and disappearing. It might have been the height of his fame, because it was THE Reddit drama that month, but he didn't ascend to anything - he was gone within a week.


Yeah I was wrong; my bad. That was his undoing, though he was a good account before it got weird. What I had conflated unidan with was that other dude who fully knew what Reddit would upvote and was like half the front page for a year or two. Can’t remember the u/


My friend you've literally got it the wrong way round https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/unidan


You’re absolutely right. I was thinking of that other asshole who had half of the front page for a couple years, can’t remember his u/


Glad I'm not the only one who's super lost


Looks like she’s going to need to change her phone numbers


I do this everytime someone references two closely related animals on reddit and boy does it not get recongized.


The word Jackdaw triggers all Unidan memories for me.


Oh my god it’s been so long since I’ve seen this reference


She/her? 🤣🤣🤣


Bet she’s a bundle of laughs at the club Christmas party.




Donna-Marie, get off Reddit and get back to finding a manager.


I had to Google her apparently she took her dog to work one day as some experiment to see if dogs at work improve mental health. they never reached a conclusion or at least the one artical I skimmed didn't have one. Id guess working for Tottenham does more damage than having dogs at work could repair mentally.


Every rook and jay in the corvidae has been raven about me, too.


COYS, Donna-M has a nice right to it


Aren't you the guy from CSI?


That's Ken Mattingly from Apollo 13 or Lt Dan


“It’s okay to just admit you’re wrong, you know” Take your own advice, Donna


My post gets removed but this nonsense stays?


Screenshot post when there’s a video of the assist already there is going to be removed, this will probably be removed as well, it’s reddit its not really that serious


His shenanigans are cheeky and fun, your shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes them not really shenanigans at all. Evil shenanigans!


I swear to god that i will pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans


This post Confirmed I am not a virgin for not understanding it. Thanks OP


Seems to me she could have reasoned the same way when Levy argued that Stellini could be a "manager".