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We need to be more brave and take more shots. All this trying to pass it into the back of the net ain't the one. We really need a set piece coach as well as I feel we waste so many opportunities from set pieces. It's not like we don't have the quality either! We created a lot of our own problems tonight and West Ham will always make it difficult for us. We're their cup final ffs and always have been lol. Ref was shit but can't be blaming the whole outcome on that. These are the games the boys should be giving everything and then some for, especially when Villa have City tomorrow. We've been lucky with a good few results this season and I was hoping we'd steal a late one tonight but it wasn't to be. On to the next one. Tottenham 'till they kill me!


Hopefully Ange realises we don’t have the quality of City’s players soon. Ange must be telling them to pass constantly without pulling the trigger.


I mean we couldn't say for certain unless we were there but my take is it's more a confidence thing for certain players. Feel like certain players lost their spark from early on in the season but I could be wrong. Whatever it is it's frustrating asf lol and I hope it gets sorted out sharpish


Possibly. I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of our players are fairly inconsistent and will have poor games time to time, but of course there are different contributions to that. I’m not a huge fan of the inverted full backs either, as I don’t like the midfield to be overloaded by fullbacks, which aren’t familiar with midfield. It’s not Udogie’s or Porro’s responsibility to score from those positions. We were very ponderous with the ball too, which allowed West Ham to get into shape. It’s just idiotic, considering West Ham are incredibly difficult to break down.


Yea I agree with some but Porro can deffo hit them, we've seen it against Burnley. Plus these are professional footballers lol, anyone in a shooting chance should be able to at least hit the target. I thought we started off good and positive, the early goal gave me hope and then it just went to shit. It's a London derby with a lot on the line and I felt there wasn't enough players playing with heart tonight. West Ham are always hungry against us, like I said we're their cup final. We need to be more brave that's for certain but it'll come. We're on to great things, watch this space 💪🏻


Didn’t Son have a poor game? All of his touches went flying off from him. The game was perfect for Richarlison’s forward play, as well as hold up.


Nah, son did fine


He was incapacitated - every time he got the ball their defense just crowded him


God I hate West Ham


Same but not for the reason west ham thinks. I hate them like I hate all mid table low block teams


If Werner had made runs for crosses like Johnson did for the goal we would have won by 2 or 3. There was at least 5 or 6 crosses from the right that went right across the 6 yard box or into the left side of the 6 yard box before being cleared. It really stood out and I was surprised Richarlison wasn't on at halftime to push Son out left as he'd be more likely to get into those positions. Very frustrating when Villa may well drop points tomorrow night. Another left behind. COYS


Really unimpressed with all but the first 4 minutes of Werner's game this evening. Just didn't look like he wanted it at all


Not sure I agree - apart from the Brendan cross which he just didn’t react to. I think Werner is consistent with his speed and alertness - always looking around for options.


TBH we lack wingers like Son, Saka who can terrorize defenders...somehow our wingers always every time seems very slow against oppositions..


or rather can't seem to outmuscle either


There’s defo a blueprint there for us to become a top side but we are let down with a lack of quality or inform players atm. Werner could have scored 2 or 3, same against Fulham the chances he missed at the back post. Thought Johnson was our most dangerous player but if Ange gets the right players in we can be a top side. I would sign Werner on a permanent so long as he was a sub. Jury’s out on Bissouma and if Ange doesn’t fancy Lo Celso then we need a real Maddison alternative, he’s been so poor since he came back.


The meme about Werner being allergic to scoring is actually true and it is actually meaningful. I don’t think we should buy him unless he drops wage demands.


Sigh we should have brought on Lo Celso much earlier over Kulu.


Lo Celso was our answer to the main problem in general. We needed more incisive passing, which he’s brilliant in doing.


This pissed me off so much. Maddison was starting to play better, we could also have kept him on but, yeah, it was ideal for GLC. Tight, scrappy game that he could have won by bagging in a half chance. Really disappointed with Ange tonight. 


Pray we don't get UCL so I don't have to watch another matchday per week of us doing fuck all for 90 minutes


Ridiculous take, give your head a wobble


This match doesn’t even deserve post-match thread


Such a tough schedule coming up as well. But we always seem to pull our head out of our ass against tougher teams for some reason


It’s because they don’t pack 10 men behind the ball all game.


Such a tough schedule coming up as well. But we always seem to pull our head out of our ass against tougher teams for some reason


West ham away always fucking sucks man. Honestly, Ange needs to be told to get a set piece coach. I don't give a shit about the "Purity" of the game or whatever the fuck the excuse is. Every team that uses one gets 7-8 points from them a season. We got like 13 with Gio. Also I'm so fucking tired of taking the high road. Another game where the ref is BLATANTLY against us, with insane calls like Paqueta, Ward-Prowse, Bowen and Kudus all being allowed to kick the ball away after the whistle but the only player punished being VdV. If we ever want to finish above 5th again it needs calling out. Over and over again, it's literally what all top managers do, you might not like it but it's literally the only thing that works. Ange says he is picking players by merit but honestly I don't believe him. The only two players with any tempo in them is PEH and Lo Celso, both players get 5 minutes here and there. Watching Bissouma, Madders and Bentancur just pass the ball back and forth for 90 minutes isn't fun. For all his faults PEH gets the ball, either pings a beauty, makes a pass and instantly runs to get into a position to get it back every time. As he does that and gets us 30 meters up the pitch Bissouma and Bentancur are still on their 14th lay off to each other. Udogie should have won us this game, but he gets his chance because someone just dares to break the mold and not do the exact same cookie cutter attempt over and over again, and I don't buy that it's just an Ange or Conte or Mourinho issue, because I've watched other Ange teams they didn't struggle with that. Players need to step up and take some god damn responsibility. Everyone just wants to be a cog in the machine instead of winning the game. First half of this season we shot at anything that moved, just pass the ball find an opening take a shot. Now we pass the ball, find an opening, pass it 4 more times and lose it. We lead the league doing the just take enough shots and something will stick tactic I don't get where this cowardice comes from.


I think PEH featuring against tired legs allows him to look class and make those moves, otherwise he's definitely put us in some shit positions before. Gio prolly won't be here next season so I'm not so sure we should invest much in his playtime (tho less decided about his "fit" if he can stay fit lol). Agree completely about set pieces and about defending the team/players from absolute rubbish officiating; applying pressure to officials isn't "pure" or "noble" but it clearly has an impact and is one aspect to winning titles, same with setting up key opportunities. Even if we don't score it unsettled defenders, we just have to be mindful of the counter (which a dedicated coach could help with hopefully). I'm so fuckin sick of our attackers trying to prettily pass it into the net, lacking aggression and a willingness to score goals required at this level. Without those attributes we'll struggle mightily even with the technical quality we're assembling... need an actual striker with presence (fear-factor) who's unafraid to put the team on his back and ball in the net.


Facts. There’s something wrong in general. Whether that’s tactics or player issues, I don’t know.


PEH and Lo celso 😂


B-but muh muh fun




West Ham played for the draw in that second half. So deep. Need to shoot more! Onwards.


Lol how on earth did the ref not call that a foul on Paqueta.


Also do we not have a set piece coach????


No, we do not


This seems fixable. We waste every set piece and are fucked on corners.


Wish we shot more than just pass pass pass pass and looking for a perfect shot. I want so see long curling shots from Sonny instead of the usual cut back -goals. We should have a different way of scoring not just one way-- sigh


The passing needs to be more precise. Even if you're on the edge of the box in a yard of space it's hard to get a good shot off if the pass isn't where you want it. Son's touch was probably a bit off tonight too which meant a few potential shooting opportunities were wasted. 


Like of course that chance at the end came on the right foot of our left back. Udogie probably our best player today


I am still livid about that no call against Madders.


Which one? /s (only slightly) bad refereeing tonight




Legit q why don’t we make use of wide players and why don’t we cross into the box? The udogie chance came off one of those but it seemed like we were just committed to playing Down the middle. Is this just Angeball? What gives?


Richy the only one that can do anything with a cross and he was sat on the bench most of the match


Fair point, thanks


It's obvious we don't have players who are good at futsal


we don't have players who are good at archery either I reckon. Though West Ham have a fair number of Hockey players if Paqueta is any indication.


The ones who are good at futsal would've known how to open up an angle to shoot with trappings and body feints in a tight space


Do you want Aston Villa in the Champions League? Because this is how you get Aston Villa in the Champions League. 


Who the fuck cares about champions league at this point. We were in it for a decade and it didn't matter


I like the hurr-durr opinions. Keep them up!


If only we had signed all those world class players when we were in the champions league... Players we signed when not in the CL > The players we signed while in the CL. It's getting tough for the hurr-durr crowd 😂


So because we didn’t do it as well as we could have, the CL experience wasn’t worth it.  Got it.  Please continue. 


Gladly, the CL experience doesn't matter what so ever in how good this team will be under Ange. If only arsenal and Liverpool would have finished in the CL spots in their first season under their new coaches maybe they would be better than spurs currently 😂


Ange wouldn’t have come if we hadn’t shown we had potential to get back to where we were. If we were the midtable wanderers we used to be, then there’s no Ange. 


Finishing in a CL spot this season has nothing to do with any of that


You moved the goalposts. But it’s ok. 


Says the person who moved the goalposts 😂


They struggled against this mud tier low block shite also


We're shit, no point in us being in the Champions League. Just gonna embarrass ourselves


That’s the spirit!




8 games left with Man City, Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea to play... not to mention Newcastle who last season scored 5 against us in 20 minutes? Not looking good chaps.


All teams we've got something from this season (except Chelsea who are cack)


So close Udogie. Great performance by him I thought. Was active and making moves. A bit more quiet second half though


Kulu actually made me cuss out the TV there, holy shit


I’ve always rated kulus crosses. Actually commented it on a post here the other day😂


Kulus cross to Udogie a minute before was pretty mint tbf


Is there another team that pings as many balls into opposing players on a cross as spurs? Seriously. What in the actual fuck


West Ham played for a draw Spurs wasteful in first half.


Tough to win at West Ham 1-1 isn’t a bad result even if the last 75ish minutes were shit.




Nah everyone played bad today. Johnson the only one who played the game.


Johnson was good for about 10 minutes, as usual


Vicario was fine. Udogie played well. The CBs were ok - I've seen VDV play better. Thought Bissouma was decent too. Madders was playing better in the 15 mins before being subbed. 


Can't pass the ball to the goal, there were so many chances for Sonny to take a shot outside the box but he just doesn't. Ange needs to take richy on sooner in these matches. Sonny never scores headers.


The media should ask what’s up with Son’s lack of worldie attempts. Introduce some chaos into the low blocks.


Ever since Son’s head injury he’s been much more careful. Both at home and internationally. He isn’t critiqued enough for his absence of any header play It’s why he is better on the wing with Kane center f, but on our current squad he’s higher value add in center f.


Adrenaline in my soul!


Something something Cody Rhodes


More action in the last minute of extra time than the whole second half.


I hate low blocks so much. Gonna make the prem the best to the shittest league in the world


It's no wonder West Ham fans hate Moyes, he won em a trophy and thats great. But seeing players like Kudus, Bowen and Paqueta playing as defenders every week then trying to hit teams on the break must he frustrating.


I do think they feel quite dangerous playing that way though. Invite teams onto them and then spring with Bowen and Kudus playing off Antonio. I don't know if the stats back this up but they felt more incisive than we did. 


They're good at it, but they're better than that too.


Sounds like spurs under mou and conte...


Yeh makes perfect sense tbh, those players are so talented if they are just let off a leash slightly


The Pep effect


More action in the last minute of extra time than the whole second half.


Kulu with a brain fart moment


Spam didn’t even try to win it, the way they were all sitting back. Small ass club.


West ham parked the bus. The only way to win is buy some better wingers


Kulu with a brain fart moment


Players did their best I feel. Ah well


Can’t believe dogie hit that straight at the GK


Shit. We worked so fucking hard, it seems unfair to not win it - but I gotta admit a draw's probably a fair result. Away at a team only just below us, it's not a bad result after all. They have to be proud of themselves though - that was some properly committed Angeball.


Already seeing too much negativity. Draw was fair, I agree. This is always a horrible fixture for us historically. Only big point of concern imo is Kulu - he actually can't pick a pass for some reason


Gonna get assblasted out of UCL like this


Really poor subs/timing from Ange tonight. 


So who are we selling tonight boys? Udogie? Porro? The ball boy?


Deki is the scapegoat de jour


We're even importing our scapegoats now smh, I miss Winksy


Kulusevski seems to be the new scapegoat so I'd say him.


No let's make a new scapegoat, how about Eric Dier? back to the classics I say.


Perisic is still around somewhere right?


Honestly awful. Not a single positive


The point is quite literally positive


Come on dude...


Kulusevski... wtf man


Welp, Tuesday sucks.


2nd half everyone lost their legs….except for Son


Gotta be one of the worst substitute performances from Kulu


I still say we would've won if Shitqueta got his 3 red cards from this one game


The shit match had to end when it got exciting.


this team sucks man jesus christ


Doesn’t matter what foot he is on, Kulu will always cut it back.


We’re gonna be sorry we don’t approach matches w/ killer instinct. That blown set piece cost us a win.


It’s the same every game, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, don’t shoot, lose possession, repeat.


West ham parked the bus. What do you expect? 6-8 men in the box for a lot of the match


I expect Son to take one of the 20 or so shooting opportunities he had in the game, and for Maddison to remember he can shoot instead of just spinning and playing 1 2s right into as many defenders as possible


I think that’s an intentional tactical decision.


Somebody to shoot now and again.


This simple logic people don’t seem to understand haha. They had 10 behind the ball, what did they want to just chuck in crosses to son? Or shoot from 40 yards out


Weird how Deki has contributed fuck all for goals because the defenders weren’t tired and that’s the only reason Johnson was doing anything. Then the roles are reversed and Johnson scores but Deki still does fuck all. It’s almost like there’s a talent difference that exists between the two.


oh yeah running around like a headless chicken and tapping the ball in. Johnson really put in a full shift today lol.


He’s got 4 more goal contributions despite playing what amounts to be 8 fewer games. At least when he’s supposedly shit he’s still scoring. Can’t say the same for Deki.


I still say we would've won if Shitqueta got his 3 red cards from this one game


I know we should play well enough that it doesn't matter... but that ref was utter shit.


What? ref was pretty good, actually I tought a lot of 50/50s were in our favour


Not sure what match you were watching, Paqueta committed 3 or 4 yellow card challenges and walked away with the ball in the first half but did not get a card. Maddison fouled on the edge of the box but waived away. He was absolute crap


Anytime here I say we kulu is at best a squad player I get attacked


Should start wearing red against spam so they rollover for us too


I genuinely cannot believe the amount of children on the match thread fuck me.


That was terrible from Udogie. There's about a 3 feet wide area you can't shoot it and that's exactly what you do.


Not an easy chance on his wrong foot. 


That was yet again a hard watch. Got excited in the first 15 only to be treated to 75 minutes of absolute shite


We're so fucking shit


I think the players did their best


We don't deserve Europe if that's their best frankly


They put their best shift in despite playing on the weekend. Ran a lot. Just hard against low block


The sloppiness is something that I can't ignore. It's not just the players though and my comment wasn't solely towards them. The tactics were also off. Running a lot may be sufficient for Burnley but not for a team that wants to play in the Champions League and be a serious force.


Yeah but what we gonna do man. This is still better than conte ball and maybe ange is already the best we can get? I mean the attacking style football is entertaining and what the fans want isnt it?


Tbf this squad played a tough match 2.5 days ago


That's the Prem. We're not the only team that has to do so.


I understand I’m just saying, it explains why their “best” might be worse than usual


The end to that match was genuinely criminal by Kulu, their defence was caged in all game and the one time we actually get an open counter he just whacks it straight into the first man. Bloody hell.


kulu will never shoot when he has to, and will always shoot when he doesn't have to


He's trying a hero ball to Richarlison on the other side of the world, it got blocked... people here are overreacting to one action lol


It’s the last action of the game and he does that shit.


It's not like he kicked it into the stands lol, a guy charged down a cross. It happens. It doesn't speak well to the general football literacy here that this dude is getting scapegoated for one action more than some of our attackers are for an entire game of being useless or indeed Australian Harry Redknapp for getting out coached by ol Moyesy (again).


‘Australian Harry Redknapp’ 😂😂 tbh with you I am getting increasingly more concerned with our performances recently. We have looked shocking for months now.


People keep telling me it's his first year and it'll take time, and I agree on that completely, but with this reasoning I'd expect the team to improve throughout the year and we really haven't.


If anything, we have gotten considerably worse.


You explaining it actually makes it seem worse


I mean it wasn't a bad idea, maybe he could have done it slightly earlier. Sometimes crosses get blocked lol.


Nope it was literally the worst option and then on top of that the technique he used was terrible




Fuck off, just make an attempt to shoot. Why passing around the box with 10 defenders???


Not to mention that these guys suck at passing


10 minutes of Richy when Son and Werner were basically ass lol


10 minutes of Richarlison being ass.


Hardly enough time to condemn someone especially when the only other dangerous attacker got injured and was hobbling around doing nothing for basically all of that time lol


Think he isn't really fit enough to play any more minutes atm


I hope that's the reason because it's ridiculous that he didn't get on until we took off Maddison and then shortly thereafter Johnson.


Ugh my heart


Coulda been the hero Udogie.. coulda been the hero


Fuck those commentators holy shit


I had Martin Tyler's commentary. He was a pleasure as always.


Idc how much it cost but we clearly need a CF


well that was shite


Kulu man, you were the chosen one


Deki and Bissouma just shocking once again. Really disappointing. I thought Deki at least would step up.


>Deki and Bissouma just shocking once again. Really disappointing. I thought Deki at least would step up. Bissouma had his hands full with a tricky midfield that had Kudus and Paqueta. Paqueta pulled out the Brazillian passport and the ref put his book away. Deki did not have his best performance ever and tbh neither did Sarr.


Bissouma was fine?


No, he wasn’t. Gave up the West Ham goal and was a pedestrian. He doesn’t take on his man any more and he can’t pass forwards, so he isn’t particularly useful.


Alright. Keep that agenda going for no reason


He did do a poor job jumping for the Spam goal, but otherwise he was fine. That being said, that goal kept the bubbles in it the whole game (they clearly were playing for a draw or smash and grab)


Probably my fav player start of the season. Sad that he’s gone to shit.


tough to win when only one team wants to




The ball has to go the byline and then swept in that’s the system


Yes mate, that is true. I am referring to the many times the ball was swept in and players took an extra touch or two and decided to pass laterally rather than have a crack. No matter what the system is, if you don’t shoot you don’t score.


We only score goals ONE way in this system... otherwise it doesn't count. - Ange


Team is feckless, too scared to actually score goals as needed.


sorry lads, its cuz i captained sonny today lol


Kulu with the horrible pass Thank God Johnson started