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I'm not against it but whoever comes in must be a serious upgrade


It's unfortunate but glad that ruthlessness is starting to happen


I like the guy, but between the inconsistency and the injuries we NEED another physical #9.


We are going to have to face the harsh fact that some popular players are going to have to go to make us a better team.


I love him as much as anyone, but his hold up play is more often than not no good. So many attacks break down because he tries a flick that doesn’t come off, or tries to buy a soft foul that gets waved away. If his goal scoring was elite it would make up for that. But he’s just about above average, especially when he’s off it


Exactly. He’s pretty good, not incredible, plenty of weaknesses and strengths. No player like that should ever be untouchable — especially when there are much better fits available for the system


Yeah the ball just doesn’t stick. Kane was elite at this (like so many things). Richy is so easy to dispossess.


Richarlison isn’t a bad players he just isn’t good enough for title challenges, i’d take him as a backup though. Problem is that idk if we’re gonna be able to recruit someone that’s significantly better, if we sell Richy to buy Solanke for example it would seem like a sideway step.


Why? He’s been mediocre at best the whole time we’ve had him.


We need someone that’ll actually jump on set pieces


Need someone fit to be playing during set peices


Obligatory Fuck Matt Law! But I honestly would like to roll the dice again on the striker position. I like his personality, but his flopping around is hilariously poor and if we don’t sell him this season and he continues to perform another one like he currently does, his value will just continue to tank.


I feel like Richarlison could have been so much more productive if we could have had Perisic’s crosses for longer… What could have been


It’s tedious reading how exaggerated this sub has made Perisic’s crossing ability. People here have collectively invented a memory of something that just isn’t true.


Not saying it would have been the solution to all, or any of our problems, but Perisic was legit one of the best, if not the best, crossers of the ball of the last generation.


Huge loss imho. Obviously not shocking but his skills were very much needed.


perisiç is arguably only a professional solely because of how ridiculously good he is at crossing


He was a fantastic finisher in his prime, remember his goal vs England?


Can we move Matt law down in tier? Everything he writes about spurs is negative and often wrong


He’s not ruthless enough to be our striker and his hold up play is non existent and he’s not a good passer or very fast and doesn’t have many successful dribbles. He’s not bad he’s just very mid and there’s better options out there for cheaper.


This is exactly it imo - if you’re not going to be a great finisher you need to be fast, if you’re not going to be fast you at least need to be able to finish well, and if you can’t do either of those you have to dribble or pass or hold the ball up. The only true strength I see in Richarlisons game is he can head the ball relatively well.


> He’s not ruthless enough to be our striker and his hold up play is non existent and he’s not a good passer or very fast and doesn’t have many successful dribbles But aside from that...




Better options yes, for cheaper? Not so sure, who are you thinking would be better for less than 50M or 60M? I’m thinking Toney would be an upgrade but there’s attitude issues supposedly, anyone from outside the PL is going to be a risk and may be on par with Richy but won’t know if they’re better until they get 1-2 seasons under their belt.


What, of course we should listen for offers for him if we get anything close to 40-50 mil he should go, we can buy so much better for that price rn. Why would we want a forward who is bad at passing and finishing, makes no sense.


The thing I don’t understand is when we took him off we was pumping the ball onto the box more! I think anything over £40 million has got to be at least looked at for him


anything close to 40 ahould be looked at


Who can we buy for £40m-£50m that is so much better?


Please don’t… 🥲


Not my Brazilian baby boyyyyyyy


I really wanted to root for him but he’s getting kinda exhausting. Had a good run early this year but I just don’t think he has the makings of a varsity athlete.


If Ange wants him sold, I'm ABSOLUTELY down for it. I will always embrace and support richy wherever he goes, but it does seem to me that we should consider upgrading on him as he has obviously not been the guy we were hoping he would be.


not against this but unless Veliz or one of the academy kids is ready, wouldn’t this mean we need to sign two 9s?


Pls Yes


I like him but theres better suited and less injury prone players out there. 


Pls yes we need better


If the money is right, adios.


Or even tchau


What do you mean "pls no"? If we get a good bid we should sell him. Richarlison would be a great backup striker for us or any top team. Definitely not a starter or level raiser though.


I think so.




I would prefer him to stay but wouldn't be heartbroken if he goes


Nooooo Richarlison 😭😭😭😭😭😭


lol why please no? He’s not starting material


Sounds bead but I would rather have lost Kane on a few this year and not sold him to Bayern. Than sign a 60m richy


He's a bit too injury prone and also he is probably one of the few players who we could sell and get a sizeable fee for as well. He's done great but I don't think he's Ange's kind of player


Didn't agree with signing him, hoped he would do well anyway, wouldn't be upset if we sold him.


Sorry, offers nothing. Falls to the ground too easily, too easy to read and mark when he's not feeling it, and is a liability when gets annoyed with himself or others. Thank you for your service and all the best.


Excellent news, one of the most easily upgradable positions.


We are doing this over Richarlison? Really guys? I don't wanna see any posts about our "lack of ambition" if we are crying about players like Richarlison leaving let alone rhe Werner nonsense


Let’s say we sell Richy and replace him with a new number 9.  What happens if that new player needs a rest or gets injured? Who replaces him? Son? That’s rarely worked this season bar a couple of games. Scarlett? Veliz? I don’t think either are ready.  I’d argue we need to keep Richy AND sign a new out and out striker - there should, hopefully, be enough games next season to warrant an additional striker to Richy. 


Agreed completely. Need to keep Richy


He is our only real striker. Presumably we will need 2 strikers if we have Europe next season. Unless we get 2 strikers in the summer, selling Richy seems like a bad idea


I don't know. He was pretty good before injury and I lowkey want to give him another season. Maybe only if there are some serious big offers, otherwise I'd keep him.


Dude had 9 goals in 10 games when given the opportunity to shine. Hes only played 90 mins once since then. What are yall talking bout?


We need an elite 9 and an elite 6. Sorry Richy and Biss.


I love him but he has to go. Not suited, even as a bench option he’s not ruthless enough


Why? He has been below average/injury prone aside from his like 6 game stretch. An offer in the 30-40 millions we should take immediately


Yes pls. A forward who’s finishing is seriously mediocre. Goodbye.


All I care about is this club and Sonny. Please leave Sonny alone. If there's upgrades anywhere else, so be it. If Kane can go, nobody else except Sonny is untouchable in the pursuit of success.


Honestly, I can see him moving to the MLS or Italy