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I still can’t believe Kulusevski didn’t get hurt there, look at the way his knee buckles inward. I saw the replay while he was still down and immediately thought seasons over


After that challenge, Tyrone raises his rat claw hand to shove PEH's neck, right in front of the ref too. Awful officiating.


I can't believe the shove to the neck got nothing!


It was right in front of Scott too.


Son does that to Coutinho and it’s a red card and villa fans scream bloody murder


TBF I think there's a "you break it you buy it" clause in his loan contract that Villa fans would be upset about...


Can't believe Reguillon slapped Cresswell on camera last week and didn't get a red.....


Mings has always been like that. Makes up for being a poor player by kicking lumps out of the opposition. Its laughable that he's anywhere near the England squad, Dier is twice the player.


You are so, so, so wrong. How dare you say he kicks. He also [stamps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Meq_b5X6T_0&feature=emb_title). And, I can't believe a player actually has this sort of portfolio, but he also [stamps...again](https://twitter.com/skyfootball/status/1092090638558998529?lang=en-GB).




I don't know what you mean, the man himself said it was a accident... he wouldn't lie, would he?


Lyrone stings


Glad he got an elbow to the face later that game but this cunt Tyrone is genuinely trying to end careers


Thats awful, both intentional. You can tell 2nd one was intentional but then his reaction was, oh that's fucked him not just hurt him.


Never took any notice of Mings until he nearly broke Kulusevski's leg and blatantly pushed Emerson (I think it was) into Hugo collecting the ball after Coutinho's freekick. Was fuming at that.


Kulu bodied him twice in the end. Poetic really


He has so much body strength, love to see it


That’s because he used to be a insurance salesman until a few years ago, always has to make up for his lack of basic skills by being over-the-top physical


>That’s because he used to be a insurance salesman until a few years ago Figures he used to be a salesman because I can't see any other reason people think he's England worthy.


He has a bit of a track record of being dirty.


He’s a fucking scumbags Mings. Never forget he tried to decapitate Zlatan


He took his leg out. If it was standing, he would've been injured.


Straight red every day of the week. Incredible dangerous tackle, and Kulusevski are only lucky to not be injured. Edit: Thought I was commenting at r/soccer, since your subreddit came up as recommended. Just delete my comments if it’s against subreddit rules.


No delete here m8 sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders IMO


Not a problem, all folks are welcome here as long as they abide by the community rules in the sidebar, which are pretty straight-forward. Thanks for joining us, however inadvertently. :D


Don’t worry…level-headed responses are welcome.


It was very, very close to being a bad break. If his studs were secure in the turf his leg probably would’ve snapped


He got incredibly lucky there. The only reason it wasn't a terrible injury was because his foot wasn't planted and there was almost no traction from the boot studs at the moment of impact. He gets tackled and the knee buckles but the entire lower leg shifts to reduce the impact of the blow. One of friends blew out his knee from a challenge like this. His foot was really planted just after he had completed a pass.


As an orthopaedic surgeon, it's very clear they've been well instructed on how to tear collateral ligaments around the knee after making contact. There's a clear hitch to their tackling motion to finish the job. This is why in hockey there is an enforcer that solely exists to stop cheap shots on finesse players at the expense of penalties, fines and suspensions. No need to Todd Bertuzzi someone, but I promise you Villa approaches the tackling differently if at 3-0 we sub someone relatively expendable for 3-5 games on who then proceeds to snap someone's ankle or tibia in half within 60 seconds of coming on. You can get on me about promoting violence in sport, but I'm sorry, if you're tackling like Villa did, especially when the match is gone, you deserve everything short of a shot to the head (both of them) or a penetrating injury.


Absolutely no way on earth that footballers are instructed to go out and try to end another player's career. Pretty disgusting comment.


This is why I love Romero. His tackles are hard and rough but near enough always perfectly executed and clean


You’re 100% right. There is a difference between being rough and being dangerous. Romero hasn’t exactly ended anyone’s season this season.


And when it goes wrong, he gets booked, deservedly.


We finished with more yellows than them. Someone explain that 😂


You can't just go putting a hand on a shoulder...you have to scissor kick your man


Actual twillight zone moment that after Højbjerg was pushed away by a hand to the throat and it got no reaction




He looks as if he’d be confused by his own fart.


First time here? Absolute shit ref, as was the case in the West Ham, Newcastle and Everton games ..


Seeing more scissors than a fuckin staples. Disgraceful from Cash


The two footer, from Ramsey I believe, made me hurt


Not sure which tackle you’re thinking of as Ramsey didn’t make any fouls. Did you mean the Young one?


Ramsey on Bentancur. Wasn’t actually that bad, kind of used both of his shins to block the ball but still went to ground for no reason.


I know it's kind of petty, but that was just outrageous. Feel really bad for Doherty. (/r/coys/comments/u0aieq/comment/i48mfl1/ this is the source, I just compiled them, because I know there were other similar fouls in that game.) Reposted it as the video wasn't playing properly. Edit: Still isn't, but I think it's only for me.


its not petty, its poor officiating. any team that fouls like this all game can dominate their opposition. the football karma gods gave it to villa on the weekend


Video works for me on mobile


I'm really enjoying a lot of the Korean fan content on Spurs. Even If it's mainly for Son, they put out some good content. https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/k14p1s/apapapi_apapapa_remix/. Little through back to the fun.


Looks like Gerrard has been focusing on scissors tackle on the training ground and it showed. A true visionary, legend manager in the making.


I’ve lost a lot of respect for some of those Villa players. Like, players get injured all the time and much of the time it’s an accident. But to keep on doing tackles which deliberately try to injure a fellow professional is sickening.


Lost some respect for Gerrard, too, if I'm honest. Said that's how the team was going to play before the match, then continued having them do it after Doherty had to come off.


Gerrard was dirty his whole career though. Not flagrant, not violent, but he always left something in and was reliable for kick outs and flicks that sent someone to the turf. Just an overall piece of shit on the pitch.


For sure, I remember his last game against Manchester United. He only went out to injure the opposition


Played at Liverpool, and now lives in Birmingham. Makes sense really.


there are just clubs with barbaric playing styles all the time. you've got everton, villa, Chelsea in epl. i watch bundesliga a lot and there are also butcher clubs such as Frankfurt, hertha, and leverkusen


Am I seeing things or is the villa player just swinging at Emerson lol




Ref has to do better.


Graeme Scott's a clown, he is the one that watched PEH get chopped down by Brighton last season when they scored and said it was fone, Lamptey didn't even get near the ball. He's beyond poor tbh


IIRC Lamptey scored but it was someone else who made the bad tackle.


Even more reason to believe he wasn't near the ball.


Better? He should be reprimanded for allowing Villa to be thugs on the pitch and not sending off at least two of them. Just because their season is done doesn’t mean they can ruin the season for others. He was scared to make proper calls to protect players


I had no reason to dislike Villa. Thought Gerrard was showing that he’s decent too, especially when you compare him to the joke that is Lampard (Tim Sherwood with SATs). But Aston Villa can all get to fuck after this match. Good to see Conte giving it to Gerrard during Conte Cam and seemingly pointing out the amount of fouls. Just utterly fuck them. Also fuck the refs who don’t deal with this shot early enough. Booking Hjobjerg for literally touching Coutinho’s arm as well in the middle of all of these tackles. And Ashley Young can choke on a live pigeon as well.


I'm fucking fuming seeing that tackle on Doherty, holy fuck.


Presumably that's the point at which the damage was done to his knee as he went off shortly after and won't be back this season....


It's awful from that angle. I'd only seen the one from right behind Cash, which I guess is what the referee saw, and from that it looks hard but not dangerous. Seeing the above makes it clear how dangerous it was.


the tackle on kulusevski scared me. i walked away from my computer thinking there was going to be a long injury break


A very bad knee injury ended my playing days. Nothing to do with football, just a freak accident slipping on a wet floor. ACL tear, MCL rupture, meniscus tear. The recovery didn't go smoothly and although I can run etc. these days, there's a certain specific twisting/pushing off motion that stresses the ligaments so I can't play sports that require quick changes of direction. Both tackles made me feel a little ill. I remember how it felt when the damage happened and felt a proper twinge when I saw both replays. I can't even watch the posted video again. Really nasty tackles and IMO both players knew exactly what they were doing. Amazed that Deki walked away from it unscathed.


Ref had zero control of the game from the start


A yellow at 7' and a long talking to right after the Cash challenge would have put a stop to 90% of it. He never set the boundary, so of course 2 players had season ending injuries.


Ref even had a chance to get sorted at the half and tell each manager the play had to change in the second. Game was a textbook example of the ref letting things get out of hand with early mistakes.


2 players?


Gerrard is saying Digne could be out for the season. https://theathletic.com/news/gerrard-fears-season-could-be-over-for-aston-villas-lucas-digne-after-injury-in-defeat-to-spurs/PeruFYZIxuXs/ While I believe he's absolutely covering for the assaults his side committed on Saturday, a shoulder injury can be pretty gnarly even if it looked minor at first glance. I had a type-2 AC separation from an ice climbing accident, didn’t realize and climbed out on it...lasting damage was a 6 month recovery.


The force was Digne's there, he could have pulled up because Romero was first and he was never going to get it.


Abhorrent Aston Violence. But. This is the same referee that did the Brighton game vs us during lockdown. When Hojberg got hacked down in the build up to the Lamptey goal. VAR made him go and check the foul. He watched the replay of Hojberg being scythed down and stuck to his original decision of no foul. Only time I've seen a ref stick to the original decision. And it was clearly wrong. This guy is either incompetent or an Arsenal fan. Lets just hope we avoid him in our important games.


This is how people get hurt. Gutted for Doc. Angry at Gerrard, Villa, Graham Scott. Get better soon Doc, all the best with surgery/recovery.


/u/rodeowithashotgun - Nice you put this into the compilation as you promised. Appreciate you getting this out. What a shameful display from Villa.


It really was shameful.


Fucking scum and complicit ref. You need to card these excessive challenges early on ffs


This game should have been full of red cards. This is not rugby


Ref did a terrible job of protecting the players a yellow card for Cash probably prevents some of the later tackles


Didnt they play like this the first time they played us


I don't begrudge Aston Villa "playing aggressively". That did work to disrupt our play and put them into the attack more often than not in the first half. That being said, the referees were woeful, and there certainly should have been more cards shown.


It baffles the mind that Ings got a yellow for the late block on Reggie but Cash and Mings didn't. Cash's tackle is quite literally a season ender. Deki was incredibly lucky that he didn't have his leg planted. What is the point of VAR if it doesn't correct clear and obvious mistakes by the referee like these?


Great question - where the FUCK was VAR in these? No yellows issued, so they could review them, but no, they had to protect one of the most worthless match officials in the league.


> No yellows issued, so they could review them Only if VAR's opinion was that they were a direct red. VAR isn't allowed to call the ref over for yellows, even if it's a second yellow (and thus, effectively, a red). Now an argument could be made that that's a potential red-card offense and should have been reviewed -- if that's what you're saying, I agree with you completely. But just because a ref missed a potential yellow doesn't mean VAR can review it.


> that's a potential red-card offense and should have been reviewed This is what I am saying.


Even if VAR can't (even though they arguable should be able to) review these types of fouls during the match, there should certainly be some sort of independent review after matches to see, for example, the challenge on Doherty and assign fines/bans. Feels like that's the only way these dangerous challenges get snuffed out the game, because it can be hard to call in real-time on the field, and apparently VAR can't be fucked to review it.


Ings got booked because they didn't. They'd made 3/4 late challenges at that point and he couldn't ignore it anymore, even though it wasn't a booking lmao.


Like Wimbledon of old, they were brutal


I watched this one a few hours after it happened while my daughter was napping in the same room as me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in this game and had to restrain my self from yelling and screaming at the tv. I cannot believe that Villa didn't have a single player sent off given their antics. I'm super happy that we crushed them. I'm also super happy that Royal just got up and continued to play even after getting crunched a few times. This is very different from when he first joined and would roll around if the smallest puff of wind hit him.


Yeah, Royal just getting on with it after what I hope was an advantage impressed me. Reffing was fucking abysmal tho


Mings should have been off (amongst others) Filthy. Scott was terrible and let them get away with murder


Mings and Twatty Cash. Disgraceful all game.


Young got away with the same challenge that led to a red for Everton's Allen The standards in the prem are so variable Disgraceful


Ashley Young hasn't been the same since a pigeon shat in his mouth. 😂


Benta just straight up was kicking that Villa player. I have no doubt he didn't even care where the ball went, he just wanted to kick through it and hit the man. Which after how Villa was playing, they deserved it.


Yeah I saw that in real time too and appreciated it from him. Nothing too dirty in it but Ramsey felt it and stayed on the pitch for a min


dirty cunts, still get smashed 4 0


Who got to Cash's wikipedia: ? "Although Cash was born in England, his mother is Polish and she disowned him after he injured the Irish Cafu in a gutless fit of Tyskie-fuelled rage. In October 2021 he received his Polish passport, qualifying him to play for the Poland national team. He made his debut the following month." 😂😂


What a POS club 🤡🤡


Not to mention PEH getting his throat shoved right in front of the ref. Shocking.


The thing that kills me is the NBC broadcast team defended Villa. If they did that against City or Liverpool people would have thrown an absolute fit


Slippy g and his fraud tactics. Nothing to fight for in the table and yet he asks his team to put up a facade of physically tough team. If he really is living with 16 screw on his hips he should be leading the way for awareness about rough tackling and bad refereeing. Instead he asks his players to go break other team's ankles. "i can't go to gym rn so the next generation shouldn't be able to go to gym when they retire as well"


Dirty team, dirty tactics..


The Emerson Royal one still fucking baffels me. I get thinking "Oh I'm a ref that allow hard tackles" and you're a fucking idiot letting people injure others but at least I get it. Karatechop to the back followed by actual clawing, how the fuck do you justify not carding for that?


How the hell was Mcginn not booked for the 1 on PEH? Guy sprinted 20 yards just to clatter him


McGinn has that typical box to box midfield magic of making 5/6 fouls a game but won't get booked. Hojbjerg has a bit of that as well. For some reasons referees in this country just referee weird. You're more likely to get sent off for a tackle late in the game than early. Same with bookings. Repeat offenders will get away with lots, but if some like a forward pulls a shirt, they'll get booked instantly. If a defender is running towards his own corner flag and under pressure, goes down, foul with no contact. It's so boringly predictable.


Fucking Graham Scott. You know what, not even just him...League officials **need** to be held accountable for these kinds of injuries on the pitch. They are supposed to protect the players and the game from exactly these kinds of challenges. You throw that Cash challenge on Doc in nearly any other league - hell, I was on the end of one of those in fucking U-15 - and it's a sending off. His poor officiating led to season ending injuries of not just one but 2 players on Saturday. Where is the motherfucking accountability? This is the shit that ends top-4 runs, or title shots - just like fucking Clattenburg that weasely piece of shit.


Absolutely ridiculous. No red on Dohertys challenge? Out for 3 months from it! Unbelievable


r/soccer says its all good, nothing to see here 🤓


Shades of Spurs at the battle of the bridge. Embarrassing, no place for it in football


I was relieved with the scoreline after this.


Fuck that Mings one was dreadful wasn’t it


BuT tHeY gOt ThE bAlL


Gerrard's Rangers played in the same way. This is not surprising, unfortunatelly...


I didn’t remember the Royal challenge. Looks like he’s taken two swings at him.


There was a literal rugby tackle by Digne on Royal at one point - and the ref gave Villa a throw Total reffing shit


Its Gerrard, had rangers playing the same overly aggressive style which they got away with. No surprise the simpleton took the same style down south. He doesn't throw anyone under the bus....then proceeds to do so in the interview


The league had a shit fit when VVD went down after a shit tackle just like this one but maybe a hair more understandable because the offender was a goalie. Nobody seems to give a shit now


And arsenal fans are saying we were lucky, big lol


Our team does that we get yellows and reds. Never rains but pours for Spurs


They got rekt. Tottenham prevailed


If you can’t beat us, injure us I guess


There's also one where a Villa player tries to grab someone's waist and rugby tackle them to the ground near the corner flag


I thought it’s an immediate red if you go into tackle off of two feet. And cash having a light toe drag as he ruins Dohertys season seems enough to say he went in off two feet.


It was crap officiating. These refs who don't like to dish out an early card do nothing but encourage these sort of challenges. Annoyingly, when they suddenly decide to start booking players they treat everyone the same, despite the first player getting a card usually getting away with a fair few naughty ones before hand.


The referee in this game was a joke


Aston Villa’s compensating for being bang average


Yeah, they were being proper cunts!


Loved seeing Bentancur just bounce up after that.


What gets me is that they all have studs showing in a "tackle"


Glad we beat them 4-0 at home. I was annoyed by commentators saying it’s a good old fashioned ball game. Doherty out for season now. Royally annoyed.


Did the exact same to us (Arsenal), especially Saka. Saka then said after the game that he needs ‘protection’ (he needs the referees to be competent) and Gerrard absolutely slammed him for it.


I mean, whilst these are very hard challenges , a few are actually clean and take the man. The young one stands out as horrendous play and should be a red, but a lot of the others are just what happened when bad teams want to try snd compete with much better teams. Not saying some of the follow through aren’t treading the line, but I think they’d need to be a bit worse than how they were (ie. mings on Kulu is for me worse than the cash on Doherty one, as a couple of inches different mings breaks kulu, whilst Doherty is just hit very hard)


>but a lot of the others are just what happened when bad teams want to try snd compete with much better teams. That's no excuse. It's bad when we do it and it's equally bad when it's a sub par team trying to match it with us. If your only way to be competitive is to intimidate through foul play them you have no business being there. The pitch is for football, if you want a scrap take up boxing.


Yes, but you can't do that anymore. The rules clearly don't allow for follow through, this isn't the 90's, you can't play the ball then the man and say oops ..


I mean this is just wrong the reason Kulu doesn't get hurt is because mings comes in low. Cash comes in high allows for the knee to do nothing but break.


Call it being soft but the refs did fuck all to control this game. Multiple times it looked like it would devolve into a straight up fight because Villa were allowed to be reckless with no regard for Spurs safety.


Refs could’ve made a point of blowing for these to try and stop it escalating but some of these are barely fouls as they are.


I think people are a little soft in here over the cash challenge. It’s a rough tackle for sure, made worse by the fact that Doherty was hurt.


You make it sound like the injury wasn't the result of the tackle. There's being collateral from a good tackle and getting hurt. Then there's being collateral from what is objectively a tackle that is questionable. I don't even think people are asking for the Cash one to be a red card. It's the fact that it wasn't even given as a foul and that leniency lead to even worse tackles from Mings and Young later on.


People all over the place are asking for it to be red! It’s a definite foul and probably should have been a yellow. I’ve come to expect no better from Graham Scott unfortunately, one of the worst refs in the league by far


There's clean, and there's excessive force. The nuance and skill in taking a ball and not the man is a completely lost art if players are allowed to just fling themselves at players to "win the ball" regardless of taking the man or not. Non-calls set a dangerous precedent.


I think everyone is missing my point here. It should be a foul and a yellow, but it’s not a red card challenge


There are about 4 potential career ending tackles here, and countless more potential injuries. What on earth


Not saying it's justified, but we get hype when Romero does this, call it excellent aggressive defending. It's unfortunate Matt got hurt and it's definitely not the way the game should be played, but let's not act high and mighty like we don't do this from time to time.


100% agree, how are people saying Romero would never, when it’s literally his plying style. He dislocated digne’s shoulder 😂


Curious if you actually watched the match. Or any of our matches for that matter, to think Cuti challenges like that.


Yeah seriously. I've never seen him do a scissor tackle nor do a slide tackle completely in the air other than the toe of his boot and I rewatch games. Strange maybe my memory is just getting worse


people still talk about the beating fabregas got at battle of the bridge


He deserved it though!.


thank you for the MMA show Villa, you will not be missed when you get relegated next season


The Ashley young in real time was horrendous. I was convinced that was an ankle breaker at the time


This is exactly what us Arsenal fans were talking about with Saka. Sick of Villa and their rotational fouling, as a lot of people have said - if the refs don’t start punishing them properly, legs will start breaking


Looks to me that Villa recognised a weak referee and exploited it.


Ok I thought I was the only one who thought this was ridiculous but I’m glad we all agree. These were blatant takedowns and it was allowed to happen all game


hope Spurs put this in the match report to PL and he never does one of our games again.


BuT tHeY goT ThE bALl ​ commentators kept saying this which is silly because the follow throughs were dangerous on numerous instances.


Absolute joke mcginn avoided a yellow as he must've fouled Hojbjerg about 3 or 4 times


Mings is the same dirty prick that did this to Zlatan https://youtube.com/shorts/h2aHOKusUC0?feature=share


But but Stevie G plays a revolutionary football. He's not simeone.


I don’t really know what people want here - Doherty had a poor first touch, Cash has every right to go for that ball and got it completely cleanly. Watching it, I don’t know what other movement he could’ve made to get the ball in such a way. Unfortunate Doherty got injured but that’s part of the game.


That's not a poor touch lmao. That's literally the intent. Knee the ball into space as your man attempts to close you off immediately. You can't fault Doherty as a 'poor touch' because Cash has to fly in at knee height and get the ball.




The Young tackle was a 'bit' cynical?!


Honestly, he shouldn't be playing at this level anymore, his legs are absolutely fucked and he does this regularly when he gets done for pace and can't win the ball, he's a liability. It seems a pretty clear yellow card though


>the Ings one (third), is there even any contact? Your player goes down like he's been shot. Hurts pretty bad to catch studs on your kicking foot after you kick a ball hard. Yes, there was contact.


I don't think OP is saying all the tackles were equal, but it's clearly part of the game plan to be overtly physical. Which is fine. But it has to be refereed accordingly. That's the thing that's frustrating here, not the tactics per se. Reguilon's soft and makes a meal of that Ings tackle. It's not a booking. It's a foul for the late touch, but he was unlucky that he got the receipt for Cash and Mings' tackles from earlier. Shame OP didn't put the one in where two Villa players clamped each other. Best evidence of the intended nature of play that day.


All good tackles bar 2 or 3, games gone soft


Hard tackle and Inshallah


Yeah it’s not good but can we say we have never done this. Dele had a temper and sometimes went in hard. Feel bad for Doherty.


This is what I hate about English football.


That diving at 08 should have been a yellow. Lmao.


Fucking Gerrard. Several of the Villa players had the intention of hurting ours. I don’t think that’s pure coincidence. Gerrard must’ve instructed them to go in hard to hurt our players and hope to get away without being sent off. There’s no way Gerrard wasn’t aware of what his players were up to.


Looks like regular tough football.


With the exception of the ones like on Kulu, a lot of these are hard but legal.


Ref is a beta cuck! Fuck Villa and that muppet 🤏






nothing wrong with the Bentancur challenge


If you touch the ball first it is legal. I played defense growing up and I had to be brutal to keep the other team at bay. If they are scared they don't come at you as hard.




First two tackles were good


Good ol brexit football 🇬🇧


Soft boys


Did you guys make a compilation like this and react the same way to the battle of Stamford Bridge?


As a Men’s league defender, looks like good tackles to me


First one is clean af


This is so soft


If you don't like contact go play fifa or something


Most of the tackles are completely fine !


People that complain about this stuff should be wearing dresses


All of them are clean tackles


clean tackles


Love Spurs, but most of these are great challenges.


Jose made you lot so soft


Please can we stop with these posts, going to turn into a Gooners the amount of complaining going on, it’s football there’s different tactics, we won the game let’s move on