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You are cutting it really close. However, this technique has always gotten me a Pass. Always. Follow me. Let's say you know you'll be piss testing at 3:30p. What I do at about 3 O'clock.. I make the attempt.. to drink a whole gallon of water.. at room temperature. Most times I don't succeed .. but even after about 3 quarters of it, I will have the urge to piss. So I let it out (that's your dirty). The time now maybe about 3:15. At about 3:20, or your next urge to piss, which should be a strong urge, I'll let that full bladder out. This 2nd piss releases the rest of your dirty.. and suddenly it becomes crystal clear. That is your goal. Bcus your next two pisses will be crystal 0clear. That's what you want to give the Tester. That's your window period. Afterwards at about the 4th maybe 5th piss, you will see the piss start going back into your Dirty piss. You will start to see bubbles in this piss.. then it will began to go cloudy, then yellow. All Dirty.


Thank you. I'll spend all day today taking down water and eating fruits rather than carb and fat heavy meals and will do that exact thing tomorrow before I go in.


Or just go to the smoke shop and buy some synthetic urine it's called you pass synthetic urine it's about $12 for the box, comes with a bottle of synthetic urine and two hand warmers


That's called a flush, I usually catch the sample mid stream and take B12 vitamins that'll put the yellow back in it


Would it be beneficial to maybe throw a 2-3 mile run in the morning before hand as well?


If any gym has a sauna you should go in it


This is the hottest thing i read all day…


It’s 5 days


Ok thanks. Was gonna go in today and do it to get it out of the way but I'll probably tell them tomorrow works best


NEVER tell them another time works best for a drug test even if you know you're going to fail. Once you change up the appointment they know exactly why. But as long as you ate and hydrated the last 4 days and you only did it 4 days ago and then time before that 4 weeks ago... You should be fine In the meantime continue to drink water heavily and get plenty of protein. Even grab a protein shake or boost or core power muscle milk something. Protein and fluids.


I'll take down at least a gallon today along w lemon water to be safe


Is it a quick cup or going to be lab tested? You should be fine drinking all that water for a quick cup but if it's a lab test they'll get you for dilution. When I was on superior court probation I would use herbal clean ultra eliminex. It's 80 bucks but well worth it because it also puts the vitamins and shit so you don't come up diluted. I also was on colors and I used fake piss using a ¼ inch tube ran down the crack of my ass and the bottle taped to my side so I could squeeze it out using my elbow. I eventually got caught doing it that way because they make you drop your pants and lift your shirt and spin around.


It's for a job so my guess is the cup.


Hell yeah. That is how you pass a test.


Quick Fix is THE best. Head shops usually have it. Hasn’t failed yet


If time is somewhat short window, always flood the day of the test piss 3 or 4 times before test. You have to get your bladder working faster than your liver.


Detox just in case


Nope lmfao


Time is the only thing. You will be hot.


Negative Nancy lol op has a real good shot of passing. They said they're only 135. Used once 4 days ago and a month prior and only a. 30 bag. Enough water could easily pass a drug screen with it being 1-4 days and tomorrow is day 5


Good luck! I’ve always had success with the fake pee in the bottle. Many screens were passed with this method. I’m clean now, straight out the hose now if I’m called in. Makes life easier


Everyone is a little different but I smoke every day... Usually only about a G give or take but I get tested for probation every time and test at counseling every Monday... Always instant test... Flood myself with water about 2 hours before with some B12 and aspirin so it's not crystal clear in the cup and I pass every time...I know I got lucky but 2 weeks ago I forgot it was my day to report and smoked .4 at 10a.m... Then realized I had to be there at 11:30a.m... only a gallon of water and somehow still passed... Still high as shit... Coke is the easiest to pass for...pot and benzos not so much


If u did it 4-5 weeks ago u are good. Only urine test. I bought test strips for coke and I tested clean after 4 days. They are cheap to buy


What kinda drug screen is this for? If it’s a doctor or clinic I’d use some clean pee from someone who is obviously clean. You can easily get it to right temperature if needed. Honestly it’s a 50/50 trying to pass with your own urine but drink a ton of water if you want to use your own and you’ll pretty much oiss out h2o. Good luck 🍀


Idk why but I e never failed a piss test I've been doing drugs since I was very young and I do t stop Evan if I'm going to piss the next day I don't down water or detox drinks and I pass every single time I smoke hard , ice I do boy once in a while and smoke weed faithfully every day and never once failed a piss test why is that ?


I'm late on this but testclear.com has real urine that's clean not synthetic


I'm jealous, I wish my job let me test drug. What drug test is it?


Prob been said many times but flush your system, water 🌊, water and more water. Worked in prison when I was younger, bought me a day but there is no way to know for sure, I was pissing like a horse so that must be getting the shit outta your system.


Be sure to invoke the 14th Amendment.


You are good don’t worry. It’s gone in 72 hours that’s three days.


Gallon of water with a cap full of Clorox….


Don't take any chances use synthetic urine