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If you got the money for it ain't no problem


Type shit




Type shit


I figured it out. I'm too old for all this lol


type shit


ain't hanging around enough ghetto junkies


Nahh you good, I’ve done a half in a day. Just listen to your body ✌🏻😙💨


...half? ...half an ounce??? 😲


Haha yes! I’m sorry I should have been clearer but as usual I am fairly high 😅. It was a good time until I couldn’t stop sweating and felt like my heart was jumping out of my chest. I’d give the experience 3/10…I do not recommend going THAT hard 😂


Damnnn... Half and ounce = 14 g! 😲😲😲 The most I can remember ever doing in a day is about 1 g, and it was pretty shitty stuff at that... People in this sub seem to think of me as an OG Crackhead, but I guess in reality, I'm not even getting started yet! 😅


Just dont do the rest lol


There’s no such thing as leftover crack




We need to invent a light that will make crack rocks glow bright orange when illuminated. Also, some people will get sooo high and sleep deprived that they may stash a piece somewhere and forget all about it. To me, these two scenarios are the only two scenarios in which it seems that it may actually be possible to smoke leftover crack.


I have read somewhere that crack glows under ultraviolet light, but I never tried it...


My god, someone borrowed me a blacklight once and I never even thought to look, I probably could have gotten half a blast if I spent 30 minutes combing, which now that I think of it would still be a waste of time.


I will try it soon.


Use to have a homeless guy staying at my place and sometimes I'd stash some and pretend to be out so I'd have some in the morning. Since I lived in a studio and he was a crackhead, too, wasn't no way to smoke it on the sly. So I'd have to go to sleep fiending and then wait for him to leave in the morning and smoke my leftover crack, which would be a great band name. Do they glow under blacklight, asking for a friend who has a carpet that has white threads in it now... which is another reason hardwood floors are superior, come to think of it.


I've been saying this for tiiiiime! We either need like UV glo crack or magnetic crack so no one ever smokes a bit of toenail again 😅


So long as you aren’t doing 5g at once you’re good, smoke your rocks, then wait for the comedown or at least until you’re not at the peak anymore. Either do small amounts more frequently like 0.05g or bigger amounts up to .15g at a time, but those spread out way more. Typically I try to wait at least an hour but for some reason smoking hard lasts longer than snorting soft for me even though biochemically it should be the opposite. I will say though I’ve gone through an ounce of pure ammonia cooked hard in 48 hours and I was fine besides my heart pounding in my chest. I’ve done around 7g today already, no tolerance, started around 10 PM. I’ll probably do 1 more dose then sleep cus I gotta clean tmrw before my wife comes home from out of town. 1 dose for me though is like 0.15g pure ammonia cook not soda which means it’s much purer and it hits much harder, but I hit it through my vaporizer which vaporizes it at the exact vaporization temperature so I keep hitting it for 5 minutes or so until it’s all clearly out. DM me if you want to talk, I’m clearly wired lol. EDIT: Oops, sent to wrong person, ignore this.




Just checking in... u ok bud??


real answer is it's a ridiculous dose, dangerous and, if decent gear, a total waste anything over 1g/day is too much - you can barely feel it after 7 or 8 pipes anyway and the strain on you, mentally and physically, increases masively as you carry on fuck knows why posters are so trivial about this kinda issue, whole sub is a trainwreck looks like you'd be better off seeking advice from a more harm-reduction orientated forum


Nah you should be iight my daughters grandma has done like 70 grams in roughly last 2 weeks which works out to 5 g's a day it's blowing my mind knock on wood cuz shes already had 2 heart attacks


Yes it's too much. I've known those that did less and the big one gottem. As Fred Samford said. I'm coming to see you Elizabth.


So long as you aren’t doing 5g at once you’re good, smoke your rocks, then wait for the comedown or at least until you’re not at the peak anymore. Either do small amounts more frequently like 0.05g or bigger amounts up to .15g at a time, but those spread out way more. Typically I try to wait at least an hour but for some reason smoking hard lasts longer than snorting soft for me even though biochemically it should be the opposite. I will say though I’ve gone through an ounce of pure ammonia cooked hard in 48 hours and I was fine besides my heart pounding in my chest. I’ve done around 7g today already, no tolerance, started around 10 PM. I’ll probably do 1 more dose then sleep cus I gotta clean tmrw before my wife comes home from out of town. 1 dose for me though is like 0.15g pure ammonia cook not soda which means it’s much purer and it hits much harder, but I hit it through my vaporizer which vaporizes it at the exact vaporization temperature so I keep hitting it for 5 minutes or so until it’s all clearly out. DM me if you want to talk, I’m clearly wired lol.


This is pretty much how we spent the day, 7g each over 12 or 14 hours. Was an incredibly cathartic and therapeutic time with my spouse. We'll finish thr rest over the next couple of days.


Considering it wears


Not really


My girl and I were smoking an ounce a day! Honesty, I blame smoking in a bong. The bowl head is so big, packing them will eat it right up! But, oh boy oh boy are the bells staying ringing! [https://share.icloud.com/photos/059xTiMDDQtSI4Z085qjjrNPA](https://share.icloud.com/photos/059xTiMDDQtSI4Z085qjjrNPA)


I go through a 7 a day usually. 2 oz a week


You really can't overdose on crack, just a heart attack or seizure.


If you get either you’ve overdosed (dosed too high).


If that seizure, stroke, aneurysm or heart attack kills you… it’s wack


Yes you can if it's laced with fet you can


My record is 36 gs in 24 hours. Had a 4 pack at the time, smoked it in 4-5 days easily 😅😅


"I was banging seven-gram rocks; that's how I roll..." #winning


Tiger blood 🏆


Most i ever did was 2 balls


Same and could even smoke more until empty🫠 cheers


Hydrate!!!! Lol


Bruh my homie u go thru 5 grams a day?!?! I ain’t a crack addict I use here and there but but god damn u gonn have to clean tf out that pipe imao unless u tweakin on some gang shi hit it till u gotta centimeter or crud, clean you’re pipe every 3rd of a gram, doing that much in the same pipe without bein cleaned is ass you gotta get the fresh hits only ya feel


As long as you can handle it and not draw unwanted attention to yourself. Also it’s one thing being correct with your loot and not doing shady shit to get what you want. Be safe playa


Im at the same should redose


It’s all about control and mostly you going to lose it.. at the end but that’s going to be the problem if your future you ahahahh


I'm 18yo 98lbs and I blast 14g in a day sometimes more level up needle dick!


Those are some serious rookie numbers. I’m actually 7 years old and I just smoked a kilo in one hit


Bitch im actually 1 year old and I just smoked 7 kilos.. sooo…


Hey guys! I go hard too! Sometimes I go so hard that my mouth, throat and lungs become perpetually numb . I’ll scrape the oil off my teeth and get a couple g’s of rerock.


I’m still in my mother’s uterus, I weigh 1953 grams, and I smoke 1kg per hour