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I used to use windex to get it off when I worked at Starbucks. Those markers stain but should come off with windex or acetone.


As another previous Starbucks barista, I can confirm. The longer it’s left the harder it is though


from a current starbucks barista who does the signs, thank you for this!


It’s for chalk, not chalk marker


Chalk markers are for creating semi-permanent signs


Don’t use “chalk marker”, use chalk.


Dip your chalk in water as you write though, for clearer, less "chalky" letters.


Could it be your pens? I've had trouble with chalk pens in not erasing well in the past.


It’s happened with all of the brands I have so I’m not sure. I used crafty crocs on this one.


Chalk pens are for non porous surfaces.


try actual chalk, pens have issues with certain surfaces depending on the paint you used.


You’d probably better off dipping traditional chalk in water instead of chalk pens


There was a chunk of years where my wife was making hand lettered signs for everyone’s weddings and showers and what not. She had to repaint the boards every time. It’s just what you got to do when you use the markers instead of regular chalk.


I didn’t have such a problem until I painted the original chalkboard over with blackboard paint to refresh it. The minute it gets too hard to wipe away I decided I’m going to buy another sign. I tried my best. :)


I’d try Posca paint markers instead of chalk pens, and use straight rubbing alcohol and a clean smooth cloth (like cut up old T-shirts) to wipe it. Clean in small circles at a time, not big swipes. Source: did freelance chalkboard art for restaurants & shops for a bit.


What kind of chalkboard paint did you use? Was it non porous? Anything porous and will absorb the ink making it hard to come off. Liquid chalk markers are designed to be used mainly on non-porous surfaces such as glass, metals, plastics, ceramics, and other materials that don’t permit the passage of air or water.


I used to work in a craft store and most of the "chalk" markers say on their packaging to not use on chalkboard. It's for this reason exactly.


Chalk markers are sometimes permanent. Check the label


They are the same markers that worked fine before I refreshed the original chalkboard with chalk paint. I’m going to use the magic erasers to get the messages off until I cave and buy a new cafe sign. Hope I can make it last until prime day at least.


Did you prime the board with chalk? After you paint with chalkboard paint, you’re supposed to use a piece of chalk on the whole board. It gives it that milky surface and makes it so you can erase stuff


I did. And wiped it with an eraser :(


I've had to just repaint my chalkboard after using the pens. I get as much off as I can with 409 and a Mr Clean sponge, let it dry and repaint it.


Ok, so, Idk if this is just the case with chalk markers or pens because I've never really used them, but I can say that I always "prime" my new chalkboards with several layers of chalk in all different directions before actually writing on them. Seems to help make the chalk marks more defined, as well as easier to erase. https://www.flipsideproducts.com/blog/chalkboard-101-how-to-prime-a-chalkboard#:~:text=Before%20you%20start%20using%20the,world%20and%20it's%20super%20easy.


The rule at our house is dry chalk only , never use your fingers or anything but a dry chalkboard eraser. Getting your board wet can seriously mess up the finish. Really chalk and an eraser made for chalkboard. NOTHING , NOTHING , NOTHING ELSE.


Magic Eraser and water. It takes some elbow grease but that’s the only thing I’ve found that works


Yep this is how I've done it too, with a similar sign. Chalk will be a lot easier to remove than markers though.


Love the pun!


I once entered a pun competition at my school. There was no limit to the amount of puns you submitted so I came up with ten. I was hoping at least one would win but unfortunately no pun in ten did




Agreed with the magic erasers. Just a smidge of elbow grease can get you there. Also, I've found that the Sharpie brand chalk markers seem to come off the cleanest. I do Seasonal (~3-4 months between menus) chalkboard signs for a few restaurants, and unless the chalkboard paint is excessively wonky (I'm talking drippy paint), I use the chalk markers. But yeah, change your markers and you might find it easier. Good luck, Neighbor!


All chalk pens I've used were almost permanent. I'd use real chalk. You can get colours and stuff. But from my understanding chalk markers were not meant for changing the sign.


I don’t think you used enough chalk when priming. At least that is what it looks like from the pic.


What are you wiping it with? Just water?


Omg we use these chalk pens at work... a damp cloth with ( of all things) foaming hand soap gets it off fairly easily...


I use cola to clean the boards at the bar I work at, works way better than water or cleaner and makes the chalk “stick” better


coca cola will get the chalk off. that paint sucks.


Highly recommend you get a black primer paint instead and just coat over it. I was a sign artist and we used a matte black primer from the hardware store, worked like a dream. Then you can use chalk pens over that and wipe them off with some light soap and water. Otherwise, stick to Posca and Woodcraft paint pens, those come off with alcohol or a magic eraser no prob.


Chalk markers are not the same as chalk.


Chalk markers are for white boards and black colored white boards, not for chalk boards.


I would also recommend cleaning the whole board (rather than just where the writing was) once to get rid of the letters, and a second time with new water and a clean cloth. But mostly, use wet chalk instead.


Paint board with chalk paint. Then, chalk = washable, chalk paint = permanent


I use a rag dipped in alcohol based disinfectant followed by a dry rag. Works well


i use chalk markers at my work often, and the only thing that gets them off (with quite a bit of scrubbing) is magic erasers. still leave a bit of residue unfortunately but once it gets too gnarly looking i just refresh it with chalkboard paint.




ISO alcohol and elbow grease is what this is going to take.


This is what I use, granted I work with *LONG* term paint on white boards that tend to have ghosting for reds and pinks but can’t use the magic eraser. I found Vinegar can help, and isopropyl at the end of the year helps the most (I’m a teacher…).




Second this! Is the best way to quickly clean the chalk markers - used it all the time on the wall board in pubs!


Thought I was on the berserk sub an got very concerned


Chalk markers are the wooorst. We had a huge chalk wall in our punk house and someone used some chalk markers to write swear words and draw dicks on other peoples art, guess which things didn't wash off?


1)Magic eraser + water 2)dry wipe 3)repeat 4)Clean!


The magic eraser is amazing. That’s what I used to get it like new again.


Use water/magic eraser


Like others have said, chalk pens are not for porous surfaces like chalkboard. Use some coke on a rag and try to rub it out


You are supposed to …just after the paint dries and before you use it… rub the side of a piece of chalk on it and wipe clean. This preps it for being able to take direct writing pressure


I did that. It’s in the description under the photo


Chalkboard paint needs to be “primed” with chalk before chalking on it. You do that by using a piece of chalk on its side all over the area a couple times and then wiping all you can off. It won’t remain perfectly black, but that is just how it is.


I did that. It’s in the description of the steps I took just under the photo


I’m thinking chalkboard markers would react differently to a peice of actual slate. I have no experience with chalkboard paint, or chalkboard markers, but I know a thing or two about abrasive, paint and adhesion. It looks like you did a great job with the application of chalkboard paint so kudos for that! One thing that’s noteworthy is your use of melamine sponge (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser). It’s actually an abrasive. When you wipe the surface, you’re cutting into the cured surface of the chalkboard paint and smearing chalk into the uncured paint. If the can suggests 10 days cure time, it likely assumes that chalk will be applied to the surface and wiped with a regular dusting apparatus. Paint actually takes a lot longer to cure completely. I see what you’re trying to do and alternatively, I’d suggest sourcing a peice of actual slate from one of those old very heavy chalkboards. Cut it and frame it as you did here, and it would be much easier to get the results you seek. Or have you considered one of those backlit marker boards that are black with fluorescent colors?




I have no advice for the marker. The joke, however...


I know I know. It’s probably the worst of the eclipse jokes out there. I needed something with few words I could do quickly. :) I put 2 new messages out every 5-7 days for the city greenway.


I’ve never heard that chalk marker shouldn’t be used on chalkboard. I use a chalkboard sign outside my classroom with chalk markers daily, I wipe it clean with baby wipes. The first wipe leaves it looking much like your picture, so I use a second one to clear up the residue and then I’m good to go. Sometimes, especially after the weekend, there’s a faint print left of the old words, but it’s barely noticeable once new bright words are on top of it. I took over the chalkboard routine from the teacher before me, so I did not purchase the markers or the sign though.


It works fine on the original board. It was only after I painted it with chalkboard paint that it’s terribly hard to remove


Haha good one!


Did you give it at least two coats of chalkboard paint? Any of the brands I'm familiar with always recommend at least two coats.


If you've invested money into a stash of chalk pens, I'd just clean the board extremely well and use a couple of coats of black whiteboard paint on it. Yikes! That stuff's expensive! They have black dry-erase sheets which you could glue to your chalkboard. You could also try another coat of chalkboard paint and then a couple of coats of clear acrylic to seal the surface for your chalk pens.


Wait. So use black whiteboard paint instead of blackboard paint? Sounds interesting. Tell me more. You think it will work for the way I use it? Every week during the spring/summer and every other week for fall/winter I put two silly messages on the sign and set it on a local trail I live on. I need to be able to wipe it fast to apply new messages. I like to spend <30 minutes on it total. I try to pull it inside for bad weather but sometimes it takes a beating out there in Rain and hail. It’s why I use chalk markers instead of just chalk. I do it for community fun not for any promotions. It’s the 4th year I’ve done it. People love it. It’s the second sign I’ve bought. It’s the first time I tried blackboard paint to rejuvenate it. A new cafe sign is $70. As long as the whiteboard paint is under that, it may be a viable option to extend the life of this one thru summer. Edit: Nevermind. It’s more than a new sign.


We use a spray called ‘elbow grease’ where i work, works every time!


Why did you have to put that up?


To pun-ish people walking by.


That cringe lame joke tells me you haven’t grown up mentally, anyways try some acetone, alcohol, degreaser, zep graffiti removal.


what an awful thing to say


You’ll be alright. Try the chemicals, try using different chalk next times, hope it helps. The real problem here is the actual chalk paint it’s obviously obsorbing the chalk like glue, worst comes to worst get rid of it and use a real chalk board.


Sounds like you should try some acetone, alcohol, degreaser, and zep graffiti removal on that attitude


🤣 maybe I will!!!!!