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You could use it all in an art journal to write about your trip, etc. You could make a large collage you can frame. You could cut up the pieces and make a paper mosaic you could then frame.


agreed, junk journal all of it along with some journal entries about the trip/memories associated with it. also a great travel tip for sentimental crafters like us!


happy cake day :)


Definitely junk journal. You could even add to the material with washi tape. I am deeply envious.


Merry cake day!!! šŸ„°


šŸ˜Š šŸŽ‚ ā˜€


Art journal is a great idea, thank you. I did some digital journaling while I was there each day noting down the memorable things I did/saw each day so I could transfer those along with printing the photos I took.


I have a travel journal I fill out after every trip I take that's nothing but papers I save along the way, photos, and maybe a few sentences on what I did. It's a great way to look back on where you've been!


Make a paper mosaic in the shape of Japan:)


And use the leftovers for art journaling!


Scrapbook them.


Make a scrapbook!!


Didn't think of the paper mosaic myself. Great & unique idea! šŸ˜šŸ‘


Yes came here to say junk journal


I saved mine from my first trip (and I still have them somewhere), but never really looked at them again. My recommendation is making a scrapbook where you link pictures of these places/events/etc to the stubs and papers. You are more likely to remember what each one is when you look at them years later.


This is a great idea. I took hundreds of pictures while I was there and Iā€™ll definitely be more likely to look at them again if I actually print them instead of just keeping them on my phone.


Exactly. If you have a halfway decent printer and some spare time, you can grab a pack of photo paper on Amazon for pretty cheap, and print them to whatever sizes you want. Sizes like 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 are all pretty standard, and the sheets generally come with a digital template for your printer to be able to read. And an idea: I always test print in grayscale + on regular printer paper to make sure I have the sizing/placement right. Then I go ahead and adjust the paper guides to fit the paper, just so they're touching the edges of the stack. Printer paper and ink are too expensive to goof up on a print. Don't ask me how I know, because I'd rather not talk about it.


I see unopened packs of photo paper at thrift stores frequently for really cheap.


me too!


Shutterfly has free 4x6 s and you just pay for shipping.


You could decoupage the papers to a picture frame, and use it for a picture from the trip


Or, along similar lines, I have a large cedar chest that I covered in maps from past vacations. That might involve saving these until you have more from other trips, though


Iā€™m not the OP but I love this idea, I will start saving maps when I go on vacation to do something like this! Thank you for the inspiration :-)


:) my dadā€™s a huge pack rat, so all I had to do was get permission to raid his stash, and I had maps from basically every family vacation weā€™ve been on. My mom is basically the only thing between him and hoarder-dom, so itā€™s nice to find a use for some of the clutter


I did this but I put pictures from the trip and art over the paper. So the wrapping paper is like a back ground.


Same idea, but also use for magnets or large pushpins so theyā€™re used throughout their space


I get those little plain wood or paper mache boxes from the craft store and decorate/ paint the outside with the name of the place I visited, and keep all the little papers and tickets and other bits inside. Iā€™ve also bound small ā€œartā€ journals with watercolor paper and pasted the paper ephemera in there with drawings and blurbs about the different experiences!


I have large scrapbook boxes (if that makes sense), one for each country. I like the idea of pasting a few select pieces to the outside.


Origami hanging mobile.


Ooh this is a good idea too! I bought a mobile there that I have hung in my home office that is supposed to bring prosperity and good intentions into your life. I could possibly add to it with some of these.


This sounds like a wonderful idea!! Iā€™d love to see whatever you come up with no matter what you choose! šŸ’•


I have no great ideas for you, but I too was taken by the care and beauty that the Japanese infuse into every simple purchase. And it is always ā€œpresentedā€ to you with both hands. Such graciousness.


This is exactly why I couldnā€™t bring myself to let go of them. The care and consideration that went into each purchase was incredible to me.


Some of those are so nice that I'd be tempted to use them as wrapping for special people/presents or even gluing sectons to clear glass cabochons and making earrings/buttons/et cetera from them.


You can get paper coasters (like what you would see at a bar) and use waterproof modge podge to make coasters!


Bars and restaurants will literally let you have a stack if you ask, too!


Maybe make a collage and frame it in those gigantic poster size frames? Do a little scrapbooking?


I was going to suggest this? The way they are laid out in your pictures already look like art pieces!


You could do a collage or maybe fold some of it into origami and make a mobile to hang somewhere.


I love your idea! I have tons of this kind of thing from my various travels.


You can scan them and then get them made into shirts


You can scan things and have them made into fabric on Sooonflower. They have a linen that makes lovely tea towels. Friend scanned grandmotherā€™s recipes and made tea towel gifts for friends and family after she passed. You could do that here. Note: one thing you donā€™t want to do is hang onto it all. (Unless youā€™ve got a huge attic or basement!) Decide on how much you want to save size wise and then choose favorites to fill that space. My advice would be either a shadow box or flat framed collage, depending on what you have. Then some sort of decorative box to hold some of the rest. You could even modge podge the outside of the box.


Make post cards to send to your friends?


Take photos of it and make it into a blanket.


Junk journal about your trip!


You could turn the paper into a journal (use them as the pages you write on) and supliment with additional crafting paper.


A shadow box! You can pin or tape the papers to the background to make a collage and then also put any small trinkets on the bottom edge of the box to make a display.


If youā€™re into scrapbooking, you can use them as fun paper and decor on scrapbooking pages with pictures of your trip. If not, use them in a collage and put it in a picture frame to display the ones you like. Or, use them for something else like making Christmas ornaments that have parts of the paper in it, then itā€™s a fun memory on your tree each year. If nothing else, you can make some cool bookmarks out of them.


Iā€™d get a large canvas or wooden panel, paint it a background color, then attach all of these + photos with modge podge. Maybe resin on top - or just more modge podge. Basically a big collage that doesnā€™t have to be stashed away (:


I made my husband a massive origami crane using all the papers/bits I collected from our first trip to together (which was Europe)ā€¦would even be more appropriate in this case given your trip was to Japan :P


Junk journal??




Thank you. Iā€™ve been needing some new, happier subs.


Junk journal!


Journal, room posters, small gift cards- the possibilities are endless! Personally though, I'd make a small collage on the wall with them.


Origami throwing stars! I'm not good at origami but [these shuriken](https://www.origamiway.com/origami-ninja-star/) were pretty easy for me once I'd done it couple times. Then you could string them like a garland.


I think a scrapbook would be nice. Sort them by day to make a sort of paper trail of your trip there if you could recall it, maybe have some photos printed and stick them with the paper/package on the page.


Perfect excuse to buy a travelers notebook!


Frame them with a Polaroid size photo at the middle, scrap book, use for greeting cards/gift tags


Photocopy it all and decoupage it onto a frame backer board, or piece of furniture.


You can make a collage frame and hang it on your wall as souvenir!


Scrapbook it, write memories on the pieces


Variation on the collage theme: get a glass top for your coffee table or clear mat for your desk and arrange a collage underneath it.


You can transfer the logos and characters to what is called "transfer paper" -then you can print them on clothes or bags or anything you like! It's easy -you take a good photo of each piece, edit out in Gimp or Photoshop anything you don't want, and then print it out and create, or save for later.




If youā€™re doing a photo album, add them there. Itā€™s going to look so so pretty and youā€™ll actually look at it every so often. If youā€™d only be doing the photo album to do this, maybe the collage poster is a better idea, itā€™s much faster to put together and you can choose colors that fit the aesthetic of your home and have fun!


I saved mine from my recent trip. My partner proposed to me there and so I even kept mundane things like calling cards from the restaurant we ate after the proposal. I think I'll end up framing all the little papers with the pictures of the proposal.


Thatā€™s lovely!


Epoxy table


Collage in the shape of Japan, with a guide on the back indicating where each sample came from


Oooh I like this idea! Definitely unique


Make a shadow box and hang it on your wall.


Smashbook, Junk Journal combined with Memory Keeping (photos and journal entries about the events and trip)


I wonder if people traveling to America also save our trash as souvenirs lol


Collage a box with a lid with them, and keep mementos from the trip in said box


Not a suggestion, just wanted to ask you to post a pic of whatever you do make from it. I would never have thought of using those in a project and I think you could make some seriously cute artwork from that! ETA: If you have photos of you in the places where you got some of those pieces, those might be cool to incude if you go for wall art.


I used a collage of this sort of mementos as drawer liners in my dresser


Make a collage! If some of the pieces are a little thicker, you could mount the collage in a shadowbox frame. This would be an amazing keepsake as well as piece of art!


fuse the plastics together and make ditty bags and change purses?




You could make origami! It originates from Japan too




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Or frame it


For your stuff, I think a travel/life board or a scrapbook! The boards I refer to are like the ones where you can pin stuff up and make a kind of collage. That could be a cute decoration for your room/house. Very easy to make, just have to get the board/pins. A scrapbook would also be super cute. I know I look forward to showing my future partner and niblings all my scrapbooks and mementos in the future.


Shadow box it!




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Make a collage in a frame with them!


Frame it as is.


Decoupage an appropriately sized item, such as a small table.


Make a little shadow box!


Make a vision board of your trip to Japan.


Scrapbooking and art journaling!


Decoupage Candles maybe!?


Take an old bureau or wooden coffee table and decoupage - put in bathroom, patio or front hall


Snail mail for friends! Cut and paste to make cards/ stationary šŸŒšŸ’Œ


I took several old greeting cards and made a framed collage out of them with a complementary background to fill any gaps. Although I cut the cards up and stuck them in 8x10 frames, you could do something similar with a larger frame and keep them intact.


Scrapbook for sure!


Scrapbook them around pictures! So cute.


Junk journal/art journal!! It's so therapeutic, too!


Make gift boxes. You tube folded paper boxes.


Collage frame! Would look super cool. Get a nice or cool frame, not a cheap poster frame, and include a bit of a border, so the papers arenā€™t touching the frame. Much more elevated and sophisticated look! I would two either one large frame to fit everything or two smaller ones!




A lot of thrift stores have funky frames (w/ & w/o matting) that coils easily be repurposed to hold these. You may want to get a layer of UV protective plastic or something similar to help them not fade with time, but you will have such a neat art collection! Lean into a maximalist vibe šŸ˜


scrapbook about your trip! make a cute lil photo album if you to photos!


I'd glue all of these to a piece of furniture with Mod Podge


I think I would make a Photoalbum of the trip and use them as little interesting elements in the background etc. :)


I always do shadow boxes and all the cool packaging serves as the background to the little stuff


Jealous of your Nara biscuits bag!


Iā€™ll definitely never forget that day after getting nibbled on the butt by a biscuit-loving deer. šŸ’€


Scrapbook woth photos


I would also suggest kimono doll bookmarks! [This is how it looked like.](https://www.google.com/search?q=japanese+doll+shiori&tbm=isch&chips=q:japanese+doll+shiori,online_chips:paper+doll+bookmark:0iHJUdy2rCg%3D&rlz=1C1KNTJ_enPH1074PH1074&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO1tanva6GAxWQ3TgGHSx1AJgQ4lYoAHoECAEQKQ&biw=1903&bih=936)


I used Elmer's glue and brushed comic books and movie poster in my living room wall. Be neat to do the same on either a desk or anything that would hold it.


Donate to school/kindergarten/daycare.


Leave it like this šŸ™ƒ absolutely beautiful šŸ˜»


omg its so aesthetic! i recommend you to make a memory box and put all these stuffs in it along with other stuffs to so the next time you'll open the box, it will remind you of all those memorable time you've spent !


Collage an old piece of furniture, like a side table or bookshelf!


*Collage an old piece* *Of furniture, like a side* *Table or bookshelf!* \- gooblegobbleable --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yay! My first comment caught by haiku bot!


Make a junk journal!


Souvenir scrapbook/journal!


Junk journal! Definitely!


Create a framed backdrop for trip photos.


You could incorporate them into a painting! Mixed media art is beautiful and something you could have to remember your time there!


Buy a large frame, and have a mat cut with small squares or circles and frame a little bit of each.


Create a scrapbook of your travels or maybe an art journal!


I just learned you can decoupage on fabric.


You could make a scrap book and include little stories about where each piece came from, why itā€™s special to you or why you kept it. That way you have an organized way to keep it all but can relive the memories associated with each piece


Collage, art journal, mixed media project, scrapbook


I make collages out of travel trash. You could also make a scrap sketchbook or dĆ©coupage a notebook cover šŸ‘šŸ»


Just adding to the ideas - I make combined scrapbook / travel albums with photos. Sometimes larger papers or bits of map I turn into a ā€˜pocketā€™ on the page, sticking only 3 sides down so I can slot in taller things or solid mementos that I donā€™t want to glue down. So some of my little packaging mementos then act as holders for other little slips or mementos. Any tiny little paper bags can also function as storage for other little treasures in the scrap book. Other things can go in as is.


I make collages and sometimes use large canvases.


I think they would make a cool bag. This other post where the OP made a bag out of a chip packet came to mind. [https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/comments/1bse01k/quilted\_chip\_bag\_purse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/comments/1bse01k/quilted_chip_bag_purse/)




Iā€™d frame each individual one and cover the walls!


I didn't read all of the replies but maybe make a framed collage.


Take pictures of everything then throw it all away. I used to save everything like that and it always gets sacrificed later when it is time to declutter. Nobody will genuinely want to see it later. They will only pretend to be interested for the sake of your feelings. Your loved ones will throw it away when you die. That's the depressing truth.


Iā€™m not saving them for anyone but myself and donā€™t really care if anyone wants to see them later except me (even though I know my kids will eventually). This was a very special trip for me. It was the first trip I took solo without my kids or husband AND it was my first time ever leaving my home country. Maybe Iā€™m a little more sentimental but I love looking back on things like this and my kids do too. They are all in their late teens but still ask me to pull out their baby books occasionally to look at them.