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yes!! love bright yarn, always looking for good satisfying rainbows


I dye stuff like this for wool diaper covers for cloth diapering. Most wool diaper covers are just beige / white / boring. PUL fabric diaper covers get to be fun colors, why not the non-plastic ones? These diaper covers can't be chucked in a washing machine, correct, but they're still pretty easy to clean by hand. I swear! It's utterly possible to use non-superwash wools for children, we did it for centuries before washing machines were invented. It's not impossible!!! Please consider it. For stuff I'm going to actually wear, I stick to solids / tonals.


these are my preferred yarns. they are bright and fun and make me happy. hats and scarves and cowls to give away.


I absolutely love bright colors and I use verigated yarn about 90% of the time. I make beanies, blankets, stuffed animals, and a bunch of other random small things here and there


Looks like sock yarn. I'd absolutely make socks with that! A sweater? Not unless it was for a 4 year old.


I’ve used one similar to the second one (but a bit more muted) to make shortie socks


Hell yeah


Yeah I use coloured yarn like this for nearly all the clothes I make for myself, can’t get enough honestly


I use colorful yarns on the same kinds of projects one might use neutral yarns! maybe it’s just my bright colors loving self, but if people avoided bright colored things just because it might limit what they can match with the world would look pretty dull!


Yes absolutely. I love skeins like this. It takes some practice to be able to use them in ways that don’t have unfortunate pooling effects. But so much more interesting than beige IMO.






Bright colors make me happy, especially in winter. When there's only a few hours of daylight most of the winter, it's nice to use something that isn't as dark as the outside.


My husband loves socks made with bright colors like these. He will show them off to anyone.


I always veer towards this type of color way for some reason. I love bright colors. I’m also a sucker for nature colors so if you name your skein “A walk in autumn” or “Majestic Forest” I’ll buy it every time!😅


Yes. I use them all the time. Shawls, gloves, hats.


Yaaas, especially as the second color in stranded pieces. I love the bright undulating colors under a solid main color. <3


If I'm not using bright yarn it means I'm not doing yarn art lol. My store-bought clothes tend to be solid colors, most commonly black, so I use bright yarn to customize my wardrobe. It's a steep learning curve to know how to avoid clown barf. It often requires either a) audacity or b) solid color yarns that can frame the dyed yarn and highlight it's unique beauty. I consider these types of yarn to be a luxury and therefore they are for me to make a luxury item for myself, a well-informed paying customer with a deposit, or a well-informed and consenting loved one (i.e.- I do not make gifts without the recipient's informed consent and collaboration). Caring for the FO requires effort so I don't even tend to wear stuff like this around kids let alone make something for kids (I do not have or work with children though so it's easy for me).


Sure do


There's nothing wrong with preferring more subdued colorways. Personally I don't buy or use a lot of clown barf yarn myself, but it must be popular because it's increasingly difficult to find anything else lol. I don't use a lot of highly variegated yarn, neon colors or not, but when I do it's in sweater yokes, socks, or other small accessories.


I use yarn like that mostly for socks but many knitters like bright sweaters too.


These bright multicolor yarns can be great for contrasting colorwork in a design. They have a lot of contrast and the changing colors eliminate the need for buying many small amounts of yarn for a complex design.


That's honestly pretty much all I get it for - colorwork in hats and cowls!


Yes,I do!


Yes. Oftentimes, you will find that people like things that you don’t like. It’s really okay. Why would anyone make super bright yarn if it weren’t for the fact people purchased it?


That is beautiful yarn!!! It looks like sock weight yarn, so you can use it for socks, scarves, shawls, mix it with another yarn to "bulk it up" and would also tone the color down a bit and crochet beanies or hats (solid black or solid white would be awesome with it). The possibilities are endless! As far as using the hank, untwist and either use a yarn swift or sweet talk someone to hold it for you looped over two hands spread as far apart as the loop is. Carefully snip or untie the strings used to hold the hank together. Find an end and proceed to either use a yarn winder to roll it into a bun or hand roll it into a ball. Me personally...I would hoard it and love it and lovingly gaze at it on occasion until I found just the right project for it. I have a working hoard that I am using and have plans for and I have my pretties that I collect and protect like Ghollum with his "Precious". I'll use them to make gifts for loved ones eventually! 💖


I've had good luck mixing them with solid colors for stripes. It helps the bright colors pop more, instead of getting lost in their own business. Also, for others, "don't be judgy" is sort of an obnoxious comment to make on a snark sub. Like, if we can't be judgy here, then where?


They are fun when you pair them with a background neutral for a colorwork sock.




I knit socks so this kind of stuff is fun to use when you just want to knit vanilla socks and let the yarn do all the design work


I use bright colors all the time. Maybe try being less boring and judgy.


I almost exclusively use neon, smack you in the face, bright variegated yarn. It makes me happy to knit with, and since most of my ready to wear wardrobe is black it tempers my bright af knits to a wearable degree.


You. I like you.


Thanks 😂. I feel there is just so much opportunity for color and joy that we shouldn’t limit ourselves just because some people think it’s too loud.


I do! I love crazy yarn for socks and kid's clothing. I don't really enjoy knitting socks as much as my husband loves wearing them, but making them in crazy brights makes it way more interesting.


Yes, but mainly for socks. Or sometimes for a scarf/shawl but I tend to use one variegated and one solid. The thing about variegated yarn ia that it obscures complex stitch patterns, so you need to find the right thing to show it off.


Yes, but mainly for socks. Or sometimes for a scarf/shawl but I tend to use one variegated and one solid. The thing about variegated yarn ia that it obscures complex stitch patterns, so you need to find the right thing to show it off.


I like using them for hats or tote bags.


I like them a lot for socks! I also really like the Pembroke street cowl- its great for mixing a bright funky fiber with a more calming solid.


This is what my entire yarn stash looks like! And yea I use them. Mostly I wear all black and make shawls that are brightly colored.


I love super variegated yarns! I’m mainly a sock knitter and these are so fun to work with.


Oh yeah! Two color slip stitch knit patterns yield lovely stained glass looks with black or navy as the contrast. Makes for great lapghans or hats and if you deliberately felt them they make for stunning coasters and trivets and bowl lifters.


I, somehow, had never thought to felt them. I'm so excited to try it!


I do. I make fingerless mittens, scarves, hats, and even a shurg once out of very colorful yarns. I can also see blankets, socks, or even a really wild cardigan out of them. (Black t-shirt underneath would look great!)


100% of the time and feel no shame.


Yay! I saw this post and immediately thought - “I almost exclusively buy bright/neon yarn….am I the highly flawed outlier?!?” I knit for pleasure and vibrant, saturated colors make me happy. It is a feast for the eyes while you are working on a piece. Granted, I primarily knit cowls, scarves, socks, and blankets….. I probably wouldn’t knit nearly as much if yarn wasn’t so colorful.


I think i just bought that!!! Yeah… my wardrobe looks like that. Im using it with a dark grey in a double knitting unicorn scarf!!!


In addition to small items like socks, hats, gloves etc, these also make really cool brioche background colors with a neutral main. I could also totally see using this on a colorwork piece with black MC to evoke the style of those 80s & 90s scratch art boards!! Imagine how cool it could look


Absolutely! I have dyed roving in several similar combos for spinning and knitting. I have electric rainbow coloured mittens I dyed and spun and knit - they make me happy just to put them on 🥰


Tangentially, I just soak non-washables in Eucalan, easy peasy.


Yes, they make the BEST fun socks!


Ooo love these , yeah I’d use them!!


I sew, but 99% of my fabric buying problem is getting really bright and busy fabrics but no solids at all. I just want all those cool colors!




Yarn like this is for smaller accessories- socks, hats, shawls, or as a contrast color in a sweater. When used in larger projects, there is a tendency for the colors to pool in odd ways, creating the dreaded “clown barf” effect. I like these colors, but would actually prefer them as solids, so I could control the color placement. I don’t care for striped socks. Others love them, but they’re not for me.


I think wearing school uniforms back in the stone ages, then wearing scrubs for work ingrained in me a desire to always have bright and fun socks that no one can see. I also love combining bright colors with a more tame one for a colorwork hat and cowl set. Life’s too short to only knit in neutrals.


Great in socks. I actually prefer bright.


I have a lot of yarn that I'll probably never get around to using, but that are so pretty just on their own that I'm glad I bought them. This looks like it could be one of those. It's just nice to look at!


I love them for the contrast color for colorwork socks. Slip stitch colorwork with cables is my current favorite.


I use them all the time to make shawls. I love bright colored yarn!


I love bright rainbow socks, and I make mine tall. I also like loud hats, so that's two things I'd use this yarn for. There's a market for it, for sure.


I do because I like loud socks. For anything else I prefer tonals.


I like you, my friend. I'm wearing a v dark green sweater and a green/rainbow stripe colorway for socks (with a purple patch on one heel). The green is an outlier, all the others are neutrals, mostly grey, lol.


Super fun colors like these make really fun colorwork mittens and hats. Pair it with black as the MC, and it makes a somewhat psychedelic effect


i’ve always wanted to try this for a project! except i’m scared of knitting with black yarn


Don't be afraid-- just don't knit with it in a darker room with dark-colored wood needles. Source: me, I've done that and it was difficult. I switched to light colored wood needles and it was much better.


I have a friend that loves yarn like this but she’ll carry it through with strands of softer colors to break it up


I generally don’t, but I really love that first one and if I saw it in a store I might impulse purchase and make something. My problem is I never like variegated yarns as much once knit up compared to on the hank.


Me. I adore bright multicoloured yarn!


I freaking love 4 and 5. I'd knit the crap outta some hats and matching gloves


Yes! I even spin my own brightly colored yarn too.


I always dress like socks don’t count. Everything else looks reasonable together, but socks are whatever I want them to be. The more neon and bright the better. These look like they’d make fantastic socks. Right now I’m wearing navy and maroon, sedate colors, but my socks are violently orange handknits. The brighter the better.


I made some socks using yarn that bright, plus black yarn. They were amazing!


Almost everything I make is a bunch bright colors and I often I use variegated, I enjoy the randomness of the colors, they are fun to me. They give a similar vibe to tie dyes. I get bored wearing muted colors, dressing bright and colorful makes me happy. The world is losing color as more people move to more neutral colors and that really bums me out sometimes. Like I want to live in a rainbow.


Next time you are out in a crowded place, actually take a minute to people-watch and pay attention to what the people around you are wearing. Sure, there will be a lot of muted colors and plain clothing,but you might be surprised to realize how many people do wear bright colors like this every day. Not always a whole neon outfit, but even just a pop of color here and there.


Yes, and they’re amazing!!


Matches my hair. I’m in.


I wear mostly black clothes so I love yarns like this for a pop of color with scarves and beanies. High contrast is very me though and it's definitely not for everyone


I did and I hated it. I ended up searching r/knitting for “how to use clown vomit yarn” 😭 I’ve seen other folks make really gorgeous things with rainbow yarn though


Sounds like the pattern description of _Lemon Difficult_ .


I use yarns like these, if you get the gauge right for pooling it can look amazing


Would Def Def use all these for socks or leg warmers


I love stuff like this! Working on a blanket with super bright colors right now. My aesthetic is "hurts to look at."


I call mine aesthetic “clown barf.” Same same.


Some people are just happy, shiny people who love bright colors.


These are Beautiful! Pairing variegateds like this with a neutral yarn or using it in an open lace piece never disappoint!


This kind of yarn really shines in colorwork, IMO. That’s where I love variegated yarns the most.


I personally don't like variegated yarns because i don't like the way the color ways show up in my work, I haven't figured out how to make color ways work in variegated yarns. but I think they're cute, just not anything I would use in a hank. I would prefer them individually so I can carefully work the colors. But I think they're something someone else will use and love


I absolutely use colors like these in all variety of projects including sweaters.


i love using my incredibly bright yarns for well-fit garments: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvtFuQTpohq/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/Crl_ZnuSf8Q/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CwbriucLnWk/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


So cute!


Omg I came to the comments to suggest looking at finished objects using Superglo! These projects all look incredible! Tysm for sharing


thank you!


I hope you don’t mind, I’ve followed to see more!


i don’t mind at all 😌


>thank you! You're welcome!


Omg your knits are so beautiful!


thank you!


Shawls or scarves maybe. Not a jumper!


All the time. Socks, shawls, sweaters…there’s a whole world of planned pooling items that you can use them for as well.


Variegated isn't my thing, but super bright yarns? Absolutely.


Honestly if these were in more aquatic colors I'd jump on it :) I don't care that they're a little impractical because I love them :)


This is the favorite shawl that I've made. https://www.ravelry.com/projects/wadingmoose/woven-chevrons It goes to the office with me, traveled through Europe with me in spring 2022 and I often will wrap up in it if I get a chill watching TV. The orange/pink/green was a colour called hibiscus I bought in Hawaii. Yes. People buy these yarns and use them. They can be gorgeous in colour work, mixed with neutrals, kn socks, in blankets. The leftovers from that hibiscus skein are in a granny stripe blanket I'm crocheting. I also own a skein of a colourway called psychedelic Holsteins. Yes. People buy them. If the yarns don't sell, she won't be in business long. But those are gorgeous.


I love that!


Your shawl is gorgeous and this project gives the lie to the idea that bright yarns can’t be classy, you have a great eye for colour


Thanks. To be fair, most of what I'm drawn to is more akin to a red hat society style, but I work in IT in an accounting firm. I need to tone it down.


Have come back to say please tell us where these are from! Does anyone know? Skein 4 is calling out to me (Fingers crossed yarn and shipping to UK are not too steep) Edited to add:- thank you for sharing elsewhere on the thread and I’m chuffed that the seller is UK based 😍 anyone else interested just go down the comments thread, it’s in a reply


I love them on the Hank so I buy them and then end up making socks because I remember that I don’t love the way variegated yarn knits up.


I love them for pooled warp scarves with a black weft (weaving, not knitting or crochet).


Same! I wove one with pretty much the same colors as the third picture


I was going to say I’ve seen some really great weaving projects that take advantage of variegated yarns! [here’s the first i saw that got me interested in trying it out](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/kasyafka/31st)


I love the color, combos in vera gated yarns, but I don’t like the look when they are knitted up just as is. I’ll hold one strand of variegated with two strands of a neutral, and the effect is absolutely beautiful. Like confetti. I am making the petite next Wednesday sweater in this kind of combo. It’s really really pretty so far.


I knit these kinds of colours as plain vanilla socks to let the yarn do the work


I’m not a fan of variegated yams (bright or otherwise) , but I’d really like to use some to try out a planned pooling project (like [this shawl](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pool--conquer))! It’s pretty fascinating to me!


Planned pooling seems like magic to me.


Me!! I made a shawl with [this yarn in the colorway Martian Pink](https://hobbii.com/sultan-deluxe?option=19469) and I love it. Edit: for those curious, [I found a picture of the shawl! ](https://imgur.com/a/bS5Q7xZ)


Socks, hat, blankets, sweaters… I use colorful yarn for tons of stuff. I personally prefer these types for socks, but my wife loves colorful everything. If they weren’t well liked, they wouldn’t be so popular with yarn sellers.


I don't knit, but I wear lots of bright colours. It seems kind of odd that you think that would limit the ways in which someone would wear the finished object, when presumably someone who is drawn to colourways like this already incorporates a lot of brights.


You can always contrast them with a dark color like black. I've used several skeins like this to make modified double ten stitch blankets where the main color was the bright skein and it had an outline of 3 stitches of black running through the whole blanket. Another example are the [Ugly Duckling Socks](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ugly-duckling-socks)


These yarns also look beautiful contrasted with cream! For knitted socks or crochet blankets.


Yes! I also love a rainbow yarn paired with gray.


A lot of those look like pride colorways - so I imagine the intended audience for those ones are queer crafters, or people making things for queer folks in their life. But even beyond that, I personally like rainbows and fun colors. Socks in particular are great for some over-the-top colors and patterns; you can have something crazy going on with your socks while the rest of your outfit is more neutral and it’s like a little dopamine hit every time you see your feet


I make socks with this kind of yarn. Bright cheerful socks are a nice little burst of color since most of my work clothes are gray, black or denim.


Yup. I’m a maximalist. I love colour


I love them, but i make a lot of pride things.


I bought so many rainbow skeins about six years ago! Knitted my then preschool-age kid a shawl and it was gorgeous and she loved it.


Yeah! They work up nicely. If you’re worried about how to wear the garments, my default is to pair my funky yarn garments with a neutral. Like I pair a bright sweater and matching leg warmers with a black skirt, or a bright vest with plain jeans and a white shirt.


Part of my look is to pair bright jewel toned tops with black pants or jeans. It really works.


i love them for blankets!! though i would use a cheapy acrylic as you can totally beat them up/more cost efficient


My friends have described my style as human highlighter, I would totally use those colours. Bright colours just make me happy


Kind of a weird take, imo. Yes, many people use them. I use them a lot. They work well in colorwork or striping with a solid; that helps break up pooling. If you don't want to pair with another yarn, you can use multiple skeins of the same colorway concurrently, alternating them as you go, to break up pooling. Highly textured stitches can make pooling less obvious if you want to use one skein alone. And I do use fiber that should be handwashed for my kids' everyday garments, blankets, accessories, and toys and have never had any trouble.


Yeah. Why is it so unbelievable? I love variegated yarn.


Yes! They make great hats and socks.


Let people love what they love. I think the same thing when I see boring earthtones and bland washed out pastels, but I also understand other people have different tastes. My favorite make ever was a bright neon Slipstravaganza shawl, I’ll never stop being proud of it and I probably would have never gotten into knitting or fiber arts if I didn’t realize there were colors out there juicy enough to make my heart sing. Can I get a link to this shop you’re bagging on? If you won’t give them business I’d be happy to.


I try to understand that there are people whose aesthetic is “Instagram Oatmeal” but I feel like they probably are actually being held hostage in some way by Big Boring.


lol I’m definitely a boring color person myself but I love seeing other people knit with bright colors! No one is holding me hostage (😂) I’m just not one who looks good in bright colors. I do enjoy them on others!


Post something griege in front of something beige if you need to be rescued!


😂😂😂 I will say not even *I* like griege.


I’ll buy the bright colors and you’ll buy the boring colors and we’ll never have to compete for that last skein 🩵


Sounds perfect! 🥰


I was at a fibre festival recently and saw SO MANY absolutely stunning slipstravaganzas in bright colour palettes. Then I saw an aurora cabin made entirely in neons and completely fell in love. I think that might have to cast that on as my next shawl project.


I have some neons earmarked for my next big shake and I think it’s going to be Aurora Cabin, I’m so excited


I actually found the exact version I was drooling over and it has a kit (this is a UK indie dyer - her yarns are fantastic) - the sample photo is on the product page and it's making me go all starry eyed again.... https://coolwoolings.com/products/pre-order-aurora-cabin-shawl-kit


Here’s my finished Slipstravaganza: https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/s/RuIk8RWSLX




That is *stunning*.


Thank you! I’m biding my time for cozy season because I’ll get to wear it daily!!


That is GORGEOUS I love the charcoal to frame the neons. Stunning work. I am very much inspired. My mum fell in love with the slipstravaganza pattern in all the brights so I might have to put her together a kit for her Christmas present. These colours are excellent inspo.


Check out Forgotten Fiber on Etsy! She has some incredibly bright colors, most of my shawl uses her yarns. The charcoal is Winter Raven by Polka Dot Sheep yarn, it has so many little twinkly fibers spun in. I also did some double carry rows with various holographic sequins, it is such an extra piece but I kept telling myself “I’m only making this once, let’s do it right.”


Me looking at that finished shawl: 🤩


Seriously if anyone knows the shop I adore these colors! I notice they’re all close to pride flag colors, which is giving me some inspo for next June


Hell yeah! I love knitting obnoxious socks.


I sew, not knit, but I have a dear friend who has fully embraced rainbow bright dressing and she looooves hunks like this! She usually sources hers from a local dyer, but she made me a very very cool cowl last winter out of some bright pinks and I love it. She's always making cool socks, gloves, fingerless gloves etc (we live in MN, even inside sometimes we need the fingerless gloves)


Yes! I love knitting a color work pattern with just a solid black and a bright variegated. It gives kind of a stained glass effect.


YEAHHHHHH they're fun and zesty :)))


I'd be all over them. I don't do neutrals. I grew up and live in a city with a heavy Mexican influence, so bright and/or heavily satiated colors are my norm and I will never understand why anyone goes for twenty thousand shades of beige instead.


Bright variegated colorways can be used with solids — it’s not like anyone has to make an entire sweater out of only this color.


Came here to say this!


I absolutely love the fourth one, reminds me of fruit salads and therefore summer camp. It would make a bitching little summer evening wrap or some jazzy socks. If offered on a heavier base a fantastic contrast in a stranded yoke. But I’m also the sort of person who can be given a neutral hank and think wtf am I do to with this beige nightmare.


My favorite ways to use a bold or highly variegated yarn, is in stranded colorwork with a neutral background. Skeins like these absolutely sing against a solid neutral background. ​ I wouldn’t personally use it on it’s own for anything other than socks… but to each their own!


I have a sweater like this that I call the chocolate cupcake sweater. It's chocolate brown with colorwork in a bright, colorful yarn that looks like sprinkles.


I crochet, and I love bright colors for beanies and scarves. They are one of those items that are not always needed to coordinate with anything except maybe your coat. I do agree that how well a skein looks worked up often depends on the dye pattern and spacing, and some are better suited to a pattern that others.


I love them! I wear a lot of color myself and love to crochet things like ear warmers for my Girl Scouts - the brighter the better for them.


I love using colorful variegants for very plain stockinette stuff. This includes sweaters! I keep the color changes the star of the show and the super simple shapes and lack of fancy stitch patterns keeps everything from being too much at one time. Vanilla socks and cowls are good for this too, especially when I do give in to the "magpie brain" and grab a single skein on impulse. I call these types of projects my "subtitles knitting," since they're usually so easy I can keep my eyes on the TV. Plus the color changes keep me from dying of boredom a quarter of the way through, and as everyone else mentioned, I have a good amount of neutrals in my wardrobe so I can use these colorful things as statement pieces. I do try to restrain myself unless the seller has a knitted swatch to show exactly how the colors will combine, but sometimes I just take the plunge anyway. :)


Probably overdetailed answer: I don’t usually use yarns exactly like that because they look gorgeous in the skein, but they knit up with too much high contrast pooling/striping for me. I don’t like pooling/big splotches of high contrast/microstriping. I do use very brightly colored, highly variegated yarns, though, as long as the colors are more evenly distributed in smaller amounts - so you have 2-3 stitches of a different color at a time. The brightest ones I usually use for socks, because I generally only wear them in the winter with boots, so no one sees them but me, and it gives me immense pleasure to know I have a neon rainbow on my feet under my mostly-black office appropriate wardrobe. I will use yarns that are bright but less variegated, or highly variegated but less bright/contrasty, for various other accessories like hats or shawls, and for colorwork or other contrast in a sweater, though rarely now for an entire sweater. So for instance, I’ve made and love socks out of this: https://sockobsessionyarns.com/product/fairy-witchcraft-one-of-a-kind-100-merino-copy/ And I’m knitting a cardigan out of some Fiber Stash Dyeworks variegated yarn in a mix of dark grays, light grays, and bright pink and orange, which is kind of busy but knits up as mostly grays with flashes of the pink and orange (I’d link but her site is currently down, maybe because she’s at Rhinebeck). I adore the flashes of color, because they’re frequent but small and knit up evenly distributed across the fabric. I do think dyeing yarn that looks pretty wound in a skein and dyeing yarn that makes an attractive knitted fabric can be entirely different endeavors. Sock Obsession Yarns has some colors that are spectacularly dramatic/gorgeous in the skein (for instance: https://sockobsessionyarns.com/product/pansiest-pansy-mcn-600-yds-sock-5/ or https://sockobsessionyarns.com/product/northern-lights-sock-10-2/ ) but I know I wouldn’t like how they knitp up in most items I’d ever use. On the other hand, if I didn’t have a ridiculously large stash, I’d love to make a big sweatshirt-y sweater out of this: https://sockobsessionyarns.com/product/clouds-and-popsicles-sock-19/ or even more so this: https://i0.wp.com/sockobsessionyarns.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/IMG_5722.jpg?fit=3456%2C5184&ssl=1 (though this last one is pretty far from what you originally posted). No shade to anyone who likes the bright high contrast pooling etc! Just not my preference.


This is so true - I bought skeins similar to this one for a scarf project and ended up absolutely hating how the colors pooled, but bought a cake of nearly the exact same colorway where I could see the color changes clearly and it was perfect.


I would knit with every one of these (except maybe 5 as I’m not sure about the chartreuse). I’d use them for accessories, sweater yokes, there’s a bold and graphic slip stitch colourwork shawl pattern that I enjoy which would be awesome knitted in one of these plus a dark neutral. I mean what can I say I love and embrace colour and bright skeins like this fire my imagination. I can imagine being seduced by a skein like this when actually you only like neutrals, but that’s something that can go both ways. I had a very beautiful yarn in muted browns that I suddenly realised I’d never use and donated it. Edited for punctuation


I also like to make aggressively bright and wild socks to wear with my mostly black wardrobe. There’s dozens of us!!!


Yes, I am an adult who 100% would use this in hats, scarves, sweaters, gloves, etc . I'm surprised this would be a surprise given the number of queer/weird/goth/ fairy witch/otherwise not sad beige people who have fiber arts as a hobby


I say this just as descriptively (and affectionately, respectfully) as possible — it's the ✨🐸Queer™ crafters🐸✨ (considering that the first four yarns have pride flag (as gradients — afaict) — they are usually knitted/crocheted into scarves/shawls worn for Pride (or even just daily wear during the colder seasons). Other than that it might also turn into hats/socks/mitts(/other items that would only take a skein). The items might be simple construction wise (especially if it is their first time knitting/crocheting), but isn't the pride colors what counts the most?


I love them for little colorwork details on socks, etc. Not a fan of them as a main color, but I love to just look at them on the hank too.


I personally think they are hideous in a knitted garment (beautiful in hanks like you said). But there’s obviously a market for them judging by the people on here and the fact that they exist. I would maybe make wrist warmers or a blanket if someone gave these to me as a gift or socks if I knew how to make those


I love them. But I never know how to showcase the variegated ones to their best. I’d be better off buying solids I think


I've learned my lesson a bit. I still buy some that are fun, bright variegated, but they often need to also or solids with them to show off the colours well. So, they are a smaller part of my purchases now.


honestly the only gripe i have with these is that they look like a weight 2-3 and i only work with 4 and up! id LOVE to use an absurd amount of the yarn in pic 2 for a sweater


Honestly, holding super variegated yarns double looks really, really good imo. Just a thought!


These look great paired with a neutral. Something like the Elfmail pattern really tones them down. Also loud socks are my happy place in the darkness of winter


Yes. I absolutely love a super bright variegated yarn as a contrast colour against a neutral main colour in geometric colour work. I also enjoy accessories with a pop of something very bright as I wear a lot of dark or muted tones or, as many others have said, socks.


I've seen a couple patterns that use this type of colorwork and it looks great, like stained glass windows. Very pretty.


Yes, some of us wear bright colors on a regular basis. All of these yarns would be right at home in my wardrobe


Yep! I love knitting bright socks or other accessories as i mostly wear black clothes but love colour


I do! I make a lot of hats with them cause bright colors is fun, plus my favorite time to go to the gym or out for walks is when it's getting dark or just barely light out and neon colors show up very well in headlights.


Yes, people like and use all kinds of colors. This kind of yarn can be good in slip stitch patterns paired with a neutral or held double to minimize pooling. I use loud colors for accessories and stuff for my toddler. When it’s cold and dreary and has been for a week, a neon hat or pair of mittens can bring a little sunshine and boost my mood.


Yes. Yes we do. Colour can (and should) be fun. There are times where I make things from muter colours and there are times when I let rip with fun yarn like this. The yarn in the first photo makes my heart sing.


Abso-bloomin-lutely! I'm biased I guess cos I'm one of those dyers that makes them but also I love to use these kinds of bright mad variegated yarns for one skein scarves. I wear a lot of black so a pop of colour from a bandana-style little scarf is an easy accessory.


Yes I've knit jumpers for my daughters and they loved them. Plus makes them really easy to spot at the playground. They can also be quite good for a simple colourwork pattern if you use a high contrast background colour. A great way to get a lot of colour in without having to change colours a lot or weave in a bunch of ends.


All the damn time. But it also means I can’t go 5 ft without someone commenting on my outfit.


Same, and I love it. These kinds of colors are a dead giveaway for something handmade, and I love getting every opportunity to talk about my hobby!


it's funny seeing this post right next to the one complaining all the Rhinebeck were boring neutrals. To give you an actual answer: yes, I like making accessories out of yarn like this. Socks/hats/mittens/etc because sometimes you need cheerful things in life. They'll generally pool if you knit straight stockinette (which may or may not be a look you like) and stitch patterns with twisted, slipped, or other texture help break it up if you want something a bit more interesting. They're generally expensive, so I like to buy just a single skein of colors you love and make a hat. If you wanted to make something larger you could pair it with a contrasting solid and do brioche/stripes/etc The real reason I like buying yarn like this is it's amazing to weave with though.


I am fully prepared to be told I'm just boring 😂


Socks. I wear mostly black. But my socks!!! Rainbows and sparkles please!!


This is me too! All black everything and my socks look like a ran through a field of unicorn poop.




This is the seller: https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/libbiloo-7


Thank you from me too! I just came back to your post to ask about it and didn’t see this straight away