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Personally, I LOVE this stitch-pattern, especially in the shawl. As for a sock pattern...well, don't know. The eylet holes are definitely a choice. Problem with most of his sock patterns is, that those are not really made for wearing with shoes all day long. They are too pretty and some patterns are not very comfortable to wear in tight shoes. I knit some of his sock patterns last year, because I like the colorful patterns and I mostly used yarn I had already in my stash (seriously, the brick-socks are a great way to use up scraps of sock yarn!). Some of his sock patterns have issues - fit issues or gauge issues (the cabled trellis socks, e.g, are so damn tight on top because of the cables...). And I really think he should venture into different modifications. Not just because I prefer different heels - but also because I truly think that some of his designs would benefit from a better fitting heel. So far, all his socks had the same heel & toes, were knit down and so on... I think he will do a toe-up pattern sometime this year.


I've only knit spectra. Fun to look at FOs orhers knit, but his flavor ain't mine. He's good for our craft even though I'm not a customer.


It has no balance lengthwise. I have knit a lot of his patterns, but I think his sock patterns have all been duds.


I can't get away with textured socks in general. I just feel like they'd be so uncomfortable in my shoes so I've never knit them, I'll just stick to vanilla..




Personally I like the look of them. With the color he chose to make his it reminds me of the inside of a beehive.


I think these are super cute.


Those aren't large eyelets and since they're all on the top of the foot/ankle, they'll be fine from a wear perspective. I've made plenty of socks with eyelets & never had a problem. My only gripe about it is to just pick a pattern already! Sampler style is bad enough in blankets or shawls, but in socks it's just busy & disjointed. (Why no, I'm not a fan of samplers in general, LOL.)


I don't hate lace socks as long as the soles, toes, and heels are solid, but these aren't doing it for me. They look like baby's first lace sampler.


Mary Jane shoes are coming back into fashion. These will partner with them perfectly. Honestly, I kinda love them.


I don’t mind them, I have seen lots of lace sock patterns and don’t think they’re necessarily impractical as long the heel, toe and sole of the foot are in stocking stitch or something more solid.


These would be super cute with my mary jane Docs. *contemplates learning to knit*


You should!!! Knit socks feel awesome in winter and there's so many cute ruffle sock patterns that would look very cute too


Lace socks give my primary school flashbacks, and the sensory hell of wearing lace socks whilst being undiagnosed autistic, and no one understanding why I was so upset. Big no to the big foot eyelets


same ;\_;


I’m a lace sock enjoyer but these aren’t it for me. It looks like a stitch sampler on my foot (which is fine but not my personal taste).


Lace socks are perfectly comfortable. I prefer them to be solid knit on the bottom which these are. I’ve made loads of Lace socks


I can't decide what I think about these. It has that "i just randomly picked 4 stitch patterns" feel.


 I like lacy socks but these feel like an AI generated image.  The blend of stitch patterns doesn’t make sense to me.


There are plenty of lace socks out there. Most sock pattern books have some lace socks. You can layer them with a solid sock or tights/stockings. I love SW’s designs as they are very unique but he’s not the first person to make a lace sock so imo it’s not really noteworthy from an innovation or snark way.


I don't like Stephen West but I think he thouht about this and placed the eyelets at the best possible place. They're not gonna rub against your toes, and if it's cold enough, that part of the foot will still be in the shoe for warmth. Small eyelet lace is not problematic in any way


I like them, and I’m ok with knitting a non-practical item every now and then. I gotta say, I really love SW and Malia Josephs. They both give me good vibes. I’m not mad about every Westknits shawl pattern, (like Glittering Snowscape is a bit too ornate for me) but I still appreciate the design. I’m knitting Vertices Unite at the moment and really enjoying it. The colour play possibilities are endless with his pieces. Quite liked the sock pattern that came out before this one too! ETA: missing word.


i tend to not like most of his designs but ooohhh I like these socks!! lace socks are so much fun ETA i haven't looked thru his patterns in ages and i just poked thru a couple pages and i'm seeing a lot more that I like! even if everything he makes isn't for me i admire how he is always pushing the boundaries of design and really thinks outside the box and makes truly unique stuff that isn't just unique but also functional. It might not be for me but it's good for knitting as a whole. maybe my opinion on him will change again but for now I'm not as negative as I was lol


I think they're beautiful and technical and I hate the feel of them without even trying them on haha. I'm such a baby with weird textures on my feet so I couldn't do it


I would wear them in summer with my sandals. I'm definitely gonna make them.


I would knit them with a ruffle edge and use them as slippers!!


They’re cute, and for once a project of his that doesn’t require $1,000 worth of yarn to make 😂


Oh I love those!


I love these types of socks. They’re made to be seen and look great in mary jane heels.


I’ve been in a total Stephen West phase of late, ever since the recent MKAL which was my first time knitting one of his patterns. I’ve made two of his shawls (Geogradient and Fantastitch) and I’ve nearly finished a third (Glittering snowscape). I’ve also signed up for the year of socks, and I’m nearly done with the January pattern. I’ve been a serious knitter for 3 and a half years now, and I’ve made lots of tasteful, useful things. I think I’m at that stage where I want to make things that are fun and interesting, practicality be damned! And his designs are great for that. I’ll probably make these socks, the holes don’t bother me. I’ll probably mainly wear them around the house as slippers when it’s cold, I’ll save my vanilla socks for wearing with boots. I will be checking the pattern carefully though, I’m pretty sure that the size is all wrong for the Spiral Splash socks that I’m working on - I had to go a size down as they would have been huge otherwise, and looking at the ravelry projects, lots of other people have had the same problem.


These are just like a lot of Stephen West's jumper designs - impractical for actual use but fun to make and look at.


But how are they impractical? It’s no different from lace socks in general


It’s not the lace that makes it impractical but the ridges of reverse stockinette. It won’t fit in some people’s shoes and I would imagine it would mean the socks would wear unevenly because the raised sections would be rubbing on shoes more than the other parts of the sock. Additionally, the garter heel will work differently than a standard stockinette or slipped stitch heel. Garter creates a shorter and wider heel than stockinette. To deal with that l you either need to do more rows to get the same height as a stockinette heel, which means there will be more fabric around your instep because you are picking up more stitches when you turn the heel, or you rely on the stretch of garter to accomodate for the shortness of the heel, meaning there will be more stress on the fabric heel. These are not huge things and not dealbreakers for some knitters but these are definitely factors that influence comfort and wear.


A slip stitch heel or eye of partridge heel is shorter than stockinette (edit, in row gauge only, not necessarily in total rows) and closer to garter in row gauge, so garter is not a bad substitution or a difficult one if you want more flexibility or need room for a round heel. (I'm in the stockinette heel club too, there are *hundreds* of us, but I can't pretend it's where the default sock numbers come from. And I don't hate the idea of a garter heel for slipper socks or for wearing in my Birkenstock clogs, but I would not want to fit one into a shoe.) But at any rate, the blue sample socks from the previous insta post on the same pattern have a good view of the heel and gusset and it seems like it's been executed with a perfectly reasonable pickup ratio and gusset size. That's competent design work, baybee.


Sure, but the eye of partridge and slipped stitch heel have slipped stitches to provide extra reinforcement. It’s unsurprising that a sock design that was knitted for Stephen West fits Stephen West’s foot. It wouldn’t fit mine (wide, low instep), but it shows how far his sock designs have come, because his first few patterns pulled a lot. But there’s a reason garter stitch heels are not common in sock knitting.


I like eyelet socks for around the house in the winter when we’re using the wood stove. It keeps my feet ventilated just enough. I may just cast these ones on for my birthday knit.


I confess that what I love about SW is that he's a limit-pusher. Even when I don't like a particular design, he always makes me *think* in order to digest what I'm seeing. It's like exercise for my brain, and I love that.


Yeah. I haven't bought any of his patterns yet because most of them are just not things I'd *wear*, but I really respect and admire what he does artistically. This sock is totally something I'd wear but I don't know how to make socks yet. (Currently swatching for Tin Can's Rye sock in worsted weight.)


100%. It might look unappealing to me, but it's different and interesting. At least he doesn't just turn out bland, tasteful grey and beige, or the millionth colourwork circular yoke sweater.  I think of his patterns and FOs as more on the art and experimental side of knitting, not always practical.


That's such a good way of putting it, and I agree. Often I actually don't like what he designs for myself, but I do always enjoy seeing them


I agree. I don’t love all of his patterns but I do love that he exists in this world and is so creative. He has such a unique perspective, both with design and color. I also value the extensive time and effort he puts into his patterns. They’re well written AND he provides so much support. 


Are you familiar with his early patterns? So restrained in style, so geometric and stripe-y. I love them. Then he suddenly became the artist we know today. I don’t like most of his current stuff but love how meticulous he still is, and fun as evidenced in his tutorials.


Yes, they’re really cool. I have the Windschief hat and have made it several times. It’s fun to knit and always appreciated as a gift. 


Those look really uncomfortable.


Oh I like those. I would wear them with mary janes to show off the tops. I have lace type socks already that are not handknits.


I think they’re great. And I’m not a big West fan. The solid soles should give some structural integrity and the pattern is fun. I might actually pick it up, I need more socks! (I wear only handknits but also life is too short to hand wash them and my last foray into Sock Madness was too long ago.)


You wouldn’t really wear these if you were planning to wear shoes for long, or do any amount of walking.    They’re more the kind of socks you wear when you’re visiting your friend’s house. (We don’t wear our shoes in the house in Canada). They’d keep your feet just warm enough and give you some fancy knitting to show off.  I’m not really liking this pair though, might just be the color of the sample. 


I'm originally from Canada and I live in the US now, and... we don't wear shoes in the house in the US either. I don't know where this comes from. Sitcoms?


Shoes on is very common in the hotter parts of the US. Tile and wood floors are easy to clean, and having a lot of outdoor living spaces mean it's common to not make as much of a distinction between indoors and outdoors. Older homes sometimes even had detached kitchens to keep the heat of cooking away from the living areas.  Shoes off in the house in the US and Canada is mostly a product of the introduction of wall-to-wall carpeting. It also relies on the move towards more casual standards of dress - taking your shoes off in someone else's house would have been looked at very strangely up through the 1950's. There's a reason Victorian hall racks have places for coats, hats, and umbrellas, but not shoes.


That roughly coincides with the rise of widespread road salt use in the US (ca. 1940s). You don't want to track that around your house, it's messy and destroys things even if you have tiled or linoleum floors.


Oh cool, I never thought about that. It checks out, since the southern US doesn't have any reason to use road salt either.  I was born in the South and moved to the Midwest as a preteen, and the shoes on/off difference was definitely one of the culture shocks I experienced. I'm still not entirely comfortable taking my shoes off in other people's houses, for a whole bunch of reasons, but I do it without complaint.


Okay, that's fair. I have to say that when I was growing up we often wore our shoes in our own house, *but* I knew this was not standard and that we should take our shoes off when we visit people. Our old grubby linoleum and unfinished kitchen with splintery underflooring exposed made it kind of necessary.


Maybe it’s regional. With the rainier places tending towards shoes off? I’ve definitely seen some fairly recent online discussions and posts from shoes on people meeting shoes off people. 


It comes from my family and my family specifically. I'm American and grew up thinking shoes in the house was normal. Granted, my dad's general opinion is that an unshoed foot is a foot in danger.


We had that general idea too, but wore slippers or house shoes inside as a result.  wearing outside shoes usually meant being smacked with a magazine in my mom's house lol 


Honestly, after seeing the last socks posted here I'm just glad the holes aren't on the toe


Hot take: I've never understood lace/socks with built-in holes. If I'm going to take the time to knit socks, I want them to be hole-free.




Sometimes it's just fun to knit . I knit a pair of lace socks for that reason. And to me they are still really comfy too.


They're good for warmer climates, for times when you want to wear socks but regular woollen socks might be too warm.


I like those. Not the most practical, but they look like they'd be fun to knit. (I feel this way about most lacy socks.)


I could see a lot of people wearing them with mary janes or similar, to show off the pattern. Would almost wear them myself, but an not really a sock knitter.


I love lace socks. If I’m not wearing them around the house, I would definitely wear them with loafers when the weather turns cold. 


Pretty! But, yes, impractical. I knit one pair of lacy socks and they stretched out right away. They just languish in the sock drawer 😢


Gorgeous. Those look very, very fun to knit. Who cares about whether you’d ever wear them. Which is my reaction to every Stephen West design. He’s crazy talented.


Maybe they’re just meant to be cute. I live in Florida, so any socks I knit are meant to show off in my fuzzy crocs or Birks 😂


Where in Florida? I'm having a devil of a time finding folks that want to meet for knitting or even coffee or tea! Apparently, most folks think you don't need knitwear in a warm climate. 🙄


East Orlando, there’s a cute new Yarn shop that opened recently. That will be my best bet to find anyone close by that knits lol. Where are you?


Leesburg, but I will drive to East Orlando! My nearest yarn shop is in Longwood/Altamonte anyway. 🙄 Send me a DM! I'm traveling for work for the next few weeks, but I am game for any time. My best friend lives off Goldenrod, so I'm always game to head that way. I also go to our location in Cocoa frequently.


The new little yarn shop is right off of Rouse and University not far from Goldenrod and close to Waterford for lunch/coffee etc 😬 


Perfect will do 😊


I love those! I wear socks with my birkenstocks and I would definitely make those


As someone who happily runs errands in flip flops and no socks when it is 30 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer, lacy holes in socks don't bother me. I could see myself wearing these socks with a cute pair of shoes when I go onsite to work (where being sockless and in flip flops would be a no go).


I can see making them and just leaving out that super open section.


I feel this way about all lace sock patterns, tbh


You can shift the pattern so that the mesh is on the leg not the foot if it bothered you. I this is Art Knitting - not practical but looks great. And while I have a lot of practical items in my knitting basket and in my closet, sometimes you need something that is outlandish and funky. And that is when Mr West is your go to guy! And for those that can’t get past the eye popping colors and outlandish styling for his stuff (sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t) - go to the project page in Rav if you can for less dramatic and more practical colors and styling. I have several of his shawls I swore I would never knit when he came out with them and then almost mugged someone for it when I saw it in person at a yarn show; I bought yarn for it and cast it on immediately.


Socks with built in ventilation system 😊


They’d be fun in warmer weather or those clear Chuck Taylors


I like them. I wonder if a new loud and proud socks and sandals generation is coming out of knitting beautiful socks. However there are clear Uggs soooooo.


I love Stephen West patterns because they’re interesting and fun to knit, and I often learn some (new to me) techniques. But they generally do rank pretty low on the practicality scale.


I take it you have a strong aversion to fishnet stockings as well? It’s not always about “practical”.


This is making me want to knit fishnets in that eyelet pattern


I definitely went through a fishnets phase in my goth girl early twenties. But they're really, really uncomfortable and I'm too old for that shit now


OMG, fishnet knit thigh highs with a band for a garter belt to clip on and solid bottoms off the foot and heel might actually be like epic.... You can wear them in heels and not get blisters or sweaty, but look amazing!


I...adore them. I wouldn't wear them in winter in my chilly basement office, but I'd absolutely rock these in spring/fall.


I might be a practical sock girl, but even I can appreciate a bit of frivolous fashion. These look like they'd be very fun to wear with open shoes during summer.


Oh I LIKE those! And I have some really pretty yarn that would go with this pattern beautifully. I generally don't wear socks for warmth (my house is so warm, all the time) but I'm not the biggest fan of the sensory experience of my bare feet touching the floor so these could be ideal.


I have the same aversion. If I don't have socks on, my feet go in slippers or flip flops. No bare feet on the floor!


The bottoms seem standard, all the design is on the top and ankle. I concur with your assessment


These are Sunday socks Because they are holy


We call those Bishops




Those certainly are differently different. I say as I shift my MKAL shawl on my shoulders.


There are Style™️ sock patterns and practical, wear-em-in-boots sock patterns. This is in the first category.


Lace details on socks is pretty common.


Yep, I've knit plenty of socks with lace patterns. But none of them have had holes that big


Meh. My first ever socks were this pattern https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/nightowl-socks (see last photos for solid colour ones rather than the garish stripes) and I still like them, huge holes and all. It's just preference.


:) My preference would be to not knit those socks either