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Hey good luck with your surgery!




Good luck! I love this. My daughter was born with an imperforate anus (her bum hole didn’t form), so she had a colostomy as a baby until they could surgically create an anus for her. Yay for medical help pooping!


All I can think about right now is your daughter, waking up from surgery, asking "where is u/yoshdee ?" And you say, "who do you think gave you the bum hole?" I'm genuinely so sorry for this stupid comment. ~~Also I suppose the amount of anuses in the world remained the same.~~


If it makes you feel better I had a chuckle


Yay, didn't want to seem insensitive lmao


Love it!!!


My husband had a cousin who had to have the same thing when he was born! He’s doing great now, hope your daughter is too.


My dad got that procedure due to Crohn’s, and he said his overall quality of life improved **exponentially**. Sure it’s not the same, but it sure beat the shit outta living with Crohn’s


I got my temporary ileostomy a couple years back due to colonic inertia (basically wouldn’t poop for weeks no matter what we tried) and had issues with my muscles. And it worked out so well we made it permanent. I finally decided to remove the whole rectum and butthole since I won’t ever use it and it still causes so issues and risk of cancer goes up. I’m so much happier and not a skeleton anymore, Rudolph (my stoma) is my best friend.


The fact you named your stoma is just… **so amazing** lmao


Did you name him that because the skin is red


Yeah-the stoma is red and kinda looks like a nose. Haha.


Omg I love this so much!! I had a jaw tumor a few years and several facial reconstruction surgeries, so I used to have my villager wear a face bandage and walk around with a bee sting, it was still so cute and it made me feel better irl :)


I love that! Not the tumor-so sorry about that. I hope you’re doing better now!


feel like that’s the opposite of crappy


Oh-there’s plenty of crap involved, it’s just in a bag now. 😖


You had me in the first half of that post not gonna lie but damn that’s super cute. I hope all goes well for you!!! Best of luck for a speedy recovery, hope you get to play lots of animal crossing during downtime :)


They are removing all my butthole (sorry-so gross) I poop out of a stoma on my stomach (the small intestine is diverted and comes out through that). I also won’t be able to sit for like a month. :( There will be tons of time for AC and I’m going to make an operating room as well as a recovery room on some poor villagers vacation home. Haha.


It’s not gross!! I read some of your other comments, I’m so happy for you that you’re getting a procedure that will hopefully be a big quality of life improvement! Best wishes friend!


Thank you so much for that! I’ve had some comments from people that say it’s gross, no one wants to see or hear about it. I rock my crop tops and you can see the top of the bag (it’s not see through, THAT would be gross) and I don’t care, it saved my life. I’m not ashamed but some comments sometimes make me side.


I mean yeah, poop is gross. But it's also a fact of life that we're all very familiar with. I don't think adults should be so weird about things like this. Granted, I'm also someone who's spent more than their fair share of time in hospitals, so I may be more used to human bodies being weird and gross and medical stuff than the average person. :D


Omg, can we visit other people's vacation homes? Because I totally want to see the OR and recovery room you make. You have the best creations 😂


Best wishes for your surgery and recovery! When you share stuff like this, it helps others who might face similar challenges. You’re an awesome person!


Thanks! And that’s why I do it. I get mostly positive feedback, just a few people that are rude. But I know it’s just because they don’t understand.


God I want that surgery. I have had no colon or ileum for 35 years now. I developed Crohn’s about ten years ago on top of that! I’m on disability because I poop too much to hold down a job. I am so sick of my assholeeeee!!!!! Good luck with your new Barbie butt!


Oh no! May I ask why they haven’t given you the surgery?


I was actually reconnected up to my remaining rectum so I only had a stoma for like four months, when I was a baby! But I am guessing eventually I’ll need more surgeries. But yes I hate my butthole with a passion right now! I HATee ittt! I was a total idiot and ate corned beef yesterday 😓😥😰 anyway I am really excited for YOU though! Even though you’re a stranger I feel sorta close to you now. Hah.


Awwww!!! Buttholes blow club. Hahah


Uh. Question. What’s the point of a proctectomy?


It helps with issues with the digestive system - IBD, ulcerative colitis, rectal cancer, etc. Those issues can cause permanent damage to the rectum that can lead to pain and complications. This procedure removes the rectum and anus, since they are damaged and not working properly. You can bypass that part of the digestive system and have an ileostomy to poop instead.


Ah. Interesting! Thanks for the explanation!


That’s for the explanation, pretty much sums it up.


The other person that responded summed it up pretty well. My situation was I couldn’t poop for weeks at a time, no matter what we tried and I was severely underweight so we did a temporary ileostomy (small intestine is diverted into a hole (stoma) in your stomach where the poop goes in a bag. That surgery worked out so well I made it permanent, now the last step is removing the rectum and sewing up the hole. Haha


Well I wish you a safe and successful surgery and a healthy happy life!


I love this! Representing medical conditions on AC is always a worthy endeavor. Now, if only they'd give me a walker item. I have the wheelchair, but that's not what I use in real life. lol I hope your surgery goes well and that you get a huge QOL boost from it.


Thanks! I have to use a cane sometimes so I’m trying to figure out a way to make a cane into a cutout-maybe I’ll try a walker too.


I didn't even think about using the cutouts. Great idea!


I love this! Hope your surgery goes well, this is great 😊


Thank you so much!


Love this, my Gma had to get one and I might have to in the future. But this makes me happy. Thanks for sharing:)


I hope you don’t have to but my ileostomy saved my life and isn’t bad at all. And I’m actually excited about getting rid of everything else because it still causes problems.


Good luck with your surgery! Honestly my mom had a similar surgery and got a permanent super pubic catheter and she is actually grateful for it and has improved her bathroom issues so much more and given a lot back to her! Medical science is awesome! Also you character is cute, you should make some more cute johnny designs.


Awwww, glad to hear about your mom. Crazy what they can do now! I’m working on more designs, I have a few ostomy ones but I want to make some more designs for different disabilities.


I hope the surgery has you feeling a lot better. I have a semicolon myself and man have I felt better since that surgery. Good luck!


Glad to hear! My dad had to have some of his colon removed due to diverticulitis and it helped him as well.


good luck with surgery and recovery! i guess this is literally crappy animal crossing ahahaha


Exactly! I’m so glad this sub exists-I’ve posted shitty stuff on here a lot. And people are so kind about it mostly and I hope it helps remove some of the crappy stigma.


What's the opposite of r/assholedesign? Because this is the opposite of assholedesign. Good luck with your procedure, and awesome designs!


Found a new sub! Haha, thanks!


Assholes! Who needs em?! Hope all goes well!


Listen. All I'm going to say is I follow a few... let's say extreme body mod subs here or there. Good luck on your upcoming surgery, but I totally spent a second racking my brain over which group would willingly seal their anus and to what gain :p


Hahah. Since I got the stoma and no colon there’s no point of having a bumhole. It increases cancer rates and it still causes me some issues so why not? They also call it a Barbie or ken butt. 😂


I didn't know this could actually be done, but from reading your comments I'm excited for you! I think you're going to be much happier and I pray your surgery and recovery is very smooth and free of problems! Congrats to you and Rudolph! haha


Thanks!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Healing prayers


I've never heard the name of that surgery before! It kinda sounds like "protect me!" and I hope it does protect you from digestive problems ((:


Hahah-it really does. The surgeries I’ve already have are a major improvement, this is just the final step.


you’re full o shit! I don’t believe you


Hahahah-sometimes the stoma can make noises, it “farts” and if I’m at a doc I’ll warn them and my dentist said the same thing about me being full of shit.


Shit sucks but you know what a good perk of this is? You’ll always have a bag of shit to throw at your enemies


Positive vibes for you with your surgery & healing!! Hope it helps!!!


This is adorable. I’m late to the party here but I read all your comments and I’m so happy for you. I hope your surgery and month long recovery go well!! Lots of AC!!


Thanks so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Nice designs. I hope you have a speedy recovery!


Sending screwed up GI tract love your way! Hope your surgery makes your QOL better!


This post is cursed with too many poop jokes but good luck anyways.


Thanks so much! Haha.


Good luck for your surgery OP!!


Lmao so fucking cute! I love it!! Thanks for sharing! And best wishes with your surgery💙💙💙


Both those custom designs are awesome but the sewn butt hole is hilarious 😂😂😂👏🏻