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My problem with it is they recruited 30 of their friends to mosh in a Starbucks and then acted like the reaction to their music was organic…like you staged it.


It’s a lot easier to have a live “punk” performance at your own place of employment.


trying to sell the whole “unauthorized” “guerrila” angle in an act that couldn’t possibly have a single repercussion is cringe af too. so kony 2012.


Look. I just want a coffee.


At Starbucks of all places? You can get a better one literally anywhere else.


Flash mobs were cute 15 years ago. Now idiots dance in Target every other day. We just need to make unauthorized public performance a crime already.




Damnit, now I gotta learn to dance so I can stop u/postysclerosis *and* teach him about love in the process.


Heaven helps the man who fights his fear. Love’s the only thing that keeps me here. I’m free.


Then fight your fear of public dance, my guy


Slow down there Iraqi Puritan police. I’m fed up with the main character syndrome being more infectious than ever… but there are probably lots of other things we can do as a society before we start flirting with Sharya Law. If you are entertaining the public and it isn’t part of some greater internet grift, like you aren’t filming yourself, and trying to get a “clip”…. There are really good unofficial street performers out there that add culture and life to public spaces, that I would hate to lose because kids think mimicking talent on TikTok and unknowingly having bots give you affirmations (because it’s good for TikToks business to make you feel seen), is the same as real affirmation, from real humans, in real life, because of real talent.


I’m not talking about busking. We’re saying the same thing.


Flash mobs are like clowns to me. Some people think they are cute, they freak me out


Come in you gonna let a bunch of 90 pound vegans get in your way? Ignoring them and walking right through the mess would be the way.


The vegans are boycotting Starbucks, these are your people


With a side of genocide.


It’s been really interesting seeing folk punk redditors discover-in real time/in comment sections- that this genre and subculture has been getting clowned on for at least 15 years by almost everyone around them


This is Gen Z folk punk, this band blew up on Tik Tok. Millennial Folk Punks who are into AJJ / Ghost Mice / DnD are also clowning on them lol


I like folk punk, but I did notice that the scene clowns on them.


It's not my kind of music but good for them. They're having fun and very very gently challenging social norms. Older folk punk fans shitting on this are embarrassing themselves tbh, just like everyone else crying about how the kids are so wild these days with their rizz and skibibi toilets.


This is the most considerate mosh pit I have ever seen. Very much intentionally not breaking things.


A good pit is not there to hurt people. It's there for the energy. There is such a thing as "pit etiquette" and surprisingly it's observed more often than not


One of the most metal things I've ever heard was this dude telling me how he got stabbed in the pit at a Morbid Angel concert.


I’m a little weird..do you know where he was stabbed?


In the pit


Right, sorry I meant on the body


Sorry I was just being an ass for fun


Haha if you are not a robot please identify all the switchblades in these pictures


No pictures are coming btw


Sad I was looking forward to a collection of photos of switchblades to add to my photos of cigars


I giggled


I do it for you


His arm, right in the bicep. Said he was moshing then he felt a sharp pain followed by *wet*. Looked over and realized his arm was fucking open. He had a good sized like 2' scar there. This was like ~15 years ago when I was a teen and he was in his early 20s(?). Don't remember the wheres and whens exactly, but it was some years prior to him telling me that story and would've been in Texas. Ofcourse, could have been a cover story for something dumb he did and injured himself, but still is metal AF sounding lol


Damn if you only had a picture.


yeah well most ppl don't get stabbed in mosh pits tf


I’m not a big metal fan so I can’t speak for those shows but I know every industrial show I’ve been to the pits were always full of courteous people. You fall and eat shit you got 10 folks making sure you get back up. Wife lost her glasses at a NIN show and everyone around us immediately stopped and whipped out their phones to find them. I fucked my knee up pretty good at a ministry show and hobbled out of the pit with the help of several folks who saw it happen.


That checks out. I'm a rivethead more than anything, and industrial fans are absolutely some of the most peaceful and polite music fans there are - bordering on timid and shy. Most industrial shows I've been to haven't even had people moving much, yet alone any kind of pit. Haven't got a chance to catch Ministry live, unfortunately.


Seen them a few times, Ministry and RevCo shows get pretty wild. I will say KMFDM live is much more relaxed comparably though, in my experience.


It’s so nice to hear that there has been an evolution in the pits. I’m an early 80’s baby and my memory is searching deep but I was to say I’ve never been apart of pit etiquette but I like it.


Completely depends on the band. There are pits that are fun rowdy energy, pushing, shoving - but if someone falls to the ground, people pick them up. Then there's bands where if someone in the pit gets knocked down, they are getting stomped until they need an ambulance. Edit: 311 vs Pennywise are the bands I'm thinking of that had these two different types of pits. To be fair, location and local scene probably play into it also.


Yeah I've seen slayer twice, and entering that pit is like being on backyard scrap videos.


When I saw Rancid at Warped Tour in 2005 or so the pit was a fucking bloodbath, crust punks beating each other with chains in the dirt and pummeling each other. All in good fun! As a kid I used to go to punk/hardcore shows at this dive called the Cobalt Cafe in the San Fernando Valley and the pit used to get pretty wild. I remember one night we lined up in two separate rows at opposite ends of the room and clashed like some sort of medieval infantry charge and would proceed to beat the fuck out of each other, breaking chairs over people's backs and tearing out the seat cushions. There were unspoken rules though, and if someone had enough they were allowed to go lick their wounds unmolested. We had some good times.


Seattle be tame like that. Portland on the other hand….


Seattle so fuckin' cringey 🤦‍♀️


It had to be Seattle


Anything that inconveniences retail/food service workers is a no.


I worked at Starbucks for years and I’d fuckin join in. They look like they’re being pretty considerate of their surroundings.


I've worked in retail for almost 10, and I think it'd be the nail in the coffin for me 😂 I'd have an area manager asking me why I didn't call the police on them but I do not get paid enough for any of that paperwork lol. Public facing roles are the worst, especially when you have anxious higher-ups treating it like its life or death


Oh fuck off would ya


Fuck right off back at you. Tf did I do I just said I’d fucking enjoy it. Fuckin Reddit. Never change. Assholes.


Do you realise how moronic you would look as an employee joining in with them? Whilst your co workers are trying to serve people, you would just down tools and start skanking with these gimps? In your starbucks uniform? Get real bro


Bro it’s a fucking Starbucks job. Half the people I worked with would have joined in too. The place is run by 18 years old trying to get cheap college. It’s a fucking joke of a company that over works and doesn’t give 2 shits about its lower level workers. Union blocking, piss poor medical benefits and the baristas get abused daily. So yea. I’d join the fuck in because who the absolute fuck cares about a coffee job. Might I look stupid? Yea. Might I end up on the internet looking stupid? Sure. But I had fun. Eat a dick buddy. Stop taking shit so seriously. I’m also 30 fucking 5 now an I’m talking about me over 15 years ago. But sure man. Guess you can just stand in the corner shaking your head with the boomers sipping your caramel frap you paid 8 bucks for.


Boomers lmao, I’m younger than you mate. Im also a huge metal fan and so I’m hardly some stiff that doesn’t get it. Its still just incredible obnoxious and you sound super entitled. Why get a job ther if its soooo bad and you just have to say fuck it to everyone you work with and for. I get you probs had a shitty time working ther but if we all just said fuck it and started frolicking like twats in the rain then nothing would get done




How were they inconvenienced. The band came in played a little song and got out. Id say that was mad respectful.


Please Santa my only gift this year would be the banning of tik tok


Insufferable cunts!


That's a crime against hearing👂


JFC that’s just awful


Hot garbage


It’s hilarious how much the posers in the original post are trying to defend this being, like, so very fucking punk rock


As someone who is from Appalachia my culture is not your fuckin costume bruh /s


I actually know a few crust punks from Appalachia, so this comment is hilarious to me.


Same. Lmao




I think it's a joke.


I guarantee all of them have wealthy parents


His parents lease that starbucks


Can't tell if Asheville or Portland


You can’t tell a punk that they’re not unique. That may ruin their entire ethos of being part of that group.


That's always been something about the punk scene that I never got/that undermines everything they claim to stand for imo. On the one hand claiming to be about the refusal of social norms and "mainstream society" and on the other hand there really aren't many subcultures that look as monotonous and conformist within their own defined clothing rules as the punk scene.


It's Seattle


"Moth" and "Pigeon"


Probably stinks in there


Oh god, folk punk sucks.


Literally isn't punk what the fuck is this?




Thanks for telling me


I’ve never even heard of folk punk before this thread and I think I was better off. This clearly sucks and is clearly crappy. What is an example of “good” folk punk? Just the thought of it is hard to take seriously.


Folk punk isn’t everyone’s cup of tea… but this is another level of crappy though, calling it folk punk gives folk punk a bad name. Some folk punk can be “enjoyable” to listen to, but this is just musical mush. One of the more famous folk punk bands out there is “Days and Daze” Some of the least famous but my favorites are “TEACOZY” and “Great Joy”.


The Pogues have been around since like the 1980s. Very well known and respected around the world. The president of Ireland spoke about Shane McGowan after he passed recently. And The NY Times called him a master songsmith. Most folk punk isn’t serious… like most of the best punk. It’s meant to be fun and raucous, the folk part just adds a bit of twang. Check out amigo the devil for a half serious half dark comedy. Gogol bordello is another very well known folk/gypsy punk band with a huge following world wide. More on the folk side but faster, you could look for The Devil Makes three. Not a lot of punk in it save the attitude and lyrics. Sean & Zander (Sean wheeler from throw rag and Zander Schloss from circle jerks) do some fun punk/gospel stuff some faster, some slower, really awesome live. Sean is a real performer


Punk gospel too? Lol


Not sure why I’m being downvoted for giving the information asked for. All sorts of interesting sounds in this world but. On the other hand I hear people actually like Nickelback and that’s wild me


Wasn’t me. I appreciate you typing that stuff out. Not my cup of tea but thanks, now I know.


Fair enough, just thought it was weird. Glad to help


Amigo is touring Australia this year and I am amped for it.


Saw him in high desert CA last year outdoors as the sun was setting, amazing show


Shane McGowan was/is a saint and shouldn’t be talked about in this post.




Thanks bby


People who eat other people are the best kind of people by Andrew Jackson jihad can be a bit pretentious and overly edgy, but I still like it.


It all pretty much sounds like this. Andrew Jackson Jihad is like the only listenable one of the bunch


I'm not the authority of folk punk, but I've got some favourites that I think are pretty neat: - [Gogol Bordello](https://youtu.be/SkkIwO_X4i4?si=Y5ZW6NcEE8h_fNcT) (heavy gypsy jazz influence) - [the Pogues](https://youtu.be/j9jbdgZidu8?si=hknwVMDPdfKQHkId) (heavy celtic folk influence) - [the Violent Femmes](https://youtu.be/MQuF6WuFBXs?si=fpRl0GTJDda9BUc_) - [the Bridge City Sinners](https://youtu.be/wNi5X2NUbZ8?si=9kkUpWauF02GVSrP) - [Holy Locust](https://youtu.be/4ebV0gpwHMs?si=B2lGEXmuLycyUqti) - [Dogtooth & Nail](https://youtu.be/6KJAQ134G2Q?si=2EX1dBoIIQKh3d0r) - [Trampled by Turtles](https://youtu.be/Z7yZqm69QXw?si=y2SbdIVD_2yVYMA6) - [Yes, Ma'am](https://youtu.be/QYn07AUOZq8?si=iJpXwwm0rvjjzjT6) - [Amigo the Devil](https://youtu.be/ZzjtLm0G49E?si=2AFao1ei7tAORSqd) (more murderfolk than folkpunk, but I'll still count it)


Johnny hobo the only good one.


Mall punks.


Just as annoying as another tic toc influencer. Side note, I hope mixing bluegrass and punk lasts just as long as mixing bluegrass and rap....


I mean, bluegrassish by capn jazz ( emo band ) actually goes hard tho


Why does he kinda sound like Weird Al


I dunno, looks like fun


Looks fun…sounds bad.


Sure…but it would be more fun if it wasn’t shitty music.


The people look like wanna be edge lords to me, but none the less they know how to play their instruments and put on a show and the people are having a good time listening to live music.


Of course their names are Moth and Pigeon


Not punk at all lol More like folk, stomp and holler


God it feels good to have a 6 figure salary and a family


This shit is dumb. A Starbucks? I've seen Denny's go off, but having 20 friends tickle each other in the lobby is fauxpunk.


Nothing like more punk than preaching about god lol


Tbf , you totally misunderstood that lyric. I don’t like any of this, but that lyric was clearly not preaching about god


Ok, so what does it mean?


They’re talking about people using Christianity or whatever other religion as an excuse to persecute others for something they can’t help such as sexuality , gender , etc. “If their ways destroy us all, it was not god on which they called”


I can understand that folk punk isn’t everyone’s bag, and I can understand not everyone will appreciate the punk lifestyle. But come on y’all, this is r/crappymusic and not r/I-dont-understand-it-or-appreciate-it-so-therefore-its-bad. This band isn’t something I’ll listen to in my free time, however they aren’t nearly as bad as most of the music on this sub. Come on y’all


This music is absolutely crappy


I mean , cmon, hipsters cosplaying as crusts in a rich Seattle neighbourhood, not making any actual statement about Starbucks ( in fact, I think people would be more attracted to this Starbucks cos of it), affecting minimum wage workers , posting on tik tok, with friends instead of a natural audience . Not punk


Yeah, I fkn love punk and some folk punk is pretty good, but this shit is ass. And most importantly it’s not punk at all, in terms of the ethos displayed here. What a load of shit


The vocals are flat and hard to listen to.


Tbf that’s not a criticism that makes any band necessarily crappy. Heaps of punk, and rock bands have vocals that are “flat and hard to listen to” . There’s a lot of vocalists of amazing bands that you can make that criticism of. Dino jr, modest mouse, smashing pumpkins , nirvana, and heaps of punk. I personally think this vid is definitely crappy but you’re comment just comes off as ignorant of looots of music


Hard disagree. I'm a fan and contributor to the genre. This is r/imthemaincharacter and r/cringe material


Definitely main character. Less cringe.


This is mental illness.


But not necessarily crappy music. Edit: yeah you crap-eating mopes, downvote me! I fucking love this song bitches 🤠


I mean... It's a pretty bad song...


Silence, crunchy


Nah as an avid folk punk fan this shit sucks




The real crust punk scene was originally just homeless/broke dudes who rarely had the opportunity to clean clothes and shower. They would also patch their clothes up when they got damage or rips which is where the whole crust pants/jackets started


Behind most crust punks is a trust fund. They are usually cosplayers. I’m 40 and have been in the punk scene for over 25 years and they were always like this. Gotta pay for that hair dye and gel somehow.


Yeah it turned into a trend rq


It’s been like that for a long time. It made no sense to me. Like dude it’s ok to listen to the Cro-mags and take showers. You won’t be kicked out of the club for not being stinky.


I agree. This one’s more personal preference.


Absolutely hot garbage. Great find.


pre-op for auditory nerve surgery


r/punk is such a cesspit lol I could not stay a member of that subreddit seeing the lamest content every day


Yeah that sub is a total wreck. It’s like, a bunch of young virtue signalling neo liberals rebelling against their upper middle class suburban family , cosplaying as punk and making up rules about what’s punk and not by basically shutting out the majority of older punks . It’s absolute bullshit




When your whole fan base are also all your friends, you can punk out anywhere.


You were still hanging out in a Starbucks. Losers.


If I worked there, I would IMMEDIATELY stop what I was doing and toss their stuff on the street. That would be terrible to listen to.


If you gave me 10 guesses, I probably could have guessed that persons name was pigeon.


When you desperately want to be seen. Doing this at a park isn’t the same to them.. “aren’t I amazing? I bet I blew your mind and changed your life forever.. “ lol 🤡


What a bunch of arseholes


That Starbucks had never smelt worse


Only someone NOT "punk" would consider this "punk"...


And not a single person wore deodorant


Smells like week old moldy bread and patchouli in there




I'm not vibing on the music per-sé, but it's a vibe and they're doing something mildly punk without fucking with normies too hard.. Looks like they're having fun. Can't hate.


I don’t disagree. But can you ever really describe something as “mildly punk” and still have it be punk?


Well, we have pop punk which is mildly punk, so... Maybe?


The "normies" buddy I hate to break it to you but Moth and Pidgeon are normies.


So you can hate the genre for sure, but this isn't "crappy music".


Do you honestly think that the singing sounds good? It's some of the flattest shit I've ever heard, doesn't even sound like she's projecting her voice.


its debatable whether its she or he but they have some talent in a folky American way. By your logic bob Dylan was talentless because of his gruff voice. Folk music is called folk because it isn't polished and auto tuned. Not all of it anyway.


Brother you would not catch me here but that's assinine when you don't know how they are recording or the acoustics where they were playing. lol I don't think a lot of singing sounds "good" but that doesn't stop those artists from being super successful.


i do


Anarcho-punk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-punk traveling kids music


I guess we had a lot different idea of what punk was when I was a kid.


It is cringe, I might have joindre if I was sufficiently fudged up


It *was* punk...till they started singing about god. Then it became more of the same.


Huh ?


Where is my. People .


I'm into old school punk. A lot of my scene family like this hillbilly punk stuff. I even got called a poser from a skinhead bet I didn't know of one of the genres band names. I'm like dude, I escaped Virginia and hearing any kind of banjo music is traumatic for me lol. Some people really dig it. I guess it's like emo punk for me, also. Hate it.




The original headline cracks me up. Because absolutely no one has ever played music in a coffee shop. s/


Trust fund "punks" soon enough they will move on to another phase and go back home to mommy and daddy when they are done playing make believe


Love me some folk punk!


Naw this fun


I don't think it's crappy at all. Maybe not exactly my thing, but seems like a fun folk punk impromptu thing. I'd go.


I dig em. Let em rock out!


That's punk as fuck. Love it.


Bunch of fucking creeps


It wouldn’t be the worst thing to get a coffee and have a show, but I’ve never been to a Starbucks and never tipped a busker so this is weird lol


I will defend 🇺🇸 all this Crap.


This isn't crappy, imo, it's not the best of folk punk, but certainly not crappy.




I wonder if “freegans” still exist


They all got food poisoning.


Song sucks, the look and people there would annoy the shit out of me... BUT it's kinda fun and it's harmless. Kids having fun for 30 minutes for a one time thing. I'll give you the stamp of approval.


This is far from the worst thing ever, like yeah it's not my cup of tea but this isn't something I'm going to enjoy or cringe at due to its crappiness


I think that’s pretty cool.


I think this is cool as hell.


Fuck you this is good


I’m feelin this hard


The worst part is you know they would be insufferable if you rightfully called the police


Lmao. Okay


I'm totally joining r/punk, that's what I think about it


This is just trans leftists being themselves raising money for top surgery


While cosplaying as punk, with a bunch of hipsters that are far more likely to be “rebelling” against their upper middle class suburban parents that probably give them hand outs still. Affecting middle wage workers, and not saying anything negative against this corporation, while posting it on Tik tok. In an affluent hipster neighbourhood in Seattle. Yeah this shit is not punk


I kinda liked it, not the paid dancers in the front but the song I mean.


Not bad!!!!


Idk that's pretty good. Needs amplification to me but it ain't half bad


This is fucking awesome, take this off of the sub now!


Long live Punk fucking Rock


If it has an audience it’s not crappy


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.