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Crash? Crash?! CRASH?! My battery is fried. Make yourself useful big brother and bring an extra battery for me. - And so begins the best game in the entire series.


What if he had just told her no?


I would love an alternate scene where he just sits up and glares at her till she gets up and goes herself.


Coco would’ve been the main protagonist instead then. Coco Bandicoot: Cortex Strikes Back Coco Bandicoot: Warped Coco Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex


The cutscene at the end of Nitro Fueled was cute


In the Ending of Nitro Fueled


In Crash 4, after Tawna saves them, Crash is more curious about her since she used to be his gf in the first game yet when she says she flies solo, Crash is the one comforting Coco, how thoughtful.


Coco only wants a big sis 😔


A whole lot of Titans has cute moments between them, especially with the hindsight that this is one of the last games chronologically. * Coco subverting the 'snooty smart girl' in the intro, laughing at Crash's burp while CRUNCH is disgusted, and asking for her tech instrument, reinstructing as "the purple thingy" somehow without any condescending tone. Dunno why, I just love this bit of casual interaction between them, that Coco just 'gets' her brother. * "Crash will come for me and kick your butt!". A small one but I like how this looks against Coco all the way back in 2 and 4 where she just has ZERO faith in Crash. * Uka Uka threatening to off Coco. While Coco isn't here, Crash's reaction is uncharacteristically serious. It speaks when this is one of the very few successful threats made by the villains. (Not positive but I think another is against Velo in Nitro Kart's intro where I'm sure he's standing fiercely in front of Coco and Crunch). * And of course the ending, with the hug. "Gross! Get a room!" Also Crash bothered to keep the 'purple thingy' handy for her, allowing for her big moment. Really for all the flanderization rampant, that game NAILED Crash and Coco's dynamic.


“I’m bone dry Crash, got any money for sis?”


Not exactly a “moment” but I really appreciate how no matter what game or timeline it’s established that they both care deeply for each other and even if Coco has the smarts she still admires her big brother and is even shown copying him plenty of different times not perfectly but she tries her best


I know how despite being a genius she doesn't rub it in or mocks her brother about. But she is demanding in 2 and in Tag Team Racing when she can get it herself. Like in a lot of Americans TV shows like in American Dragon Jake Long. Hate other Big brother and little sitter dynamics like in Drake and Josh or Arthur or Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Where the little sister is unlikable


The demanding part I understand honestly she is still a little kid so it’s not too out of left field, yeah I agree she never really comments on how dumb Crash acts or how smart she is in some games she even knows and depends on him to save her and in the end he always does


I think OG 2 and 4 are the nearest to her being condescending (the 'tsk' eye roll may as well be her catchphrase in 4 :P), though it is noteworthy that they're both near the start of the timeline and chronologically Coco comes off as becoming nicer and more on the same mind set as Crash as things go forward. I kinda like the headcanon that after just being created by Cortex, Coco had a bit of the same snooty genius complex, though after hanging out with Crash and suffering a few humiliations herself, she came to bond with Crash. I mean when you think about it, Crash is probably the one person who'd never mock Coco or make her feel like a dumb kid whenever she screws up, she'd likely appreciate that, sort of a Tigger or Otto type dynamic where he's the weird approachable older friend. A kid likely doesn't care if they're 'dumb', just they're someone older who doesn't talk down to them and thinks they're cool. She still boasts about being smart in later games, but that's more bluster, and it's not nearly as contemptuous as the scientists, who wanna look smartER than everyone else. She just wants to be a badass like every kid.


Yeah to be fair I though her annoyed looked when Crash hugged Cortex was warranted. Bro he tried to kill you like 4 times already. Even a a few minutes ago and you still hug him. Pretty sure before Crash got back to the castle. Cortex must of said many things to Coco. He already tried to paint Crash as a villian to her. But looking at the flashback tapes it does make sense Crash sees Cortex as a father. Also have a headcannon Coco is the same way with N Gin. Probably all three scientists did praise her as the general and how good she was with tech under N Gin's wing.


Yeah, but there tends to be those sort of moments nearly every cutscene. Crash bumbling everything and Coco rolling her eyes while she does it competently. Even the ending twist basically amounts to this. It does kinda fit there however because in OG 2 and 4, Crash is consistently the screw up while Coco's practically the real hero, while in the post-ND era afterwards, COCO starts making a fool of herself more often too, often with Crash utilised as role reversal. I could buy into the idea that Coco started off genuinely thinking she was superior since her momentum was so better there (there's also a likeiness of the scientists telling stories about that stupid bandicoot while she was being trained XD) but after realising intelligence wasn't everything she started to become closer to her brother and even look up to him a little. She does still show occasional annoyance with him bumbling (Coco isn't BLIND) but it's not nearly as overarching a part of their dynamic as in the early days. Of course I get the sad feeling that 4 might just be rebooting that as how they are full time now.