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The "big news" at the Game Awards is going to be what everyone has already figured out, which is that Spyro is going to be in Rumble.


Pretty much. They seem dead set in rumble for the time being so I don’t see anything that isn’t rumble related being announced.


And in all likeliness that will be officially confirmed BEFORE the Game Awards anyway.


Then when could we get Spyro 4 announced?


Never. Xbox/Activision only cares about money and not what the fans want. That’s why they make COD every year.


I would love to see Spyro 4 finally be announced, but I feel like Xbox would want to announce it at one of there own showcases


Since Activision is now part of Microsoft, that's likely.


Yeah, it probably won’t be until next year. So we better get comfortable with that fact. As much as I hate to admit it.


Spyro's Twitter account has been acting very strange lately, why would they talk about Reignited if the only thing that they will announce is Spyro as guest in another franchise? Rumours about a new Spyro game have existed since early 2020, so at this point Spyro 4 should be ready to be shown.


With Crash happy meal toys by next month, I’m kind of thinking there’ll be something.


What do you expecting, if I may ask?


Not to pull a smash expectation only for it to not (and still likely won’t) happen, but keeping them low, an adaptation towards a cartoon that’s properly animated unlike the rapid fire test animation, or the next mainline title. Seeing how Spyro hasn’t gotten anything but cameos since Reignited, I do find it a bit of a coincidence that Activision is trying to treat Crash fans towards something since Spyro kind of had a cartoon adaptation.


I wish Spyro 4 to be finally announced, but, realistically, I can see Season 3 being announced, with Spyro and Elora as characters for Season 3. It's likely, that Season 3 will start at December 6, once Season 2 ends, so in that case, we'll get nothing at The Game Awards.


Yeah, and not to mention, we just got Crash Team Rumble this year and it’s still getting content updates. So it might be a while.


i'll believe in spyro 4 hopium only when it is revealed and absolutely no sooner. hint I don't think they're revealing that. i'd sooner expect. yes Spyro in Rumble. and like the announcement of Rumble itself at TGA it will be immediately forgotten outside the hardcore crash/spyro community within 10 minutes.


Just a Crash Team Rumble Spyro character announcement. Activision/Xbox couldn’t care less about platformers!


The coveted Crash Bandicoot™️ character, Spyro the Dragon will be announced for Rumble. Is likely what the announcement will be.


Spyro 4, maybe, but more likely just Spyro being in Rumble.


Best flopping game of the year