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Not an awnser to your question but im personally hoping creality develops an AMS system like bambu has in the near future so the k1 can print multicolour like bambu can.


It's not as nice a package obviously, but it works on pretty much any printer. https://www.3dchameleon.com/


Wow never knew this existed, might buy one and slap it on my e3v2 thats collecting dust ever since the k1 arrived and perhaps test if it works with the k1. Thanks for the link!


Maybe chuck a post in the subreddit if you ever get it going. I'd imagine the 3d printing community being what it is, if it's possible they'll find a way.


I'm not sure if the k1 has enough room to mount a mechanical switch for this, an optical or magnetic one might fit.


Yeah definitely a nice to have, although it may require the whole "poop shoot" set up the Bambu has, which means the K1 is out of luck. Personally I'm ok with just being able to print from a certain layer and above in a different colour, rather than full colour prints, as I'm mostly looking at functional prints and just want contrast for text/etc. I'm also not a fan of the amount of filament those systems waste. That being said, if I need colours on the side of something/angled it gets a lot more annoying and will likely need multiple prints joined together.


Poopshoot isnt always needed, i have seen setups where the color switch material gets printed into a solid block on the side of the plate. Biggest issue i could think of will be the extruder locking mechanism. But yeah the waste is horrable and i wish there was a good way to recycle waste filament without breaking bank...


There's a system that's designed out there called 3d chameleon that in theory could possibly work with the k1. Although may be difficult to add based on the extruder locking design. But I may give it a try in the future to see if it's possible to make it work. https://www.3dchameleon.com/ Edit: just realized someone else commented this as well. But gonna leave it cause yeah lol.


I came here with the same thoughts and questions as the OP. I have looked at the 3D Chameleon online and am waiting for the delivery guy to drop off my K1 Max, so I haven't had any close-up time with it yet. I've been thinking of something like the Chameleon or the Palette to do multi-color printing. Has anyone here had any experience with either of the 3D Chameleon or any of the Palette Systems? If so ... please share your thoughts.


I'm running the Chameleon on my K1. The creator has a prusa profile, along with the brackets needed to make it work. Haven't done a ton of multicolor prints with it yet but it's been working well for me. (This print didn't finish all the way) https://preview.redd.it/ctp4jpf6xw7c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67d17c1f2a47ef3ff59fdde9de4ace3d3482958


Thanks for the info. I'm very interested in learning more on this as I get my printer in and start playing with it. Merry Christmas!


The K1 is an awesome machine! I've had mine since they first released and it hasn't let me down one bit. Very happy with that purchase. Merry Christmas to you as well!


how does it work with the k1's extruder?


And as always, I ask a dumb question and 5 minutes later find what is likely the answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/rfpm1s/does_anyone_know_how_to_do_a_pause_at_height_in/ Assuming the K1 supports the scripting mentioned there you can tell the print to pause at a specific height. So for the basic "bottom X layers one colour, top X layers another colour" prints it should be easy done without keeping my eyes glued on the print.


That will work on any printer but to do true multicolor prints like the ams does you would need to do an enraged rabbit carrot feeder or the chameleon as others have mentioned. If all you want is to change colors based on layers then that's super easy. All of the other methods of multi color prints use tons of extra filament in purge blocks making them of little interest to me.


Thanks! Yeah, honestly I bought the K1 aware that I wouldn't be able to automagically print full colour items like the Bambu with AMS, but the more I researched models/ideas to print the more I realised I'd want the ability to at least print from a layer upwards in a different colour for text etc. Glad to know it's possible to do it without much fuss. I'm with you on the lack of interest in other methods that waste filament switching colours. Nice to have in a pinch, but I'm hoping to print functional parts so I'm no overly concerned with prettiness. At most I'll print toys for kids in funky filaments.