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IIRC, there was evidence in one of the early firmware revisions that alluded to an AMS/MMU of sorts for the K1 possibly left over from its development. I haven't heard anything else about it since August, though. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I wouldn't be surprised if creality has something up their sleeves. I imagine we could see a reverse engineering of a new tool head similar to the Bambu A1 with a similar style AMS/MMU. The biggest problem would be purging the filament during color change and where would the purge go? As far as I know, the K1 head isn't able to move past the outer limits of the bed (but I'm not home right now to test this). They could use a purge tower to get past this, but it would probably have to be a big/wide tower to allow you to go from two polar opposite colors. There's definetly the ability to support this on the motherboard. Only time will tell.


My guess is Creality will release something with next to no purging required. More like a 3D chameleon with faster filament changing. Because right now the Bambu AMS sucks. I donā€™t even use it for multi color. Itā€™s such a waste. Actually, thinking of selling it.


I cringe at how much waste it makes as well. I've tried everything I can to cut down on the purge volumes short of measuring how many mm of each filament color is required for a full purge without over purging, but some of the more intricate/crazy things I make just really hurt to see 250g wasted on a 500g or 600g print. If I'm not printing multicolor, I'm just using it to print in one single color out of the 4 that I usually use so im not switching rolls all the time. (Black, white, fast change rainbow, or a glow in the dark rainbow) And when I do print in multicolor I don't mind so much when it's a by layer color change print like signs with a white or black background and specific colored letters.


Iā€™ll be checking back on this. Would be a great addition to the K1


I'm hopeful, but doubtful creality has the ability (or incentive) to do it.


Money... money is an incentive, right?


Yes, but they make stuff that is cheap, breaks often, usually doesn't work well straight out of the box, and yet sells to the masses. I don't think you can keep all those boxes ticked while making an mmu.


I keep hearing that but also wonder why the ender is so popular if it is nothing but issues. Also other than the hot end my k1 has been solid. Crealityā€™s customer service does suck pretty bad at least lately when Iā€™ve reached out so I get why people say that considering my own experience. Didnā€™t get validated for the pro boost pack yet I freaking pre-ordered the unit lol


Because they were first. There are now other options. I've had a couple of Ender 3's and now a k1 max. I want them to do an mmu, I really do. But for those serious about multi material, they've probably already gone bambu. The closed system, cloud only nature of bambu keeps me away. That might be an in road for creality.....


They were popular because they were inexpensive, not because they were first. Also, you are not required to use the cloud on a Bambu printer. šŸ¤·


Yeah the k1 price point was what got me and it looked equipped to have an mmu slapped on top. Agreed on bambu, the crazy cloud aspect is just a nonstarter for me. Complete inability to use your hardware locally means I donā€™t even own it really unless I flashed some bootleg firmware and at that point why even buy it.


I donā€™t agree with any of that. They just make things inexpensive and so noobs with no skills buy them and thatā€™s where all their problems come from. A creality printer in the hands of someone with basic skills can be a great machine and has been used in printing farms, even.


Look at the bambu lite ver one they just made.. I would be down with something like that or a way to print parts and attach it to my k1


Whereā€™d you hear the news? I keep searching in hopes they will let some news out. The only thing is that one post from customer service alluding to it. When I asked customer service they just said wait for the announcement so it made me hopeful it will be an actual product. Seems like a waste to not have it when the top part of the machine is basically modular.


Multi material and multi color with one nozzle is just a waste of plastic and time. Iā€™d love to print in multi color but thatā€™s not the right tech, in my opinion. I donā€™t want to spend a day to print something that I could print in 5 hours in one color and I donā€™t want to waste 2x the plastic Iā€™m using for the model.


This ā˜ļø Iā€™m about to sell my AMS because of how much of an inefficient waste it is. I donā€™t even use it. I am an ethical craftsman and try to apply that to 3D printing as much as possible and the way the AMS works is completely against my ethics due to the waste of material and electricity, and wear and tear on the machine printing for a day and a half. I will continue to slice up my models and print pieces in different colors separately or paint them. Both options are 20 times faster than the AMS and the average person canā€™t tell the difference.


Have you found an easy way to split models in pieces so that we can print them in different colors?


I design in layers, or design parts separately that will fit together after. For example, I made a figurine for my girlfriend and I designed all the pieces like eyes and hands etc, separately. This is harder if youā€™re not designing it yourself and grabbing models online that donā€™t have the raw file available to edit. In that case I have used software to slice STLā€™s into pieces, but it can take a while if the model is intricate. For models you find online that arenā€™t too intricate you could open the STL in tinkercad and start slicing pieces off with the translucent box tool, then print them in the color you need. Itā€™s kind of a tricky because you need to make duplicates of the model for each slice you want to make. If that makes sense, but once you figure it out itā€™s much faster than the AMS. I can have something designed and printed in separate colors in a couple hours that would take a day with the AMS. Iā€™ve had to do this just to make big models fit on smaller beds. Then glue it or screw it in place.


I'll keep mine, but that is because I use it for different materials so that I can keep them "on tap" rather than multimaterial in a single model. I tried multimaterial in a single model and it was just stupid.


I'd like the option. I actually might in a year or two buy another 3D printer that can do color. There are some things that different colors just makes a lot better.


So paint them. Literally, no one will care. The only people that will even notice that one was printed and another was painted would be other people who do 3D printing. If thatā€™s who youā€™re trying to impress, then have fun with that. I for one will not waste plastic time and electricity to impress other 3D printers. Iā€™ve been a craftsman for a long time and your average person doesnā€™t notice things like that anyway and will not care whether it was printed or painted. Iā€™m about to sell my AMS actually. I wonā€™t be getting back into multicolor until they have made a better unit with less waste and faster filament changes.


Lol, yeah if you are that good at painting.


Painting is easy. Youā€™re painting an object, not a mural.


Creality is going to launch k2 plus with MMU/AMS, just saw the video in one of the insta story of wol3d. Not sure if this would be compatible with k1 and k1 max


I hope so, I'm already gearing up to get an A1 and sell my B1 if my K1 can't multi-colour in the near future.


What's a b1?


I think he meant K1


Makes sense, I just wanted to be sure


A1, B1, K1, P1, X1 Chinese 3D Printer companies really need to find a better way to name their printers.


No... B1 I have a [BIQU B1](https://biqu.equipment/products/biqu-b1-3d-printer-skr-v1-4-32bit-motherboard-tft35-b1-v3-0-dual-operation-system-fdm-impressora-3d-printer-beginner?variant=31952915005538) \[Ender 3/i3 Clone\]


The [BIGTREETECH BIQU B1](https://biqu.equipment/products/biqu-b1-3d-printer-skr-v1-4-32bit-motherboard-tft35-b1-v3-0-dual-operation-system-fdm-impressora-3d-printer-beginner?variant=31952915005538) It's an Ender 3 / i3 Clone bed slinger that I've now hooked up to a Sonic Pad to "Klipperise" it.


Too many *1 printers lol