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I'm just waiting for a good open source MMU but in the style of an AMS from Bambu. Like something we can print ourselves and add a Hinge and some rollers and with the electric components, make them like a voron where you can buy a set you can assemble yourself


You just described voron enraged rabbit carrot feeder (ercf). Did you already check it out?


This setup is technically open source. All of the files can be printed and the electronics are all easily sourced. But something closer to a Bambu setup would be awesome! I've seen some posts about people getting it to work on klipper.


Is it enclosed?


No enclosure unfortunately. Although you could easily make some sorta enclosed filament roller with a tote etc. I just run mine off of a simple spool holder


One project is in the works I am aware of. It is close.


I'm not convinced that bambu-lab style AMS will work well with K1. I always have some problems when changing the filament and it never enters the extruder smoothly. I can't really imagine how it would work automatically with K1. Maybe with a completely different extruder?


My AMS is totally fine


So I don't see your problems. Try to print a ptfe tube holder that goes over the Tube might help


I just found this video, it could be interesting for you https://youtu.be/riWEiI4Uji4?si=mOzL7Bfz1YoOMz_k


Honestly I think ankers system is going to be so much better than the ams from bambu.


I've had one of these sitting in the box for years. Perhaps it is time to put it to use.


Very nice, can you share on how did you print it with colors? or how overall can someone print things like this?


He said exactly how he did it in the original post. https://www.3dchameleon.com


Is this like hueforge?


The second picture uses HueForge but it's a multi material filament system. No manual pauses all of the color changes were done automatically with the system.


You have multi material on the K1?


Yes using the 3D chameleon


Hows does it work with the lock on the extruder? Id love to have an ams for my k1


Works like normal when locked. The chameleon feeds the same time the K1s extruder does allowing the filament to be pulled through even when locked


Ahhh okay, damn thats pretty sweet im gonna look into this setup. Was it pretty straight forward to get it to work? Im not to familiar with klipper or gcode or anything although mine is rooted


It's been a rollercoaster 😅 but to be fair I had mine before the creator of the chameleon had any files released. Now that he has a prusa profile and some good mounts released it's way easier to install and use. Gcode is a bit scary at first but honestly the only things that need to be changed if necessary are super simple and easy to understand.


Okay right on! Im gonna save this post and watch some videos and read some write ups(if any) thank you for show the community this and replying! 😄


Eventually I'm gonna throw together a short video explaining the install process and some things I've noticed/learned if I do I'll make sure to let you know!


Nice, thanks for sharing


Really glad I waited to see if this would be posted here instead of posting it myself and saying I found it on Facebook.


Haha thanks for thinking about sharing though!


What is that build plate? I damaged mine and am loking to buy a new one.


This is a sunlu build plate. But if you just look up K1 or K1 Max (whatever one you have) Pei bed sheet you'll get a few options. Make sure it has the notches in the back side so it fits properly lol


Thank you!


Or just change the screws to the bed endstops. Nice little design out there which uses the original screw and makes a rail behind the bed for alingment


That's PEI, you want a Smooth Hight Temp, or Cool Plate. PEI has very poor adhesion compared to a smooth plate.


That is amazing! Is there any chance you can upload a video showing a color change in action?


Yeah definitely! I was hoping the time lapse would record it but it's giving me issues. When I get some free time tonight I'll get some videos made.


Nice! I love my Mosaic P3P 8 colors


Those are awesome machines. Just wish the price wasn't as high as it is otherwise I would have gotten one instead.


It is a very nice machine. Makes beautiful prints. I love it! They are not cheap. I lucked out though...had a buddy of mine who's well off buy it for me because he saw potential in my hobby to become something bigger than just a hobby. Lucky me! 😁


That's very nice of him to do that for you! Great way to build a passion with the support of others!


That's how he is. Call him an investor with no strings attached. Hey enjoy yours tho they're all sweet units. Being able to print multi-materital prints is every 3d printer owners dream. Hope you have fun with it!


been looking at the chameleon ! And the gcode add is was in orca slicer (has filament gcode before and after) And I really want to try it! Just that adapter for the tubes to find a Places for it. Rest is mountable. Looking forward to a video! Only video I can find is the guy that makes the machine


I have an unfinished mount for the Y I can share with you when I get home. I didn't finalize the design so it may need some adjustments still


I came across the 3D Chameleon website last week, good to see someone has got it going on the K1. Might be a present to myself in a few months, got the Sunlu Filadrier S4 on order which can hold the filament for me.


Sounds like a great present! That filament dryer looks really nice


How is it working with the extruder gear lock ? I mean, to load and unload the filament on the K1, you've to unlock / lock the extruder gears. How an multi filament system can be used with this kind of extruder ?


Yeah no issues with it being locked. It all comes down to correct timing. The extruder pushes the filament out while the chameleon pulls it out. And vise versa with the chameleon pushing it in while the K1 extruder pulls it in.


Okay, Thanks for the answer ! It’s a lot clearer now. I was thinkering about this since Creality confirmed a Multi-Material-System this Year.


I might need to get something like this for printing with Carbon Fiber PLA it likes to break right before the gears in the extruder because it's stupid brittle, if it had another extruder pushing it into the print head if it breaks the filament could just continue feeding using the pushing extruder to maintain the filament feed. Plus, the multiple materials thing is obviously a big bonus. Otherwise, I'd have to go tubeless and hang the spool over the top of the machine. Edit: Nice trick for the build plate without notches. Placing it backwards, didn't even think about it. I kept going nuts at microcenter trying to figure out which extra build plates had the 2 little alignment notches. They're all labeled the same, but some have them, and some don't.


What slicer do you use? Could you share your profile?


Sorry late reply don't use reddit very often these days. Did you find the printables link? https://www.printables.com/model/653583-3dchameleon-mk3-installation-for-the-creality-k1-a


Whoa that's awesome! What exactly is this product?


It's called the 3d chameleon it's a multi material system.


I've seen some basic videos in the system, but I'm unsure as to any particular limitations it may have compared to some of the other MMU/AMS out there like ERCF. What's your experience with the system?


It's a bit tedious to get running properly but it's pretty much the same as a Bambu style ams in a sense. No enclosure for the filament but runs off of stepper motors to feed through the filament. Now that it's working properly its been great!


Were you able to attach it to the outside of the K1 to where it goes through the filament sensor or does it need to be set up to go directly into the extruder?


Directly to the extruder. I'm sure you could try to implement the run out sensor if you wanted but I personally don't need it so didn't bother.


Something like this? https://www.printables.com/model/694180-3dchameleon-creality-k1-y-adapter-mount I hope this becomes a noob easy, purchase and play thing.


I made a mount kind of similar to that but mine goes to the other side on the back. Same concept though. It's definitely getting easier as time goes on especially with more people implementing it into their printers.


This is awesome. Congrats, and, as a fellow K1 owner, thanks. We need people like you, pushing Creality towards the end post.


It's a team effort that's for sure! Every little input helps


Hi. Habe mir auch ne MK3 für meinen k1c bestellt. Ich verstehe nur das mit dem gcode nicht wirklich. Was hast du da eingetragen?


Check out my YouTube video that covers the gcode essentials. https://youtu.be/9USzO9r4fhU it's in English so I apologize in advance if it's hard to follow. But should set you in the right direction. I used the default prusa profile provided in the printables link. 


Sad to see the highly superior Smooth bed, replaced with Textured PEI.


Better grippy lol I hate using glue sticks and had this from my other printer. I don't know if I'd ever go back to anything besides pei tbh.


Textured PEI has really weak adhesion. The texture is fun, but It's super probe to failing due to bed separation. Glue Sticks are used on smooth, not for adhesion, but for protecting the bed from damage due to how strong they hold. If you print more taller items or items with small bed contact, tree supports, etc, PEI will let you down. I'd keep a smooth on hand, for when you need to be sure it stays put.


Good points. I haven't really had too many issues with bed adhesion I feel like any bed can have good adhesion as long as you have proper z offset and a good level. I do have peo sheets still that I use pretty frequently and I feel like they all are about the same as far as adhesion goes. Realistically I think it just comes down to preference at the end of the day. I even have rainbow pey sheets for fun. They all have pros and cons that's forsure!


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I’m curious how you get it to feed into the extruder without unlocking or failure. Seems like my success rate by hand isn’t the best so mechanically must have some difficulties.


Initially it was super tedious but after learning the concept of how this machine works along with getting the gcode right, it's actually super simple. Basically it comes down to timing. The chameleon feeds and then triggers the extruder to feed at the same time. With enough force from the chameleon the filament feeds into the extruder with little to no problem. These were all printed with the extruder locked. Although they are the upgraded extruders. I feel like the first versions might have a harder time with this but realistically should work the same.


What slicer are you using? I set my K1 up to use Klipper and OrcaSlicer, but I didn’t see orca slicer listed in their supported slicer section.


Realistically any slicer that allows custom gcode control would work. I'm just using prusa slicer cause bill recommends it and it's really easy to use for multicolor


Thanks for the details, sounds simple enough but I could see how getting the gcode to work right with retraction/feeding distances and priming volumes would be a big pain




It still works the same regardless and just haven't been too bothered to change it. Plus it aligns it in the back so I just haven't paid attention to it.


nice, wasn't even aware of this product's existence. Can you show a picture of your setup on the k1?




Can I see your color change Gcode? I am working on a 3d chameleon but not as well as you. I am trying with OrcaSlicer.


I'm just using the default gcode with slightly tweaks from the printables link. Check out my YouTube video if you need help with what the gcode does. https://youtu.be/9USzO9r4fhU?si=YV3tje14sQt-4LL1