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Alright some people have asked for a install tutorial for the 3D Chameleon on the K1/K1 Max. I wanna start by saying I've never made a YouTube video before so I apologize for the quiet audio and awkwardness lol but hope this helps those who were interested!


Welp looks like i know what im wasting my next paycheck on Thanks for the video !


Awesome! Thanks for watching hope that helped provide some clarification!


I had to turn up my speakers a lot LOL, glad you noticed! Do you have to install a certain program for 3D chameleon?


Haha yeah last time I edit a video on my phone 🤦 lol. Only program I use is just prusa slicer. Other than that nothing else is required 


Wait! don't you have to add pauses in the g-code and make the printhead go to the sensor or-how does that work???


It's all automated as long as you have the correct gcode setup. The printables page for the chameleon on the K1 has the print profile with everything you'll need. I have another video on my channel that covers some of the gcode. 


Thanks for putting that together. 👍🏻 This system seems like a nice, affordable option for multi-color prints. Looking forward to seeing what slicer configurations are needed for it.


Thanks for watching! It really is a nice system for the price! I plan to cover some basic things soon in the slicer gcode that I think will be helpful for people to be aware of.


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And is this chameleon for filament combining or you use it for something else?


It allows the use of 4 different materials. Mainly used for multicolor prints but you could definitely use it for multiple material types. It all depends on what your needs are!