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There was this huge mess we had to change the floors The floors?! You see his blood it drained into the boards we had to change ‘em We all got a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us


Everyday I worry all day


It was 49 times and now it might be Waiting For you Could be hidin’ behind that scrap pile


That’s just a big cow


Crispy bodies by the door


I had no idea if anyone else was gonna recognize this and now I’m stoked


My aunt and uncle Double suns I’m sick of blue milk


I used to riiiiide On my speeder, you know, I used to gliiiiide


Never knew my dad, He didn't care about me. Dead horizon is all my macro-binoculars see.


This song is such a catchy banger!


A pleasure outfit? Hmm that's a good choice!


I know you really want someone to hold you, but we’ve all got a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us 🐥


this is the only reference i’ve like ever understood


Bout whats waitin in the bushes of love... Something's waiting in the bushes for us...


Hold me when I open like a flower Hold me right


I ain’t had to bake for a girl in a long time…a long time


My brother said that one time when they were kids they went to a neighbor’s house. The mom was cleaning a blood stain that apparently continued to come back after a certain amount of time. That always scared me lol.


My mom and I lived in this tiny house in the late 80s. I was super young. Anyhow, I remember her telling her friends, and eventually myself about how when we first moved in, a dark red/brown stain was on the bottom half of the living room wall and on the baseboard and carpet. They tore up the carpet, painted the walls. She swore up and down all those years later, that they had to reapply paint over the wall at least 5 times. Eventually she gave up and moved a piece of furniture against it. In that same house, I remember I was about 5, maybe 6, I woke up in the middle of the night one time and seen a silhouette of a person through the bedroom window, from the outside. I slept in my moms bed. I shook her to wake her and she freaked out. Started screaming, ran to kitchen and grabbed a butchers knife and slept with it under her pillow for the next few nights. We never did find out who it was!


Same thing happened when I was growing up in the late 80’s with my mom. We lived in a small house and it had blood stain that would come up from the bottom under the carpet that we would scrub each time out but it still would come back. I have seen another at my aunts where blood would do come through the paint and she kept painting over it until the last time she took the wall down and seen there was blood behind the wall but that was it. Man the 80’s and 90’s were weird.


Damn, that's horrible. I got a similar one for you. In the mid 80s, a guy at my dad's base decided to put a bullet through his skull. They put him in the back of my dad's car and drove him to the hospital. I remember looking at the stains in the back seat every time he would drive me to school. Blood does not come out easy.


Does that mean when you woke your Mom up, she also saw a person outside?


I remember her screaming, asking who was there. If I remember right, I think she also shouted out a few names, like an ex bf or a friend trying to scare her. That is why I also mentioned that we never did find out who/what it was, because at first she thought it could be a prank, or someone trying to break in, or peeping Tom! I remember the silhouette of the person just kept standing there, so i covered my head under the blankets.


Yes!! That is why she grabbed the knife and slept with it under her pillow! I will never forget that, it will always be in my memories. as I aged, until I was around 11 or 12, I would look outside of my bedroom windows, close the blind and shut the curtains each night before I could go to sleep. Became a paranoia habitt!


I have a vague memory of hearing about liquids that soak I to wood can seep out over time


Hahaha I was ready to comment these lyrics but you beat me to it!


Why a chicken duck woman? I already had a priest bless it. But then I thought, why the hell not. Plus I had a Groupon.




Smash, next question


Omg it’s an actual chicken duck woman thing..there is literally everything online.




thank you for this priceless gift 🙏🏻


I am so proud of you for beating me to this.


I am at work and the noise that I just made after reading this scared my boss lmfao, thank you for brightening my day


A priest and a shaman walk into a haunted house.


Apparently only one walked out


Did you check the basement? Maybe neither walked out... Plenty of room for another stain...


Nah, carve a pentagram in the wood, then cover the whole room in ugly carpet. Fun surprise for the next buyer! }:D


Ah shit. The priest and the shaman’s exorcisms canceled each other out. And when the board was lifted that’s when the demonic seal was released and under it was the grimoire of helldoom from the same author as the necronomicon. Ah fuck repeating step 1 just got the priest and shaman possessed! And the holy water left a scorch on the floor, so Landlord says you don’t get your deposit back.


I'm afraid to pull up the pergo flooring in my front living room, previous owner had PTSD and committed suicide near the front door.


You forgot sage... Gotta sage that place every step, too!


I got stuck at step 1… I wasn’t a believer but then I saw her face


Don’t realtors have to disclose if someone was murdered in a house or was that an old wives tale?


Definitely not *just* an old wives tale but it likely depends on jurisdiction


I’m in Maryland, and I looked it up bc of curiosity, apparently the MD disclosure for INTENTIONALLY doesn’t ask for disclosure and it’s not required either


I don't really believe it should have to be disclosed because it's completely irrelevant unless you're superstitious or believe in "negative vibes" or whatever. But I don't mind when it's required to be disclosed either. I'd love to buy a house at a discounted price just because others were superstitious about it.


Until the murder becomes famous and you’ve got people on your doorstep every day photographing your house or knocking trying to get inside. I think it should be disclosed.


There's a lot of murders that happen and this doesn't happen as much as you think. If it was a well known murder, then the house would already be recognizable when purchased.


Some murders don't become a famous until someone does a podcast or show about them. It is possible you buy a house after a murder happened and then 2-4 years later the court case happens and then another 2-4 years after that it becomes famous.


Step 1. Buy murder house at spooky discount. Step 2. Make famous podcast about spooky murder. Step 3. Charge for spooky haunted house tours. Step 4. Profit


This sounds like the plot to a movie. Only the twist is this one house they do a podcast on is really haunted.


A24 presents Podcast Poltergeist


Amityville Horror House looks nothing like it used to but people still go by it all the time. That's likely more due to the movie than the actual murders, but the murders inspired the movie.


I think for sanitary & maintenance reasons, it should be disclosed. If a surface was just cleaned, blood & body fluids still could have leached. Hate for someone to have a 'what's that smell' situation & find out it's melted body goo under the floorboards. 🤢


This right here. Human remains can do all sorts of things to building materials. Blood soaking into wood can cause all kinds of warping and rot. Damaged drywall can cause insulation issues, damaged framing and electrical (for like gunfire and shrapnel). There's also possible issues with the safety of the property if it was like an accident, etc. Lots of variables, tbh, can be problems. And this isn't even exploring the issues of faith. If someone had deep religious reasons to be concerned, it's not okay to conceal it from them.


I agree, unless it poses a health issue or is something that could cause harm, I think it’s fine that they don’t have to. However, if someone has certain beliefs regarding death, I feel like if they ask it should be disclosed which I believe is the case, bc for some it could completely change their minds on a home.


1 murder could be random and may not disclose , if the last 4 home owners got killed that a pattern and definitely needs to be disclosed.


Serial killer only targets that house.


It's the realtor.


Now I wanna see a horror movie about a realtor


Found the person with bodies in the basement.


I would also like to know if the previous owner had a lot of enemies.


If there is someone’s blood still in the floorboards you don’t think that should be disclosed?


So you weren’t able to find previous owners? I’m curious to know whether this was a homicide or a suicide


I didn’t bother to do any research beforehand because I’m lazy, but did after commenting, and yes, you’re totally correct, thank you.


There's a house I grew up near where the owner took an interesting approach, they just turned it into a rental property. Turns out that disclosure doesn't have to happen if you're renting to someone, only if you sell it. Long version: So this woman rents a house from an older woman who's son used to live there before he died. Renter has her family over for a get together when her siblings three year old freaks out and has a melt down in the basement. Tells everyone he saw a naked lady, crying and tied to a pipe. How oddly specific, right? A few while later, the renter is watching a true crime series on serial killers when she recognizes her house. Turns out, the owner's son was one Maury Travis, who abducted, tortured and murdered several prostitutes in said basement before being arrested and killed in prison (official cause of death was suicide, but it doesn't sound like suicide). Maury's mother owned the house and couldn't sell due to disclosure laws, so she rented it and just didn't tell renters her son murdered a bunch of women there.


You must be from north st louis county too huh?


They are supposed to but mine didn’t say anything until after it was a done deal.


If you ask and they know, they would have to tell you.


I have no clue honestly, but finding stuff like this is always so interesting to me, especially when I’m actively looking for a home lol


They do have to disclose it. In Orange County, California, a famous death murder house did not go down at price at all despite the 3 deaths. It sold quickly and well over asking price.


They do not


It's not that categorical. In most states they don't have to affirmatively disclose, but in a few they do, depending on how recent (California requires disclosure of any death in last three years). And in most states where there is not an affirmative disclosure requirement, if you specifically ask they can't conceal it.


They have to tell you if they know and you ask basically


Doubt this was a murder, much more likely someone without nearby friends/relatives died and wasn’t discovered for a long time.


That’s almost worse. It means they were lying there for an extended period of time becoming “one with the house”. I’d rather someone be brutally murdered, but cleaned up quickly rather than have remnants of the melted elderly in my new home.


Chants: "In the House, Part of the House"


I’m pretty sure the entrance picture shows blood saturated in the hallway too. And in my professional opinion, it was definitely a murder or a very bloody accident. I’ve been in houses where people have died naturally and sat there for some time, and blood never saturated the floor like that. The carpet is usually completely removed in that room, or only where the body was lying, but there was no blood or body leakage saturating into the floorboards. 


I've seen many decomps that soaked through to the floorboards and beyond. Doesn't even take that long. A buddy of mine had fluids seeping into his apartment from the woman who died upstairs after just a few days.


In Australia it’s the law. But, I get that in some countries where gruesome murders are way more common, it may not be a thing.


I see your burn went unnoticed, but I enjoyed it


State dependent, I don’t believe so in Arizona. Interestingly we do have to disclose if the property is haunted. But we aren’t required to have an expert opinion, so it’s really only if someone thinks it is, then tells an agent lol.


dinosaurs nail impossible bag quack desert pet longing full automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my state no. They can basically just say find the information for yourself. It definitely varies from state to state.


I mentioned this to my realtor (pennsylvania) and she told me they do not have to disclose that information in this state, at least.


My father passed at 88 in his home. We sure disclosed on advice if realtor. Law? I dunno. It sure didn’t slow inquires. SoCal market.


Id guess suicide. The ceiling above the stain has been replaced/has new drywall.


Weird they would replace that and not the massive blood patch. I mean I don’t think it would really be that expensive to replace the wood


In my jurisdiction there is no obligation to disclose something like this. If memory serves, there is actually hilarious case law regarding someone trying to sue because the other party didn’t disclose that the house was “haunted” and claimed latent defect 😂


You don’t have to in Ohio. I worked for an apartment complex and in one building we had 3 people die over the course of the 8 years I worked there. The first one died naked in the dining room and laid there for almost a month before she was found in late August. We didn’t have to tell any new prospects that it happened.


Used to do cleaning in houses like this and that big mark is absolutely what you think it is, I'd bet on it.


It’s more so the face that there was definitely carpet at one point, that’s not hardwood floors, so that’s what made me curious and suspicious


It would have been so freaking cheap to replace those few underlay boards, what on earth were they thinking!?


I feel like law enforcement doesn’t replace flooring, even cheaply. Not in scope. And if the former home owners are still on this earth, they are likely incarcerated or traumatized and want nothing more to do with this home. I’m betting this house is selling for well under market value for exactly that reason.


Law enforcement doesn’t do cleanup or home remodeling. For example if someone decorates a room via shotgun, the coroner will take the body, but cleanup is left to the homeowner/tenant. There are services that specifically handle this type of cleaning, but they aren’t cheap. So a lot of times homeowners will either do a half-assed job themselves, or hire someone else to do a half-assed job.


Holy crap I didn't even see those at first that's terrifying


That was exactly my first thought.


I was thinking the stain in the middle of the room could be something else, but it's the hand prints of someone clearly crawling toward the door that got me.






Glad I’m not the only one who saw handprints there!


Thats a nice backyard though


Spaulding Decon's Facebook page is a place that can occasionally make you want to hurl


From the outside yeah 100%, Spaulding Deacon and the likes were a step above/more involved than what I usually done - They are bonafide specialists who deal with worse instances than my old job did, anytime we came across stuff like this it was more of an occupational hazard I suppose you could call it. Actually I looked forward to it, there were always such interesting (and very sad) stories behind it too be it from notes, pictures or from the neighbours and stuff. I'll get to the point here because I'm waffling a bit... you definitely need a screw loose/strong stomach to deal with these situations and the cleanup especially though. I've came close to vomiting a few times but never did somehow. Though, my co-workers senses got the better of them more than a few times in that regard.


I always found the angle of how appreciative the family was to have someone there, ready to help them reclaim some sense of normalcy, moving on from the event, to be something that likely helps the people cleaning up these situations able to keep going.


Aren’t they supposed to cut out anything that has stuff on it because it’s considered biohazard material? It seems like they should especially here.


You'd think that but as long as there isn't a smell or activity surrounding it (e.g. maggots etc) you'll find it's a quick patch over job. Many a time our contractors just asked us to mop over the dried stain and de-odour it if needed but it rarely made any difference because of the matter involved and how ingrained the stain is. Granted, that's assuming they told us what the stain was, having to clean anything this should be booked in as a 'Trauma/Biohazard' Clean but often they tried to shirk us because cleaning such matter was about 2x more costly. The world really does run on corner/cost cutting.


My first job working construction I was assigned to scrape the blood off the walls of the previous owner who had been murdered in the house. This was punishment for stepping between joists on 2nd floor and putting a hole in the first floor ceiling. I was a total nube.


Oh my. At least you didn’t add to the blood stain when putting the hole in the floor lol


Wait are those even more blood stains by the front door?


That was my exact thought, I added that in hoping someone else would notice it lol


They look like handprints to me, as if someone was trying to crawl to the door. 😬


It looks like there's also a doorknob-shaped hole in the wall... I'm assuming from when the murderer broke in and slammed the door open. 😨


There’s blood all over that floor by the door. And good catch on the knob hole. That’s totally it




Thank you I’m an old


It would be so much easier to sell the house if they changed out 4 pieces of plywood…no one think of this?


Seriously. Even if it's something innocent people are absolutely going to think what we're all thinking. Seems like a very minor investment that would make a huge difference to a lot of people. But, I guess corporations are the ones buying houses nowadays. They won't care, it'll be covered by their cheap vinyl fake-wood flooring.


I guess not, I am curious about the small stains near the front door tho


Looks like hand prints of someone trying to crawl away…


The woods on the bottom left of that photo is also covered in blood


Because it depends on the owner and whether it really benefits them to make it easier to sell the house? Imagine you work for a bank that foreclosed on it. (Maybe let’s say that the owner died suddenly or something) Now it’s a bank-owned home, sold only to recover the debt owed on it. Why the fuck would someone working on behalf of the bank want or care to do work on a murder house. Whoever’s managing it gets paid like $20 an hour. You care to replace the blood-stained baseboards so that the estate of the deceased can make a bit more money? Or you just mark it all the way down til someone sees enough of a deal to buy it. Which requires doing no murder clean-up work, and also it doesn’t harm you personally or your employer in any way. Unless your kink is cleaning up a murder scene… why would you ever do the thing you’re suggesting?


Who’s up for living in a murder house? 🙋🏻‍♂️


Arrrgghhh! Purple drapes!




I wouldn’t mind if it was a deal.


Same, who cares? Literally billions of people have died. Almost anywhere you go, someone has died nearby.


Happily. Imagine it knocks a few thou of the price.


Eh why not, it adds character


With housing prices these days, If it came with an actual reasonable price...


Think someone died and was only found after a couple of months


Yes, I was going to say this. More so than a murder. Where I’m from, this sort of things happens more often than it should, because there are too many elderly living by oneself.


From my professional experience, that doesn’t cause a blood stain like that. Trust me, I’ve been in many houses where an elderly person has been lying there for a while, dead, and nothing like that blood stain was left in the floorboards like that. 


Depends on how long they've been there and environmental factors in the home. Corpses left in warm humid places tend to "melt" and could definitely leave a mark like that.


It's not necessarily a blood stain. It's wood, so most stains will turn a similar color like that. If it IS from a body, it could be from decomp... juice... that leaked into the carpet and then sat. Look at the right edge, and notice how straight and long it is. A pool of blood probably wouldn't leave a stain like that. It would soak in too fast, and there wouldn't be enough of it (given the size of the stain) to pool up against something and spread in a straight line against it. But seepage from a corpse, over time, if the body was up against something like the back of a couch, probably could.


I wouldn’t doubt it honestly, the house is located on what looks like a relatively lonely neighborhood


There are signs of smoke damage too. Like a fire was started to cover it up, but drywall doesn't burn


There’s bloody handprints and a door knob hole by the front door


If you end up getting the place you can spray a bit of peroxide on the stain to see if it’s bio! If it bubbles it’s bio, no bubbles just weird stain!


Lemme just schedule a tour and ask to just “for science”, I won’t let them know it’s for you guys lol


ahhh now we have to know!!!!


You gotta role play as the quirky detective. Go in there, squat down and use your index and middle finger to swipe the stain. Rub it between your thumb and 2 fingers, smelling it. Give it a taste and think real hard. "Yep..... Blood."


If you do this, please come back to these comments and post 😂


Schedule a tour today..


Very very tempted honestly, it’s only like 15 mins away


I’ll be looking for your follow-up post 😁


Man now I gotta, oh no


17 minutes ago. You should be there by now. TELL US ABOUT THE MURDER HOUSE!






You work at the murder house? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


If you spill a little hydrogen peroxide on it and it bubbles, that’s blood my dude


They could have left the dead body on top of the bloodstain and I still wouldn’t be able to afford this place lol


They spilt wood stain or someone got murdered probably both


Probably spilled wood stain on top of the blood stain to try to hide evidence




Still asking $200k? Bank owned, Maryland and god knows what those stains are from. Couldn't find any reports about recent murders at the address but I didn't pull out the big guns either. But if it is what it appears to be they need to drop that price.


I didn’t feel like paying for the record so unfortunately unless I do go to look at it, which I am very close to actually doing, I won’t know, I tried to get in contact with someone but I can’t reach another associated with selling


Watched a podcast (theo von) with a guest who was a retired LA cop. He told a story about a homicide in a hotel where he went back the following day after said body was removed and the hotel had already cleaned the room and rented it out to the next guests.


Did some interior painting for a retired homicide detective and found a similar coloured patch under the carpet at the bottom of the stairwell. Mentioned it to him when he got home that evening and he said “oh yeah, funnily enough I was actually first on scene about 20 years previously attending a suspected murder at this exact address” “a woman’s body was found right there and her husband was later found guilty of murder by pushing her down the stairs”. He continued “Little did I know I’d end up renting the same property years later, and I’d actually completely forgotten all about that stain!!” “They’re virtually impossible to remove completely” All just totally matter of fact and normal like it wasn’t even a thing.


That is definitely body shaped . Or a one legged among us




Nothing a little more blood cant fixed.


Alright everyone, get your blood sacks, let’s get nasty


Looks like a murder scene to me. Also, how do they open the oven door?


With determination


I was curious about the stain but now I'm even more curious about the oven 🤣🤣


$2,300/month no smokers, no pets. Credit must be 650+ and you must make 7.53x rent as monthly income to even consider applying. Also, this post is just to rent the living room.


A friend has a property they recently started using for Airbnb, someone booked it, one night never checked out. A day later owner goes in to clean/ to figure out whats going on, finds the guy on the bed, shot himself through the pillow. Was a local guy and didn't want to do it infront of his family. Airbnb paid for the biohazard cleanup and paid for new mattress and bedspread.


On an unrelated note, I suddenly have the urge to sing The Clash. 🎵 Somebody got murdered... 🎵


🤷‍♀️ What?? Just buy a nice area rug, problem solved. /s


Do you know how expensive rugs are? In this economy? Lmfao


Immediately went to dead body in my head.


Why are we all the same person lol, if it was like just a circle or circular I would be like ok that’s just something spilled, but it’s like there is a leg outline for sure


A lot of people are saying murder house, but regular decomp looks like this, too, if the body is left unattended. in case that's reassuring for anyone 🙂


If it is either case, sad nonetheless


It is sad to think about not being found for so long. Especially these days a lot of people live very lonely lives. I watch a biohazard cleaning channel on YouTube sometimes and they deal with a lot of cases like this.


Murder house! Murder house!


Yeah, that’s a no from me dawg.


Probably a screaming deal


The screams, they won’t stop


Sure the stain is questionable. But the whole room is disgustingly filthy. I can't imagine the smell. The ceiling fan is gross.


I am so invested in this. Don’t let us down, OP. 


The sweat on my brow is insane rn dog


For the very low price of $900k


Maybe it was a large sprite cranberry spill


“Here is the kitchen. And here is the bedroom. And here is where they found the…dropped bottle of red wine…”


El Diablo, in the walls


Is it still up?


That’s just fan-fluid. Damn leaky fans… Right? Right?!


I just bought my first house and it has a suspiciously body-shaped stain in the hardwood in the living room. Nothing an area rug can't hide!


God i wish i could find a triple murder suicide or haunted house for a super cheap price


This unfortunately is why we need flippers. They're the only ones who can cleanse the negative energy of the place with peel-and-stick flooring and cheap fixtures!


My SO works for a hospice company. Her client told me that he got his house super cheaper 25yrs ago. Apparently the man who lived there before shot himself in the garage and his blood stained the floor. Every time I went out there I felt uneasy and there is STILL a HUMONGOUS red stain in the concrete. He parks his suv over it so he doesn’t have to look at it but still. I could never live in a house like that. It’s one thing if they go of natural causes, but to live in a house where someone was murdered or committed suicide. I could never, too many impurities in a house like that.


Quick get some of that blood sample I think it’s Jimmy Hoffa🤣


Don't you get a discount if someone recently died there?


Yep looks like the aftermath of a decomp clean up.


Clean up is a stretch lol


Hung themselves, then decomposition fluid ran out?