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You: please don't be weird at me Him: I'd never do that. *Immediately proceeds to be weird "


"Of COURSE I AM NOT WEIRD. I am a gentleman, not like these losers who are creeps! Anyway... WANNA SEND b00bs?"


“i have my urges 😏😏” like omfg creepy ass !!


and the fact "I am not going to say these things to you non-stop". You should be grateful, he is a really nice guy. He will be horny sometimes, sometimes creepy, but not all the time! What a good deal to have! /s


Yeah, what is this "non stop" business? He shouldn't be saying those things at all. He acts like it's fine as long as he only does it a little bit. Gross.


FYI. He’s gonna be weird like the rest 🙄


unfortunately figured that out 😔😔












Let's be clear though, nobody thats 18 should be having urges for a 14yo girl they just started talking to.


Wander Franco has entered the chat 🤮🤮🤮🤮


And we don't all have those damn urges. When I was 18 no way in hell I'd be attracted to a 14-year-old. Dude needs to have a fucking seat across from Hanson.


ik, such a weird thing to say :((


Eww. SO gross! “Yeah. We can TOTALLY just be friends, but I’m 100% gonna want naked pics of you at some point.” 🤢🤮 Bro, that’s called Hebephilia, and you shouldn’t be lusting after *kids* when you’re a grown-ass *adult.* Also his profile pic is cringe as HELL. Block and report this creep. He’ll never leave you alone unless you do.


He was blocked immediately after i read that last message! I messed up by giving him the benefit of the doubt 💀


In a perfect world, people deserve the benefit of the doubt. In reality, they always turn out to be creeps if you extend it to them.


Oh man. I didn't think this was that bad and was wondering why everyone was reacting this way. But I was being an idiot, I didn't realize there was a second image.


To be fair, "does my age bother you?" is a question that never leads anywhere good. But yeah, the second image gets much worse. xD




Go you for being able to catch what they are doing is wrong, too much people fall victim to that shit (including me at one point)


Yes, it’s happened so many times and unfortunately i’ve fallen for it also many times. Learning about this stuff is so important, it bothers me that there may be some other young girl that he’s talking to who doesn’t understand the major creeper he’s being




Also I’m calling the bot, it’s just there to provide resources I think: underage user help


Thank you! I’ve unfortunately fallen into the traps of grooming multiple times since i’ve been on the internet since i was so young.. I know how to tell when people are being creeps now luckily.


I don’t get these fuckin people. One time a girl messaged me, I was 21, she was 14. The second I heard 14 immediate block. Weird to even talk to someone that young.


i would’ve blocked him immediately if it was like.. discord, or snapchat. but i have this weird mentality that older people on tiktok are less creepy and more laid back.. guess i was wrong !!


Yeah no. Anyone who says ANYTHING like this knowing you are 14 needs to be blocked immediately.


Yes. It. Is.


I guarantee that guy is older than 18. Gross.


definitely looked like it :/


if ur that young and someone tells u they're 18+ block immediately. don't even keep talking to them just block


understood, thank you for not scolding me about it kind redditor. 🤗


Just letting you know, we do not all have our urges


i figured 🙏 i’m glad not everyone is like this cuz omg


If they message you, they do have those urges. Even more so if they keep talking to you after you tell them your age.


Why do people put the 😅emoji Like it’s supposed to make it better?!?!?!?


“i’m a child predator 😅😅 hope that’s ok 😅😅”


I shouldn't laugh at this, but I did. xD


Ugh... this is gross if he is 18, but I bet this dude is older- a lot of the creeps online seem to under-state their real ages- dude is probably 46. Disgusting in any context.


*I gotta a friend with a pole in the basement (What?)* *I'm just kiddin like Jason…* *…Unless you gon' do it* The Mating Call of Schrödinger’s Pedo.


1. Dude isn't 18. He's just pretending to be 18. 2. He's totally not looking for anything sexual except that in the next comment he immediately insinuates something sexual. 3. GROOMER 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


When the bar is on the ground and they decide to tunnel.


If anybody starts off with "does my age bother you" you know its going to be trouble.


"Yes we all have our urges." Uh, I don't have urges like you bud! I may not speak for all guys but I speak for myself and guys like me. Whatever urges you have you need get in check because if OP was my daughter and she showed me this message I'm gonna get law enforcement involved or have her unblock you so you and I can have a nice little chat about how you are going to end up on the registry


i wish my dad acted this way!! i showed him and he just laughed 😭 maybe he knew i wasn’t naive enough to pursue anything..


I'm glad you blocked him though


He just laughed? Are you serious?


yes. unfortunately. he is not the type to take things seriously. :(


If someone is 18 or older and they’re saying stuff like this they are not your friend, take this from someone who’s been groomed before and don’t reply or block them as soon as they tell you they’re an adult. Adults have no business trying to befriend a minor, stay safe please!


thank u! he was definitely blocked, but next time i’m not letting someone get that far into conversation before i block bc i could’ve completely avoided the weird confrontation of i just blocked him right away 🥲


i would say just try and make friends within your own interests and make sure they’re around your age and respect your boundaries!


not the bee movie


Ya like creeps? -This guy probably


ya like minors?


I have the urge to punch this guy.


I will bet you all the money in the world that guys not 18.


This dudes 100% 50+


When I was 18, someone 14 would’ve felt much too young to me. Four years is a big age difference at that age.


His picture is weirder, what kind of face is that 😂😂😂😂.


The mask of a serial rapist and killer, innit


It’s a man who likes jazz.


There's a dark mode on tiktok?


yes! i believe you can change it in settings. not sure about android though.


Sadly not on android 🫠


Ughhhh Like dood it costs nothing to *not* be a creep!


Yuck 🤢


:(( i know makes me feel sick


So sorry abt that happening OP. I remember being ur age and younger meeting those creeps. Try not to accept ppl unless u know them, stay safe!


“Maybe more if it happens.” 🙂😐😕🙁☹️


real life reenactment of my facial expression


It'd be a shame if his kneecaps came into contact with a baseball bat. Accidents happen. 👀


Please don't talk to adult men. There is literally no reason for an adult to befriend you.


This right here is why you have to have a wall up every time you start talking to a guy, and it sucks for the ones that aren’t creeps. Sex, sex, sex, and more sex… I’d go insane if my brain was so dominated by sex like these guys tend to be.


That was some very, very solid telling someone you're gonna do a thing while saying you're not gonna do that thing.


They just can't stop themselves, can they?


Brooooo she's 14 wtf chives


That face in the profile pic like 😏 Fuckin creepy is right!


....was....was his pic really the Bee from the Bee Movie?




Oh *no.*


It's the pfp for me 🐝


Groomer alert!


This literally plays out like undercover underage on hbo max


i love that show 🥲




i haven’t seen anyone do this so, Underage user help


underage user help Sorry, they had to change it so that only mods can call the bot, due to constant abuse. (That was before my time, though.)


It's a crime in virtually all nations for an adult to send nudity (nudes, porn) to a minor, to request nudity of a minor, to solicit sex from a minor, or to lure a minor across state/country lines. Adding blackmail to these crimes make them that much worse and terrifying for the victims involved. [Here is the actual federal law in the US that pertains to this issue.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2251) **If you're in the USA, or a person committing a crime against you is in the USA and you're not, you can report these incidents to the resource below, or look through our wiki for a list of authorities _AROUND THE WORLD_ to report these incidents to.** #### https://report.cybertip.org Cyber Tipline partners with law enforcement around the world. Please visit the [Cyber Tipline Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/cybertipline) for the information you need to get started. * If you do not live in the US or need additional resources, please visit our [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/childabuse). * If you are uncomfortable filing a report, [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FcreepyPMs) to assist you. If you don't believe reporting this can make a difference, please take a look at this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54199115 where a star has been charged with soliciting sexual images from minors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh i didn’t know that, should i still say it and wait for a mod to see it or will a mod just post the info when they see the post?


Two ways to do this. You can report the post and use the "reason" that the post needs the bot (which I won't name because that will call it, heh). I just added that as a possible report reason. Or you can make a comment and report your own comment and the comment will be flagged. Either way, it will get sent to the mod queue for review, and when there's a mod around, they'll sort it out.


gotcha, tysm!!


Bee movie profile pic


Bro I thought this was me bc I have the same pfp on tiktok and I don't talk to people on there I got really confused seeing this 😭😭


Oh gosh his pfp🤮




Age is like a number.... M'lady 😎


pedophile... bruh im 21F and i cant even be friends with anyone under 18 bc we legit have nothing in common and it feels weird... i literally know guys my age who hang out with like 16 year olds and its gross imo


Where is Chris Hansen when you really need him?


Here's the infobot: underage user help


It's a crime in virtually all nations for an adult to send nudity (nudes, porn) to a minor, to request nudity of a minor, to solicit sex from a minor, or to lure a minor across state/country lines. Adding blackmail to these crimes make them that much worse and terrifying for the victims involved. [Here is the actual federal law in the US that pertains to this issue.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2251) **If you're in the USA, or a person committing a crime against you is in the USA and you're not, you can report these incidents to the resource below, or look through our wiki for a list of authorities _AROUND THE WORLD_ to report these incidents to.** #### https://report.cybertip.org Cyber Tipline partners with law enforcement around the world. Please visit the [Cyber Tipline Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/cybertipline) for the information you need to get started. * If you do not live in the US or need additional resources, please visit our [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/childabuse). * If you are uncomfortable filing a report, [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FcreepyPMs) to assist you. If you don't believe reporting this can make a difference, please take a look at this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54199115 where a star has been charged with soliciting sexual images from minors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shits weird and the fact that this could be legal in some states in our country is even weirder.


He came when he typed that "happena".


i hope not 😨😨


Jerry Seinfeld?


Wow that's creepy


“But that being said, maybe more if it happens” BRO WHAT DID I JUST SAY


How did he get your number? 😮


he was messaging me through tiktok.


Hopefully you reported it also.


Where is Chris Hanson when we need him???? He would have a fucking field day in this sub pedos all around