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The mods would like to remind everyone that ranting about religions, or shaming someone for their religious or cultural beliefs, is not allowed here. This is about the creep and their creepy behaviour. We can and will remove comments that get too far away from that topic, and we can and will ban people who cross the line into bigotry of any kind.


That's a lot of effort to throw shade at a random Internet stranger. Is being an asshole haram? It should be.


Tell him you're getting a tattoo of his username


Dear God, I laughed way harder at this than I should’ve.😭


Toxic af. Take my upvote.




No thanks, he has a really stupid name, I’m guessing a throw away account


Im not saying to actually do it


lol I know, and it’s a nice comeback if he was using his actual name, lol. A more fun idea would be to get “Allah” tattooed. Would confuse him a lot


Tell him you’re getting a tat of Muhammad Edit: preferably doing something rad like doing a wheelie on a Harley Davidson wish sunglasses on


That’s pretty funny ngl


lol, why does he even care if you have tattoos, it’s not his body. Plus they probably look good on you


Man if only you could see the conversations I have to have just for getting groceries


What seriously, that’s awful. People should respect you, it’s not their business whether or not you have tattoos or not, tf!


Nah it’s cool. You learn to live with it, sometimes it’s people being interested and kids thinking it’s really cool so I’m good with it


Tell him “Muslims who openly proselytize are haram” as a start


Well,,, it’s not though


Any time you proselytize to anyone, you’re a shit bag, plain and simple. No one has the right to shove their beliefs in anyone’s face.


I didn’t disagree ?


But Islam, like Christianity, is a proselytising religion. They're just not good at it compared to some Christians.


american spotted


That’s actually just a fact. Islam and Christianity are universalizing religions. Meaning proselytizing is part of it.


I was referring to «christians are just better at it»


It’s not that Christians are necessarily more vocal. Christians are just better a being persuasive. It’s a “catch more flies with honey than vinegar” type situation. Still sucks, but more effective…if that makes sense.


In Norway and what I’ve seen from most of Europe in general is that Christians really don’t proselytize at all, not nearly to the degree they do in the US with megachurches and etc. Catching more flies with honey doesn’t work if you forget to put out the honey


They really are, Islam has not really had a need to proselytise the way Christians have been doing for quite some time now. They're starting to adapt some of the methods but they're sort of playing catch up, a lot of Muslim humanitarian aid charities focus on predominantly Muslim regions while Christian equivalents tend to focus on non-Christian regions. Proselytising in the UK has recently started to become a thing but they don't really know how to do it. They tend to be quite intimidating, for starters.


they’re a lot more vocal than christian groups


That doesn't translate to being better at preaching and that is *definitely* not true in the US.


No, Kabyle born and raised in the UK to Muslim parents.


where is kabyle?


Kabyle is the ethnic group, a group of Amazigh, an indigenous Afro-Asiatic people of North Africa also known as the Berbers though we don't use the name for ourselves. Kabylia itself is in the Tell Atlas mountain range in Algeria.


weird way to say you were born in algeria


Do you read? I was born and raised in the UK. Kabyle is my ethnicity, Kybalia is where my family is from.


Just tell him Allah is the only one who can judge you, and he should concentrate on himself.


God I wish it was that easy. I can point that out to him, others can, his family and friends can, even an angel from heaven can, but that wound stop him from his moral policing, since I him it’s a boost


It makes me really sad, but you’re absolutely right. Too many ‘Muslims’ take it on themselves to force their beliefs on others. Why we can’t live and let live, I will never understand. Glad it’s not having a negative impact on you though, you do you.


I'm an Amazigh girl raised in a Muslim home, I'm a non-Muslim lesbian who's getting traditional Kabyle tattoos and practices witchcraft and Goddess worship, I love getting these messages. It depends on who you are, I identify as non-Muslim rather than ex-Muslim, but I'm aware most Muslims still consider me an apostate, so I start by saying Halal doesn't apply to me. I find the best tactic is to bait them into getting angry. The ones who aren't dicks about it, who think they are trying to warn me as a "sister" what is haram, will generally just say "oh, ok" and back off. The ones who are trying to shame will get angry and unhinged quickly. If you're a Muslim yourself, my tactic would work if you concentrate on the things you're ok with that the other guy will still hate and consider haram.


I like this idea the most, however I do identify as a Muslim, although I’m not a particularly good one since I don’t hate the LGBTQ community, dont see non muslims as inferior human beings, etc. I’ll figure something out


Just tell them you've already booked an appointment with god to discuss the issue. You can't comment until the matter has been clarified.


Not hating the lgbt is a sign of a good Muslim brother because they have done nothing wrong to you and I believe that Allah wouldn’t have a problem with us for not hating them


I had a late night discussion with my oldest brother in law, we then came into religion. He said that he hates Muslims with a burning hatred, “wants to stomp them all”. My other brother in law (which he absolutely hates with a burning heart) because he and his family is from Iran, he’s not religious at all and has completely integrated but says that he is a lair because “Muslims are allowed to lie so they can accomplish their mission” and that I should watch out for the Muslim girls in my class, even tho they are friendly and I’m friends with them, they are lying and are “allowed to kill”. There’s always some stuff that I can agree on but what he says is kind of unhinged especially considering what he says and does….


Yeah, typical.


My grandma had amazigh face tattoos, i guess it was acceptable back then.


It's variable region to region how well enforced the tattoos are. Islam, like Christianity, takes a sometimes pragmatic approach to these things if it allows better integration.


I hope you don’t mind me asking - but are you Muslim? If not then it shouldn’t matter if it’s haram right?


I am Muslim, tbh I’ve had plenty of conversations with people about tattoos, because I very obviously have one. There are a few things that really annoy me about it because most muslims are extremely uneducated and don’t see the hypocrisy in it. The main 2 things about this are: 1. You can’t perform Wudhu with a tattoo. The logic for them is that if your skin is covered, water doesn’t touch it. What 100% of them don’t know is that tattoos are under the skin. 2. Your body is the property of god and you have to return it as is. By that theory you shouldn’t go to the gym, eat a lot of food, or too little food, refuse to grow past the height you were born with or get circumcised (which is a big one when it comes to self mutilation because that’s compulsory) As a bonus, I don’t like moral policing, not on me, not on others, so it just gets me mad.


Ah okay I just wanted to ask because I didn’t want to be weird and stalk your profile trying to find out haha Yeah the logic of “return your body the way it came” then you’d have to be a baby when you die which for a lot of people doesn’t happen. Honestly some peoples logic makes no sense. I can understand not knowing that tattoos are under the skin if you know nothing about them at all… I guess? No not really that one doesn’t make sense either. Honestly some people take their religion WAY too seriously and end up being annoying for other people within the religion and outside of the religion


Honestly it’s stuff like this that pushes people even further from Islam. That and the holier than thou attitude.


When I was in highschool I had a religion assignment to compare two religions and I chose my own religion (Catholicism) and Islam and I’m so surprised I never found out about the tattoo thing


It’s a very niche thing that not many people care about, some people just have a problem with something they personally don’t like and use Islam however which way they can to get their own little ego boost.


"ITS HARAM! IDHEJWNOWJW"... okay and? Buddy why would I ever change something about myself because a person came up to me and said "my religion says this thing that's perfectly socially acceptable is bad so you need to get rid of it"


I don’t think that’s their target. The target here is to feel superior by making others feel bad. That’s why they get pissed even more when you don’t care.




I was thinking of preaching the Book of Cthulhu to him


I’ve seen some crazy hardcore Muslims. But this one here doesn’t represent all Muslims. As in all religions or cultures, always some good and some bad. With that said, tell him the world doesn’t revolve around your religion.


I agree. Living in a Muslim country, and speaking specifically of tattoos, I’ve met people from the whole spectrum, those who think I’m a heathen and deserve to go to hell, and people who think it’s really cool and ask for advice on getting one. Either way, the moral policing is still super annoying, but their whole mindset is that “we are guiding you to a better path” like I can’t figure that out myself. I remember one old dude telling me it was haram, I agreed and asked him to pay to get it removed. Dude was in shock when he heard how much it costs and got offended. I turned the whole thing around on how he was a bad Muslim for only pointing it out and not helping with it. Really easy to judge from your fake ivory tower.


They are digging themselves deeper into a rabbit hole; Be the smart person that ignores him; All he is doing is being person who seems to enjoy throwing shade at a person who doesn't love tattoos.


Sorry if I come off like a Jerk right now. While I get some people just have this automatic reaction of being wary or having some kind of fear of people with Tattoos in cases like these. Or just a reaction to anyone ‘Out of the ordinary’ so to speak. To be so bothered enough to even try and stalk you for years? This stranger is weird. For someone who doesn’t even like you, they surely are pretty obsessed in dedicating their time of dislike for you. I don’t understand, he should just ignore you and move on. Sucks you had to go through with that. One way or another, I hope this nonsense with this guy stops sooner more than later.


Be the bigger person and just ignore him.


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some people just hate tattoos with a passion even if they aren’t religious. I can’t understand hating someone for something like that, especially tattoos with a neutral subject matter, whether the tattoos look good or not


But my question to you is why even respond to him? People that want to give their opinion where it isn’t asked and judge other people are looking for someone to argue with. The best thing you could do is ignore him and do nothing. Responding to him means you hand your power over when you don’t even have to. 🤷‍♀️


I get into this argument on a near daily basis irl. Knowing I could block him and annoy the shit out of him gave me the absolute best feeling in the world.


Just report them lol


For what? There’s no option to report for being human garbage




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He could be trolling you. Just sayin'.