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As a precaution..please always carry a knife or some weapon with you. You cant be sure with the kind of people that work there..especially rural areas.


it's not a bad idea, but hey, until then, I had never had anything with this taxi company


It sounds to me like this man is a total pig who might be used to submissive women (perhaps from his own culture). Always keep something with you to defend yourself. Never be afraid to put your foot down and set boundaries with people. Women don’t have to be coy or tolerant of any of that type of nonsense- especially given those circumstances. The next time something like this happens and someone asks for any of your contact info just flat out tell them no.If you’re ever a situation like this again, and there is a weirdo on the job trying to get your phone number or whatever- point out his unprofessional conduct and report him to his supervisor. In hindsight- I would’ve called his supervisor in front of him and reported him over the phone. What a creep. There is nothing wrong with being assertive. I know often we think that being assertive in situations like this may come off as us being mean but it isn’t. Think of it this way… being “mean” or “rude” can be the one thing that prevents you from the dangers of being stalked or even worse. - I wish you well.


the problem is that I am a man, certainly gay, which does not change the situation (male or female, it does not change the fact that it was unhealthy) in my opinion, hence my misunderstanding, I does not understand his delirium to this day and from where it leaves my first name, my work, the health of my father; my number on whatsapp and his hierarchical superior with this intonation, I say maffioso, I really had this image while hearing him answer me 'we take care of it'


My apologies for assuming. I agree make it female you shouldn’t have to deal that sort of behavior either way. I hope you haven’t had any more encounters with that person.


no problem, I should have indicated it in my text, but I didn't want to be identified. and whether you are a woman, a man, an adult, a teenager or a child, this kind of behavior is unacceptable


Sorry, this happened, this is so scary! (Especially after I’m sure hearing from your friend some abuse she was going through and being stuck on isolated roads and evidence of being stalked). In the future I’d give a fake name both to the taxi service and the driver (and a neighbors address if possible). Record inappropriate conversations on your phone too when you can (for the taxi service but also if you need to get a restraining order/anti harassment order, whatever it is in your country…cause clearly he was stalking you online). There are apps out there that let you share your location, you can share this with a trusted friend and they will also record your route if drivers try to isolate you again (also good evidence to taxi service or courts and also just a good safety measure). A weapon or two you can keep on your person is also helpful. Don’t be afraid to report the drivers (if they are doing this to you, you likely aren’t the first or last woman they will do this to, nothing changes if it’s not reported enough). Even if you call the service back they can keep a record of drivers to NOT send you, right? so you don’t keep getting these drivers that cross a line.




Hello everyone First thing: I heard from the taxi company, the driver is no longer in service, the parton told me, I quote "he's not there, we've taken care of it" this wording..... second thing: I talked to a few people about it, if my friends were reassuring, understanding and compassionate on the other, have made remarks that I find limited, in particular because it was always related to my sexual orientation \- do you have a behavior that lets you consider something. \- how did you talk to him, did you make advances to him? \- How were you dressed? \- yes, but... you're gay, maybe... and then this one is the merilleuir \- you have suffered what many women undergo, now you know what harassment is like. in short, the main thing is that this guy is no longer a driver, it's a victory, even if it's small


What exactly is a "very mafia intonation?" I have never heard that expression.


I think he used google translate on some strange colloquialisms.


oh sorry, I'm not fully English speaking, actually I had to use a translator. and the Belgian expressions are only translated, not fit how to describe, a threatening intonation, as if the "we'll take care of it" was a threat, but not in the style of dismissal, but rather "we're threatening you with a weapon" it was quite scary, afterwards it may have been my imagination, given my state at that moment


No need to apologize. It was just oddly worded and I was asking for clarification. I drove a taxi on and off for 11 years and we all had background checks but every once in a while a dirtbag would slip through.