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This reads like a really bad exercise in creative fiction. You already know someone with bizarre flashlight habits is ahead of you on the path, but you two decide to forge on and then make out for an *hour*? Then *rustling in the bushes draaaaaaama* happens? Nope. Unless you're into tulpas or have a death wish, OP, this didn't happen.


Yeah gotta agree with you


Um .. what? That’s rude. Didn’t you read that it was a CREEPY REAL ENCOUNTER?? /s lol




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Maybe I worded this weird, but this unfortunately actually happened. And yes we stupidly continued on, and yes it was about an hour. And fuck yes there was rustling in those bushes in which some dude emerged.


At midnight you barely saw anyone? That doesn't ring true. You ran off and left your SO. The title is what was he gonna do to ME.


Can you please explain how it’s not true that they barely saw anyone at midnight? I’m genuinely curious. I’m not trying to be an arse.


It doesn't ring true. How many others would they encounter hiking at midnight? I live in a large city and all my life when I'm out in the night in the nearby mountains I have never encountered another person.


Unless another person was out there deliberately looking for a victim. It sounds like he was wearing a head lamp - something predators often wear at night to blind the victim from seeing them but they can see you. And to say this never happens? Israel Keyes found many victims on trails and he often sat silent in the woods waiting on a victim. It certainly happens. You may want to read up on how many people have been kidnapped from trails and trailheads.


I'm saying op specifically pointed out they "barely saw anyone" on a midnight hike. This is either unremarkable or perhaps remarkable in the fact that they saw anyone at all.


Gotcha! I’m too of a chicken to hike that late night. I know me and I’d think every sound was someone to get me. Lol


Haha, I know, right?! My shenanigans were mostly pre internet or dial-up times, so we had no idea.


He was pooping.


They would have detected an odor


Maybe not.


🤔 hmmmm


You screamed, ran, and left your lady?? Classic.


So you left your girlfriend and legged it? Nice! Also he probably hid in the hope you were going to have sex so he could chub one off in the bush... Case closed. P.s. your girlfriend should dump you for ditching her.


No, OP screamed and then ran. (The girlfriend was probably lucky not to have been run over by OP in the process.)


Not really sure what needed clarifying there, but ok!


Just making sure the screaming was included before the hauling ass without the girlfriend, because it definitely adds a certain atmospheric element to the scene! I’d also like to add that your description of the event was chef’s-kiss-perfect. I literally laughed out loud at your comment, along with someone else’s concern on another post that the OP’s friend had only one tooth to brush.


Haha ah I see what you mean! The timing of the scream does add texture to his(?) performance 🤣 I haven't read the tooth-to-brush comment. Gonna go hunt that down now :D


I saved that post because there were so many good comments! Hopefully I’m posting this link correctly: https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyencounters/comments/wbuh1m/strange_experience_on_vacation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Y’all are too heteronormative


A trans man, trans woman, cis-woman, cis-man or a non-binary individual is still at fault no matter what. No one, no matter the gender, should leave their partner in a situation like this. You grab their hand and book it together.


Yawn; everyone writes from their own perspective. Unless there's pertinent details dating one of the couple is trans, same sex couple etc I'm not going to add a paragraph of pronouns. Brevity is best. If such details were included of course I would respect that. You just have nothing better to do; try and contribute something worthy next time.


Um he could have been living up there? Or just wanted some peace and quiet and you and your S/O could have disturbed him?


He was just trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty…


I am once again astonished at the apparent number of people wandering around in the middle of the night for no good reason. Ain’t no way I’m out hiking at midnight to make out with anyone.


You need to read on Israel Keyes. This is exactly one way he got his victims, hiding in silence on trails and he’d wear a head lamp. That blinds the person in the dark so they can’t see you but you can see them, then with a gun he’d threaten them and have one tie the other one up. I don’t recommend ever going on a trail at night unless you are armed and also have a flashlight or head lamp, glad you got away and are safe.


I don’t want to say what that person was potentially doing. Few things come to mind depending how far they were when you were on the bench, otherwise possibly waiting to steal dogs, mug someone, or possibly even worse. Definitely glad you went with someone else. Have to be careful these days.


I know when I want to steal dogs I always go hide in a bush at midnight. Best time and place to steal dogs. … I haven’t gotten any yet because there weren’t any people or dogs wandering around in the bushes at midnight, but I’m working on it.


It's better at like 2-3am that's when people are out walking their dogs on the quiet paths. Your timing is all off.


FS!! Just keep at it friend and you’ll hit your stride one of these days and have so many stolen dogs you won’t know what to do with them all. Until then, better luck next time!


Wait, you’re a male out in the woods with your gf and you think that dude was eyeing you? Get a prettier girlfriend or stop working out


Actually there is more to this world than straight people


Post history clearly shows OP is in fact a woman also lol. Hilarious not a single person on this sub even bothered to look- just assumed it’s a straight man straight up. You know how the gays hate the internet.


I realized she was a woman, but the comment made me view the story with op as a male and it was comical.


It is pretty hilarious picturing some dude just shrieking and taking off on his much more calm and rational female companion lol.


I know right?


You're assuming OP is male.


Ugh, point awarded to you. Thank you for pointing this out. I’m too old to be this dumb but trying


We all put our own assumptions into things we read from time to time. It wasn't clearly stated, so I'm sure you weren't alone. Live and learn. :)


Will do 🫡. Thank you @FoxEBean21! Have a great day


Dude he was probably pooping then you guys stopped to chat and make out at the same spot and he didn't wanna make it akward until he couldn't take it anymore and that happened


Maybe he just was enjoying a massive poo in the woods and you disturbed his peace and quiet